Without kids excitedly running around, dogs barking, paper being ripped as presents are opened, about the only thing today is one channel, I think Chicago, is showing a Yule Log fire on their screen, while playing Christmas Carols. Now, that takes me back.
I get through the season pretty well, I just don't think about "how it was." I say my quiet "happy birthday" and let the rest of the world go by.
Caleb, our dog, is like a kid, we got him a number of toys yesterday, he dug them out of the Walmart sacks, and had them either torn up or not working, before he went to bed. He loves toys that have a whistle in them. He sits and "squeaks" as he is biting into the toy. Anything with a noise he really likes. But he soon has a hole chewed into the toy and it no longer squeaks.
So, Caleb was out "kid" last night.
One good friend and adopted son, Ronnie, stopped by, which was a very pleasant surprise. Sometimes good friends really surprise you.
And the Christmas weather, well, here in Ohio, fairly warm and raining out. I walked my daily bag of trash down to the dumpster, which had a good supply of empty boxes already, mostly toy boxes, and it felt like a Fall morning, not like a snowy Christmas.
But shortly I have to "ambition up."
And, the Pope, gets wrestled to the ground, by a woman, on his way to the alter, walking down the aisle. You are just not safe anyplace, anymore. But it was the same woman, first time she missed, so she kept at it, got him this time. She probably is in the same club with those White House gate crashers. I still think Obama invited them, he had known them for a few years, "Oh come on down to the White House, just walk in, if anything happens, I'll take care of it. How you guys been?"
At 10, the turkey goes in. Cut up the bread for the dressing. Get the bacon in the pot, to get a good rich broth for the green beans. Potatoes to peel, celery and onion and sage to get ready for the dressing, then get the ham in. I hope it fits, going in the little toaster oven, if that doesn't work, then in to one of Jessie Dooley's roasters and into our regular oven.
I'm letting my wife sleep in, she has been plagued with a cold, and she has to work tomorrow, taking "complaints" at Harry and David on the telephone. No orders, no nice calls, just complaints. "It didn't arrive, where is it?" "The fruit was spoiled." "Not what I ordered." None of the calls will be happy calls.
Some football to watch today, while doing the cooking, about 10 guests, not much family left, at least here. Most is back in New York and New Jersey. A shame we are so "global."
New Years, and then we can get back to normal. My resolution, I am going to become one of those Millionaire Internetters, I am going to make money "overnight, while I sleep," going to create a "money machine," my own "ATM," it looks so easy, I know I can do it. I need to, to pay for "our" health care, mine and yours.
The country has spoken, the voice of the people, well, maybe just a few politicians knew what was good for us. Something so universal, something we ALL need, why was the vote divided by political party lines.
My future is now sealed, I am 77 years old, and they want me to die, to cut down health care costs. I hope to continue living, so I apologize to all.
Merry Christmas morning to all .........................
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson
"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd
"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....
When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
What am I thankful for this Christmas, you ask?
At 77, I am still reasonably healthy, don't do a lot of productive work, and I feel like I am probably in my 30's or 40's. My scars, appendectomy, vagotomy, kidney stones, cyst on the colon, many scars from laparoscopic surgery, and, OH yes, the triple by-pass, probably indicate that I am closer to 77.
My lovely wife is still with me, won't mention her age, looks good, and still works a few weeks around Christmas at Harry and David. She is a Cancer survivor and Mother of two. I am thankful we are still together and both have good health. Thanks, in part, to a number of pharmaceutical companies. Not sure how many pills we both take, but quite a few.
Few, to no, ripples on my pond of life.
Amanda, my granddaughter is going to have a baby girl, any day now. I will be a great-grandfather. That is probably redundant, whether you agree or not, Jim.
Melissa and Robin are well, as are all their dogs and cats, birds and that other critter. Brandon is well and doing good in school. He is as tall, or taller, than his Dad.
