I received this recently. Most are probably aware of it, I obviously, was not. The story is remarkable, the photograph is even more astounding................
A picture began circulating in November. It should be 'The Picture of the Year,' or perhaps, 'Picture of the Decade.' It won't be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the US paper which published it, you probably would never have seen it.
The picture is that of a 21-week-old unborn baby named Samuel Alexander Armas, who is being operated on by a surgeon named Joseph Bruner.
The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from his mother's womb. Little Samuel's mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrical nurse in Atlanta ... She knew of Dr. Bruner's remarkable surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt Univ Med Center in Nashville, he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb.
During the procedure, the doctor removes the uterus via C-section and makes a small incision to operate on the baby. As Dr Bruner completed the surgery on Samuel, the little guy reached his tiny, but fully developed hand through the incision and firmly grasped the surgeon's finger. Dr Bruner was reported as saying that when his finger was grasped, it was the most emotional moment of his life, and that for an instant during the procedure he was just frozen, totally immobile.
The photograph captures this amazing event with perfect clarity The editors titled the picture, 'Hand of Hope.' The text explaining the picture begins, 'The tiny hand of 21-week-old fetus Samuel Alexander Armas emerges from the mother's uterus to grasp the finger of Dr.Joseph Bruner as if thanking the doctor for the gift of life.'
Little Samuel's mother said they 'wept for days' when they saw the picture. She said, 'The photo reminds us pregnancy isn't about disability or an illness, it's about a little person. Samuel was born in perfect health, the operation 100 percent successful.
Now see the actual picture, and it is awesome....incredible....and hey, pass this blog on. The world needs to see this one!
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson
"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd
"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....
When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Hospital Observation
Maybe it is just me, would like to hear an opinion or two, and I would like to know the reasoning behind it. Perhaps it is just our local hospital.
The staff in the Emergency Room, rarely to never make eye contact. They are polite, businesslike, but when you pass one in the hallway, or when they enter your room, NO eye contact.
Now, when you get up on the wards, polite, cordial, and, eye contact. When a nurse or an aide walks by a room, they look in and perhaps smile. They try very hard to be friendly. Most, everywhere but Emergency, when passing them in the hall, will smile and say hello, and make eye contact.
Anyone noticed that, or is it just me? Would love to hear your comments. COMMENT
dooley observed,
emergency room,
eye contact,
joe dooley,
I'm feeling 80
Not sure whether it is good or bad, but, I now feel like I am almost 80. Tuesday morning, till about 11, I felt like I was in my 30's or 40's, depended on the day and the weather. Then, the episode with my wife, Pacemaker problems, then the problem, the operation, now the hospital time, and worst of all, I suppose there will always be doubt, of when it might happen again, and we could go through this again.
Hopefully, some of this will pass and we will get back to a normal life, but this experience will be difficult to forget. Not like fixing a broken arm or a broken leg, this is something that could occur any time, and heavy on my mind, is, if any damage occurred during this experience.
My hands have a tendency to perspire when I get nervous, just have to get used to carrying my little white towel for support. Life altering, to say the least. Marilyn has gone trough so much. A breast cancer survivor, and some of her medication caused some of her heart problems, which necessitated the Pacemaker/Defibrillator, which led to this episode. She really has gone through enough. Some relatives called her yesterday at the hospital, she wanted to call me, she was worried about me. How great is that?
On Mother's Day, she received flowers from her Granddaughter, her Daughter, and her two sons, and no remembrances where ever so richly deserved. A prayer for Marilyn Dooley, in Newark, Ohio would be appreciated. Thank You from a now, almost, 80 year old husband and Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather to one, Brooklyn, and another one on the way.
Hopefully, some of this will pass and we will get back to a normal life, but this experience will be difficult to forget. Not like fixing a broken arm or a broken leg, this is something that could occur any time, and heavy on my mind, is, if any damage occurred during this experience.
My hands have a tendency to perspire when I get nervous, just have to get used to carrying my little white towel for support. Life altering, to say the least. Marilyn has gone trough so much. A breast cancer survivor, and some of her medication caused some of her heart problems, which necessitated the Pacemaker/Defibrillator, which led to this episode. She really has gone through enough. Some relatives called her yesterday at the hospital, she wanted to call me, she was worried about me. How great is that?
On Mother's Day, she received flowers from her Granddaughter, her Daughter, and her two sons, and no remembrances where ever so richly deserved. A prayer for Marilyn Dooley, in Newark, Ohio would be appreciated. Thank You from a now, almost, 80 year old husband and Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather to one, Brooklyn, and another one on the way.
breast cancer,
cancer survivor,
dooley observed,
marilyn dooley,
Old Peoples Pride
Old People are easy to spot at sporting events; during the playing of the National Anthem. Old People remove their caps, cover their hearts, stand at attention and sing without embarrassment. They know the words and believe in them.
Old People remember World War II, Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal , Normandy, and Hitler. They remember the Atomic Age, the Korean War, The Cold War, the Jet Age and the Moon Landing. They remember the 50 plus Peacekeeping Missions from 1945 to 2005, not to mention Vietnam .
If you bump into an Old People on the sidewalk he will apologize.
If you pass an Old People on the street, he will nod or tip his cap to a lady.
Old People trust strangers and are courtly to women and treat them with great respect.
Old People hold the door for the next person and always, when walking, make certain the lady is on the inside for protection.
Old People get embarrassed if someone curses in front of women and children and they don't like any filth or dirty language on TV or in movies.
Old People have moral courage and personal integrity. They seldom brag unless it's about their children, grandchildren or their animals.
It's the Old People who know our great country is protected, not by politicians, but by the young men and women in the military serving their country.
This country needs Old People with their work ethic, sense of responsibility, pride in their country, and decent values.
We need them now more than ever, I AM ONE.
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
old people,
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
UPDATE on my Wife, Marilyn
For those following our recent "health" saga. Got a phone call today, around noon, from a friend that was visiting my wife in the hospital. "They are going to do surgery at 2:00"
Rushed down to the hospital. Marilyn had a "minor" fall in the hallway, tripped over the vacuum cord I was using and hit her shoulder into the wall, rather hard. Thought nothing more of it. Apparently that had done something to one of the wires going to her Pacemaker/Defibrillator, or whatever she has. It has shown up on an x-ray they had just done.
Anyway, she was wheeled back to the room around 4, as of now, things are looking up.
I am looking up Guinness records, 37 zaps in 1 hour, or 40 in a day from her Pacemaker might be some kind of a record, one she NEVER hopes to break.
If you, or you know of someone with a similar experience with their unit, would love to hear from them. Thanks to all for their prayers and kind wishes
Rushed down to the hospital. Marilyn had a "minor" fall in the hallway, tripped over the vacuum cord I was using and hit her shoulder into the wall, rather hard. Thought nothing more of it. Apparently that had done something to one of the wires going to her Pacemaker/Defibrillator, or whatever she has. It has shown up on an x-ray they had just done.
Anyway, she was wheeled back to the room around 4, as of now, things are looking up.
I am looking up Guinness records, 37 zaps in 1 hour, or 40 in a day from her Pacemaker might be some kind of a record, one she NEVER hopes to break.
If you, or you know of someone with a similar experience with their unit, would love to hear from them. Thanks to all for their prayers and kind wishes
UPDATE on Marilyn Dooley
She seemed quite well last night at the hospital. I called her around 11, while talking, a scream, pacemaker went off, 3 more times, total of 40 for the day. I cannot imagine what she is going through. I doubt that she will make it home today.
To all my readers around the world, focus those prayers and good thoughts toward Newark, Ohio.
Thanks to you all ............................
To all my readers around the world, focus those prayers and good thoughts toward Newark, Ohio.
Thanks to you all ............................
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
A VERY Bad Day Today - Still shaking
This has been one of the most traumatic days of my life. I woke up this morning around eight, made coffee, turned on the TV, got out my laptop, ready to start the day. Marilyn, my wife, had been up late watching TV, so I didn't wake her up. I saw some lights come on, and knew she was up. She came out, sat on the couch, grabbed her chest, and said, "My Pacemaker just went off." She sat a moment, and went out to get a cup of coffee, a few moments later, from the kitchen, a scream, one like you have never heard before, coffee dripping from everywhere.
