My, how times fly's, another week almost over, 30 some days till football season Walking Caleb this morning, that damp grass was rather chilly on my feet, the bad news, they mowed yesterday, I tracked grass all over the place. I don't know how he does it, but Caleb is amazing. He knows the exact minute, down to the second, when I get my first cup of coffee, sit down and get really comfortable, laptop and the ready, poised to hit a key .... and there he is ... just sits, and casually, looks up with that ..."hey, I gotta go out" look, no words, no gestures, just that ............ look.
So we've gone through all of that now, second cup of coffee, I am ready to type, but what, China? That new carrier they are building looks formidable. I am no great history buff, but looking back, it seems like "a person" has been responsible for many of the problems encountered in the world, one country, governed by one person. I have been fixated with China for some time. They have accomplished some of the greatest "feats" the world has ever seen, quietly, unobtrusive.
I was thinking this morning, while the coffee was brewing, they might be able right now to take over this country, but, why would they want it? We only think we are a powerful, wealthy nation. And, why, do we honestly think that we are so good .... Oh, they told us so. We YELL the loudest. What did China think of that airplane being shot down .... I doubt that they cared. Instead of worrying about that, they are constructing colossal structures, building a giant of a Navy and a powerful country.
The President of the United States wants answers. Who, wants what, to what? What value, actually, was his stand, on that plane crash. It was politically correct and the echo sounded good to Obama, but who, around the world really gave a "rats petootie," so to speak. I am sure Obama's wife, or maybe I should say partner, was impressed, as were his kids, and, of course, Biden and the others in that little "click" in Washington. I would have to wonder how many people, really, in the world, even heard him?
I imagine at Obama's urging, he is awarding medals at the White House. One was on Letterman last night, a hero, no doubt, but why. In the past, medals were awarded in a nice ceremony, and everyone went home, and the medal was displayed, eventually in a drawer. I did watch that segment of Letterman. He said something rather prophetic at the end, I wish he had gone farther .....something to the effect .. the medal recipient had a young son, many accolades were bellowed on the soldier, and a rather detailed explanation of the incident that he had been involved in ...... this is not a quote, but the "jist" of his comment "you have a son, I have a ten year old son ... I am on television, and then Letterman waved, "Hi son" ..... I think he was trying to make the point perhaps the comparison of the accomplishments of each, and perhaps the soldier was much more deserving .... that was what I got out of iit ..... I WISH Letterman had compared the difference in money earned, during their time on the show together .... not bragging, just a comparison to show how underpaid our troops actually are. And of course they pointed out he had received a phone call from the president ... the soldier did not seem overly impressed with that.
We are an arrogant nation, we are an arrogant people, we are never in a foreign land, we want to lock our front door, so to speak, but our house is already full, do we really know what an American is?
I am not going to worry about it, I know we are safe from aggression, we are in good hands, I am going to go take a nap ...... we be OK!
A final thought ....... "The Fox ... don't need to be in the Hen House ... cause he owns it"