Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson

"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd

"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.

If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....

When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Just some thoughts ...

There is a problem with our government, in case you did not know, here are some thoughts on it.

l      o      n      g       pause ...............

Many years ago, I thought that Franklin D. Roosevelt, because he was the President (notice a capital P) he was close to Godlike. That was in the eyes of a child. Politicians in those days were ICONS, only then, we didn't know what an ICON was, anyway, we looked up to them, they were "father" figures, leaders, people to be listened to, respected ..... Truman, well, he backed in, worked his way up, still had our respect though ... Eisenhower, The General, he won the war ...

Kennedy ... commanded respect through family, etc., an image, a perfect portrait, we followed him, he was good for the country .....

And then, it all went to pots .... the bar was lowered, for politicians, lowered to almost ground level. I know a man here in town, have known him most of his life, liked him, have admired him. Now, he is going in to politics, regardless of his goals, I question his ........... he wants to be a what ............. ????? a politician.?

Respect, who do I now, at my advanced age, really respect. really respect? Give me time, I'm thinking.

There are NO politicians on my respect list. NO evangelists, perhaps a few sports figures, but not many, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus some other sports figures, who on television ... you gotta be kidding. The only people on TV I admire, because they have been able to do it, are the AD agencies who have taken it over.