Leslie Nielsen, Hollywood legend and comedic actor, has died at the age of 84. Nielsen died of complications from pneumonia in a hospital near his home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on Nov. 28. He was surrounded by his wife and family.
Leslie Nielsen was raised in Tulita (formerly Fort Norman), Northwest Territories. His father was a mountie and a strict disciplinarian. His mother was Welsh. Leslie studied at the Academy of Radio Arts in Toronto before moving on to New York's Neighborhood Playhouse. His acting career started at a much earlier age when he was forced to lie to his father in order to avoid severe punishment. Leslie has starred in over fifty movies and many more TV films. One of his two brothers became the deputy prime minister of Canada.
Nielsen played several serious roles early in his career but is perhaps best known for his comedy starring in such films as "Airplane!" and "Naked Gun." His film career spanned more than 50 years when he starred in 1956's "Forbidden Planet."
Nielsen played in many films during Hollywood's Golden Age that would be considered some of the best films during the time. "The Plainsman" was a western filmed in 1966 in which Nielsen played George Armstrong Custer as a colonel and before his famous "Last Stand." Nielsen also played in "Beau Geste" with Telly Savalas.
Nielsen is most often associated with the original "Airplane!" movie in which he plays a dimwitted doctor on a doomed commercial airline flight. The sequel did not have Nielsen in it but launched him to stardom when he starred in the campy television show "Police Squad" and its subsequent movies.
"Forbidden Planet" became a cult classic with sci-fi fans as Nielsen played Commander Adams as the leader of a crew of astronauts landing on a seemingly lifeless planet. When an alien stalks his crew, Nielsen must fight to save his crew.
Nielsen also gained fame for playing the captain of the ill-fated cruise ship in 1972's "The Poseidon Adventure." Later in his career, Nielsen played in many comedic spoof movies.
Nielsen was married four times and has two children. Nielsen authored an autobiography "Leslie Nielsen: The Naked Truth" in 1993. The book chronicles the actor's life in a hilarious take of his 40 years in show business at the time the book was printed.
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson
"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd
"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....
When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
When you lose your airplane ...........
Since Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker of the House, she must give up her private jet. She'll be flying Southwest from now on because "Bags fly free"!
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
nancy loses airplane,
The Age of Accountability is often used in regards to the Bible. It refers to the time when a child is "held accountable." There is one passage that hints at an age of accountability and that's at Isaiah 7:15-16,
"He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows {enough} to refuse evil and choose good.
I think it also applies to those "newbies" that were elected, and soon will be in their new offices in Washington.. It is also a word that we should all be using in regards to those that we just put in office.They weren't placed in office because of their record of accomplishments, they were placed there as an alternative, as a message to those still in office.
They should all know that voters are looking for a new direction for our country. We are living in a time that's the equivalent of being on the Titanic and everywhere around us we see people dancing like nothings happening, and they are looking the other way.
It is time for a reality check, the ship is slowly sinking.
"He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows {enough} to refuse evil and choose good.
"Refuse "evil" and choose good." I hope the "newbies" can resist the temptations that are going to be dangled in front of them. Estate planning and retirement concerns me. I am of the opinion that too many enter into politics with this running through their minds.
Let's see if THEY can choose GOOD.
"He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows {enough} to refuse evil and choose good.
I think it also applies to those "newbies" that were elected, and soon will be in their new offices in Washington.. It is also a word that we should all be using in regards to those that we just put in office.They weren't placed in office because of their record of accomplishments, they were placed there as an alternative, as a message to those still in office.
They should all know that voters are looking for a new direction for our country. We are living in a time that's the equivalent of being on the Titanic and everywhere around us we see people dancing like nothings happening, and they are looking the other way.
It is time for a reality check, the ship is slowly sinking.
"He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows {enough} to refuse evil and choose good.
"Refuse "evil" and choose good." I hope the "newbies" can resist the temptations that are going to be dangled in front of them. Estate planning and retirement concerns me. I am of the opinion that too many enter into politics with this running through their minds.
Let's see if THEY can choose GOOD.
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
Who needs a Mayor when you have Obama making the rules with grants?
This was a Facebook entry I found. It is something that has been obvious to anyone following city government.
I recently visited The City Of Newark, Ohio Ohio website and noticed more bragging about the dependency on government grants. I see it in every edition of the newspaper and just about every mention of the city of Newark. The politicians and city employees constantly brag up their ability to bring Newark’s situation to a point that is so bad that they require government assistance to operate.
I’m starting to wonder why we pay anyone in Newark’s management. Every decision, present and future, is bound to the requirements of a grant. If the rules of the grants are the governing factor in most decisions, what is the point in paying personnel to make decisions? They are simply interpreting the rules of the grants. They make sure that their favored vendors are informed well in advance so that they qualify, make sure that the employee diversity is in line with the requirements, and ensure that the general situation in the city is poor enough to qualify for the next grant.
The needs of the citizens are ignored, at least if they don’t fit into the requirements of a federal grant. The recent construction is a prime example. Every major road in the city is shut down at the same time because the stimulus money was available for all of the projects at the same time. No thoughts were given about how to keep from shutting down every major intersection, the city was focused on the money grab. If you have a problem with it, you just don’t appreciate what they are doing for you and your business right?
President Obama has admitted that he lacks the understanding of his term, “shovel ready“. Newark’s apparent plan to give up and accept grants as their only means to operate is “shovel ready”, and we know what they’re shoveling as the shake their responsibilities and turn over our city’s management over to the terms and conditions of Washington’s wishes.
I recently visited The City Of Newark, Ohio Ohio website and noticed more bragging about the dependency on government grants. I see it in every edition of the newspaper and just about every mention of the city of Newark. The politicians and city employees constantly brag up their ability to bring Newark’s situation to a point that is so bad that they require government assistance to operate.
I’m starting to wonder why we pay anyone in Newark’s management. Every decision, present and future, is bound to the requirements of a grant. If the rules of the grants are the governing factor in most decisions, what is the point in paying personnel to make decisions? They are simply interpreting the rules of the grants. They make sure that their favored vendors are informed well in advance so that they qualify, make sure that the employee diversity is in line with the requirements, and ensure that the general situation in the city is poor enough to qualify for the next grant.
The needs of the citizens are ignored, at least if they don’t fit into the requirements of a federal grant. The recent construction is a prime example. Every major road in the city is shut down at the same time because the stimulus money was available for all of the projects at the same time. No thoughts were given about how to keep from shutting down every major intersection, the city was focused on the money grab. If you have a problem with it, you just don’t appreciate what they are doing for you and your business right?
President Obama has admitted that he lacks the understanding of his term, “shovel ready“. Newark’s apparent plan to give up and accept grants as their only means to operate is “shovel ready”, and we know what they’re shoveling as the shake their responsibilities and turn over our city’s management over to the terms and conditions of Washington’s wishes.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag ..........

Isn't life strange?
I never met one Veteran who enlisted to fight for Socialism
If Muslims can pray on Madison Avenue, why are Christians banned from praying in public and erecting religious displays on their holy days?
What happened to our National Day of Prayer? Obama says we can't have that, yet Muslims are allowed to block off Madison Ave. in N. Y. and pray in the middle of the street! And, it's a monthly ritual!
Tell me again, whose country is this? Ours or the Muslims?
Therefore I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in having 'In God! We Trust' on our money and having 'God' in the Pledge of Allegiance.
I believe it's time we stand up for what we believe!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I now know
Saturday, November 27, 2010, and I have finally figured out why it gets cold in Ohio.
Went to Walmart today, and outside the front door, there they were, The Salvation Army Kettles, that is why it gets cold, because of those bell ringers, standing out in the cold, ringing their little bells, collecting money for the Salvation Army.
I have never seen a bell ringer in warm weather, I don't even know what they look like, their faces are always covered up, collars up and a scarf around the face, because, it is COLD.
If it wasn't for the Salvation Army we would be living in a warm climate in Ohio.
And after Christmas, it has been cold for so long, it takes a few months to reverse the procedure, and get warm again.
You can thank the Salvation Army for the cold weather.
Went to Walmart today, and outside the front door, there they were, The Salvation Army Kettles, that is why it gets cold, because of those bell ringers, standing out in the cold, ringing their little bells, collecting money for the Salvation Army.
I have never seen a bell ringer in warm weather, I don't even know what they look like, their faces are always covered up, collars up and a scarf around the face, because, it is COLD.
If it wasn't for the Salvation Army we would be living in a warm climate in Ohio.
And after Christmas, it has been cold for so long, it takes a few months to reverse the procedure, and get warm again.
You can thank the Salvation Army for the cold weather.
Another milestone reached
My wife, Marilyn, and I have reached another milestone in our married life.
In the last three days, which include fixing Thanksgiving dinner for our group, Black Friday, and Small Business Saturday, we have had to use the "channel locks" five times to get the caps off of an assortment of containers. The latest, a one gallon milk carton.
She tried out in the kitchen, she needed the milk for her coffee, she even tried that little "green" square thing that is smooth on one side and rough on the other, I think a Savings Bank was handing them out at some function, many years ago. It has come in handy over the years, but it didn't work on the milk carton.
I had to pull out the "heavy" equipment, the old blue handled channel locks. You have to be careful with the milk carton though, can't squeeze too hard.
Today, before football, going to finish cleaning up from Thanksgiving.
How about that game last night. I watched Oregon, they are impressive and exciting to watch, just not a lot of time between plays to go anywhere. Saw the start of the Nevada game. Being in Reno, even if on TV, brought back many memories. I lived right across the street from the campus many years ago, it was a small school then. I felt they were going to win from the start. National TV, opponent top rated, everything was ripe for an upset, so I turned the TV off and went to sleep. Missed most of the game, but I knew the outcome anyway. Made Dr. Gee look good.
Another milestone reached, but, I did tie my shoelaces today with a minimum of stomach discomfort, I may be losing some weight.
In the last three days, which include fixing Thanksgiving dinner for our group, Black Friday, and Small Business Saturday, we have had to use the "channel locks" five times to get the caps off of an assortment of containers. The latest, a one gallon milk carton.
She tried out in the kitchen, she needed the milk for her coffee, she even tried that little "green" square thing that is smooth on one side and rough on the other, I think a Savings Bank was handing them out at some function, many years ago. It has come in handy over the years, but it didn't work on the milk carton.
I had to pull out the "heavy" equipment, the old blue handled channel locks. You have to be careful with the milk carton though, can't squeeze too hard.
Today, before football, going to finish cleaning up from Thanksgiving.
How about that game last night. I watched Oregon, they are impressive and exciting to watch, just not a lot of time between plays to go anywhere. Saw the start of the Nevada game. Being in Reno, even if on TV, brought back many memories. I lived right across the street from the campus many years ago, it was a small school then. I felt they were going to win from the start. National TV, opponent top rated, everything was ripe for an upset, so I turned the TV off and went to sleep. Missed most of the game, but I knew the outcome anyway. Made Dr. Gee look good.
Another milestone reached, but, I did tie my shoelaces today with a minimum of stomach discomfort, I may be losing some weight.
boise state,
dooley observed,
football dtv actor,
joe dooley,
marilyn dooley,
Friday, November 26, 2010
OBSCENE Politics in a small community
This angelic looking county commissioner, in my opinion, instead of being concerned about Licking County, spent his time contemplating Estate Planning and his retirement. He is fleecing and milking his friends, taxpayers and voters out of their hard earned dollars. And the old DOUBLE DIPPER is going to get away with it. I honestly don't think the voters would have re-elected him if they had known. HE IS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED HIM IN OFFICE. He has raised the bar on POLITICAL DISTRUST. The Republican party should be very proud of him. There should be an outcry by HIS co-workers, the voters and ALL taxpayers in Licking County. LEGAL and IMMORAL ... another example of WHY politicians cannot be trusted ..................
Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith set to serve, draw retirement
Nov 25, 2010
AMY HOLLON Advocate Reporter ...
NEWARK -- Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith will start receiving retirement benefits this year despite his recent re-election to office, a decision that has at least two of his fellow elected Republicans disgruntled.
Smith said he intends to serve the full four-year term as county commissioner.
However, for Ohio Public Employee Retirement System purposes, Smith will retire at the end of this year, just before his new term begins. The move allows him to continue to receive his paycheck as county commissioner and start receiving retirement benefits from PERS.