Brad, my son, who is with Whole Foods, will marry Bernie this Spring. We hope to be there, at The Would, in Highland, New York, one of the owners there is Debra Dooley, another Daughter. We met Bernie this Summer, and she is a perfect fit for the family. A "hello" was all that was needed, she became a Dooley, instantly. Debra and Lisa, along with Claire and others, keep The Would running. If you stop in for lunch or dinner, comment on the new carpet. Be sure to ask about
Dean, my eldest son, along with his wife, Robin, or "me" as she uses as her Email address, take care of Zack and Ashley, their two kids, and Rollercoaster Studios, in East Hanover, New Jersey. I miss going back there and getting in their way while they are trying to work. My year-end highlight reel always included a trip there, playing "floor director" at the New Jersey segment of the UNCF show that Dean was involved with. I miss seeing Pat Battle and Asa Aarons, and Jack and Tommy and others. Many fond memories of New York and New Jersey.
I am thankful this year to have been re-connected with an old very good friend from California, Ernie Moody. He was a big part of a portion of my life in the 50's. We did a couple of years together in the Navy. He called one morning, out of the blue, asked if I remembered him, which I not only did, but a floodgate of memories was opened on a part of my life almost forgotten. Another piece of my "life puzzle" fitted in to place. It has been great conversing with him.
All in all, not a bad year. I find myself still "recovering" from my surgery of a few years ago. They don't really know what all a patient will "suffer" during that long period of time where the body is, "out of touch" with the world, I guess is as good a term as any. Physically repaired, but no one knows how much "head" damage was done. Some emotions lost, some others sneak in. The lost ones seem to come back, a little at a time.
Christmas does not generate all the emotions that it did when I was a child, or when I had children to inspire with that Christmas feeling. "Backward turn backward, oh time in thy flight, make me a boy again, just for tonight," always pops in to my head at sometime during this season. That excitement and anticipation can never be restored. I must admit that I am at that age where the "day after" is welcomed, more so than the "day" itself. There are no "old memories" of the day after Christmas.
I think some of those "not so privileged" countries have it right. Families lived together or nearby, lived in the same house all those years, forty family members in for dinner, sitting on front porches, sitting together in church, grandfathers, fathers and sons, living in close proximity, sharing their lives. What a shame the world has gotten so global.
We miss out on so many opportunities to "create" so many fine, fond memories.
"Backward turn backward, oh time in thy flight. Make me a boy again, just for tonight."
My lovely wife is still with me, won't mention her age, looks good, and still works a few weeks around Christmas at Harry and David. She is a Cancer survivor and Mother of two. I am thankful we are still together and both have good health. Thanks, in part, to a number of pharmaceutical companies. Not sure how many pills we both take, but quite a few.
Few, to no, ripples on my pond of life.
Amanda, my granddaughter is going to have a baby girl, any day now. I will be a great-grandfather. That is probably redundant, whether you agree or not, Jim.
Melissa and Robin are well, as are all their dogs and cats, birds and that other critter. Brandon is well and doing good in school. He is as tall, or taller, than his Dad.
Brad, my son, who is with Whole Foods, will marry Bernie this Spring. We hope to be there, at The Would, in Highland, New York, one of the owners there is Debra Dooley, another Daughter. We met Bernie this Summer, and she is a perfect fit for the family. A "hello" was all that was needed, she became a Dooley, instantly. Debra and Lisa, along with Claire and others, keep The Would running. If you stop in for lunch or dinner, comment on the new carpet. Be sure to ask about
Dean, my eldest son, along with his wife, Robin, or "me" as she uses as her Email address, take care of Zack and Ashley, their two kids, and Rollercoaster Studios, in East Hanover, New Jersey. I miss going back there and getting in their way while they are trying to work. My year-end highlight reel always included a trip there, playing "floor director" at the New Jersey segment of the UNCF show that Dean was involved with. I miss seeing Pat Battle and Asa Aarons, and Jack and Tommy and others. Many fond memories of New York and New Jersey.
I am thankful this year to have been re-connected with an old very good friend from California, Ernie Moody. He was a big part of a portion of my life in the 50's. We did a couple of years together in the Navy. He called one morning, out of the blue, asked if I remembered him, which I not only did, but a floodgate of memories was opened on a part of my life almost forgotten. Another piece of my "life puzzle" fitted in to place. It has been great conversing with him.