She came in and we decided to call her Doctor. Then another scream, while she was talking to them. They said, "Call the squad," dialed 911, got an answer, seemed like a lot of questions, while talking with them another scream. While waiting for them, screams about every minute, screams when they came, and screams while being taken to the ambulance. I didn't ride with them, decided to follow after them. To be honest, I could not take any more of those horrible screams.
I must admit, I did not want to enter the emergency room, I was concerned and afraid what news they would have for me. After all, what good comes from a Pacemaker going off. I prepared myself for the worst and went in. After a short wait, they showed me to her room. Tubes, oxygen, needles, peeps, pings, all over the room, a doctor, three or four nurses, a mass of activity. I waited outside. Whatever they gave her, stopped the screams, her blood pressure had been high, but it was coming down.
Daughter, Melissa, came, Marilyn seemed to be a little more relaxed, her Cardiologist came in, finally the Defibrillator guy, who puts a thing over her pacemaker, hooks it up to his computer and takes some readings. She had screamed, and had 37 jolts to her heart.
Then he made a diagram, showing a High here, High and Low, and a Low, and this one was giving a false reading, don't know why, and that is what caused the trouble. The WHY, we figured out. It went back to the "Dish" TV she got. She had spent a week on the phone, not in a good mood, being sent back and forth from the Dish people to Windstream, etc., etc., etc., probably 20 or 30 hours of stress. They all agreed, that was probably what cause the "short circuit."
Anyway, they are keeping her over night for observation, she is in ICU, at our local hospital, Licking Memorial Hospital, Room 240, I think it is. She had more color and seemed quite well when I left.
Now, I have a problem. I did a lot of praying on the way to the hospital, I was concerned about the news when I got there, so along with the prayers I, well, I did some promising .... IF ..... THEN .... that sort of thing. Now I have to try to remember what all I promised.
Any good thoughts and prayers you have to send this way will be gratefully accepted.
PS - They adjusted the unit, they think all is well and they are just keeping her overnight for observation.
She came in and we decided to call her Doctor. Then another scream, while she was talking to them. They said, "Call the squad," dialed 911, got an answer, seemed like a lot of questions, while talking with them another scream. While waiting for them, screams about every minute, screams when they came, and screams while being taken to the ambulance. I didn't ride with them, decided to follow after them. To be honest, I could not take any more of those horrible screams.
I must admit, I did not want to enter the emergency room, I was concerned and afraid what news they would have for me. After all, what good comes from a Pacemaker going off. I prepared myself for the worst and went in. After a short wait, they showed me to her room. Tubes, oxygen, needles, peeps, pings, all over the room, a doctor, three or four nurses, a mass of activity. I waited outside. Whatever they gave her, stopped the screams, her blood pressure had been high, but it was coming down.
Daughter, Melissa, came, Marilyn seemed to be a little more relaxed, her Cardiologist came in, finally the Defibrillator guy, who puts a thing over her pacemaker, hooks it up to his computer and takes some readings. She had screamed, and had 37 jolts to her heart.
Then he made a diagram, showing a High here, High and Low, and a Low, and this one was giving a false reading, don't know why, and that is what caused the trouble. The WHY, we figured out. It went back to the "Dish" TV she got. She had spent a week on the phone, not in a good mood, being sent back and forth from the Dish people to Windstream, etc., etc., etc., probably 20 or 30 hours of stress. They all agreed, that was probably what cause the "short circuit."
Anyway, they are keeping her over night for observation, she is in ICU, at our local hospital, Licking Memorial Hospital, Room 240, I think it is. She had more color and seemed quite well when I left.
Now, I have a problem. I did a lot of praying on the way to the hospital, I was concerned about the news when I got there, so along with the prayers I, well, I did some promising .... IF ..... THEN .... that sort of thing. Now I have to try to remember what all I promised.
Any good thoughts and prayers you have to send this way will be gratefully accepted.
PS - They adjusted the unit, they think all is well and they are just keeping her overnight for observation.
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
marilyn dooley,
short circut,
This information is worth sharing.
I received it this morning.
I have not verified it yet, but my source is quite reliable.
saying they have sent you a
Your razor and Olive Oil

I have had a few requests to repeat this suggestion. Why people don't do this I cannot understand. I have been doing this since I started shaving, I had seen my Dad do it since I was old enough to stand by the old bathroom sink on 319 South Brown Street in Dayton, Ohio. As many know, my Dad was a Doctor, and in those days all Doctors offices had a sterilizer unit somewhere. They also had white utensils, with lids, where they placed the items in to be sterilized. Well, Dad used one of these to store his straight razor in, and, in that white container (which I am looking at right now, the lid has gotten misplaced, but we have the bottom) he regularly added Olive Oil, and after shaving, his razor would be thoroughly washed, shaken dry, and placed in the Olive Oil.
Why? What is the enemy of metal, air, right, so after he stropped the razor to get it nice and sharp, it was protected from the air by the Olive Oil.
I have a coffee cup in the bathroom with Olive Oil in it, and I get probably three months use from an inexpensive 3-blade throw away razor. I buy 1-3-pack a year. Make sure you wash the razor good, and shake it dry before putting it in the oil. Cooking oil works also.
Make your razors last so much longer, put them in Olive Oil, you will be amazed how much longer they stay sharp.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Well, it finally happened

My wife does some secret shop visits, did two today at freeway truck stops. Each one took maybe forty five minutes, so I spent some time in the parking lot, near the entrances, so I did a lot of people watching while I waited, and it was quite busy, Memorial Day and all, a steady stream of people paying for gas, getting snacks to eat and a whole lot of bottles of water.
Mid-way through the second stop, at the TA station and store, I suddenly realized that I am now one of a minority, white, male, Caucasian.
Then I started wondering why, so many different ethnic groups were celebrating Memorial Day, or perhaps they were just all traveling, coincidentally.
I now have a slight insight into what it is like being in a minority. Regardless of race or ethnic background, or whatever country a person comes from, they love Popeye's Chicken, Pizza Hut and bottled water, and, after seeing all those hot, tired exhausted folks, I was glad we weren't traveling, just getting two Jimmie John's subs and going home.
The Flag in the Window
Saw so many of these during WWII, most had the Blue Star, but occasionally one hanging with the Gold Star, indicated a loss. I was young then, but I remember seeing a Gold Star, and reverently taking a brief moment to bow my head, quietly showing a moment of respect. I knew the family had suffered a loss in the war. The little flag in the window was quite significant, with either a BLUE or a GOLD star. I always wondered how a Mother could take her Blue Star flag down, and replace it with a Gold one/
The banner was designed in 1917 by United States Army Captain Robert L. Queisser of the Fifth Ohio Infantry, in honor of his two sons who were serving in World War I. It was quickly adopted by the public and by government officials. On September 24, 1917, an Ohio congressman read into the Congressional Record:
The mayor of Cleveland, the Chamber of Commerce and the Governor of Ohio have adopted this service flag. The world should know of those who give so much for liberty. The dearest thing in all the world to a father and mother — their children.
The banner was designed in 1917 by United States Army Captain Robert L. Queisser of the Fifth Ohio Infantry, in honor of his two sons who were serving in World War I. It was quickly adopted by the public and by government officials. On September 24, 1917, an Ohio congressman read into the Congressional Record:
The mayor of Cleveland, the Chamber of Commerce and the Governor of Ohio have adopted this service flag. The world should know of those who give so much for liberty. The dearest thing in all the world to a father and mother — their children.
What a Waste ..........
On Memorial Day I guess it is appropriate to talk about war casualties. I imagine few people are aware of some of these figures. Our casualties in World War II were close to those in the Civil War. That war was brother against brother, or neighbor against neighbor. 212,938 lost in the Civil War, or as it is listed, the American Civil War, 1861 to 1865. And that was American blood shed on American soil. I recall that this day, Memorial Day, was originally called Decoration Day, in remembrance of those who were lost in the American Civil War.
Listed here are other wars, and other casualties
What a waste .........................