"I am not retiring from Licking County government but for a millisecond," he said. "I contacted PERS earlier in the year when I was debating whether or not to run ... I asked them if there was any advantage to continue to (wait) or should I just take the retirement. They said there wasn't an advantage."
Often referred to as "double-dipping," the choice to start receiving retirement benefits before actually retiring is not uncommon among government employees and is permitted through PERS rules with certain stipulations.
But Licking County Auditor Terry Evans and Treasurer Michael Smith said the decision is dishonest to voters who just reelected the commissioner.
"Personally, myself, if I had known this up front, I don't know if I would have supported him (in the election)," Evans said. "I had the opportunity to do this ... (and) I know there are some people that say it is allowable, but I couldn't do it."
The treasurer, who also is the auditor-elect, agreed.
"The economic situation, with unemployment where it is, and the economy where it is, it just doesn't bode well with our voters out there," Michael Smith said. "I think we are all held to a higher standard as elected officials and promise to do the right thing. This doesn't appear to have been the right thing to do."
Michael Smith said if the commissioner wanted to retire and knew it ahead of time, he should have notified the board of elections, which can be done in several ways.
One is to notify the board 90 days before the election, at which point it becomes public record. Another is to notify the appropriating authority. A third choice, Michael Smith said, is to retire 90 days before the general election.
It also is common to notify the political party, he said.
Michael Smith said because the commissioner did not follow any of those options, the retirement money he receives during his term will go into an annuity that he receive in a lump sum at the end of his term.
The auditor and treasurer have delivered a letter to Doug Smith asking him to either withdraw his retirement application or vacate his office.
But the commissioner said he made a personal financial decision. He has worked for local governments since the 1970s and has paid into the retirement system since that time. Counting his additional military time and time he has "purchased" through the years, Doug Smith has maxed out the benefits he will receive.
"There is nothing illegal or unethical about it; it is just a personal decision I've made to start drawing my retirement," Doug Smith said.
Doug Smith said it also is an estate planning decision. If he were to die today, his heirs could recoup only the money he has paid into the system. After he retires, however, they also can recoup the money received during the retirement period.
"By delaying it, it would not have been any benefit to me," Doug Smith said. "I make no apologies for paying into this and accumulating 45 years of service."
Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith set to serve, draw retirement
Nov 25, 2010
AMY HOLLON Advocate Reporter ...
NEWARK -- Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith will start receiving retirement benefits this year despite his recent re-election to office, a decision that has at least two of his fellow elected Republicans disgruntled.
Smith said he intends to serve the full four-year term as county commissioner.
However, for Ohio Public Employee Retirement System purposes, Smith will retire at the end of this year, just before his new term begins. The move allows him to continue to receive his paycheck as county commissioner and start receiving retirement benefits from PERS.
"I am not retiring from Licking County government but for a millisecond," he said. "I contacted PERS earlier in the year when I was debating whether or not to run ... I asked them if there was any advantage to continue to (wait) or should I just take the retirement. They said there wasn't an advantage."
Often referred to as "double-dipping," the choice to start receiving retirement benefits before actually retiring is not uncommon among government employees and is permitted through PERS rules with certain stipulations.
But Licking County Auditor Terry Evans and Treasurer Michael Smith said the decision is dishonest to voters who just reelected the commissioner.
"Personally, myself, if I had known this up front, I don't know if I would have supported him (in the election)," Evans said. "I had the opportunity to do this ... (and) I know there are some people that say it is allowable, but I couldn't do it."
The treasurer, who also is the auditor-elect, agreed.
"The economic situation, with unemployment where it is, and the economy where it is, it just doesn't bode well with our voters out there," Michael Smith said. "I think we are all held to a higher standard as elected officials and promise to do the right thing. This doesn't appear to have been the right thing to do."
Michael Smith said if the commissioner wanted to retire and knew it ahead of time, he should have notified the board of elections, which can be done in several ways.
One is to notify the board 90 days before the election, at which point it becomes public record. Another is to notify the appropriating authority. A third choice, Michael Smith said, is to retire 90 days before the general election.
It also is common to notify the political party, he said.
Michael Smith said because the commissioner did not follow any of those options, the retirement money he receives during his term will go into an annuity that he receive in a lump sum at the end of his term.
The auditor and treasurer have delivered a letter to Doug Smith asking him to either withdraw his retirement application or vacate his office.
But the commissioner said he made a personal financial decision. He has worked for local governments since the 1970s and has paid into the retirement system since that time. Counting his additional military time and time he has "purchased" through the years, Doug Smith has maxed out the benefits he will receive.
"There is nothing illegal or unethical about it; it is just a personal decision I've made to start drawing my retirement," Doug Smith said.
Doug Smith said it also is an estate planning decision. If he were to die today, his heirs could recoup only the money he has paid into the system. After he retires, however, they also can recoup the money received during the retirement period.
"By delaying it, it would not have been any benefit to me," Doug Smith said. "I make no apologies for paying into this and accumulating 45 years of service."
Thanksgiving Sarcasm
Day after Thanksgiving and sitting here remembering the "good old days." The days when we had a telephone that had a circular dial on it, and it was attached to a little box on the baseboard and the bottom of the wall. The cord was hooked directly to the phone, and unless you had a very long cord, you were limited to how far away you could walk. And, we had just the one phone. Sometimes we had a second jack hooked up in another room, and two people could talk on the phone, at one time.
I remember, in those days, on Thanksgiving, after our children had grown, and were away from home, my wife or I would say, "Wonder what time the kids are going to call?" And, they always did.
Maybe because it was such a "big thing" they always remembered, or maybe they are just a lot busier than they used to be. One son has a new wife and family, so I understand that, and another son, well he had a whole house full of people over for dinner, so I understand that. One daughter, she has a restaurant, so she served turkey all day, and afterwards, they have all their people in for "their" dinner, so I know they were all exhausted after all of that.
Now, they all have phones in their pockets and they are all busy answering them, with all of their friends calling them to wish them a happy Thanksgiving, so it's easy to understand how it could "slip their mind" about calling Dad on Thanksgiving.
I'm sure I forgot to call my Mom and Dad, on many occasions, when I should have, so as I have often heard them say, "What goes around, comes around."
And it does ...............
I remember, in those days, on Thanksgiving, after our children had grown, and were away from home, my wife or I would say, "Wonder what time the kids are going to call?" And, they always did.
Maybe because it was such a "big thing" they always remembered, or maybe they are just a lot busier than they used to be. One son has a new wife and family, so I understand that, and another son, well he had a whole house full of people over for dinner, so I understand that. One daughter, she has a restaurant, so she served turkey all day, and afterwards, they have all their people in for "their" dinner, so I know they were all exhausted after all of that.
Now, they all have phones in their pockets and they are all busy answering them, with all of their friends calling them to wish them a happy Thanksgiving, so it's easy to understand how it could "slip their mind" about calling Dad on Thanksgiving.
I'm sure I forgot to call my Mom and Dad, on many occasions, when I should have, so as I have often heard them say, "What goes around, comes around."
And it does ...............
Kinda Cute
Two old guys, one 80 and one 87, were sitting on their usual park bench one morning.
The 87-year-old had just finished his morning jog and wasn't even short of breath.
The 80-year-old was amazed at his friend's stamina and asked him what he did to have so much energy.
The 87-year-old said, "Well, I eat rye bread every day. It keeps your energy level high and you'll also have great stamina with the ladies."
So, on the way home, 80-year-old stops at the bakery. As he was looking around, the lady behind the counter asked if he needed any help.
He said "Do you have any Rye bread?"
She said, "Yes, there's a whole shelf of it. Would you like some?"
He said, "I want 5 loaves."
She said, "My goodness, 5 loaves .. By the time you get to the 3rd loaf, it'll be hard"
He replied, "I can't believe it, everybody knows about this but me."
The 87-year-old had just finished his morning jog and wasn't even short of breath.
The 80-year-old was amazed at his friend's stamina and asked him what he did to have so much energy.
The 87-year-old said, "Well, I eat rye bread every day. It keeps your energy level high and you'll also have great stamina with the ladies."
So, on the way home, 80-year-old stops at the bakery. As he was looking around, the lady behind the counter asked if he needed any help.
He said "Do you have any Rye bread?"
She said, "Yes, there's a whole shelf of it. Would you like some?"
He said, "I want 5 loaves."
She said, "My goodness, 5 loaves .. By the time you get to the 3rd loaf, it'll be hard"
He replied, "I can't believe it, everybody knows about this but me."
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Prayer for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Prayer
Thank you, Lord for the many blessings that have come to my life.
Things I can look to with pride of accomplishment,
Things I have earned through the sweat and muscle of my being.
Thank you for the victories and the setbacks that have molded my life
And for the precious moments each brought.
Thank you for another year with the millions of opportunities to be a small part of someone's life.
Thank you Lord for the people with whom I share these feelings and please give each the peace and the happiness that they have given me.
Thanksgiving 2010
Thank you, Lord for the many blessings that have come to my life.
Things I can look to with pride of accomplishment,
Things I have earned through the sweat and muscle of my being.
Thank you for the victories and the setbacks that have molded my life
And for the precious moments each brought.
Thank you for another year with the millions of opportunities to be a small part of someone's life.
Thank you Lord for the people with whom I share these feelings and please give each the peace and the happiness that they have given me.
Thanksgiving 2010
Thanksgiving Day Parade
I liked it better when they televised a parade, rather than staging a show where a parade marches through.
I am too old, the only one I have recognized in the whole parade was Santa Claus. Why don't any of those kids sings some holiday songs. It's almost like a music awards show, even have a red carpet.
I hope they play football the old way ..........
Gladys Knight does not have one white hair in her head ........ amazing.
I am too old, the only one I have recognized in the whole parade was Santa Claus. Why don't any of those kids sings some holiday songs. It's almost like a music awards show, even have a red carpet.
I hope they play football the old way ..........
Gladys Knight does not have one white hair in her head ........ amazing.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Obama on Cattle Guards

A few months ago, President Obama received a report that there were over 100,000 cattle guards in Colorado . Because Colorado ranchers had protested his proposed changes in grazing policies, he ordered the Secretary of the Interior to fire half of the cattle guards immediately.
Before the Interior Secretary could respond and presumably straighten him out, Vice-President Joe Biden intervened with a request that before any guards were fired, they be given six months of retraining.
Gee, my foots in my mouth .........
Any question as to why I am no long a fan of the ohio state unversity. I used to be, then, something happened, they got arrogant, conceited and over bearing. Now, I know for sure, why?
"I do know, having been both a Southeastern Conference president (at Vanderbilt) and a Big Ten president, that it's like murderer's row every week for these schools," said Gee (president of OSU) in the AP interview. "We do not play the Little Sisters of the Poor. We play very fine schools on any given day. So I think until a university runs through that gantlet that there's some reason to believe that they not be the best teams to (be) in the big ballgame."
I remember, BEFORE THE SEASON BEGAN, on Columbus, Ohio radio, ex-OSU coach Earle Bruce and some OSU alumni talking on the radio.......... "WHO do you think we will be playing for the National Championship this year?" THEY had NOT played a game.
And now, the bow tied, over paid president of the univerisity makes a statement like that. I have been watching a lot of sport shows today. HE is the laughing stock of the sports world. The only good part of the whole scenario .......... the football coach at ohio state makes MORE money than the president.
That sez something. Jim, what is your opinion.
"I do know, having been both a Southeastern Conference president (at Vanderbilt) and a Big Ten president, that it's like murderer's row every week for these schools," said Gee (president of OSU) in the AP interview. "We do not play the Little Sisters of the Poor. We play very fine schools on any given day. So I think until a university runs through that gantlet that there's some reason to believe that they not be the best teams to (be) in the big ballgame."
I remember, BEFORE THE SEASON BEGAN, on Columbus, Ohio radio, ex-OSU coach Earle Bruce and some OSU alumni talking on the radio.......... "WHO do you think we will be playing for the National Championship this year?" THEY had NOT played a game.
And now, the bow tied, over paid president of the univerisity makes a statement like that. I have been watching a lot of sport shows today. HE is the laughing stock of the sports world. The only good part of the whole scenario .......... the football coach at ohio state makes MORE money than the president.
That sez something. Jim, what is your opinion.
foot in mouth,
football dtv actor,
ohio state football
I have to be honest ..................
