The politicians, in attendance, I must admit, I had little to no respect for, those there, who had "worked" and been successful, I had respect and admiration for. They play their own game, have their own set of rules, they have that .... look in their eyes ... they are always looking for, seeking that situation or that someone, who can be beneficial to their political career. They like to shake the right hand, and the right time. They will shake any hand, but some get that little extra squeeze of sincerity, that what can you do for me look.
The next time you shake the hand of a politician, look at his eyes. Most generally, they are not looking at you, but, where their next handshake is coming from, no sincerity, just necessity.
The "Political Bar" has been lowered, greatly, in recent years, in my eyes, it is laying on the ground.
I respected FDR, HE was the President, there have been some, since then, I have respected, but recently, there are none, "You are a what?"