Listed here are other wars, and other casualties
1 World War II 1937–1945 291,557
2 American Civil War 1861–1865 212,938
3 World War I 1917–1918 53,402
4 Vietnam War 1955–1975 47,355
5 Korean War 1950–1953 33,746
6 American Revolutionary War 1775–1783 8,000
What a waste .........................
cat dooley observed,
CHARISMA - That's all it takes

In a reflective mood this Monday Memorial Decoration Day morning. Beautiful day in Ohio, sitting outside on our porch, visiting with a few Robins and a couple of Doves that occasionally stop by. One Robin keeps taking worms under my car, hope she is not building a nest under my car.
For some reason I reflected back to an Oprah show I saw a few years ago. Her guest was a rising young politician and his wife. He spoke, I listened, he was impressive, as was his wife. I told my wife, "That is the next president of the United States."
What had he said or done that made me feel that way. Easy, he had ONE thing going for him that equalled and surpassed all other considerations. He had CHARISMA.
I am still impressed with his CHARISMA. All other logical thoughts and reasoning's have been veiled in me, because of his CHARISMA.
I am of the opinion that he is nothing more than an image, a charismatic image, with no real substance. We see him often, but I don't think we really see him, we see his image, we see his CHARISMA. I think that is all that he is.
I have personally met two people with CHARISMA. Glenn Turner of Koscot fame, and L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and Scientology. Obama could have spearheaded either of the two organizations. I attended one of Turners appearances, and after listening to him, if asked, would have followed him anywhere. Same with Hubbard, scary. Their presence was almost hypnotic.
That has been Obama's contribution, his personality and his CHARISMA. What else has he done, God only knows, I am afraid it is monumental, and we may not be aware of it until it is too late. Is he good? You bet, he is the president and we are not completely sure if he is even qualified to do so, and most, don't care. Is he good, or what? He can attribute his success to one quality, CHARISMA, and someone, something controlling the strings on the puppet. Oh, the above foto is Hubbard in his younger days.
glenn turner,
google yahoo,
l. ron hubbard,
I can't wait!
What is the alternative when a person "Can't Wait." A reporter on TV announced a guest for an up coming show, and she said, "I can't wait."
So, what can she do. She obviously will have to wait, but I ask, why can't she wait?
My "kids" (they aren't kids, they are grown up) are coming to Ohio in August for an early birthday celebration for my 80th birthday. I can't wait, so what's my alternative? I guess I will just have to wait.
I wonder what my next blog will be about, I can't wait to see it.
So, what can she do. She obviously will have to wait, but I ask, why can't she wait?
My "kids" (they aren't kids, they are grown up) are coming to Ohio in August for an early birthday celebration for my 80th birthday. I can't wait, so what's my alternative? I guess I will just have to wait.
I wonder what my next blog will be about, I can't wait to see it.
cant wait,
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
memorial day,
wait cannot
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Every year, Memorial Day, memories come flooding back, good memories of the 40's.
Dayton, Ohio, Oakwood High School, Lookout Drive, the picnic house and the Indy 500. Our annual two day picnic. Dick Whipp, Sonny Kemp, Jack Austin, Dick Bigelow, Taki, Mary Bimm, Bob Morris, Dick Laemmel and a host of others dropping in. Good memories.
The race started early and ended late in those days, an all day event, and, a lot of food.
Almost seventy years ago, but still a lot of vivid memories. On my "memory" table here by my chair, among many other things, a belt buckle, on it OAKWOOD Lumberjacks. A picture of Caleb Dooley, who was in the Civil War, memorabilia from many years, and, two bottles of my Dr. Franks - Joint and Muscle Pain Relief, squirt that under my tongue every day.
I hope some old friends see this, would be nice to hear from them.
My heart is pounding, getting close to race time, the drivers were introduced. Soon, a recording of Jim Nabors singing Back Home Again in Indiana, I'll probably cry, well, I almost am now. Memories are great.
Dayton, Ohio, Oakwood High School, Lookout Drive, the picnic house and the Indy 500. Our annual two day picnic. Dick Whipp, Sonny Kemp, Jack Austin, Dick Bigelow, Taki, Mary Bimm, Bob Morris, Dick Laemmel and a host of others dropping in. Good memories.
The race started early and ended late in those days, an all day event, and, a lot of food.
Almost seventy years ago, but still a lot of vivid memories. On my "memory" table here by my chair, among many other things, a belt buckle, on it OAKWOOD Lumberjacks. A picture of Caleb Dooley, who was in the Civil War, memorabilia from many years, and, two bottles of my Dr. Franks - Joint and Muscle Pain Relief, squirt that under my tongue every day.
I hope some old friends see this, would be nice to hear from them.
My heart is pounding, getting close to race time, the drivers were introduced. Soon, a recording of Jim Nabors singing Back Home Again in Indiana, I'll probably cry, well, I almost am now. Memories are great.
2,489,335, about the size of Chicago. The number of American troops killed in wars. Each one of those, that make up that number, left home and family behind, and headed off to a war they knew little about.
This weekend, we take this one day out of the year, out of respect and in remembrance of all of those who died. And, that number is still growing, each day.
Some were taken into service, some volunteered.
Just think, for a moment, of leaving the life you live now, saying goodbye and walking away from that life, and entering a new life of rigorous training, of learning new ways, uncertainty, and the possibility of never returning to your home, and the lifestyle you left behind. Each of those two million plus persons, gave their lives. Chicago is gone, erased, wiped away.
I still vividly remember neighbors, patients of Dad's, friends, standing at our front door on Brown Street in Dayton, Ohio, in tears, they had been notified of the loss of a son or husband. Another GOLD star to be hung in their window. I remember walking to Emerson Junior High School, seeing a GOLD star hanging in a window, and taking a very brief moment to reflect, reverently, perhaps bow the head a little, and then head on my way. Evan way back then, I understood the significance of their loss.
Take a moment to remember this weekend .................
This weekend, we take this one day out of the year, out of respect and in remembrance of all of those who died. And, that number is still growing, each day.
Some were taken into service, some volunteered.
Just think, for a moment, of leaving the life you live now, saying goodbye and walking away from that life, and entering a new life of rigorous training, of learning new ways, uncertainty, and the possibility of never returning to your home, and the lifestyle you left behind. Each of those two million plus persons, gave their lives. Chicago is gone, erased, wiped away.
I still vividly remember neighbors, patients of Dad's, friends, standing at our front door on Brown Street in Dayton, Ohio, in tears, they had been notified of the loss of a son or husband. Another GOLD star to be hung in their window. I remember walking to Emerson Junior High School, seeing a GOLD star hanging in a window, and taking a very brief moment to reflect, reverently, perhaps bow the head a little, and then head on my way. Evan way back then, I understood the significance of their loss.
Take a moment to remember this weekend .................
Saturday, May 26, 2012
This is a SPOOF Article - Tongue In Cheek - NOT TRUE
Documents recently released revealed that so-called FEMA Concentration Camps actually were being used by underground movie producers to film pornographic movies. Joe Conforte, long time Nevada brothel owner, and more recently owner of the Mustang Ranch was cordinating the entire operation from his secluded Argentina home. Denis Hof, Hugh Hefner and fomer Vice President Al Gore were also involved in the creation and operation of these facilities.
When contacted in Argentina by a UPS reporter, Conforte stated, "The dumb public will believe anything we want them to. They have no idea what is going on. Concentration camps, who came up with that dumb idea. Hef mentioned something about what they might believe, but who would have thought they were that gullible. All those damn black tubs they were worried about were used to sneak the girls and equipment in and out."
Reportedly, the revenue from the movies is paying FEMA for the facilities and there is no cost to the taxpayers for any of the concentration camps, much like the wheelchair commercial states, "At no cost to me."
One big boost to the operation came with the acquisition of "stimulus" money from the Obama administration. A the three billion dollar, non-repayable loan, accelerated their expansion plans and gave the organization the capital needed to complete their goals.
The next time you watch a porn film, give a silent thanks to the government for supplying all of the facilities around the country where they were able to film in absolute seclusion.
This is where it is displayed on my SPOOF SITE
When contacted in Argentina by a UPS reporter, Conforte stated, "The dumb public will believe anything we want them to. They have no idea what is going on. Concentration camps, who came up with that dumb idea. Hef mentioned something about what they might believe, but who would have thought they were that gullible. All those damn black tubs they were worried about were used to sneak the girls and equipment in and out."
