Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson

"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd

"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.

If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....

When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

UPDATE on my Wife, Marilyn

For those following our recent "health" saga. Got a phone call today, around noon,  from a friend that was visiting my wife in the hospital. "They are going to do surgery at 2:00"

Rushed down to the hospital. Marilyn had a "minor" fall in the hallway, tripped over the vacuum cord I was using and hit her shoulder into the wall, rather hard. Thought nothing more of it. Apparently that had done something to one of the wires going to her Pacemaker/Defibrillator, or whatever she has. It has shown up on an x-ray they had just done.

Anyway, she was wheeled back to the room around 4, as of now, things are looking up.

I am looking up Guinness records, 37 zaps in 1 hour, or 40 in a day from her Pacemaker might be some kind of a record,  one she NEVER hopes to break.

If you, or you know of someone with a similar experience with their unit, would love to hear from them. Thanks to all for their prayers and kind wishes