Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson

"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd

"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.

If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....

When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............

Friday, February 19, 2010

Couples who pray together

I was watching TBN last night, the religious channel, I guess it is, and I was listening to the old Love Boat Captain, Gavin Macleod and his wife discuss their relationship. They had been married for many years, for some reason, they divorced, and I think it was after three years, God had entered their lives, Gavin called her on the phone, they talked, got together, and got married again. His wife had already put her ring back on, and was expecting his call. It came as no surprise.

I don't think I am a "born again" Christian, I guess that if you are, you know it. I went to Sunday School all my early life, attended church on Sunday, had a Grandfather who was a Bishop in the United Brethren Church, but I doubt that I was ever "saved" or spoke in tongues, or had an experience like that. Grandpa Shannon, when a young boy, in his early teens, was heading to church one Sunday morning. The church is a small building on Montgomery Road here in Newark. It still stands, as do the big stone steps leading up to the church.

On one of those stones, a young boy walking up those stones was "struck by the lightening of God, fell to the ground, spoke in tongues, and from that day on, he devoted his life to Christ." That was my Grandfather Shannon.

After Gavin and his wife, another couple was on, a married couple, SQuire Rushnell (that is not an error, it is the way it is spelled, SQ) and his wife Louise DuArt. I recognized her as being a person we had seen a number of years ago, here in Newark, appearing with Tim Conway and Don Knotts. She was very funny and did some great "voices."

They got my attention. Then they discussed a book they had written, "Couples who Pray." Here is some information on that book.

"The 40 Day Prayer Challenge changed our lives!"

The excitement expressed by every one of the 24 test couples quoted in Couples Who Pray and thousands of subsequent participants is a consistent chorus.

The moment you and your spouse sign-up to make the commitment to pray together, 5 minutes a day for 40 days, you'll be entering the first day of a new life where everything gets better.

As confirmed in research findings from Gallup survey data, couples perceive a 20 to 30 percent increase in romance, conversation, and overall happiness as a result of praying together. And, among couples who pray together a lot...versus sometimes...the data shows that the fear of divorce evaporates. It is zero.

I could relate to that. Many years ago, in Klamath Falls, Oregon, I had some good friends that were Mormon. I agreed to take the lessons the Missionaries offer. Those two shining faces that knock on your door and want you to hear their message, the one they know is true.

I didn't become a Mormon, but I was impressed with their program and their method. I still maintain, that if anyone conscientiously did as the Missionaries ask, and followed through with all the lessons, they would become Mormon. The first week at the end of the meeting, they offer a prayer. Then they ask, "Will you offer a prayer at the opening of our next meeting." They get YOU praying, not some canned prayer before dinner, but off the top of your head. I think this is the "opening of the door." In my case, I worried about it for a week.

That is what impressed me with the two on TV, in their teachings, talks, and meetings around the country, they get couples "to pray together." And, the results have been. In that group of 25, the fear of divorce dropped to NOTHING.

I am an embarrassed Christian. I pray, I talk with HIM, but I don't show any outward signs of being a Christian, not sure why. I don’t think anyone who knows me would refer to me as being a Christian.

But I think this is a fantastic idea, couples praying together. Give it a try, you and your wife or husband, or partner, or recommend this blog to someone that you care about. Just think what would happen if this idea spread around the world.

"Pray with someone." Maybe, if you have no “better half,” a good start would be to find someone on the internet, get to know them, pick a time each day, for forty days. where you both stop, and pray. I imagine after the 40 days, the habit would continue. It's worth a try, heaven knows we need the prayer.

“Couples who pray together, what a great idea. I listen to Southern Gospel music, all the time, so I guess there is some hope for me.