Reportedly, the revenue from the movies is paying FEMA for the facilities and there is no cost to the taxpayers for any of the concentration camps, much like the wheelchair commercial states, "At no cost to me."
One big boost to the operation came with the acquisition of "stimulus" money from the Obama administration. A the three billion dollar, non-repayable loan, accelerated their expansion plans and gave the organization the capital needed to complete their goals.
The next time you watch a porn film, give a silent thanks to the government for supplying all of the facilities around the country where they were able to film in absolute seclusion.
This is where it is displayed on my SPOOF SITE
al gore,
concentration camps,
denis hof,
dooley observed,
hugh hefner,
Joe Conforte,
Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
joe dooley,
system of government,
The Army Nurse Corps in World War II
More than 59,000 American nurses served in the Army Nurse Corps during World War II. Nurses worked closer to the front lines than they ever had before. Within the "chain of evacuation" established by the Army Medical Department during the war, nurses served under fire in field hospitals and evacuation hospitals, on hospital trains and hospital ships, and as flight nurses on medical transport planes.
The skill and dedication of these nurses contributed to the extremely low post-injury mortality rate among American military forces in every theater of the war. Overall, fewer than 4 percent of the American soldiers who received medical care in the field or underwent evacuation died from wounds or disease.
The tremendous manpower needs faced by the United States during World War II created numerous new social and economic opportunities for American women. Both society as a whole and the United States military found an increasing number of roles for women. As large numbers of women entered industry and many of the professions for the first time, the need for nurses clarified the status of the nursing profession. The Army reflected this changing attitude in June 1944 when it granted its nurses officers' commissions and full retirement privileges, dependents' allowances, and equal pay. Moreover, the government provided free education to nursing students between 1943 and 1948.
Military service took men and women from small towns and large cities across America and transported them around the world. Their wartime experiences broadened their lives as well as their expectations. After the war, many veterans, including nurses, took advantage of the increased educational opportunities provided for them by the government. World War II changed American society irrevocably and redefined the status and opportunities of the professional nurse.
HEY, let's not forget these Women who served!
Parade to honor women who flew planes in WWII
Carla Howard Horowitz joined the Women Airforce Service Pilots in 1944 because, as she says, "I wanted to be a hero." She was among hundreds of WASP's who flew millions of miles during World War II in every type of military aircraft, forever changing the role of women in aviation.
On Monday, North Salem will dedicate its Memorial Day parade to Horowitz; another North Salem WASP, Louise Brand Hyde, who died in 1999; and all women who served or are serving in the military.
Horowitz, who is in her late 80s and lives in Manhattan, won't be able to make it to the parade but said she is humbled that her former hometown is recognizing her and all women in the military. "I'm very honored," Horowitz said Thursday in a phone conversation in which she spoke about her time flying. "It was very gratifying to be part of a worthy cause. The issues in the war were clear, unlike the present conflicts. I had no question about the importance of what I was doing and the worth of what I was doing."
The women flew 78 types of aircraft, not in combat, but shuttling new or repaired planes, towing targets for anti-aircraft and gunnery training, searches and passenger transport, all for $250 a month, according to the Texas Woman's University library, which maintains an extensive WASP collection.
The WASPs were the first women in the nation's history to fly U.S. military aircraft. The unit was organized because there were not enough male pilots to test and deliver the aircraft needed in combat theaters. More than 25,000 women applied to join the WASPs in 1943, but only 1,830 were accepted. Of them, 1,074 passed the training; 38 were killed in accidents.
"The training was very challenging. Half of my class washed out," said Horowitz, an engineering test pilot at Blackland Army Airfield outside Waco, Texas. "The challenge of learning to fly was the issue of learning to deal with bigger and more powerful aircraft. We moved quickly through the training process. It was exciting. Flying itself was not as thrilling as learning to fly because flying is a routine job."
Her training began in March 1944. She had to have 35 hours of flying time and a private pilot's license before she could apply. There was no such requirement for men, she said.
Obama Physician is Speaking Out
In the sensational new best-seller by Edward Klein — Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House — Obama's doctor gives a powerful and penetrating report about Obama.
The interview, one of 200 conducted by Klein, including one with Obama's former pastor Jeremiah Wright, has sent shock waves through the liberal establishment.
Despite a blizzard of attacks, Klein's Amateur is debuting at the number 1 spot on the New York Times list this week.
According to Human Events, Obama’s longtime physician reveals the lack of humanity in Obama’s character and carelessness with which he enacted the entirely politicized health insurance reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare.
His own doctor said Obama doesn't have the character to be president, noting, “I think there is too much of the University of Chicago in him. By which I mean he’s academic, lacks passion and feeling, and doesn’t have the sense of humanity that I expected.”
There's much more in Klein's Amateur — make sure you get a copy.
Friday, May 25, 2012
A Sign of the times ......
Mother of three abandoned Oregon children found
By Eric Pfeiffer
Police in Oregon say the mother of three children allegedly abandoned in a shed has been found. They released the following statement on Friday afternoon: "The mother of the missing children has been located, and we thank everyone who helped with information. We do not need any additional tips."
The search began on Thursday when the three children, all aged 3 and under, were found living among a group of homeless people inside an abandoned shed on a residential property in Portland.
CNN reports that the children appear to be related, with the youngest being a baby girl estimated to be 8-15 months old.
Local resident Judy Baxter said she notified a neighbor that there were homeless people gathered in an empty shed next door to his home but that she had no idea there were children among them.
"Little did I know they had three babies in the backyard," Baxter told the Oregonian. "It was real sad when we saw the kids come out.''
When police arrived, the homeless people on the scene told authorities they believe the children belong to a woman who abandoned them there on Wednesday night.
One of the children is a 2-year-old girl with long black hair and brown eyes. The oldest is a boy, estimated to be about 3, also with brown eyes and black hair.
dooley observed,
mother found,
three abandoned children,
Let's JUDGE the President
Most Americans judge a President based on his promises and his results. They measure the success of the nation in part by the question Ronald Reagan asked voters in 1980. Reagan simply said,“Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”
For Barack Obama,this question is deadly. Obama promised big results,but he has failed to deliver. For example,look at these four promises and his results.
Obama’s 825 billion dollar stimulus failed to keep unemployment below 8 percent as Obama promised. Since President Obama’s stimulus passed,America has lost 1.1 million jobs. If you count people who have become discouraged and are no longer seeking jobs,some economists believe that real unemployment rate is above twenty percent.
Obama called his health care package one of his major accomplishments. He told CBS’Steve Kroft he was “putting in place a system in which we’re going to start lowering health care costs.”Yet it has failed to make health insurance more affordable. According to the fact watchdog website FactCheck.org,ObamaCare is actually making health care “less affordable.”Workers paid an average of $132 more for family coverage just this year.
Obama predicted his investments in green energy would create 5 million jobs,but the Wall Street Journal reports:“The green jobs subsidy story gets more embarrassing by the day. Three years ago President Obama promised that by the end of the decade,America would have five million green jobs,but so far,some $90 billion in government spending has delivered very few.”
Newt Gingrich: Speculation Increases on Biden Leaving Ticket
By Jim Meyers
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tells Newsmax there is “increasing speculation” that Vice President Joe Biden could be dropped from the ticket — and he cites Hillary Clinton as his possible replacement.
A new Quinnipiac poll shows that Biden is hurting President Obama’s re-election chances in several swing states.
In an exclusive interview, Gingrich — who suspended his bid for the GOP presidential nomination on May 2 — was asked if Biden could be Republicans’ best weapon against Obama.
“He could be, although I think the economy is our best argument,” Gingrich responds. “But certainly Biden seems to be weakening and failing and there is increasing speculation that he could be replaced on the ticket. How likely that is and whether or not Hillary Clinton would accept it, I can’t tell.
“But you do get a sense that Vice President Biden is hurting the ticket, not helping it.”
An explanation of the "Debt Ceiling"
Democrats don't understand THE DEBT CEILING
Republicans don't understand THE DEBT CEILING
Liberals don't understand THE DEBT CEILING
Conservatives don't understand THE DEBT CEILING
SO - Allow me to explain . . .