I've been thinking about it, and well, I have decided, just don't wish me a Happy Thanksgiving .... I appreciate the good wishes and the sentiments and all, but I have to be honest, I really haven't had a really happy Thanksgiving since the kids left home.
Ok, some in Reno were great.
Ok, one, spent at the Would with Debra and all, Brad was there, and we all got together for that. That was great, even though they made me work as a hat check girl and I wasn't allowed to take tips, but it was a great day.
Ok, and the one spent at the Coaster, that was great with Dean and his family.
But to be honest, I miss waking up Melissa and Brad, making them sit and watch the Macy's Parade, and making them enjoy it. I miss putting the turkey on low the night before and waking up with the aroma of turkey in the air. I miss breaking up all that bread for the dressing. No, I guess I will be doing that tomorrow. No, I will cheat a little and buy the stuff already broken up and seasoned.
I miss making them watch the Lions football game, Brad finally got to liking it, Melissa never did. And, those leftovers, cold Turkey, my favorite. I cannot make dressing anymore the way it used to be.
Jim Madison loved my dressing. Onions, butter, celery and rich Turkey broth. I think it was that I made it in Mom's old roaster that made it good. Dean has that now, but I think he lost the lid. Many a turkey was cooked in that old blue roaster. It had a rounded bottom and a rounded lid. Have never seen one like it. I had straight sides, rounded bottom and lid. It was probably a hundred years old back then, had belonged to her Mom and maybe even a generation before that. I think that old blue roaster was the secret to the whole meal.
Ok, this year we will have Brooklyn Jean Dilts with us, our Great Granddaughter, her first Thanksgiving, so that will make this one special.
So, I guess there have been some special ones since then.
I was just thinking back to where all I have spent the day.
Dayton, Ohio, San Diego, California, Seattle, Washington, one at sea on the old Mitchell TAP114, San Bruno, California, Reno, Nevada, Klamath Falls, Oregon, Newark, Ohio, East Hanover, New Jersey, Highland, New York and Newark, Ohio. I think that's all.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving to ALL ...................
Ok, some in Reno were great.
Ok, one, spent at the Would with Debra and all, Brad was there, and we all got together for that. That was great, even though they made me work as a hat check girl and I wasn't allowed to take tips, but it was a great day.
Ok, and the one spent at the Coaster, that was great with Dean and his family.
But to be honest, I miss waking up Melissa and Brad, making them sit and watch the Macy's Parade, and making them enjoy it. I miss putting the turkey on low the night before and waking up with the aroma of turkey in the air. I miss breaking up all that bread for the dressing. No, I guess I will be doing that tomorrow. No, I will cheat a little and buy the stuff already broken up and seasoned.
I miss making them watch the Lions football game, Brad finally got to liking it, Melissa never did. And, those leftovers, cold Turkey, my favorite. I cannot make dressing anymore the way it used to be.
Jim Madison loved my dressing. Onions, butter, celery and rich Turkey broth. I think it was that I made it in Mom's old roaster that made it good. Dean has that now, but I think he lost the lid. Many a turkey was cooked in that old blue roaster. It had a rounded bottom and a rounded lid. Have never seen one like it. I had straight sides, rounded bottom and lid. It was probably a hundred years old back then, had belonged to her Mom and maybe even a generation before that. I think that old blue roaster was the secret to the whole meal.
Ok, this year we will have Brooklyn Jean Dilts with us, our Great Granddaughter, her first Thanksgiving, so that will make this one special.
So, I guess there have been some special ones since then.
I was just thinking back to where all I have spent the day.
Dayton, Ohio, San Diego, California, Seattle, Washington, one at sea on the old Mitchell TAP114, San Bruno, California, Reno, Nevada, Klamath Falls, Oregon, Newark, Ohio, East Hanover, New Jersey, Highland, New York and Newark, Ohio. I think that's all.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving to ALL ...................
The Bridge Builder
I have printed this before, it always comes to mind around the holiday season. The first time I heard it was 1943, my Brother was in the Navy at Great Lakes in Chicago. We drove up from Ohio to see him. We went to a Sunday Morning church service while there. I remember Eddy Peabody, the Banjo King, was there, and played some hymns on his banjo. The Chaplain used this poem in his sermon. I was only 11, and was awed by the whole visit. Probably the only sermon I actually remember.
The Bridge Builder
An old man, going a lone highway,
Came at the evening, cold and gray,
To chasm, vast and deep and wide,
Through which was flowing a sullen tide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim;
The sullen stream had no fears for him;
But he turned when safe on the other side
And built a bridge to span the tide.
"Old man," said a fellow pilgrim near,
"You are wasting strength with building here;
Your journey will end with the ending day;
You never again must pass this way;
You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide --
Why build you the bridge at the eventide?"
The builder lifted his old gray head:
"Good friend, in the path I have come," he said,
"There followeth after me today
A youth whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm that has been naught to me
To that fair-haired youth may a pit-fall be,
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building the bridge for him."
Will Allen Dromgoole
The Bridge Builder
An old man, going a lone highway,
Came at the evening, cold and gray,
To chasm, vast and deep and wide,
Through which was flowing a sullen tide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim;
The sullen stream had no fears for him;
But he turned when safe on the other side
And built a bridge to span the tide.
"Old man," said a fellow pilgrim near,
"You are wasting strength with building here;
Your journey will end with the ending day;
You never again must pass this way;
You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide --
Why build you the bridge at the eventide?"
The builder lifted his old gray head:
"Good friend, in the path I have come," he said,
"There followeth after me today
A youth whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm that has been naught to me
To that fair-haired youth may a pit-fall be,
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building the bridge for him."
Will Allen Dromgoole
dooley observed,
great lakes,
joe dooley,
the bridge builder
Far Reaching Audience
There is a new STAT feature on this BLOG that lets me know how many hits I get. and the country WHERE they come from. I am amazed.
United States, South Korea, Luxembourg, Canada, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Netherlands, China and the United Kingdom, to name the most recent.
I want to thank all those who have visited this site, say hello, and hope you are all in good health.
If you have time, I would love to hear from you. A HELLO in the COMMENT section would be nice. I was going to put my EMail address, but was warned against that, so I will take their advice.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate the event, hello and best wishes to those who do not. I hope that everyone has something to be "thankful" about. Whether you celebrate the day or not, tomorrow, sometime, prior to eating, lets ALL bow our heads, give thanks for what we have, and pray, in your own way, that present wars soon end, and that NO new wars start. We have all had enough war, it is time to live in peace. I have lived through WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and all of our present "conflicts."
I am 78, born in 1932. A war started officially in 1941, and we have had very little "peace" since then. Out of my 78 years, most years there has been a war of a conflict of some kind. Am I the only one who wants to live in a world where peace reigns?
My regards to all ..........................
United States, South Korea, Luxembourg, Canada, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Netherlands, China and the United Kingdom, to name the most recent.
I want to thank all those who have visited this site, say hello, and hope you are all in good health.
If you have time, I would love to hear from you. A HELLO in the COMMENT section would be nice. I was going to put my EMail address, but was warned against that, so I will take their advice.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate the event, hello and best wishes to those who do not. I hope that everyone has something to be "thankful" about. Whether you celebrate the day or not, tomorrow, sometime, prior to eating, lets ALL bow our heads, give thanks for what we have, and pray, in your own way, that present wars soon end, and that NO new wars start. We have all had enough war, it is time to live in peace. I have lived through WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and all of our present "conflicts."
I am 78, born in 1932. A war started officially in 1941, and we have had very little "peace" since then. Out of my 78 years, most years there has been a war of a conflict of some kind. Am I the only one who wants to live in a world where peace reigns?
My regards to all ..........................
Thanksgiving 2010
Another one has rolled around. I am at the age where, when a holiday rolls around, I always have to wonder if I will be around for the next one. I don't make a big deal out of it, I just have to wonder if this is my last one. But then, now another one is here.
It was always a big day in the Dooley household, but generally just our family, Mom, Dad, my brother and myself. Always a big turkey and all that goes with the meal, but not a lot of family. So, a lot of good memories, but nothing stands out from my "home" years, other than Mom's cooking and all her "seasonal" decorations. She loved nothing more than "family."
I don't think we had a "Black Friday" then, I think it was just the Friday after Thanksgiving, and I don't recall if it was a shopping day or not.
One that I really remember was in the late fifties, not sure which year.
He stopped by our table, said good morning, and asked how we had done. I told him we had a good night and he signaled to Dave, the bartender, to set us up after the shift. So, that's how I ended up at the bar after work. Old friend, Jimmy Jones was at the bar and we started talking, and some other "dealers" and others soon joined in on our conversation.
Before the day was over we had a crowd of people stop by, some for dinner, some for leftovers, and a few just to have a place to go. I think our first "seating" was about twelve, all away from home, all casino workers which get a little hardened. I will never forget, we all sat down, a table full of food, (we had three turkeys, two were purchased from restaurants and brought) everyone brought something, Before we started eating, something was brought up about "Grace" and Jimmy Jones volunteered. I did not know it then, but he had started out as a Methodist minister, never knew the story, but, now a crap dealer in Reno.
It was always a big day in the Dooley household, but generally just our family, Mom, Dad, my brother and myself. Always a big turkey and all that goes with the meal, but not a lot of family. So, a lot of good memories, but nothing stands out from my "home" years, other than Mom's cooking and all her "seasonal" decorations. She loved nothing more than "family."
I don't think we had a "Black Friday" then, I think it was just the Friday after Thanksgiving, and I don't recall if it was a shopping day or not.
One that I really remember was in the late fifties, not sure which year.
I was working at the Primm in Reno, graveyard shift, 3AM till 11AM. There was a good crowd in town and we had a good night on the crap table. I remember Ernie Primm coming in, pulled up in front with his driver in his nice green Caddy, came in the club and had his morning drink, a Manhattan, which Dave always had waiting for him on the end of the bar.
He stopped by our table, said good morning, and asked how we had done. I told him we had a good night and he signaled to Dave, the bartender, to set us up after the shift. So, that's how I ended up at the bar after work. Old friend, Jimmy Jones was at the bar and we started talking, and some other "dealers" and others soon joined in on our conversation.
As I was leaving, I wished all a Happy Thanksgiving, inquired where they were having their "dinner." Well, a lot of them were single and living in rooming houses or apartments, so they were eating in a restaurant somewhere. All dealers, all alone on Thanksgiving, all eating their traditional dinner in some casino dining room or at a counter. I had a few drinks by this time, well, a few more for dinner won't hurt. I invited them all, and their friends, apparently, to come to our place for dinner. At least I had the presence of mind to tell all to bring something, Dinner at 3, gave them the address, and left.
Before the day was over we had a crowd of people stop by, some for dinner, some for leftovers, and a few just to have a place to go. I think our first "seating" was about twelve, all away from home, all casino workers which get a little hardened. I will never forget, we all sat down, a table full of food, (we had three turkeys, two were purchased from restaurants and brought) everyone brought something, Before we started eating, something was brought up about "Grace" and Jimmy Jones volunteered. I did not know it then, but he had started out as a Methodist minister, never knew the story, but, now a crap dealer in Reno.
Here sat a group of dealers. cocktail waitresses, 21 Dealers, a Wheel Dealer, one Floor Boss and one Boxman, one Crossroader, all people basically alone, sitting down to dinner, as a family, and Jimmy saying grace. It was a great moment for me.
I imagine that tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, that a few people will remember that day and think about it. I know I will.
Happy Thanksgiving to Jimmy, Donna, Thelma, Bettye, Danny, Doc, Buster, Wesley, Hoot, Joe, Jack, Mark, Fitz, Meta, Ernie and Don and all the others, mostly all gone now ........ hopefully they are all together, again ...............
nevada club,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Einstein said it best .............. Insanity
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Think about that statement by Albert Einstein
Is it not insane to keep sending POLITICIANS back to Washington, regardless of their affiliations. We sent Republicans then sent Democrats, then Republicans and then Democrats, and look where we are.
Is that not insanity?
AND, we keep expecting different results, and they never happen.
INSANITY: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Think about that .................
Think about that statement by Albert Einstein
Is it not insane to keep sending POLITICIANS back to Washington, regardless of their affiliations. We sent Republicans then sent Democrats, then Republicans and then Democrats, and look where we are.
