Instant Analysis is where this came from .. interesting ..
After months of “sky is falling” rhetoric the sequester came and went. The consequences of the sequester on the economy… better? But we should be concerned with where the White House has chosen to make budgetary cuts: military education… CUT, White House tours for school kids… CUT, Obama vacations… KEPT!
The truth is I’m not surprised. We have seen Obama take many golf trips on our dime, and have become numb to it. So far Obama has made 115 golf trips while in less than 4 years. This equals to almost 30 times a year. This coming from the guy who says he “will not rest until we have generated the jobs needed to grow the economy”
Here is what Charles Krauthammer had to say on the subject: “So I suggest that perhaps he curtailed the travel, or perhaps auction off the set of clubs and he might be able to allow those Iowa tots to come through the White House,” Krauthammer added. “I’m not cynical enough – I’m trying.”
But for Obama to take money out of educating our youth and our military, and leave the money for his vacations is below even my expectations of his administration.