Let's say you come home from work and find there
has been a Sewer backup in your Neighborhood.
Your Home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.
What do you think you should do ?
Raise the ceilings or pump out the crap ?
Your choice is coming this November.
Don't miss the opportunity !
debt ceiling,
ernie moody,
pump out the crap,
An Olympic Trial: Dealing With Transgender Athletes
A central question of gender and sports is facing officials as they prepare for London's Summer Olympics: In a system that segregates athletic competition by sex for reasons of fairness, where do transgender athletes fit?
Take, for example, Keelin Godsey, the first openly transgender contender for the U.S. Olympic team. Last month, Godsey qualified for the women's track and field Olympic trials in the hammer throw.
Godsey was born female, identifies as male, and competes in the female division — a situation that attracted the attention of writer Pablo Torre and Sports Illustrated. As Torre tells NPR's Michel Martin, cases such as Godsey's might present "the most thorny question" for sports organizers.
"For Keelin, it's a question of identity," Torre says. "Keelin's identity was formed as a women's sports athlete, before Keelin came out as transgender male. And the reality is, for a lot of college athletes who are transgender, they have scholarships, they have spots on their teams in elite sports, and they're physically that gender — physically female, for example, in Keelin's case. And really, that's enough for a governing body. Or, it should be enough."
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
keelin godsey,
Illegal immigrants arrested in phony UPS van
NILAND, Calif. (AP) — It was a special delivery indeed — 13 suspected illegal immigrants from Mexico stuffed in a phony UPS van.
The U.S. Border Patrol said Tuesday that agents stopped the van Friday as the driver tried to circumvent a highway checkpoint near Niland, about 150 miles east of San Diego in California's Imperial Valley, near the Mexican border.
The van looked like a legitimate United Parcel Service Inc. delivery vehicle, except the company decal on the back door was slightly crooked.
The driver, U.S. citizen Daniel Lopez, was charged in federal court in El Centro with illegal transportation of aliens, authorities said.
Carlos Goens, the driver of another truck, was charged with the same crime after being detained at a Border Patrol checkpoint. He is suspected of coordinating with the UPS van.
Migrants told authorities they had agreed to pay between $5,000 and $8,000 each to be smuggled into the United States, according to the criminal complaint.
An agent reported seeing Goens leave a suspected stash house for illegal immigrants in the town of Brawley, leading authorities to the UPS vehicle. Another agent pulled over the UPS van at a mobile home park in Niland.
dooley observed,
el centro,
joe dooley,
phony van,
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Lawrence Taylor was told his Super Bowl ring was bought by Charlie Sheen
By Chris Chase
Lawrence Taylor's Super Bowl ring will hardly know it switched owners.
According to Jay Glazer, the Hall of Fame linebacker was told that a fellow aficionado of all things illicit, Charlie Sheen, was the buyer of his Super Bowl XXV ring that recently sold for more than $230,000 at auction. It's not known whether Taylor's information is accurate but, man, we hope it is.
Taylor's agent, Mark Lepster, confirmed to Glazer that LT was told Sheen bought the ring. They are still trying to confirm this poetic purchase. It's like Phil Spector buying O.J.'s Heisman.
The actor has an extensive sports memorabilia collection that includes Babe Ruth's 1927 World Series ring and the contract that sold the baseball great from the Boston Red Sox to the New York Yankees. He also owned the infamous Bill Buckner ball.
Taylor's son, TJ, put the ring up for auction unbeknownst to his father. The troubled former star said he had no problem with the decision.
charlie sheen,
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
lawrence taylor,
super bowl,
super bowl ring,
Hopefully, the last, on our Bundle of Joy
Received our contract from DISH today in the mail.
Never saw a contract. Good for TWO years.
I never signed anything, but someone has put my initials J D in a couple of places where my signature or initials WOULD HAVE GONE.
MORE ARGUMENTS between my wife of almost fifty years and I. She sez, since I talked to someone on the telephone, THAT is the same as my signature. Anyone have some input on that?
Now, at least, I have to live for two years to pay our "bundle" bill, that's a good thing. I will be 82, when I use my "walker" and head to the post office with that last check, probably have to stop somewhere to empty my "ostomy"bag or go to the bathroom, perhaps to change my "Poise." Or, maybe I'll just hold it in, and then give them a "visual" on what I think of their contract.
Enough said about our "bundle."
Never saw a contract. Good for TWO years.
I never signed anything, but someone has put my initials J D in a couple of places where my signature or initials WOULD HAVE GONE.
MORE ARGUMENTS between my wife of almost fifty years and I. She sez, since I talked to someone on the telephone, THAT is the same as my signature. Anyone have some input on that?
Now, at least, I have to live for two years to pay our "bundle" bill, that's a good thing. I will be 82, when I use my "walker" and head to the post office with that last check, probably have to stop somewhere to empty my "ostomy"bag or go to the bathroom, perhaps to change my "Poise." Or, maybe I'll just hold it in, and then give them a "visual" on what I think of their contract.
Enough said about our "bundle."
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
Our "Bundle of Joy"
In case anyone was concerned, here is an update on our BUNDLE, i.e. Dish, TV and Internet.
Well, a few days ago we cancelled the DISH and Wind-stream. So this morning very little to nothing on TV and the Internet was VERY slow.And, it was going to cost us $400 one place to discontinue, and $200 another place to install and I think there were some other charges in there, just to get back to where we started from in the first place. My wife has been on the phone for three days now. Good thing she has a Pacemaker, it must have kicked in a few times. My Blood pressure is way up and I have doubled up on stomach pills. ALL because a saleslady appeared at our door, and could save us money.
Now, Neil Sedaka is singing "Calendar Girl," how great is that. We are now back to where we were after the dish installation. The apartment management people said it is OK for us to have the dish, just as long as we have Renters Insurance, which we had anyway.
Wife has been on the phone since 9 this morning, but now we have Fats Domino singing, and it looks like we are back on. Now I can watch Michigan Softball tonight at 7, I hope. Email me before you "Bundle,"
Uhm, hold that thought, Wind-stream just called....................
Well, a few days ago we cancelled the DISH and Wind-stream. So this morning very little to nothing on TV and the Internet was VERY slow.And, it was going to cost us $400 one place to discontinue, and $200 another place to install and I think there were some other charges in there, just to get back to where we started from in the first place. My wife has been on the phone for three days now. Good thing she has a Pacemaker, it must have kicked in a few times. My Blood pressure is way up and I have doubled up on stomach pills. ALL because a saleslady appeared at our door, and could save us money.
Now, Neil Sedaka is singing "Calendar Girl," how great is that. We are now back to where we were after the dish installation. The apartment management people said it is OK for us to have the dish, just as long as we have Renters Insurance, which we had anyway.
Wife has been on the phone since 9 this morning, but now we have Fats Domino singing, and it looks like we are back on. Now I can watch Michigan Softball tonight at 7, I hope. Email me before you "Bundle,"
Uhm, hold that thought, Wind-stream just called....................
dish tv,
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
Memorial Day - To Me
Another Memorial Day is approaching. Does not seem like it was that long ago that I wrote my annual blog. My Grandfather, Caleb Dooley, was in the Civil War. He was in an Indiana Regiment, and was mustered out of the Army somewhere in Texas.
Ralph Dean Dooley, my Father was in WWI. He was involved in may campaigns in Germany. He was too young to enlist, but somehow manged to do it. He tells of looking back, as the train pulls out, of seeing his aging father, gazing at him, Caleb, knowing of the horrors of war,going off to serve his country. My Dad tells of getting a break from his duties in a bunker, and going "topside" for a smoke. Some of his friends were playing poker on an ammunition box, and invited him to sit in. Instead, he walked off a way to spend some time in thought. A German shell dropped in the center off the box, killing all of those who were playing. His guardian angel was again looking out for him.
My Brother, Dean Shannon Dooley was in WWII, in the Submarine Service. After he graduated from DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, he went through a V-12 Program at Great Lakes and received his commission. He went through submarine training, and was assigned to the S-11. On one occasion, he was coming home on leave. We were anxiously awaiting the time to go pick him up, and we received a telegram. LOST ISWAS STOP BE HOME SATURDAY NIGHT STOP DEAN STOP We were concerned that he had lost his mind. Turned out an ISWAS was some sort of a device used on subs. IS here, WAS there.