All in all, not a bad year. I find myself still "recovering" from my surgery of a few years ago. They don't really know what all a patient will "suffer" during that long period of time where the body is, "out of touch" with the world, I guess is as good a term as any. Physically repaired, but no one knows how much "head" damage was done. Some emotions lost, some others sneak in. The lost ones seem to come back, a little at a time.
Christmas does not generate all the emotions that it did when I was a child, or when I had children to inspire with that Christmas feeling. "Backward turn backward, oh time in thy flight, make me a boy again, just for tonight," always pops in to my head at sometime during this season. That excitement and anticipation can never be restored. I must admit that I am at that age where the "day after" is welcomed, more so than the "day" itself. There are no "old memories" of the day after Christmas.
I think some of those "not so privileged" countries have it right. Families lived together or nearby, lived in the same house all those years, forty family members in for dinner, sitting on front porches, sitting together in church, grandfathers, fathers and sons, living in close proximity, sharing their lives. What a shame the world has gotten so global.
We miss out on so many opportunities to "create" so many fine, fond memories.
"Backward turn backward, oh time in thy flight. Make me a boy again, just for tonight."
Emeril baked this on his show .... looked outstanding.

Emeril did this on his show. From a contest he had of "Christmas Favorites." This looked and sounded soooooooo good. May have a problem getting green tomatoes. They grow them as green tomatoes in the South .... up North, they are un-ripe red tomatoes. It was a neat show. They had the winners on in the audience ......
3/4 cup seedless raisins
2 cups seeded and diced green tomatoes
2 apples peeled, cored and cut into chunks
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/3 cup sugar
3 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 (9-inch) double pie pastry
1 1/2 tablespoon butter, cut into pieces
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
Wash raisins and set aside. In a large bowl combine the tomatoes, apples, lemon rind, lemon juice, and vinegar.
In a separate bowl, combine the salt, sugar, flour, cinnamon and ginger and mix well.
Roll out 1 of the pie crusts to fit a pie plate and place in the plate. Set aside.
Add dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and stir just until combined. Pour into pie shell. Dot top with butter.
Add top crust and slit the top of pie. Bake 15 minutes, and reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees F and bake for another 45 minutes.
apple pie,
green tomato,
green tomato apple pie
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Portion of a speech on Terrorism .... Gingrich
NEWT GINGRICH: The third thing I want to talk about very briefly is the genuine danger of terrorism, in particular terrorists using weapons of mass destruction and weapons of mass murder, nuclear and biological weapons. And I want to suggest to you that right now we should be impaneling people to look seriously at a level of supervision that we would never dream of if it weren't for the scale of threat.
Let me give you two examples. When the British this summer arrested people who were planning to blow up ten airliners in one day, they arrested a couple who were going to use their six month old baby in order to hide the bomb as baby milk.
Now, if I come to you tonight and say that there are people on the planet who hate you, and they are 15-25 year old males who are willing to die as long as they get to kill you, I've simply described the warrior culture which has been true historically for 6 or 7 thousand years.
But, if I come to you and say that there is a couple that hates you so much that they will kill their six month old baby in order to kill you, I am describing a level of ferocity, and a level of savagery beyond anything we have tried to deal with.
And, what is truly frightening about the British experience is they are arresting British citizens, born in Britain, speaking English, who went to British schools, live in British housing, and have good jobs.
This is a serious long term war, and it will inevitably lead us to want to know what is said in every suspect place in the country, that will lead us to learn how to close down every website that is dangerous, and it will lead us to a very severe approach to people who advocate the killing of Americans and advocate the use of nuclear or biological weapons.
And, my prediction to you is that either before we lose a city, or if we are truly stupid, after we lose a city, we will adopt rules of engagement that use every technology we can find to break up their capacity to use the Internet, to break up their capacity to use free speech, and to go after people who want to kill us to stop them from recruiting people before they get to reach out and convince young people to destroy their lives while destroying us.
