And, very few if any really care, it is good political rhetoric, ammunition that Republicans can use, probably don't even know if it is true ..... just politics, and few care about that anymore ... I can't really conceive that amount of money, anyway. Yesterday, I sorted through my change bag for quarters, wanted to go and wash the van. I sorted for a while, could not find any quarters ...... then ..... I realized I thought they were nickels ... that shows how amounts have changed .. in his eyes, a bottomless pit of "other peoples" money .... I remember the day when we all looked forward to hitting a "Dollar ten - eight spot" on Keno ..... won $25,000.00. Quit the job, buy a Caddy, head home, buy a house, a business ..... Now, the Lottery, they had to offer a MILLION to get people to play ........... now, they only write tickets when it gets to 500 million or so .....
That’s more than twice the annual Social Security deficit. But who cares about the seniors when the world is about to end unless a whole bunch of campaign donors and their companies get piles of taxpayer money.
What could you do with 120 billion dollars? It’s enough money to buy an iPad for every kid in school, pay for a months worth of gas for every American or give a $323 tax rebate to every American.
It would be more than enough to revive the space program or actually fund the military.
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Wednesday at a hearing on the Defense Department’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget that President Barack Obama has wasted $120 billion on global warming over the past five years – money that would be better spent on the military.