I was in the Korean War, two years in San Diego in the Discipline Office, discharging the "bad boys" in the Eleventh Naval District. Did that for two years and then spent two years about the USS William Mitchell TAP114.
My Son Dean served during Viet Nam and my youngest Son Brad, was in Desert Storm, both in the Navy. Brad was in a Stinger Missile detachment aboard the USS Elrod.
We have done our share. I hope that my Grandchildren and their children never have to go through another war.
Ralph Dean Dooley, my Father was in WWI. He was involved in may campaigns in Germany. He was too young to enlist, but somehow manged to do it. He tells of looking back, as the train pulls out, of seeing his aging father, gazing at him, Caleb, knowing of the horrors of war,going off to serve his country. My Dad tells of getting a break from his duties in a bunker, and going "topside" for a smoke. Some of his friends were playing poker on an ammunition box, and invited him to sit in. Instead, he walked off a way to spend some time in thought. A German shell dropped in the center off the box, killing all of those who were playing. His guardian angel was again looking out for him.
My Brother, Dean Shannon Dooley was in WWII, in the Submarine Service. After he graduated from DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, he went through a V-12 Program at Great Lakes and received his commission. He went through submarine training, and was assigned to the S-11. On one occasion, he was coming home on leave. We were anxiously awaiting the time to go pick him up, and we received a telegram. LOST ISWAS STOP BE HOME SATURDAY NIGHT STOP DEAN STOP We were concerned that he had lost his mind. Turned out an ISWAS was some sort of a device used on subs. IS here, WAS there.
I was in the Korean War, two years in San Diego in the Discipline Office, discharging the "bad boys" in the Eleventh Naval District. Did that for two years and then spent two years about the USS William Mitchell TAP114.
My Son Dean served during Viet Nam and my youngest Son Brad, was in Desert Storm, both in the Navy. Brad was in a Stinger Missile detachment aboard the USS Elrod.
We have done our share. I hope that my Grandchildren and their children never have to go through another war.
brad dooley,
caleb dooley,
dean dooley,
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
memorial day,
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed annually in the United States on the last Monday of May.
Formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War.
By the 20th century Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died in all wars.
Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
As a marker it typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.
Fleet Week kicks off in NYC
I was in New York, some years ago, and saw the ships entering, it is an awesome sight. God Bless America.
The Parade of Ships marked the official beginning of Fleet Week on May 23. Fleet Week, which has been held in New York City since 1984, celebrates the U.S. Navy and Marines Corps with a week of ship visitations and military demonstrations.
fleet week,
google keywords,
new york,
parade of ships,
us navy
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
A beautiful reply to one of my Blogs
This is a response I got to a blog I did on my Father, Ralph Dean Dooley, M.D. It brought me to tears, so many years, and such a nice memory. Thank You Doctor for your reply to my blog .. notice, the writer was a Doctor, how fantastic is that.
Your dad Dr. R.Dean Dooley saved my life on February 21,1956 at Miami Valley Hospital. He had previously delivered three healthy sons to my parents but for months Mom was ill and having "female problems" that went on so long she consulted another physician who said Mom needed a hysterectomy. Since three boys were already more than she could handle; at age 28 she consented to the operation and checked into Miami Valley for surgery the following day. Dr, Dooley just so happened to be in the hospital and stopped by to see Mom and pray with her before surgery in the morning. But I was told by my aunt; who was in the hospital room; that Dr. Dooley seemed trouble and asked my Mom if he could perform and examine on her becuase he thought Mom looked ths same way when she was pregnant the other three times. Mom consented but was certain she could not be pregnant. At 11:26pm your Dad brought me into the world slightly premature but a healthy 6.15 lbs. I have always known he was my guardian angel.
I didn't get a chance to tell him in person but I know he hears me!
Thank you Dr. Dooley. You did the right thing.
I have published this before, but recently have had a few requests to see it again. In 1943, Mom and Dad and I drove to Chicago, Illinois, to go to the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, to see my Brother who was in training there in a V-12 program. While there, we attended a Sunday Morning church service in the chapel. I remember that Eddy Peabody, the banjo king that we had heard on the radio many times played during the service, and the chaplain ended the service with this poem. Have never forgotten the experience. Here is that poem ........ and, many years later we returned to see our son Brad graduate from boot camp.
The Bridge Builder
by Will Allen Dromgoole
An old man, going a lone highway,
Came, at the evening, cold and gray,
To a chasm, vast, and deep, and wide,
Through which was flowing a sullen tide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim;
The sullen stream had no fears for him;
But he turned, when safe on the other side,
And built a bridge to span the tide.
"Old man," said a fellow pilgrim, near,
"You are wasting strength with building here;
Your journey will end with the ending day;
You never again must pass this way;
You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide-
Why build you a bridge at the eventide?"
The builder lifted his old gray head:
"Good friend, in the path I have come," he said,
"There followeth after me today,
A youth, whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm, that has been naught to me,
To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be.
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building the bridge for him."
Obama Embarrassed in Kentucky, Arkansas Primaries
Four in ten Democratic voters chose someone other than President Obama on Tuesday in primaries in Arkansas and Kentucky.
In Arkansas, John Wolfe — a perennial, long-shot candidate — took 41 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary, with 71 percent of precincts reporting. Obama came in just under 60 percent. The Associated Press did not call the race for Obama until close to midnight.
And in Kentucky, 42 percent of Democrats chose “uncommitted” rather than cast a vote for the incumbent president. Obama took 58 percent, with 99 percent of precincts reporting.
democratic voters,
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
Hawaii verifies Obama birth records to Arizona
A nearly three-month-long tussle between two states over President Obama's birth records may be at an end.
The state of Hawaii said late Tuesday it has provided verification of the president's birth to Arizona's secretary of state, who claimed he needed proof of Obama's citizenship before he could place his name on the state's November ballot.
Joshua Wisch, special assistant to Hawaii Attorney General David Louie, told The Associated Press that the matter is now resolved.
Hawaii didn't give in to the request quickly or easily, pressing Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett for proof that the records were needed as part of normal business.
Wisch said Hawaii got the necessary proof, so it sent Bennett's office the verification. A spokesman for Bennett said he received Hawaii's verification and will comment Wednesday. It was not clear if the new information would satisfy Bennett or bring the dispute to a close.
In a radio interview last week, Bennett insisted he is "not a birther. I believe the president was born in Hawaii — or at least I hope he was."
America has plenty of oil, but President Obama managed to turn an energy boom into an energy crisis
by Newt Gingrich
In the mountainous Green River Basin of the American West, running through Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming, the American people own lands containing an estimated one trillion barrels of oil, more than triple the amount of Saudi Arabia's proven oil reserves and far exceeding anything we could have dreamed a few decades ago.
This incredible supply—made up of most of the world's oil shale—should be a cause for national celebration, since it has the potential both to lower gasoline prices and to increase government revenues without raising taxes.
In 2008, this exciting energy story was just beginning to bear fruit, as the Bush administration issued 77 leases (after a seven-year environmental review process) for energy companies looking to develop the oil shale.
Then came President Barack Obama. Within weeks of his inauguration, the Obama Interior Department withdrew the leases.
And although Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said the administration would "reconsider" the leases, his department ensured that any progress would be minimal. According to a statement from the House Committee on Natural Resources, "In October 2009, the Interior Department announced a new round of RD&D leases that included significant changes to the program. The new program decreased lease acreage by 87 percent, demanded unrealistic timelines for investment into cutting-edge research, included unattainable production requirements, and implanted variable royalty rates. As a result, only three companies applied for this latest round of RD&D leases."
colorado wyoming,
dooley observed,
green river basis,
joe dooley,
withdrew the leases,
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
To Dish or not to Dish, that is the question...
We had a "dish" installed a few days ago, life has not been the same since. We "bundled" our telephone, internet and television. We could now download many movies, have faster internet, and when the phone rang, the call showed on the TV, How great is that? All sorts of shows to watch, and we saved money on the monthly bill. Well, many of the channels we had to pay for, and seems like they listed most of the shows twice.