Is that not insanity?
AND, we keep expecting different results, and they never happen.
INSANITY: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Think about that .................
Turkey Biscuit Pot Pie
2 1/2 cups baby-cut carrots (12 oz)
2 cups cut-up fresh broccoli
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
1/2 cup chopped onion (1 medium) 3 tablespoons Gold Medal® all-purpose flour
2 cups Progresso® chicken broth (from 32-oz carton)
1 tablespoon chopped fresh or 1 teaspoon dried sage leaves
2 cups cubed cooked turkey
4 slices bacon
1 cup Original Bisquick® mix
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese (2 oz)
1.Heat oven to 400°F. In 2-quart saucepan, heat 1 cup water to boiling. Add carrots and broccoli; cook about 4 minutes or until carrots and broccoli are crisp-tender. Drain.
2.Meanwhile, in 3-quart saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add onion; cook about 2 minutes, stirring occasionally, until tender. Beat in flour with wire whisk. Gradually beat in broth and sage. Reduce heat to medium-low; cook about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until sauce thickens. Stir carrots, broccoli and turkey into sauce. Spoon turkey mixture into ungreased 2-quart casserole.
3.Place bacon on microwavable plate; cover with microwavable paper towel. Microwave on High 4 to 6 minutes or until crisp. Crumble bacon; place in medium bowl. Add remaining biscuit ingredients; stir just until blended. Spoon biscuit batter around edge of turkey mixture.
4.Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until biscuit crust is golden brown.
I am not sure who wrote this article, most of which I agree with. I knew a number of "crossroaders," travelled with a few of them to learn how to protect a game, they were a breed all to themselves. Names like Blondy Johnson, Buster Smoot, the Preacher, the Cowboy, and my favorite, Wesley J. West. There were two brothers who lived in San Jose, California. Had their own airplane. They would get something lined up in Vegas, fly in, do their "thing" and fly back home, Blondy was my first. He slide an 11 on me early one morning when I was training at the Nevada Club. He was wearing bib overalls and looked like a farmer.
He rented the NICE house he lived in, leased his car, owned nothing. Was an excellent golfer and pool player, when he wanted to, hustled and made BIG money at both, as well as poker.
The origin of the term crossroader was this. They would hit a casino, do their thing, whatever it was, and then meet out of town afterwards, "at the crossroads." They were a rare breed.
I was driving with Wesley and a few of them one time, from Elko to Reno. Stopped in Battle Mountain to get something to eat. Wesley noted a new dealer on a table, could not resist. We ended up leaving there with the aid of tear gas pens, which Wesley happened to have a few of. Never did eat. I forget the next town, but went into a carry out type grocery store. They stole lunch meat, bread, cheese, chips, pop, etc. They were probably carrying about ten thousand or more between them, but they would rather steal it than buy it, they just kept in practice.
Crossroaders were some of the most intelligent people I have ever met, and a unique breed. One, I heard, ended up getting shot, in Vegas.
A "crossroader" is a highly skilled professional gambling cheat that uses one or more techniques to gain an unfair advantage (or flat-out steal) in a game of chance. The term probably originated in the Old West and was used to describe a cheater that frequented saloons that were usually located at the crossroads of small towns. A crossroader would spend many hours learning a specific skill, such as card manipulation or dice switching, so he could fleece suckers in the many private games that flourished in the latter third of the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth.
The skills a crossroader needed were passed along from cheater to would be cheater and techniques were refined over the years. With the involvement of America in WWII, many crossroaders enlisted, so they could have the opportunity to fleece the thousands of GI’s that wanted a momentary diversion from the monotony and the horrors of war. The number of gambling supply factories that specialized in the manufacturing of marked card and loaded dice increased dramatically in the war years and all of them did a booming business. Famed magician and gambling expert John Scarne recognized this and gave demonstrations to members of our armed forces, in an effort to educate our GI’s in the methods of cheaters.
Since the end of the war coincided with growth of legalized gambling in Nevada, it was only natural that some crossroaders decided to call Reno or Las Vegas their new home. Other crossroaders wore out their welcome in illegal gambling Mecca’s such as Steubenville Ohio, Hot Springs Arkansas and Galveston Texas. Some of them became "bustout dealers" that were hired by the casinos to "enhance" the house percentage. Others worked in gangs that took full advantage of the fact that there was no "eye in the sky." Understand that even catwalks weren’t invented for many years, so if someone made a move when the bosses were looking the other way, who was going to see it? Some were dealers that either worked with an "agent" (partner in crime) and did things like deal seconds or overpay bets to them or they wore "subs" (a hidden pocket in the pants or apron) and stole as many silver dollars and five-dollar checks they thought they could get away with. Sometimes they would pass off their subs to their agent by meeting them in the restroom and passing it under the stalls.
Eventually the "wild west" settled down a bit, due primarily to the advent of surveillance. Another factor is that the federal government eventually cracked down on the companies that manufactured crooked dice and cards, forcing the few remaining manufacturers underground. It has been said that the era of the crossroader has, in all but a few cases, has come to an end. Perhaps, but I had a known dice slider get a shot on a game that I was sitting box on because surveillance contended the die tumbled, when I knew it actually slid. A friend of mine caught two BJ players mucking cards in on a game. I caught some flea doing the $27 for $3 switch on my game and we later found out that he had used that move for many years without being caught. I was working on a crew where one of the dealers was caught handing off a stack of green to his agent. I was working in a joint that caught a dealer changing into a disguise in the parking lot. Apparently she had been stealing red and silver for months from her BJ game and then changing into a disguise, so she could become her alter ego and cash out on her breaks. I have worked in at least three casinos that fired a BJ dealer for tipping their hole card to a George.
All of this makes me wonder how far removed the industry really is from the "wild west" days. If I have been exposed to this much in my career (and much more) can you imagine how much more was going on? It has been suggested and I tend to agree, the era of the highly skilled crossroader has all but disappeared but a few are probably still out there and there will always be a supply of people with larcenous intentions.
He rented the NICE house he lived in, leased his car, owned nothing. Was an excellent golfer and pool player, when he wanted to, hustled and made BIG money at both, as well as poker.
The origin of the term crossroader was this. They would hit a casino, do their thing, whatever it was, and then meet out of town afterwards, "at the crossroads." They were a rare breed.
I was driving with Wesley and a few of them one time, from Elko to Reno. Stopped in Battle Mountain to get something to eat. Wesley noted a new dealer on a table, could not resist. We ended up leaving there with the aid of tear gas pens, which Wesley happened to have a few of. Never did eat. I forget the next town, but went into a carry out type grocery store. They stole lunch meat, bread, cheese, chips, pop, etc. They were probably carrying about ten thousand or more between them, but they would rather steal it than buy it, they just kept in practice.
Crossroaders were some of the most intelligent people I have ever met, and a unique breed. One, I heard, ended up getting shot, in Vegas.
A "crossroader" is a highly skilled professional gambling cheat that uses one or more techniques to gain an unfair advantage (or flat-out steal) in a game of chance. The term probably originated in the Old West and was used to describe a cheater that frequented saloons that were usually located at the crossroads of small towns. A crossroader would spend many hours learning a specific skill, such as card manipulation or dice switching, so he could fleece suckers in the many private games that flourished in the latter third of the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth.
The skills a crossroader needed were passed along from cheater to would be cheater and techniques were refined over the years. With the involvement of America in WWII, many crossroaders enlisted, so they could have the opportunity to fleece the thousands of GI’s that wanted a momentary diversion from the monotony and the horrors of war. The number of gambling supply factories that specialized in the manufacturing of marked card and loaded dice increased dramatically in the war years and all of them did a booming business. Famed magician and gambling expert John Scarne recognized this and gave demonstrations to members of our armed forces, in an effort to educate our GI’s in the methods of cheaters.
Since the end of the war coincided with growth of legalized gambling in Nevada, it was only natural that some crossroaders decided to call Reno or Las Vegas their new home. Other crossroaders wore out their welcome in illegal gambling Mecca’s such as Steubenville Ohio, Hot Springs Arkansas and Galveston Texas. Some of them became "bustout dealers" that were hired by the casinos to "enhance" the house percentage. Others worked in gangs that took full advantage of the fact that there was no "eye in the sky." Understand that even catwalks weren’t invented for many years, so if someone made a move when the bosses were looking the other way, who was going to see it? Some were dealers that either worked with an "agent" (partner in crime) and did things like deal seconds or overpay bets to them or they wore "subs" (a hidden pocket in the pants or apron) and stole as many silver dollars and five-dollar checks they thought they could get away with. Sometimes they would pass off their subs to their agent by meeting them in the restroom and passing it under the stalls.
Eventually the "wild west" settled down a bit, due primarily to the advent of surveillance. Another factor is that the federal government eventually cracked down on the companies that manufactured crooked dice and cards, forcing the few remaining manufacturers underground. It has been said that the era of the crossroader has, in all but a few cases, has come to an end. Perhaps, but I had a known dice slider get a shot on a game that I was sitting box on because surveillance contended the die tumbled, when I knew it actually slid. A friend of mine caught two BJ players mucking cards in on a game. I caught some flea doing the $27 for $3 switch on my game and we later found out that he had used that move for many years without being caught. I was working on a crew where one of the dealers was caught handing off a stack of green to his agent. I was working in a joint that caught a dealer changing into a disguise in the parking lot. Apparently she had been stealing red and silver for months from her BJ game and then changing into a disguise, so she could become her alter ego and cash out on her breaks. I have worked in at least three casinos that fired a BJ dealer for tipping their hole card to a George.
All of this makes me wonder how far removed the industry really is from the "wild west" days. If I have been exposed to this much in my career (and much more) can you imagine how much more was going on? It has been suggested and I tend to agree, the era of the highly skilled crossroader has all but disappeared but a few are probably still out there and there will always be a supply of people with larcenous intentions.
las vegas,
Jennie Finch
Jennie Finch Softball Camps
December 11-12
Rochester, MN
February 12-13
Monroe, Michigan
Learn to practice like a champion, play like a champion and live like a champion!
Join Jennie Finch and her Olympic and Professional softball teammates for two full days of personal instruction covering all aspects of softball. Come and learn from the best softball players in the world. Discover what it takes to be a Champion on and off the field!
Jennie Finch Softball Camps offer instruction for all positions and aspects of the game. Usually held over a Saturday and Sunday, camps offer each camper the opportunity to interact with and learn from some of the best softball players in the World, including professional, Olympic, and collegiate athletes.
December 11-12
Rochester, MN
February 12-13
Monroe, Michigan
Learn to practice like a champion, play like a champion and live like a champion!
Join Jennie Finch and her Olympic and Professional softball teammates for two full days of personal instruction covering all aspects of softball. Come and learn from the best softball players in the world. Discover what it takes to be a Champion on and off the field!
Jennie Finch Softball Camps offer instruction for all positions and aspects of the game. Usually held over a Saturday and Sunday, camps offer each camper the opportunity to interact with and learn from some of the best softball players in the World, including professional, Olympic, and collegiate athletes.
Jennie Finch,
jennie finch softball camps,
Glenn Turner
Glenn W. Turner
We have been busy working on my new membership site as well as working on an end of the year seminar. For special pricing email us. How would you like to start the New Year right?? 4 days of Dare to Be Great!! How would you like to bring in the New Year with NancyAnn, Gabby & myself? If this sounds good to you please contact us.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Bristol's Bombshell TinC News
A "slip of the lip" at a recent after show party being held by Dancing with the Stars gave some insight to the future plans of Sarah Palin.
The party, which was held at Chuck E. Cheese's on Gunhill Road in the Bronx, has become a tradition since the show began. Staff, cast and guests are always invited to the events, and prizes are generally awarded at the end of the event to the person who wins the most coupons.
The most conversation revolved around Bristol Palin's improbable run to the finals. Rumors abound and there is an uproar that conspiracy theories are floating, and that she is still on the show because of the high ratings she produces.
One staff member was overheard saying, "She can't dance but she sure keeps our ratings up, she ain't no Ginger Rogers."
Bristol was overheard saying, "I don't care what they are saying, when Mom takes over the Oprah show all of this will be forgotten. Heck, any jerk can be president, Mom wants more than that, she wants the power that Oprah has. Keep that under your hat, we don't want that to get out."
dooley observed,
oprah winfrey,
sarah palon
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I cannot believe the amount of product our local Walmart goes through.