This is a serious problem that will lead to a serious debate about the first amendment, but I think that the national security threat of losing an American city to a nuclear weapon, or losing several million Americans to a biological attack is so real that we need to proactively, now, develop the appropriate rules of engagement.
And, I further think that we should propose a Geneva convention for fighting terrorism which makes very clear that those who would fight outside the rules of law, those who would use weapons of mass destruction, and those who would target civilians are in fact subject to a totally different set of rules that allow us to protect civilization by defeating barbarism before it gains so much strength that it is truly horrendous.
Below is a link to a video of this speech to the National Press Club. It is worth watching. Notice also, NO teleprompters, just a knowledgeable public servant, who is aware of the pitfalls facing this country. His is a voice of reason that we should ALL listen to, regardless of political affiliation.
Let me give you two examples. When the British this summer arrested people who were planning to blow up ten airliners in one day, they arrested a couple who were going to use their six month old baby in order to hide the bomb as baby milk.
Now, if I come to you tonight and say that there are people on the planet who hate you, and they are 15-25 year old males who are willing to die as long as they get to kill you, I've simply described the warrior culture which has been true historically for 6 or 7 thousand years.
But, if I come to you and say that there is a couple that hates you so much that they will kill their six month old baby in order to kill you, I am describing a level of ferocity, and a level of savagery beyond anything we have tried to deal with.
And, what is truly frightening about the British experience is they are arresting British citizens, born in Britain, speaking English, who went to British schools, live in British housing, and have good jobs.
This is a serious long term war, and it will inevitably lead us to want to know what is said in every suspect place in the country, that will lead us to learn how to close down every website that is dangerous, and it will lead us to a very severe approach to people who advocate the killing of Americans and advocate the use of nuclear or biological weapons.
And, my prediction to you is that either before we lose a city, or if we are truly stupid, after we lose a city, we will adopt rules of engagement that use every technology we can find to break up their capacity to use the Internet, to break up their capacity to use free speech, and to go after people who want to kill us to stop them from recruiting people before they get to reach out and convince young people to destroy their lives while destroying us.
This is a serious problem that will lead to a serious debate about the first amendment, but I think that the national security threat of losing an American city to a nuclear weapon, or losing several million Americans to a biological attack is so real that we need to proactively, now, develop the appropriate rules of engagement.
And, I further think that we should propose a Geneva convention for fighting terrorism which makes very clear that those who would fight outside the rules of law, those who would use weapons of mass destruction, and those who would target civilians are in fact subject to a totally different set of rules that allow us to protect civilization by defeating barbarism before it gains so much strength that it is truly horrendous.
Below is a link to a video of this speech to the National Press Club. It is worth watching. Notice also, NO teleprompters, just a knowledgeable public servant, who is aware of the pitfalls facing this country. His is a voice of reason that we should ALL listen to, regardless of political affiliation.
Leroy is still going strong .......
I was channel hopping, and came upon a show and there was Leroy Jenkins preaching to the crowd. I thought he was still in jail.
I remember Leroy from back in the 60's and his church grounds up in Delaware, Ohio, "The Church of What's Happening Now," at his Healing Waters Cathedral. He had a show on every Sunday. I was always enthralled by his program.
I knew some railroaders who used to go out drinking with him every Friday night in Delaware. The railroaders would get their pay on Friday and head out, and often, there would be Leroy drinking and raising a fuss with the boys.
I remember one Sunday morning show of his, 1977, a tent revival of his, he told his followers, and the TV audience that God had told him to dig a well on one particular spot, 100 feet deep and water would pour forth. Not sure where the water came from, but gallon jugs of his water were suddenly available. Some say he used to load a pick up truck and go around town selling the water.
At that time also, he was selling some health pills for a variety of uses, and he emphasised that his pills worked better if taken with his new water. I will never forget, heard it as plain as anything, he said, "God told him to sell it in gallon jugs, 4 gallons to a case, and NO broken cartons."