I've been hitting 4, 6, and 10 since the mid 50's. For the last few years I have watched 46, the old movie channel and MeTV, I was really happy with those, and we were told we would get all of them, by the saleslady, of course, plus she told us she had talked with our landlord, and the installation was OK with them. I was happy, knew just what and when to watch, life was good, no ripples on my pond, so to speak.
A few days ago there was a problem of some kind, and a "technician" came out to fix it. He ran a wire from our telephone, loosely, around the baseboard, SCREWED IT to the OUTSIDE of our front door frame, so it showed nice and bright for all to see. I have never seen such a shoddy, unprofessional installation.
Marilyn, my wife, and I have been married for almost 50 years, we have argued more the last few days than in our entire married life.
None of the movies were available, our computer speed was cut almost in half, the shows were loaded with ads, many were not available, but, when we got an incoming call, it showed on the TV screen, as well as on the phone, like it had, and our answering machine announced the number, like it always had.
After a couple of days on the phone, shattered nerves, blood pressure way up, stomach acting up like a volcano, we terminated the service. They had the audacity to want us to spend $400 plus for the installation. They are going to send us a box to send something back, and, they want $17 for the label to send it back.
We will probably have to pay someone to plug up the three holes in the wall, fix the siding outside, drywall inside, and fix the door that he put the screws in.
Do we ever want a dish, NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been hitting 4, 6, and 10 since the mid 50's. For the last few years I have watched 46, the old movie channel and MeTV, I was really happy with those, and we were told we would get all of them, by the saleslady, of course, plus she told us she had talked with our landlord, and the installation was OK with them. I was happy, knew just what and when to watch, life was good, no ripples on my pond, so to speak.
A few days ago there was a problem of some kind, and a "technician" came out to fix it. He ran a wire from our telephone, loosely, around the baseboard, SCREWED IT to the OUTSIDE of our front door frame, so it showed nice and bright for all to see. I have never seen such a shoddy, unprofessional installation.
Marilyn, my wife, and I have been married for almost 50 years, we have argued more the last few days than in our entire married life.
None of the movies were available, our computer speed was cut almost in half, the shows were loaded with ads, many were not available, but, when we got an incoming call, it showed on the TV screen, as well as on the phone, like it had, and our answering machine announced the number, like it always had.
After a couple of days on the phone, shattered nerves, blood pressure way up, stomach acting up like a volcano, we terminated the service. They had the audacity to want us to spend $400 plus for the installation. They are going to send us a box to send something back, and, they want $17 for the label to send it back.
We will probably have to pay someone to plug up the three holes in the wall, fix the siding outside, drywall inside, and fix the door that he put the screws in.
Do we ever want a dish, NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go Queen .........................................................
The Duke of Cambridge also said he got got just half an hour's sleep before last year's wedding to Catherine Middleton, which was watched by billions around the world.
In extracts released Tuesday from a forthcoming ITV television documentary to mark the queen's jubilee, William said he went to his grandmother with his concerns about the guest list drawn up by royal officials.
"There was very much a subdued moment when I was handed a list with 777 names on -- not one person I knew or Catherine knew," he said.
"I went to her (the Queen) and said, 'Listen, I've got this list, not one person I know -- what do I do?' and she went, 'Get rid of it. Start from your friends and then we'll add those we need to in due course. It's your day'."
prince william,
queen elizabeth,
tear it up,
Minnesota pitcher sets record by striking out 5 … in one inning
By Cameron Smith
At first blush, what La Crescent (Minn.) High pitcher Eric Veglahn accomplished earlier this season seems impossible. Needing just three more outs to finish off a complete game, seven-inning shutout of Hayfield (Minn.) High, Veglahn earned a spot in baseball lore by striking out five consecutive batters … in one half of an inning.
As reported by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Veglahn's achievement set a state record for strikeouts in a single inning, topping four strikeouts, which had been accomplished 11 times in past Minnesota seasons. In fact, according to Deadspin, the feat of five strikeouts in a half inning appears to have been achieved just three times in the minor leagues, and once in the majors … in spring training.
Of course, the only way that Veglahn -- who sports an 8-1 record and 1.47 ERA in 2012 -- could have achieved the feat is with the unintentional aid of back-to-back errors by his catcher, as the Star Tribune pointed out in a batter-by-batter breakdown of the senior ace's five-K seventh.
The third batter went down swinging, but the catcher couldn't field the breaking pitch, allowing the runner to reach first. "That should have been the third out," La Crescent coach Rick Boyer said. "Then the next one got away and I thought, 'Oh my goodness.' "
Veglahn struck out the fourth batter, but another passed ball allowed him to reach base. With runners at first and second, the tying run came to the plate. Veglahn struck him out, too.
Fittingly, Veglahn's coach was singing his pitcher's praises after watching him close out a win with a record inning. "I have never seen five strikeouts in an inning at any level, anywhere," Boyer told the Star Tribune.
Of course, Boyer isn't alone. Very few people have ever seen five strikeouts in an inning, and it's likely a first for all those in attendance at Veglahn's shutout of Hayfield.
I hope she got something for Mother's Day
joe dooley,
mothers day,
Monday, May 21, 2012
Four tons of marijuana found floating off Southern California coast
Four tons of marijuana in large bales were found bobbing off the Southern California coast, and authorities are still trying to determine where it came from.
Harbor patrol agents began receiving tips about "suspicious bales" 13 miles offshore near Dana Point, in Orange County around noon on May 20, according to a report from CBS Los Angeles.
The Coast Guard, Orange County Sheriff's Department and U.S. Border Patrol hauled in some 160 bales or 7,623 pounds of marijuana. Border Patrol agents said the bales had a street value of $3.6 million.
So far, there have been no arrests, and there were no suspect vessels sighted near the area where the dumping occurred.
Border Patrol spokesman Michael Jimenez called the incident unusual in the Orange County Register. Typically, bales are found in the water because suspects and boats fleeing from authorities are in a hurry to get rid of them.
california coast,
four tons,
harbor patrol,
Sunday, May 20, 2012
HOW NEAT IS THIS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This little box over here, in the right column ..... TRANSLATES to almost ANY language ..............

I have readers from all over the world, now they can read it in any language.
Extraordinary, to say the least .... now I can read it in Spanish ....
OH, that's right, I don't speak Spanish, but, I'm going to learn, by
reading this blog ....
Awesome .............
I have readers from all over the world, now they can read it in any language.
Extraordinary, to say the least .... now I can read it in Spanish ....
OH, that's right, I don't speak Spanish, but, I'm going to learn, by
reading this blog ....
Awesome .............
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
Arizona Secretary of State Threatens to Remove Obama from Ballot
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett is threatening to keep President Obama’s name off the state’s ballot in November unless he receives confirmation from Hawaii that it has a valid birth certificate on file for him.
Bennett, who spoke to Arizona radio host Mike Broomhead Thursday, said he requested the confirmation eight weeks ago and has not gotten it. Hawaii, he said, does not have to supply a certified copy of the birth certificate, merely send him an email confirming that it has one.
Asked by Broomhead if he would remove Obama’s name from the ballot if Hawaii fails to comply, Bennett said: “That’s possible. Or the other option would be that I would ask all the candidates, including the president, to submit a certified copy of their birth certificate.”
Despite overwhelming evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii, the issue of his birth continues to dog him. Thursday, Breitbart Big Government reported on a promotional booklet by Obama’s own literary agency listing him as having been born in Kenya.
birth certificate,
dooley oserved,
election nba,
joe dooley,
ken bennett,
He never came to me when I would call
Unless I had a tennis ball,
Or he felt like it,
But mostly he didn't come at all.
When he was young
He never learned to heel
Or sit or stay,
He did things his way.
Discipline was not his bag
But when you were with him things sure didn't drag.
He'd dig up a rosebush just to spite me,
And when I'd grab him, he'd turn and bite me.
He bit lots of folks from day to day,
The delivery boy was his favorite prey.
The gas man wouldn't read our meter,
He said we owned a real man-eater.
He set the house on fire
But the story's long to tell.
Suffice it to say that he survived
And the house survived as well.
On the evening walks, and Gloria took him,
He was always first out the door.
