Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson

"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd

"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.

If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....

When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Woman in California stands trial for wearing Google Glass while driving

The question of whether or not connected eye wear such as Google Glass is safe to wear while driving is one that has been debated at length, but one California woman is about to square off with a judge on the matter. 

Reuters reports that technology entrepreneur Cecilia Abadie is headed to court on Thursday after receiving a summons for wearing Google Glass while driving. Abadie was stopped for speeding back in October but once the police officer saw her wearing the Google headset, he issued her another citation for using a monitor while driving.

According to Reuters, Abadie is the first person to get a ticket for wearing Google Glass while driving. The outcome of her trial could set a precedent that impacts such cases in the future, though some discussions surrounding the possibility of banning Google Glass while driving have already begun to pop up. Interestingly, wearing Google Glass while driving could actually save your life — a new app created recently sounds an alert in order to wake the wearer in the event he or she begins to doze while driving.

I wonder if she will get much publicity for her "Entrepreneurial endeavors" ???