Setting up my wife for her demos, I have a VENDOR badge that gets me into the back room to get her cart. The skids and skids and skids that go through there is unbelievable. Truckload after truckload and it all moves through their system amazingly fast and efficient.
Regardless of your opinion of Walmart, they have some employees that are extraordinary. They work from the time they arrive till they leave, and constantly. I'm not saying all of them, but those I see are really hard working and keep a steady pace getting the product in, and then out on the floor ASAP.
And then they have a night shift that comes in and works equally as hard, if not more so. We have done some late demos and I have seen them work.
If their personnel were not fast and efficient, they could not do the volume they do. Reportedly, they are considered a "Million Dollar Store." Wow, that much a year, no, that much a week, on an average.
Walmart has the second largest computer operation, second only to the Pentagon. If you buy a pack of gum at Walmart, it shows on your register, and also in their headquarters, and that data goes into their inventory program. I can't imagine how many people it takes just to run their computer department, or the size of the installation.
You might not like all of their products, you may have something negative to say about the store, you may have a story to tell about an employee, it might be too big for you, maybe you can't find anything or one of many reasons, but if you are not shopping at Walmart, you are losing money. I firmly believe that.
We occasionally go to Meijers or Krogers, when it is added up, we feel we spent about 1/3 too much.
Setting up my wife for her demos, I have a VENDOR badge that gets me into the back room to get her cart. The skids and skids and skids that go through there is unbelievable. Truckload after truckload and it all moves through their system amazingly fast and efficient.
Regardless of your opinion of Walmart, they have some employees that are extraordinary. They work from the time they arrive till they leave, and constantly. I'm not saying all of them, but those I see are really hard working and keep a steady pace getting the product in, and then out on the floor ASAP.
And then they have a night shift that comes in and works equally as hard, if not more so. We have done some late demos and I have seen them work.
If their personnel were not fast and efficient, they could not do the volume they do. Reportedly, they are considered a "Million Dollar Store." Wow, that much a year, no, that much a week, on an average.
Walmart has the second largest computer operation, second only to the Pentagon. If you buy a pack of gum at Walmart, it shows on your register, and also in their headquarters, and that data goes into their inventory program. I can't imagine how many people it takes just to run their computer department, or the size of the installation.
You might not like all of their products, you may have something negative to say about the store, you may have a story to tell about an employee, it might be too big for you, maybe you can't find anything or one of many reasons, but if you are not shopping at Walmart, you are losing money. I firmly believe that.
We occasionally go to Meijers or Krogers, when it is added up, we feel we spent about 1/3 too much.
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
Who's Left?
Who do women talk to when they get home from Walmart? Or, even talk to on the way driving home.
They are talking on their cell phone to someone as they drive up. They keep talking as they go in. They have the phone to their ear most of the time they are in there. They are talking to someone as they leave. Who is left?
One young lady was coming out of the side door tonight as I was walking in. I was too far away to open the door for her, or I would have. She was loaded down, the cart was full to overflowing, the underneath had beer, pop and water, the water was falling off, some items were falling out of the cart, and she was able to keep the stuff in, pick up the water and put it back, still pushing the cart, and never missing a word on her cell phone. Now, that is multi-tasking.
They are talking on their cell phone to someone as they drive up. They keep talking as they go in. They have the phone to their ear most of the time they are in there. They are talking to someone as they leave. Who is left?
One young lady was coming out of the side door tonight as I was walking in. I was too far away to open the door for her, or I would have. She was loaded down, the cart was full to overflowing, the underneath had beer, pop and water, the water was falling off, some items were falling out of the cart, and she was able to keep the stuff in, pick up the water and put it back, still pushing the cart, and never missing a word on her cell phone. Now, that is multi-tasking.
cell phone,
dooley observed,
multi tasking,
Friday, November 19, 2010
Airport Security Device - TinC News Release
United Security Systems in Fallon, Nevada, announced today that they are developing a new security system for airports that will make all present systems obsolete.
Harry R. Kelton, Director of Development at the Fallon R&D Section stated that present systems are receiving a great deal of negative feedback and criticism, and the invasion of privacy complaints are becoming quite a problem.
"We have attempted to take all of the situations that can be encountered in detecting explosives at all locations, and airports seem to be the most critical. It is a situation where a small amount of explosives when set off can do the most damage," Kelton explained.
The USS solution is one that will eliminate any personal body searching or contact or x-ray of any kind.
They have designed, and have a prototype ready, a phone booth sized unit, that is completely explosion proof. It is lined with 8 inches of Teflar, 3 inches of Fiberglas and 2 inches of stainless steel, and layers of a classified material that was procured from NASA.
Radiotronics, of San Diego has supplied the electronics that are encased in the unit.
The passenger, or searchee, enters the booth, closes the door and it is automatically sealed shut, if no explosives are detected, the door automatically opens and the searchee is free to leave.
If any explosives are found on the person of the searchee, the explosives will automatically be detonated within the confines of the unit. It is soundproof and will create little disturbance or attention.
An automatic cleaning unit is being developed by the Henderson Car Wash Company and will be available soon.
This unit also relieves the necessity for an interrogation, imprisonment, court trial, legal fees, burial, and is basically maintenance free.
Harry R. Kelton, Director of Development at the Fallon R&D Section stated that present systems are receiving a great deal of negative feedback and criticism, and the invasion of privacy complaints are becoming quite a problem.
"We have attempted to take all of the situations that can be encountered in detecting explosives at all locations, and airports seem to be the most critical. It is a situation where a small amount of explosives when set off can do the most damage," Kelton explained.
The USS solution is one that will eliminate any personal body searching or contact or x-ray of any kind.
They have designed, and have a prototype ready, a phone booth sized unit, that is completely explosion proof. It is lined with 8 inches of Teflar, 3 inches of Fiberglas and 2 inches of stainless steel, and layers of a classified material that was procured from NASA.
Radiotronics, of San Diego has supplied the electronics that are encased in the unit.
The passenger, or searchee, enters the booth, closes the door and it is automatically sealed shut, if no explosives are detected, the door automatically opens and the searchee is free to leave.
If any explosives are found on the person of the searchee, the explosives will automatically be detonated within the confines of the unit. It is soundproof and will create little disturbance or attention.
An automatic cleaning unit is being developed by the Henderson Car Wash Company and will be available soon.
This unit also relieves the necessity for an interrogation, imprisonment, court trial, legal fees, burial, and is basically maintenance free.
airport security,
dooley observed,
security system
Another morning phone call .... ala Bob Newhart
Hi, is Miss Baez there.
No, ah, I am Harry Goskowicz, and I am an independent news correspondent and I wanted to, you know, just get a statement from Miss Baez about her recent accident. Is she well enough to come to the phone, it will only take a moment, Thanks.
Oh, hi Miss Baez, Harry Goskowicz here, just wanted to get some comments about your recent accident. I was certainly sorry to hear about it.
About the fall, were you climbing up the tree or coming down?
Oh, and on a rope ladder, I bet that is tough.
Have you been sleeping up in your tree house with the birds very long? That's quite a while.
And, you say you didn't want any walls put up when you had it built because the birds might not visit you, oh, sure, I can understand that, oh, and no roof either.
What was your first thought when you hit the ground. Oh yea, I understand that, any publicity is good for your career. How long have you been singing, Miss Baez, ................... that long. Did you ever think that maybe at that age it might be better to not sleep in a tree house.
Sure, I understand, I think we all feel younger than we really are.
What, yea, that's interesting, right on the medical report, Fall from a tree house, you're right, you can work that right into your act, it will be good for a laugh.
No, ah, I am Harry Goskowicz, and I am an independent news correspondent and I wanted to, you know, just get a statement from Miss Baez about her recent accident. Is she well enough to come to the phone, it will only take a moment, Thanks.
Oh, hi Miss Baez, Harry Goskowicz here, just wanted to get some comments about your recent accident. I was certainly sorry to hear about it.
About the fall, were you climbing up the tree or coming down?
Oh, and on a rope ladder, I bet that is tough.
Have you been sleeping up in your tree house with the birds very long? That's quite a while.
And, you say you didn't want any walls put up when you had it built because the birds might not visit you, oh, sure, I can understand that, oh, and no roof either.
What was your first thought when you hit the ground. Oh yea, I understand that, any publicity is good for your career. How long have you been singing, Miss Baez, ................... that long. Did you ever think that maybe at that age it might be better to not sleep in a tree house.
Sure, I understand, I think we all feel younger than we really are.
What, yea, that's interesting, right on the medical report, Fall from a tree house, you're right, you can work that right into your act, it will be good for a laugh.
Not for me to know
Why would anyone want to be a Grief Counselor?
"And what do you want to be when you grow up, little girl?"
"I want to be a Grief Counselor when I grow up."
Never happened.
I did some searching.
The American Academy of Grief Counseling offers four online CEU courses for those who have met the criteria of an earned degree, and would like to complete the requirement for 100 additional hours of continuing education in grief counseling.
Urologists, proctologists and grief counseling, I just don't understand it.
"And what do you want to be when you grow up, little girl?"
"I want to be a Grief Counselor when I grow up."
Never happened.
I did some searching.
The American Academy of Grief Counseling offers four online CEU courses for those who have met the criteria of an earned degree, and would like to complete the requirement for 100 additional hours of continuing education in grief counseling.
Urologists, proctologists and grief counseling, I just don't understand it.
Many lessons to be learned .........
1960s songbird Joan Baez had a tree house built -- without walls -- 20 feet high in an oak tree behind her Woodside home because she wanted to sleep with birds. The folksinging legend, who once performed the civil rights anthem "We Shall Overcome" before a half-million people at Woodstock, fell from that tree house Wednesday as she climbed down from the platform. Paramedics drove the singer to Stanford Hospital, where she was treated and released after it was determined she had suffered only minor injuries. Baez, 69, was "resting comfortably" Thursday, according to Nancy Lutzow, who runs Baez's Menlo Park production company."I sleep in a tree all summer long," Baez told an English blogger in 2008. "I climb up on a ladder, with ropes and things. The birds are right there in the morning. Sometimes they're flying so close to my head I can feel the wind.
A few good lessons to be learned here.
One big lesson, don't sleep in wall-less tree houses when you are 69, maybe after 65.
Sleeping in tree houses is "for the birds."
I remember many years ago, we built a tree house for my daughter and my son. We got it all done, packed in some food, had sleeping bags up there, everything they needed. I said, "Brad do you want to spend the night and sleep up there?"
"Are you nuts?" came the reply, and he was only nine at the time.
A few good lessons to be learned here.
One big lesson, don't sleep in wall-less tree houses when you are 69, maybe after 65.
Sleeping in tree houses is "for the birds."
I remember many years ago, we built a tree house for my daughter and my son. We got it all done, packed in some food, had sleeping bags up there, everything they needed. I said, "Brad do you want to spend the night and sleep up there?"
"Are you nuts?" came the reply, and he was only nine at the time.
dooley observed,
joan baez,
joe dooley,
tree house
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Phone Call
Recent telephone call ............. could be from a recent winner in a gubernatorial election in the Midwest. I actually got an Email from the governor elect who wanted my ideas and suggestions to get the state back on its feet. I sent him an Email,, "You said you had solutions, that's why I voted for you.' He also wanted a resume, for some reason, and, I think he would accept donations ........ I could picture him making the call below ..
Oh, hi, this is your new governor, or the governor elect, is your mommy home?
Ok, could I talk with her?
Hi, I'm the newly elected Governor of this state, and ah, well, I made a lot of promises and told everyone that I had solutions to our problems ... and ... ah ..... well, I got elected and I was wondering if you had any good ideas that I might use.
Ah, no, I am serious, I'm going down my list of contributors and your name was on the list. Oh, and ah thanks for that nice donation, it helped me get elected.
Have you lived in the state long?
Oh, great, then you must have some ideas.
Well, I know what I said, but, well, to be honest, I made a lot of statements and promises that were, well, said to get me elected, to be honest about it.
Frankly, I never thought I would win, but I did, and now I have to do something, and to be honest with you, I'm at a loss.
You, ah, really don't have any ideas or suggestions. Well, no, we can't send your money back.
Lady, I just thought you might have some good ideas that I could use.
Hey that's not nice.
