Does anyone out there have any idea what is happening in this country, today? Has the "veil" been lifted from any head? I honestly cannot conceive what is happening today and how oblivious we all are to it. Our country is being taken from us and no one seems to care.
I remember seeing those newsreels of prisoners, during the war, in German, being taken away to probably death in the concentration camps, and they did nothing, they were led to the showers, no resistance. Now I know how that happened. It is a flaw in the human character and makeup, that at some point, apathy and
give in, yield, submit, give way, quit, succumb, cave in (informal), capitulate, throw in the towel, lay down arms, give yourself up, show the white flag • We'll never surrender to the terrorists. give up, abandon, relinquish, resign, yield, concede, part with, renounce, waive, forgo, cede, deliver up • She had to surrender all rights to her property.noun = submission, yielding, cave-in (informal), capitulation, resignation, renunciation, relinquishment • the unconditional surrender of the rebels, relinquishment, giving up, handing over, transfer, surrendering, forsaking, ceding, abdication, renunciation, yielding up, forgoing • a complete surrender of weapons, etc., etc., etc.