Definition of PELOTON. : the main body of riders in a bicycle race.
I am used to some people lining up on a track, the gun goes off, they run, and the first one across the finish line wins.
I don't know how they do it in a bike race. There are White Jerseys, Red Jerseys, Gold and a few other colors, and each has some specific meaning. There are teams, station wagons, motorcycles, many different colors, a lot going on. They know what they are doing, no need for me to know.
Some of the people living along the race site, design elaborate artwork in their fields and on their homes, all for a few seconds of fame when the helicopter fly's overhead. The whole things probably passes you by in a minute or so and it's all over till next year. Makes we want to tour some of those lovely countries though, not on a bike, in one of those little campers
They had had some hellasious pileups this year, easy to figure. All those bikers, one has trouble, and a whole line of of them behind you pile into you, and, not much padding for protection.
This one, the EVENT is the big thing, you don't have to understand what is going on, just enjoy it. But, riding a bicycle up a steep mountain, and the speeds coming down, a special breed.
Why isn't there a female Tour De France? The miracle is: there is one, there has been one, and you just don't hear about it. Pictured here is Liz Hatch. But, there are no women in this Tour De France, wonder why? Sexism?