Oh, hi, this is your new governor, or the governor elect, is your mommy home?
Ok, could I talk with her?
Hi, I'm the newly elected Governor of this state, and ah, well, I made a lot of promises and told everyone that I had solutions to our problems ... and ... ah ..... well, I got elected and I was wondering if you had any good ideas that I might use.
Ah, no, I am serious, I'm going down my list of contributors and your name was on the list. Oh, and ah thanks for that nice donation, it helped me get elected.
Have you lived in the state long?
Oh, great, then you must have some ideas.
Well, I know what I said, but, well, to be honest, I made a lot of statements and promises that were, well, said to get me elected, to be honest about it.
Frankly, I never thought I would win, but I did, and now I have to do something, and to be honest with you, I'm at a loss.
You, ah, really don't have any ideas or suggestions. Well, no, we can't send your money back.
Lady, I just thought you might have some good ideas that I could use.
Hey that's not nice.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Community on the Move - Some made up, some true
A picturesque little city of around 50,00, that is nestled in the lush rolling green hills of Central Ohio, recently, after much deliberation, passed legislation that would ban Tattoo Parlors, Pawn Shops, and Heavy Truck and Auto Repair Shops from locating in the partially abandoned Downtown Area.
It is rumored that they are also working on legislation that would put a "dress code" into effect that would require suits, ties and dresses in the downtown area, and No Smoking within a two mile area.
A banker, representing a large local bank and a real estate developer who is investing heavily on a resurgence in the area were quite vocal expressing their views at the meeting. They apparently want to attract "their" types of business to the area.
There is not a great deal of foot traffic in the area now, not many retail shops or any "anchor" stores, all of which moved out of the downtown area many years ago. The anchor stores now are a Wendy's and a McDonald's. The area has recently been a good "proving grounds" for entrepreneurs who wanted to start businesses, with the thought of closing them in a short time, and then moving them on to an area with more traffic.
There was some concern that they were in some way insulting the many thousands or local citizens who have recently gotten tattoos, who will now have to drive to areas away from the downtown.
One irate businessman, who's dream was to have a Heavy Truck Repair Company located on the South side of the sparsely travelled square commented, "That shoots my dream, I guess I will have to go out on the inter-sate where all the traffic is, I was hoping that being downtown I would be slow and not have to hire anyone and have a payroll and all the headaches that go with a thriving business. I just wanted to be in business, not be busy."
Many in the crowd bemoaned the fact that they would now have to look for locations in high traffic areas where the rents were high.
There was some concern also that a new drug store is going to be located on West Main Street, just a half block away from City Hall. The concern there was that there are many senior citizens living in the area, and that they would become a traffic problem going to and from the drug store. One person chinned in, "We don't want all those walkers and canes holding up traffic. We want to be known as a young and vibrant community, who wants growth the way a couple of local citizens want it. Any business is welcome, just ask us first, for permission, you know, there are just some businesses and some people we don't want here."
There are no clothing stores in the area that met the criteria to establish a dress code, so Council has appropriated 50 Thousand Dollars to study the dress code problem.
One Councilman chimned in, "My daughter, my wife, my mom and my Grandma are all going to get tats, I wouldn't want them to get them here in the downtown where no one would see them, I want them to be able to get out of the Downtown, and go to a high traffic area where people will see them."
There is some concern also that due to their proximity to a river, that, even though it is a little river with no trafffic, that some thought should be given to banning ship building and no offshore oil drilling. "Look at what happened to New Orleans," one councilman commented."
"We want growth, but our kind of growth," one spectator shouted out.
It is rumored that they are also working on legislation that would put a "dress code" into effect that would require suits, ties and dresses in the downtown area, and No Smoking within a two mile area.
A banker, representing a large local bank and a real estate developer who is investing heavily on a resurgence in the area were quite vocal expressing their views at the meeting. They apparently want to attract "their" types of business to the area.
There is not a great deal of foot traffic in the area now, not many retail shops or any "anchor" stores, all of which moved out of the downtown area many years ago. The anchor stores now are a Wendy's and a McDonald's. The area has recently been a good "proving grounds" for entrepreneurs who wanted to start businesses, with the thought of closing them in a short time, and then moving them on to an area with more traffic.
There was some concern that they were in some way insulting the many thousands or local citizens who have recently gotten tattoos, who will now have to drive to areas away from the downtown.
One irate businessman, who's dream was to have a Heavy Truck Repair Company located on the South side of the sparsely travelled square commented, "That shoots my dream, I guess I will have to go out on the inter-sate where all the traffic is, I was hoping that being downtown I would be slow and not have to hire anyone and have a payroll and all the headaches that go with a thriving business. I just wanted to be in business, not be busy."
Many in the crowd bemoaned the fact that they would now have to look for locations in high traffic areas where the rents were high.
There was some concern also that a new drug store is going to be located on West Main Street, just a half block away from City Hall. The concern there was that there are many senior citizens living in the area, and that they would become a traffic problem going to and from the drug store. One person chinned in, "We don't want all those walkers and canes holding up traffic. We want to be known as a young and vibrant community, who wants growth the way a couple of local citizens want it. Any business is welcome, just ask us first, for permission, you know, there are just some businesses and some people we don't want here."
There are no clothing stores in the area that met the criteria to establish a dress code, so Council has appropriated 50 Thousand Dollars to study the dress code problem.
One Councilman chimned in, "My daughter, my wife, my mom and my Grandma are all going to get tats, I wouldn't want them to get them here in the downtown where no one would see them, I want them to be able to get out of the Downtown, and go to a high traffic area where people will see them."
There is some concern also that due to their proximity to a river, that, even though it is a little river with no trafffic, that some thought should be given to banning ship building and no offshore oil drilling. "Look at what happened to New Orleans," one councilman commented."
"We want growth, but our kind of growth," one spectator shouted out.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Shower Cleaner Suspected

"It was just a little cleaning unit hanging there that we bought at Walmart. I saw them doing a demonstration a few weeks ago and it seemed to work alright there, but today, I hung it up in the shower, got undressed and got in the tub, and all of a sudden it went berserk. Water and soap were gushing out of the unit, and instead of oscillating back and forth, it aimed all of that suds right at me. I was frightened beyond words. I would move to the left and it would follow my movements," Minverva stated, "It followed me everywhere."
She said it finally wore her down and the pressure from the little unite gradually caused her to slid down to the tub, and the constant stream of soap and water caused the tub fill up.
"It wouldn't stop, it was aiming right at my face with a stream that seemed as strong as from a fire hose. I could not believe how much liquid was coming out of that little unit," she commented.
The article stated that both the Police and the Fire Department were summoned, and it took four firemen to finally subdue the little shower cleaner.
"The little thing put up one heck of a fight," fireman Seth Portman stated, "I would hate to go through that again."
attack of the shower cleaner,
shower cleaner
Cattle Guards
For those of you who have never traveled to the West or Southwest, cattle guards are horizontal steel rails placed at fence openings, in dug-out places in the roads adjacent to highways (sometimes across highways), to prevent cattle from crossing over that area. For some reason the cattle will not step on the "guards," probably because they fear getting their feet caught between the rails.
A few months ago, President Obama received a report that there were over 100,000 cattle guards in Colorado . Because Colorado ranchers had protested his proposed changes in grazing policies, he ordered the Secretary of the Interior to fire half of the cattle guards immediately.
Before the Interior Secretary could respond and presumably straighten him out, Vice-President Joe Biden intervened with a request that before any guards were fired, they be given six months of retraining.
Passed on without further comment....
A few months ago, President Obama received a report that there were over 100,000 cattle guards in Colorado . Because Colorado ranchers had protested his proposed changes in grazing policies, he ordered the Secretary of the Interior to fire half of the cattle guards immediately.
Before the Interior Secretary could respond and presumably straighten him out, Vice-President Joe Biden intervened with a request that before any guards were fired, they be given six months of retraining.
Passed on without further comment....
2009 obama agenda survey,
cattle guards,
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
Pelosi not giving up
Nancy Pelosi announced recently that she is starting a musical group comprised of Congressmen, Representatives and other staff members who work in the House of Representatives.
The group is comprised of all whistlers, and she expects to have a membership comprised primarily of Democratic members of the house. It will be open to all members, but early expectations are that most, if not all, Republicans will decline her invitation.
The group will be called Pelosi's Puckerers, and she stated that she wants to be referred to as the "Speaker" of the group, rather than the Director.
She indicated that a schedule of appearances is being worked out, and they anticipate being quite busy during this up-coming holiday season. She said that a website would soon be available to follow their progress and their schedule.
Barack Obama is expected to appear with the group on several occasions as a guest soloist. Some Senators and other big names in Washington have declined invitations to appear with the group, for fear of being known as, or associated with the term, "whistle blower."
She was quoted as saying, "I will lead them, one way or another."
The group is comprised of all whistlers, and she expects to have a membership comprised primarily of Democratic members of the house. It will be open to all members, but early expectations are that most, if not all, Republicans will decline her invitation.
The group will be called Pelosi's Puckerers, and she stated that she wants to be referred to as the "Speaker" of the group, rather than the Director.
She indicated that a schedule of appearances is being worked out, and they anticipate being quite busy during this up-coming holiday season. She said that a website would soon be available to follow their progress and their schedule.
Barack Obama is expected to appear with the group on several occasions as a guest soloist. Some Senators and other big names in Washington have declined invitations to appear with the group, for fear of being known as, or associated with the term, "whistle blower."
She was quoted as saying, "I will lead them, one way or another."
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Gore Predicts Decrease in Wind
Commenting on a recently released report by his research company, ex-Vice President and authority on Global Warming, Al Gore announced at a press conference in Chicago, "This won't be the 'Windy City' very long. We are using wind at an alarming rate, and in the not to distant future this valuable resource is going to be depleted."
He was referring to the erection of the large "windmills" or wind power sources, all over the world. Gore stated," they are using the conversion of wind energy using wind turbines to make electricity, wind mills for mechanical power, wind pumps for pumping water or drainage, or sails to propel ships and the wind source is being depleted."
Wind has gotten scarce in Holland, so much so that there is actually a "black market" for wind which is needed to propel all the windmills located there. Dann Svenson of Abbekerk in the Muncipality of Noorder-Koggenland declared, "Ve uused to hab more vind dan ve new whut to do witth dem purty leetle mills run the whole day."
There was actually less wind than originally thought. Early estimates showed enough of this resource to last for well over 300 years, but as consumption has increased this estimate has decreased to perhaps under 100 years.
Gore and his engineers are working on large fans to propel the giant windmills. Their first design utilized wind power to propel the giant fans and this was eventually deemed impractical.
Their latest design requires an enormous amount of electricity to propel the fans, and at present with the wind from the electric fan propelling the windmills, it operates at a loss of $45,000.00 per hour.
New systems are under study.
He was referring to the erection of the large "windmills" or wind power sources, all over the world. Gore stated," they are using the conversion of wind energy using wind turbines to make electricity, wind mills for mechanical power, wind pumps for pumping water or drainage, or sails to propel ships and the wind source is being depleted."
Wind has gotten scarce in Holland, so much so that there is actually a "black market" for wind which is needed to propel all the windmills located there. Dann Svenson of Abbekerk in the Muncipality of Noorder-Koggenland declared, "Ve uused to hab more vind dan ve new whut to do witth dem purty leetle mills run the whole day."
There was actually less wind than originally thought. Early estimates showed enough of this resource to last for well over 300 years, but as consumption has increased this estimate has decreased to perhaps under 100 years.
Gore and his engineers are working on large fans to propel the giant windmills. Their first design utilized wind power to propel the giant fans and this was eventually deemed impractical.
Their latest design requires an enormous amount of electricity to propel the fans, and at present with the wind from the electric fan propelling the windmills, it operates at a loss of $45,000.00 per hour.
New systems are under study.
al gore,
dooley observed,
paper in rear window
Thursday, November 11, 2010
CALEB DOOLEY - My Grandfather
Caleb W. Dooley, my Grandfather, his headstone in Indiana.
Caleb served in the Civil War, I don't have much if his history recorded, but I do know he was mustered out in Texas.
Caleb served in the Civil War, I don't have much if his history recorded, but I do know he was mustered out in Texas.
He entered the army September 23, 1861, was a member of 34th Indiana Infantry and served four years and six months. He was fortunate to receive only one slight wound. His regiment fought the last battle of the Civil War.
