Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson

"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd

"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.

If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....

When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sarah Palin ......

I remember when McCain introduced Sarah to the world, I know I was impressed. I immediately tried to get, and when I first went to it, in Yahoo, it said, AVAILABLE, and I thought all my troubles were over. Then I went to purchase the site and it was NOT AVAILABLE. I later heard that some URL's with her name in them went for quite a bit of money. I ended up with, really didn't work it much, got nothing in return.

Now, a lot of people in the country are getting up at ungodly hours, just to buy her book, and/or get one autographed.

The media is still polarized, they either like her or not. It does seem though, that the Republican faithfulls like her, and the Democratic side, does not. If nothing else, the exposure has made her a millionaire. I have never seen a cover on a magazine of Hillary or Nancy Pelosi in jogging attire. That was a low blow to Sarah, even though she looked good. The biased MEDIA.

She is a beautiful woman, for one thing, could be a cover girl for Cosmo, or Better Homes and Gardens, or be a spokesperson for the NRA. I noticed some fans did not take her flowers, they took her Elk Jerkie.

We can talk about her "rack," and not necessarily mean antlers on the wall.

She seems very approachable, very down to earth. I would like to sit and have a beer with her and talk things over, and I imagine she would enjoy that also.

Could she lead the country? Well, if we look at our present and past presidents, a resounding YES. I don't think experience in office means anything. I think it is the person and their qualities, their knowledge, their ability, that are the main qualifications. Experience in Congress means a person is a POLITICIAN, knows pork and how to get it, voters and how to get them, knows all the "perks" and how to use them. Has nothing to do with running the country,, just fattening a wallet.

I forget the country, but if elected, they audit you, and when you leave office, you can't have any more than when you went in. Let's see if we can get something like that passed in this country, yah, right.

I think she would make an excellent President, and I, for one, would be very proud to have her represent ME, around the world. And, she has the RIGHT experience to get the job done. A lot of the success of a President is determined by those he surrounds himself with. He, or she, is like a good football coach, he lets you know what he wants done, what he expects, and then you carry your particular load.

Sarah has run a BIG state, raised a family, and still remains effervescent. Look at some of the other women in politics and compare them to Sarah ..... NO comparison.

My guess is she likes old country music, George Jones, Hank, Waylon and the boys. Her favorite song is "Friends in Low Places," a real knee slapper. And she probably likes old Gospel Music. She stands when the National Anthem is played, puts her hand over her heart when the American Flag passes, and goes to church on Sunday, with her family. And, can generally be seen wearing an American flag lapel pin.

Her career so far has been like a thrown boomerang. She was here, got thrown away, and has returned, and after a very rough, shaky trip. She has been insulted, torn apart, criticized, by the press, and I think she has emerged with a brighter image.

She is near here today, in Columbus, Ohio, and the lines started forming last night. I think that is quite a tribute. I wonder if the party is intelligent enough to realize who their front runner is. Her star shines the brightest.

Check out the sky tonight, you will see one star that shines the brightest, that is the Sarah Palin star.