We became associated, by chance, from some innocent program I downloaded, and now, you INTRUDE on many of my actions. YOU and one other, of your same "ilk" have gotten me to the point where I no longer enjoy any of my time on the computer. My blog I have practically given up on, your invasive links within my copy, annoy me and my readers.
I take steps to REMOVE you, and you come right back. You are tenacious in your quest to impose your ads on me and my readers. I have started a list of YOUR advertisers, promoting it on my blog, Facebook, and Twitter, letting them all know of the QUALITY of advertisers who sink to this lowest of all advertising forms.
I am retired, have been on the internet since its infancy, but you and others who have diabolically conceived of these dastardly advertising schemes have taken my level of interest to next to nothing.
I surrendered on my blog today, I have given in to you and your kind, I no longer have the knowledge or the ambition to try to deal with you. I may go purchase a typewriter, and just mail, to my friends so that they will not have to tolerate your abusive, irritating and intolerable advertising policies.
I only wish that I had the knowledge to reciprocate and invade your computers.
If any are married and have children, be sure to tell them what you do for a living .... in detail, they will be so proud. Your "industry" has lowered the bar, and so many "topics" that were once beneath you, are elevated to a higher level. I doubt that the "bar" can be lowered any more.
I only wish that I had the knowledge to reciprocate and invade your computers.
If any are married and have children, be sure to tell them what you do for a living .... in detail, they will be so proud. Your "industry" has lowered the bar, and so many "topics" that were once beneath you, are elevated to a higher level. I doubt that the "bar" can be lowered any more.