The Old One and I brought up the rear
Because our bones were sore.
He would charge up the street with Mom hanging on,
What a beautiful pair they were!
And if it was still light and the tourists were out,
They created a bit of a stir.
But every once in a while, he would stop in his tracks
And with a frown on his face look around.
It was just to make sure that the Old One was there
And would follow him where he was bound.
We are early-to-bedders at our house--
I guess I'm the first to retire.
And as I'd leave the room he'd look at me
And get up from his place by the fire.
He knew where the tennis balls were upstairs,
And I'd give him one for a while.
He would push it under the bed with his nose
And I'd fish it out with a smile.
And before very long
He'd tire of the ball
And be asleep in his corner
In no time at all.
And there were nights when I'd feel him
Climb upon our bed
And lie between us, And I'd pat his head.
And there were nights when I'd feel this stare
And I'd wake up and he'd be sitting there
And I reach out my hand and stroke his hair.
And sometimes I'd feel him sigh
and I think I know the reason why.
He would wake up at night
And he would have this fear
Of the dark, of life, of lots of things,
And he'd be glad to have me near.
And now he's dead.
And there are nights when I think I feel him
Climb upon our bed and lie between us,
And I pat his head.
And there are nights when I think
I feel that stare
And I reach out my hand to stroke his hair,
But he's not there.
Oh, how I wish that wasn't so,
I'll always love a dog named Beau.
Jimmy Stewart
a dog named beau,
dooley observed,
jimmy stewart,
the dish,
Brad Dooley has a Birthday - 21 May 2012
Who, you ask, is Brad Dooley?
Well, he is my Son, actually, Joseph Bradford Dooley, II. At times, I wish I had done more for him, but when I look at him today, and primarily what he has done and become, I could not be prouder. I remember taking him fishing, playing for the old Holton Trotters, a Little League Baseball Team, he saw KISS, went to Michigan, probably more times than he wanted, went to Cheyenne during Rodeo Days, whatever we did, must have been right.
He was the cause of one of the most memorable days in my life, the day that Navy recruiter drove up to our house on Montgomery Road, early one morning, and in a split second, took him away. I remember my wife and I just looked at each other, our son was suddenly gone. I will never forget the emotions of that morning.
Perhaps the "highest" of the "highs," was his wedding, a few years ago, at The Would, in Highland, New York. One of the owners there is his sister, Debra, and it was a "highlight reel" wedding, met our whole new wonderful family. We are very proud of our son, and his brothers and sisters, Debra, Dean, Melissa and of course, the birthday boy, Brad.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ..... Joseph Bradford Dooley II, Brad.
100th birthday,
brad dooley,
google keywords,
google yahoo,
new york,
the bronx,
whole foods
Jimmy Stewart, Nice Guy
James Maitland "Jimmy" Stewart (May 20, 1908 – July 2, 1997
"If Bess and I had a son we'd want him to be just like Jimmy Stewart." –Harry Truman
By all accounts, Jimmy Stewart was as nice in real life as so many of the characters he played in the movies were. He was, in contrast to so many other celebrities, a refreshingly regular guy in his daily life. Stewart would have turned 104 today, and we're marking the date by retelling a few of our favorite anecdotes from his personal life… plus, of course, watching a few of our favorite films.
James Maitland Stewart grew up in small-town Pennsylvania, the son of a hardware store owner. Throughout his career, his father often urged him to leave Hollywood and come back to Pennsylvania to settle down and lead a quiet, respectable life. When Stewart won his only Oscar – in 1941, for The Philadelphia Story – he sent it home to his dad. To his credit, Stewart's father displayed the Oscar prominently at his store.
Stewart was good friends with Henry Fonda, despite their very different politics (Stewart was a staunch Republican, Fonda a devoted Democrat). For a time, they shared an apartment. In later years, their children remembered that one of their favorite pastimes was to build and paint model airplanes together.
Stewart and his wife Gloria owned a dog, Beau, whom the family loved very much. When Stewart was on location in Arizona, Beau became very ill, and the vet called to say he needed to be put to sleep. Stewart replied, "Keep him alive and I'll be there." He took an immediate leave of absence from the film, rushed home, and got to spend a few days with Beau before he said goodbye. Later, remembering petting his beloved dog's head at night, Stewart wrote a poem about Beau – one of many poems he wrote in his life. When he read "Beau" on The Tonight Show, both Stewart and Johnny Carson were moved to tears.
I remember that show well, I was in tears also ........... jbd
"If Bess and I had a son we'd want him to be just like Jimmy Stewart." –Harry Truman
By all accounts, Jimmy Stewart was as nice in real life as so many of the characters he played in the movies were. He was, in contrast to so many other celebrities, a refreshingly regular guy in his daily life. Stewart would have turned 104 today, and we're marking the date by retelling a few of our favorite anecdotes from his personal life… plus, of course, watching a few of our favorite films.
James Maitland Stewart grew up in small-town Pennsylvania, the son of a hardware store owner. Throughout his career, his father often urged him to leave Hollywood and come back to Pennsylvania to settle down and lead a quiet, respectable life. When Stewart won his only Oscar – in 1941, for The Philadelphia Story – he sent it home to his dad. To his credit, Stewart's father displayed the Oscar prominently at his store.
Stewart was good friends with Henry Fonda, despite their very different politics (Stewart was a staunch Republican, Fonda a devoted Democrat). For a time, they shared an apartment. In later years, their children remembered that one of their favorite pastimes was to build and paint model airplanes together.
Stewart and his wife Gloria owned a dog, Beau, whom the family loved very much. When Stewart was on location in Arizona, Beau became very ill, and the vet called to say he needed to be put to sleep. Stewart replied, "Keep him alive and I'll be there." He took an immediate leave of absence from the film, rushed home, and got to spend a few days with Beau before he said goodbye. Later, remembering petting his beloved dog's head at night, Stewart wrote a poem about Beau – one of many poems he wrote in his life. When he read "Beau" on The Tonight Show, both Stewart and Johnny Carson were moved to tears.
I remember that show well, I was in tears also ........... jbd
dooley observed,
harry truman,
henry fonda,
jimmy stewart,
joe dooley,
johhnny carson,
shamrock newark,
Saturday, May 19, 2012
An apology to all the young ladies ......
I thoroughly enjoy watching Women's College Softball, one of the few "pure" sports left. When they lose they are sad and when they win they are happy, and they all seem to be thoroughly enjoying what they are doing, and having a great time doing it, and, they don't seem to be controlled by TV.
But I owe them all an apology, especially the Michigan Softball Team, the team I followed the most.
We had a "dish" installed last week, not sure if I like it or not. My wife did it, not me. Way to complicated for me to figure out. For 70 years, I could hit the 4, 6, or 10 button and watch TV. Recently, those three, plus 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 955 and 939, and one soothing music channel, and that was all I needed,
I have watched most all of the games in our back room, on the TV I have there. I could not help but notice that they were recruiting what I called "fire plugs." On the short side, heavy thighs and legs, and they all seemed to be playing gals with like builds.
Today I watched a game on the TV in the living room, watched two teams who all seemed to have average to tall players, on the slim side.
Then I went back to the back room, and I put the picture on NORMAL. They all got taller, thinner, more attractive and much more athletic looking.
So, my apologies for thinking you were all short and stubby. Wonder what the basketball players will look like?
But I owe them all an apology, especially the Michigan Softball Team, the team I followed the most.
We had a "dish" installed last week, not sure if I like it or not. My wife did it, not me. Way to complicated for me to figure out. For 70 years, I could hit the 4, 6, or 10 button and watch TV. Recently, those three, plus 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 955 and 939, and one soothing music channel, and that was all I needed,
I have watched most all of the games in our back room, on the TV I have there. I could not help but notice that they were recruiting what I called "fire plugs." On the short side, heavy thighs and legs, and they all seemed to be playing gals with like builds.
Today I watched a game on the TV in the living room, watched two teams who all seemed to have average to tall players, on the slim side.
Then I went back to the back room, and I put the picture on NORMAL. They all got taller, thinner, more attractive and much more athletic looking.
So, my apologies for thinking you were all short and stubby. Wonder what the basketball players will look like?
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