I never knew my Grandfather, he passed away seven years before I was born.
He married Lucy Bradford, my Grandmother, and they had five children, one of which, Ralph Dean Dooley, was my Father, and served in the First World War.
Ralph Dean Dooley, my Father, enlisted April 12, 1917, in the 150th Field Artillery, Rainbow Division. He arrived in France November 1, 1917, and saw active service from February 11, 1918, until the end of the war. He took part in the battles of Champagne, Chateau-Thierry, Mt. Faucon, Arragon, and St. Mihil.
Ralph Dean Dooley, my Father, enlisted April 12, 1917, in the 150th Field Artillery, Rainbow Division. He arrived in France November 1, 1917, and saw active service from February 11, 1918, until the end of the war. He took part in the battles of Champagne, Chateau-Thierry, Mt. Faucon, Arragon, and St. Mihil.
caleb dooley,
dooley obseved,
joe dooley,
lucy bradford
Rocket Mystery Solved - YinC News Release

However, no one is claiming responsibility. The U.S. military seems baffled, U.S. airspace was not notified of any commercial satellite launches, no regional Air Force bases had any launches planned and all we're left with are scores of theories as to what it might be.
An undisclosed source hinted that a Polish terrorist group, Al WOJO, may be responsible for outfitting and stealing the early nuclear J-Class submarine that was in the mothball fleet near Long Beach.
An Eleventh Naval District source verified that a "submarine of some kind" may have broken loose from its moorings, and may have floated out to sea, or may have in fact, been stolen. "We have so many there it is difficult to keep track of all of them."
Andrzejek Wojoweiski, spokesman for Al WOJO, when contacted in Gdansk, stated, "It is possible that one of AL WOJO's Yellow Op groups borrowed a submarine from the United States Navy, and further possible that shortly after it got underway and submerged that when the temperature started dropping in the submarine that a considerate Yellow Op agent named Vladimir Wadsinzzki, when looking for a heating source, may have seen a big red button which had FIRE on the face of it, thought it meant heat and pushed the button."
The Coast Guard is escorting the submarine back to the mothball fleet in Long Beach.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Four Little Words

I have been on the Email list of Janet Paschal for many years. She is one of the leading and most popular gospel singers in the country today. She is a regular at the Gaither Gospel concerts.
She sends out periodic Emails. I have responded to a few of them, and in a case or two, she answered my Emails, which made me feel great, to think that someone so busy, would take the time to answer me.
She went through breast cancer, and she kept us all apprised of her progress. I related to that because my wife had gone through the same thing.
Today, she wrote a nice newsletter about an incident in her childhood. I replied to it:
Beautifully written, we shared childhoods for a moment, thanks for taking me back there with you .......... Joe Dooley
She replied:
My pleasure, sir.
I wanted to share this.
dooley observed,
four little words.,
janet paschal,
joe dooley
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Veteran's Day
Another year, not sure how many "service men" have lost their lives during that year, but I am sure it is too many. I guess that "terrorism" is the reason for the loss of life. Terrorism really isn't "war," terrorism makes me think of an Alfred Hitchcock saying, “There is no terror in a bang, only in the anticipation of it.' Terrorists thrive on our concern over the anticipation of what they are going to do next.
A Veteran is an individual, who, for one reason or another, has interrupted his or her life, to serve, to insure that those that he/she left behind can live their lives, without fear.
Just think what it takes to leave your way of life, to follow a way of life, that could result in your life changing drastically, the losing of a limb, or even losing your life. I was in the service during the Korean Conflict, it never entered my mind, during that time, that my life in any way, could be altered, by the time my commitment ended. But just think of all of those who have given their lives, lost limbs, lost their ability to live a normal life.
It is impossible to comprehend combat, being shot at by bullets, bombs, shells, by people whose purpose is to kill you. That is war, noise, smells, hunger, rain, snow, and shooting, so much shooting.
Not all Veterans experience that but they all experience being away from home, families and loved ones and loneliness. That is part of Serving your Country.
My Grandfather, Caleb, served in the Civil War. My Dad, served in World War I, and he told of Caleb taking him to the train station in Marion, Indiana as he was leaving on the train to take him to the ship that would take him to Europe. Caleb knew the horrors of war, and all that could be facing his Son. Dad said as he looked back, there was his elderly Father, leaning on his cane, weighted down with the knowledge of what was facing his son.
My Dad took me to the train in Dayton, Ohio when I left to head to Boot Camp, and the possibility of facing the unknown in the Korean Conflict.
I remember when my Brother, Dean Shannon Dooley, was taken down to the train station in Dayton, Ohio, on his way to Chicago, and into the Navy in a V-12 Program at Great Lakes in Illinois, and then later on to Submarine School in New London, Connecticut.
I will never forget that early morning, when a Naval vehicle came down Montgomery Road and stopped at our house, and our Son Brad walked out of the house, across our yard, and into that vehicle. I have tears in my eyes as I write this, that was an emotional event in my life. My little Son, leaving home, and going into the Navy, so abruptly, one moment he is home, the next, he is gone. Agony for a few days in the Dooley household. We did get to the airport in Columbus, and get to see him off, didn't help much.
My other Son Dean served in the Navy during the Viet Nam War, but he was living with his Mother then, and I escaped the emotions involved in his leaving.
Veterans Day, 2010. Something to think about. I have heard that the ACLU wants all of the CROSSES removed from the graves of Veterans.
A Veteran is an individual, who, for one reason or another, has interrupted his or her life, to serve, to insure that those that he/she left behind can live their lives, without fear.
Just think what it takes to leave your way of life, to follow a way of life, that could result in your life changing drastically, the losing of a limb, or even losing your life. I was in the service during the Korean Conflict, it never entered my mind, during that time, that my life in any way, could be altered, by the time my commitment ended. But just think of all of those who have given their lives, lost limbs, lost their ability to live a normal life.
It is impossible to comprehend combat, being shot at by bullets, bombs, shells, by people whose purpose is to kill you. That is war, noise, smells, hunger, rain, snow, and shooting, so much shooting.
Not all Veterans experience that but they all experience being away from home, families and loved ones and loneliness. That is part of Serving your Country.
My Grandfather, Caleb, served in the Civil War. My Dad, served in World War I, and he told of Caleb taking him to the train station in Marion, Indiana as he was leaving on the train to take him to the ship that would take him to Europe. Caleb knew the horrors of war, and all that could be facing his Son. Dad said as he looked back, there was his elderly Father, leaning on his cane, weighted down with the knowledge of what was facing his son.
My Dad took me to the train in Dayton, Ohio when I left to head to Boot Camp, and the possibility of facing the unknown in the Korean Conflict.
I remember when my Brother, Dean Shannon Dooley, was taken down to the train station in Dayton, Ohio, on his way to Chicago, and into the Navy in a V-12 Program at Great Lakes in Illinois, and then later on to Submarine School in New London, Connecticut.
I will never forget that early morning, when a Naval vehicle came down Montgomery Road and stopped at our house, and our Son Brad walked out of the house, across our yard, and into that vehicle. I have tears in my eyes as I write this, that was an emotional event in my life. My little Son, leaving home, and going into the Navy, so abruptly, one moment he is home, the next, he is gone. Agony for a few days in the Dooley household. We did get to the airport in Columbus, and get to see him off, didn't help much.
My other Son Dean served in the Navy during the Viet Nam War, but he was living with his Mother then, and I escaped the emotions involved in his leaving.
Veterans Day, 2010. Something to think about. I have heard that the ACLU wants all of the CROSSES removed from the graves of Veterans.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Rare Tablets Found - TinC News Release
Golden tablets were recently unearthed in Jerusalem, that, when translated, shocked Dr. Omar Majawahar, Dean of Antiquities at the Universidad de Jandahar in Mecca.
Shawn Dibble, graduate student at the Universidad, from Piqua, Ohio, wad digging and dusting in the Southeast corner of the Manjavi Dig when he noticed the irregular shaped tablets gleaming in the late afternoon sun. He carefully lifted them and placed them in plastic sleeves, and took them to Dr. Majawahar.
He instantly used his Canon FORMULA P-150 Handheld Scanner and reverently moved the scanner over the delicate golden tablets. He was astonished when he looked at the screen on his Dell Inspiron 1525 to read the translation. It took him a considerable amount of time to comprehend what he was reading. Shawn anxiously asked, "What does it say, Dr. Majawahar?"
"This is unbelievable. These are from Jesus. He had God write these instructions in the 1900's.
It seems that Jesus saw that civilization, as he saw it, was getting out of hand, they were getting away from Him, and needed something to punish them for their 'wicked ways' as Jesus put it. He instilled into a few of his chosen people the knowledge to devise and invent a diabolical instrument which would originally be a blessing to humanity, spread throughout all his lands, enslave all of 'his' people to become totally reliant on 'it'."
An obviously newer plate was scanned next. Translated it revealed a meeting, in heaven, of all of the Disciples, which was chaired by Jesus. This tablet included the minutes of the meeting.
Jesus did not like what he was viewing on Earth, with His people, something had to be done.
"Any suggestions?" he asked, "I know a lot of you guys are fishermen, but give it some thought, see if you can 'catch' an idea, a little humor there."
"Matthew, you are a tax collector, I think we are already doing enough there," Jesus went on.
"We have to do something to punish or people on earth, their lives are going in the wrong direction, they are getting away from 'me,' we have to come up with something. No, Luke, closing Walmart is not drastic enough. They all have these new computer things now, anything there?"
"Mark, where are you, not here, what is wrong with him?"
"He has a virus," Andrew said.
Jesus shouted out, "That's it, a computer virus, how do we get that working, we'll get even that way."
Shawn Dibble, graduate student at the Universidad, from Piqua, Ohio, wad digging and dusting in the Southeast corner of the Manjavi Dig when he noticed the irregular shaped tablets gleaming in the late afternoon sun. He carefully lifted them and placed them in plastic sleeves, and took them to Dr. Majawahar.
He instantly used his Canon FORMULA P-150 Handheld Scanner and reverently moved the scanner over the delicate golden tablets. He was astonished when he looked at the screen on his Dell Inspiron 1525 to read the translation. It took him a considerable amount of time to comprehend what he was reading. Shawn anxiously asked, "What does it say, Dr. Majawahar?"
"This is unbelievable. These are from Jesus. He had God write these instructions in the 1900's.
It seems that Jesus saw that civilization, as he saw it, was getting out of hand, they were getting away from Him, and needed something to punish them for their 'wicked ways' as Jesus put it. He instilled into a few of his chosen people the knowledge to devise and invent a diabolical instrument which would originally be a blessing to humanity, spread throughout all his lands, enslave all of 'his' people to become totally reliant on 'it'."
An obviously newer plate was scanned next. Translated it revealed a meeting, in heaven, of all of the Disciples, which was chaired by Jesus. This tablet included the minutes of the meeting.
Jesus did not like what he was viewing on Earth, with His people, something had to be done.
"Any suggestions?" he asked, "I know a lot of you guys are fishermen, but give it some thought, see if you can 'catch' an idea, a little humor there."
"Matthew, you are a tax collector, I think we are already doing enough there," Jesus went on.
"We have to do something to punish or people on earth, their lives are going in the wrong direction, they are getting away from 'me,' we have to come up with something. No, Luke, closing Walmart is not drastic enough. They all have these new computer things now, anything there?"
"Mark, where are you, not here, what is wrong with him?"
"He has a virus," Andrew said.
Jesus shouted out, "That's it, a computer virus, how do we get that working, we'll get even that way."
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thanks to the Mad Is On in Oklahoma .........
If George W. Bush had doubled the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had criticized a state law that he admitted he never even read, would you think that he is just an ignorant hot head?
If George W. Bush joined the country of Mexico and sued a state in the United States to force that state to continue to allow illegal immigration, would you question his patriotism and wonder who's side he was on?
If George W. Bush had put 87,000 workers out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on offshore oil drilling on companies that have one of the best safety records of any industry because one company had an accident would you have agreed?
If George W. Bush had used a forged document as the basis of the moratorium that would render 87,000 American workers unemployed would you support him?
If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a Tele Prompter installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?
If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had reduced your retirement plan's holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?
If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia , would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the nonexistent "Austrian language," would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?
If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had stated that there were 57 states in theUnited States, would you have said that he is clueless.
