Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson

"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd

"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.

If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....

When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Morning to Remember ....................

I took Caleb, our dog, out, early this morning, and I was greeted by a crisp, clear, cool autumn morning hitting my cheeks. For some reason, I was instantly taken back to a similar morning I experienced in the late 50's, my first morning walking out of my room at a small lodge, on the way to work, at the Nevada lodge, at Lake Tahoe.

This was before all of the development that took place prior to the Winter Olympics, it was still rustic, one two-lane road, and basically as it was during the 30's and 40's. North Lake Tahoe was strictly a Summer resort. There were ski lodges that opened in the Winter months, but nothing like it is today, or even as it became in 1960.

I had taken a room in a small lodge, had a basement room with my own entrance, and I will never forget that morning. The fragrance in the air, all those pine trees, the cool air, the bright clear, clean alpine air, and I was on my way to work, just across the street, at the Lodge, as a dealer, working for Lincoln Fitzgerald.

I had worked in Reno for him previously, but had left and returned to Ohio. A number of changes took place in my life, I called him on the phone, asked if he had any openings, and he told me to "Come on out, I have a job for you." This in itself made me feel good. Fitz, remembering me, the grouchy old seasoned gambler who was a legend around Nevada, remembered me.

I took the train from Ohio to Reno, had too change trains in St. Louis. That was in the days of drawing rooms, club cars, dining cars, elegance, and not many dealers. I was received with a "celebrity" status among my fellow travellers. "You're a dealer, in one of the clubs, WOW."

In St. Louis, as the train was loading, an "entourage" came on board, family, kids, maids, nurses, a whole group. Augie Busch, was taking his family to California. Needless to say, there was ample Budweiser for all, compliments of Mr. Busch.

I still remember getting off the train at the old station, in Reno, and going directly to the Nevada Club, to let Fitz know I was in town.

"I want you to start at the Lodge, up at Lake Tahoe, day after tomorrow." He had bought the Lodge when I was back in Ohio, but the thought of working up at that "wonderland" made me feel special. And, then as I talked with some other dealers and told them where I was going, they were envious. A very select "few" were chosen to go to the lake, or "work up on the hill" as it was called.

Anyway, I got a ride to the lake, found a place to stay, unpacked and decided to take a walk through the Lodge. I knew a few of the dealers, spoke with them, and the more I took in all that atmosphere, the more excited I got about this new job.

"Doc" Ledford, one of the shift managers, put me on the day shift, to start with. Old one eyed Burt was working, Eddie Beatty, Bettye Johnson, were all dealers I knew from downtown. I was really impressed, with myself, this little "kid" from Ohio, was going to be working at Lake Tahoe, at the beautiful Nevada Lodge, heaven on earth to me.

That is why I still remember that first morning. I was already on "cloud nine," had on my heavily starched white shirt, French cuffs, nice cuff links, gorgeous tie, tasseled shoes, alligator belt with an attractive buckle, and my green apron in hand .... that Tahoe wind on my face, life was good, not a worry in the world, walking across the street from where I lived, in a log paneled room to the Lodge..

I will never forget that feeling, or that morning, life was as good as it gets, and I was one of the "elite" few, that Fitz chose to work up there.