If George W. Bush would have flown all the way to Denmark to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics would benefit him walking out his front door in Texas , would you have thought he was a self important, conceited, an egotistical jerk.
If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to "Cinco de Cuatro" in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the 5th of May (Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?
If George W. Bush had misspelled the word "advice" would you have hammered him for it for years like Dan Quayle and potatoes as proof of what a dunce he is?
If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a hypocrite?
If George W. Bush's administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?
If George W. Bush had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans, would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?
If George W. Bush had created the position of 32 Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America, would you have approved.
If George W. Bush had doubled the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had criticized a state law that he admitted he never even read, would you think that he is just an ignorant hot head?
If George W. Bush joined the country of Mexico and sued a state in the United States to force that state to continue to allow illegal immigration, would you question his patriotism and wonder who's side he was on?
If George W. Bush had put 87,000 workers out of work by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on offshore oil drilling on companies that have one of the best safety records of any industry because one company had an accident would you have agreed?
If George W. Bush had used a forged document as the basis of the moratorium that would render 87,000 American workers unemployed would you support him?
If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a Tele Prompter installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?
If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had reduced your retirement plan's holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?
If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia , would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the nonexistent "Austrian language," would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?
If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes, would you have approved?
If George W. Bush had stated that there were 57 states in theUnited States, would you have said that he is clueless.
If George W. Bush would have flown all the way to Denmark to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics would benefit him walking out his front door in Texas , would you have thought he was a self important, conceited, an egotistical jerk.
If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to "Cinco de Cuatro" in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the 5th of May (Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?
If George W. Bush had misspelled the word "advice" would you have hammered him for it for years like Dan Quayle and potatoes as proof of what a dunce he is?
If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a hypocrite?
If George W. Bush's administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?
If George W. Bush had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans, would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?
If George W. Bush had created the position of 32 Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America, would you have approved.
If George W. Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?
If George Bush would have taken a vacation involving 40 planes and 3000 people to the Taj Mahal in India costing 2 Billion Dollars, would you have approved?
So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can't think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 15 months -- so you'll have two years and nine months to come up with an answer. Every statement in this is factual and directly attributable to Barrack Hussein Obama. Every bumble is a matter of record and completely verifiable.
barack obama,
dooley observed,
if george w. bush,
joe dooley
Sunday Morning Reflections
Sunday, November 7, 2010, 0800, been up since 0700 because of time change and Caleb, our dog. (Previous entry)
Obama is in China. He says he is creating jobs. IF the manufacture EVERYTHING and we have OUTSOURCED all of our manufacturing to them, and then BUY all their products, that does not register with me, just makes it look like he is up to some BS to justify his being there and to blow a little more smoke up our collective butts. Golly, would a politician do that?
SWEEPING CHANGES in the political picture, OPTIMISM abounds ..... probably for a little while and then everything will be back to normal. Now Conservative pockets will get heavy with coin, unemployment will continue to soar, foreclosures will continue to climb, and we will have a lot of families hungry and cold this winter. In Columbus, Ohio, the food pantry is bare. TV stations are trying to generate food donations. Saw them doing that Saturday, not the lines of cars like there once were.
FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL AND NASCAR are still the two hot topics on television, along with pawn shops ..... that's interesting. The economy is bad, people need money, and pawn shop shows become popular on television. I wonder why that is?
POKER is still abundant on TV. I watched a little of a truck race the other night, the stands were almost empty (which they tried not to show) I wonder if TV is supporting NASCAR and all the races?
PICKERS are getting a lot of exposure. People who turn JUNK into cash. A few TV show now on that. I wonder if they are just training the unemployed on one possible means of income ..... BECOME A PICKER.
Years ago, many hears ago, I had a little "crystal set" radio, which I built. At night after getting into bed, I would get that little radio out, adjust the "cat whisker" and listen to WLW out of Cincinnati, Ohio, on the headphones. GLORIOUS to hear Peter Grant and music on those old headphones. We had a Philco and some other radios, but the crystal set, just something about it.
Then, the radio progressed to HI-FI, a radio just wasn't good enough anymore, you needed HI-FI. I know, because the ADS told me. Then ....... STEREO ...... well, what they did was take the old radio signal and split it, so HI-FI died out, and STEREO was the only thing to have. It was like being in the Concert Hall, sitting right down front. Marketing and advertising told us all of that.
Then, the little black and white TV, gigantic set, ten-inch picture, but it was marvelous. Could not wait till the TV came on. WLW out of Cincinnati was still there (we lived in Dayton, Ohio at the time) that was out best station. Still Peter Grant doing the news, but Ruth Lyons and Paul Baby, forget his last name, the Barn Dance, Lulubell and Scotty, we lived by the old black and white TV.
THEN, OMG as the texters say, COLORED TELEVISION in LIVING color, didn't get any better than than that. They TV with SURROUND SOUND .... You had to have it .... four speakers instead of two, great marketing scam.
Now ....... TV in 3D, sitting in our living rooms, wearing the same glasses we wore back in the 50's at some of the movies, I guess that is progress.
NEXT, touring groups of entertainers, sponsored by the TV networks, who will travel around the country, and come to your home, and put on a LIVE SHOW in YOUR living room. The TODAY SHOW may be done right in your dining room. Tom Brokaw may do live news in your den. Or, maybe they will figure out some way to do a 3-D projection in your room, to make it look like they are actually in your room.
Progress, it makes the world go round .......
Obama is in China. He says he is creating jobs. IF the manufacture EVERYTHING and we have OUTSOURCED all of our manufacturing to them, and then BUY all their products, that does not register with me, just makes it look like he is up to some BS to justify his being there and to blow a little more smoke up our collective butts. Golly, would a politician do that?
SWEEPING CHANGES in the political picture, OPTIMISM abounds ..... probably for a little while and then everything will be back to normal. Now Conservative pockets will get heavy with coin, unemployment will continue to soar, foreclosures will continue to climb, and we will have a lot of families hungry and cold this winter. In Columbus, Ohio, the food pantry is bare. TV stations are trying to generate food donations. Saw them doing that Saturday, not the lines of cars like there once were.
FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL AND NASCAR are still the two hot topics on television, along with pawn shops ..... that's interesting. The economy is bad, people need money, and pawn shop shows become popular on television. I wonder why that is?
POKER is still abundant on TV. I watched a little of a truck race the other night, the stands were almost empty (which they tried not to show) I wonder if TV is supporting NASCAR and all the races?
PICKERS are getting a lot of exposure. People who turn JUNK into cash. A few TV show now on that. I wonder if they are just training the unemployed on one possible means of income ..... BECOME A PICKER.
Years ago, many hears ago, I had a little "crystal set" radio, which I built. At night after getting into bed, I would get that little radio out, adjust the "cat whisker" and listen to WLW out of Cincinnati, Ohio, on the headphones. GLORIOUS to hear Peter Grant and music on those old headphones. We had a Philco and some other radios, but the crystal set, just something about it.
Then, the radio progressed to HI-FI, a radio just wasn't good enough anymore, you needed HI-FI. I know, because the ADS told me. Then ....... STEREO ...... well, what they did was take the old radio signal and split it, so HI-FI died out, and STEREO was the only thing to have. It was like being in the Concert Hall, sitting right down front. Marketing and advertising told us all of that.
Then, the little black and white TV, gigantic set, ten-inch picture, but it was marvelous. Could not wait till the TV came on. WLW out of Cincinnati was still there (we lived in Dayton, Ohio at the time) that was out best station. Still Peter Grant doing the news, but Ruth Lyons and Paul Baby, forget his last name, the Barn Dance, Lulubell and Scotty, we lived by the old black and white TV.
THEN, OMG as the texters say, COLORED TELEVISION in LIVING color, didn't get any better than than that. They TV with SURROUND SOUND .... You had to have it .... four speakers instead of two, great marketing scam.
Now ....... TV in 3D, sitting in our living rooms, wearing the same glasses we wore back in the 50's at some of the movies, I guess that is progress.
NEXT, touring groups of entertainers, sponsored by the TV networks, who will travel around the country, and come to your home, and put on a LIVE SHOW in YOUR living room. The TODAY SHOW may be done right in your dining room. Tom Brokaw may do live news in your den. Or, maybe they will figure out some way to do a 3-D projection in your room, to make it look like they are actually in your room.
Progress, it makes the world go round .......
clock radio,
crystal sets,
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
peter grant,
ruth lyons,
Time Change and Caleb
I wake up at 8 each morning, almost to the minute. I wake up, look at the clock radio, 8, maybe 1 or 2 minutes, one way or the other.
Shortly after that, I have a nose in my ear, or my face is getting licked, by Caleb, our dog. I get up, put some clothes on, make it to the front door, hook up his leash, and let him out.
I set my clock radio back one hour before going to bed last night, so, this morning, I woke up, looked at the clock, 7, and there was Caleb, looking me right in the eye.
I told him it was only 7, he just looked at me. Again, I told him it was only 7, and then I actually started trying to explain the time thing to him, like he understood, or cared. Then I thought to myself, "Why am I trying to explain this to Caleb," so I got up and let him out, fixed coffee and went on with the day.
I wonder how long this will go on?
caleb dooley,
clock radio,
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
time change
Friday, November 5, 2010
Sheen Contemplating Priesthood - TinC News Release
"I'm going into the priesthood" was a statement issued by Charles (as he said he now likes to be called) Sheen on the Today Show. The shocked cast had no response for the over-paid actor.
"I have given it much thought, I have meditated, went into seclusion yesterday for over an hour, and this is my decision. Well actually, I was having Mimosa for breakfast yesterday, and apparently consumed too much, tripped on a champagne bottle, and fell on my knees by my bed. That is when it happened, I knew I was put on this earth to be a priest," he went on to say.
He appeared at the studio green room wearing a black suit, white shirt, black tie and highly polished black shoes, and what really shocked the hardened staff was his polite attitude. As he entered the room he said, "Do you folks mind if I stay in here for a brief time, until they call me for my segment?" The staff looked at each other in shocked disbelief.
His last appearance on the show, they recalled, was preceded with, "Hey as---les where the hell do you want me to park my sweet ass till they want this star to make an appearance on their damn show. Is that Meredith woman still on the show, wouldn't mind checking out her drawers, if you know what I mean."
He indicated too, that he had a premonition of an attitude change while watching Notre Dame lose a football game to Tulsa. He said he knew that something was wrong there, and perhaps something was wrong in his life.
His tentative plans are to enter a theology school, become a priest, and be known as Father Charles Sheen. He also attributed some of his transition to a family member who had a great influence on his early life, Bishop Fulton Sheen.
After his appearance, he left the shocked cast and crew with a few parting words, "Bless you all, and may you all have a good day."
Matt Lauer was speechless and could not finish the show. Meredith Vieira finished the show by telling humorous stories that occurred on her "Millionaire" show.
"I have given it much thought, I have meditated, went into seclusion yesterday for over an hour, and this is my decision. Well actually, I was having Mimosa for breakfast yesterday, and apparently consumed too much, tripped on a champagne bottle, and fell on my knees by my bed. That is when it happened, I knew I was put on this earth to be a priest," he went on to say.
He appeared at the studio green room wearing a black suit, white shirt, black tie and highly polished black shoes, and what really shocked the hardened staff was his polite attitude. As he entered the room he said, "Do you folks mind if I stay in here for a brief time, until they call me for my segment?" The staff looked at each other in shocked disbelief.
His last appearance on the show, they recalled, was preceded with, "Hey as---les where the hell do you want me to park my sweet ass till they want this star to make an appearance on their damn show. Is that Meredith woman still on the show, wouldn't mind checking out her drawers, if you know what I mean."
He indicated too, that he had a premonition of an attitude change while watching Notre Dame lose a football game to Tulsa. He said he knew that something was wrong there, and perhaps something was wrong in his life.
His tentative plans are to enter a theology school, become a priest, and be known as Father Charles Sheen. He also attributed some of his transition to a family member who had a great influence on his early life, Bishop Fulton Sheen.
After his appearance, he left the shocked cast and crew with a few parting words, "Bless you all, and may you all have a good day."
Matt Lauer was speechless and could not finish the show. Meredith Vieira finished the show by telling humorous stories that occurred on her "Millionaire" show.
catholic priest,
charlie sheen,
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
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