Leroy had a vast array of followers, and at one time did all of the talk shows. I am not sure, I think it was the Dinah Shore show, he was on with Dale Evans and Roy Rogers. They were all talking, and something was said or came up, and Leroy went out and sat in the audience, he wanted to be with "his kind of people."
The last I remember hearing of him he was convicted on two counts of arson in 1979. Paroled, 1985. As I recall he put out a "plea" to his congregation that he needed $300,000 dollars. Then he bought a $200,000 home, and somehow it caught on fire, and there was also something about getting even with a State Trooper about something.
I see he is still selling water, by the gallon, 1 case sells for $100.00, $25 a gallon, not bad, and I don't think you buy the water, you donate $100, even better. I think Ohio still bans the sale of th water .... "it may make you sick." He is still selling it by the gallon, as he was told....................
I remember Leroy from back in the 60's and his church grounds up in Delaware, Ohio, "The Church of What's Happening Now," at his Healing Waters Cathedral. He had a show on every Sunday. I was always enthralled by his program.
I knew some railroaders who used to go out drinking with him every Friday night in Delaware. The railroaders would get their pay on Friday and head out, and often, there would be Leroy drinking and raising a fuss with the boys.
I remember one Sunday morning show of his, 1977, a tent revival of his, he told his followers, and the TV audience that God had told him to dig a well on one particular spot, 100 feet deep and water would pour forth. Not sure where the water came from, but gallon jugs of his water were suddenly available. Some say he used to load a pick up truck and go around town selling the water.
At that time also, he was selling some health pills for a variety of uses, and he emphasised that his pills worked better if taken with his new water. I will never forget, heard it as plain as anything, he said, "God told him to sell it in gallon jugs, 4 gallons to a case, and NO broken cartons."
Leroy had a vast array of followers, and at one time did all of the talk shows. I am not sure, I think it was the Dinah Shore show, he was on with Dale Evans and Roy Rogers. They were all talking, and something was said or came up, and Leroy went out and sat in the audience, he wanted to be with "his kind of people."
The last I remember hearing of him he was convicted on two counts of arson in 1979. Paroled, 1985. As I recall he put out a "plea" to his congregation that he needed $300,000 dollars. Then he bought a $200,000 home, and somehow it caught on fire, and there was also something about getting even with a State Trooper about something.
I see he is still selling water, by the gallon, 1 case sells for $100.00, $25 a gallon, not bad, and I don't think you buy the water, you donate $100, even better. I think Ohio still bans the sale of th water .... "it may make you sick." He is still selling it by the gallon, as he was told....................
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Memories .....
I'm glad I have these memories, unfortunately, kids today can't experience all of them, they have been taken away from them.
Late 30's, Dayton, Ohio, Christmas Time. Generally, the last day of school before Christmas Vacation, at Emerson Junior High School, the whole school would go to the big auditorium for a Christmas Show. The big junior high kids would put it on.
I remember on stage, Mary and the Baby Jesus, Joseph, the Inn Keeper, the Three Wise Men, the big star hanging over the crib, songs like "Away in a Manger," "Oh Holy Night," "Silent Night," all the great Christmas songs were sung. Everyone generally got a candy cane, or some "goody" to take home.
It was a big part of the whole Christmas season for me. The toyland at Rikes, our big department store, Santa being there, talking with him, and that model railroad layout they had. My eyes were about the level of the tables the trains ran on. I remember one curve, coming out of a tunnel, the train would come right at me, and then turn, to go over a bridge.
Santa's helpers were always there in proper dress, a sea of white, with green trees and red lights. They transformed the toy department in to a "Winter Wonderland."
The windows in the front of the store, each one a Christmas story, most were animated, and they were the same each year, but they were always new and magical because of the season of the year.
Always, one of the days before Christmas, Mom and I would go downtown for our "day." We would take the old Brown Street bus downtown to Rikes. Gaze in wonder at all the decorated windows, then inside, I still have that aroma stored up in my head, and the noise and the hustle and bustle of the crowded store full of shoppers. No malls then, you did your shopping in a "department store." We had two in Dayton, Rikes and Elders. Rikes was always the special one.
On to the elevator, which had an operator that controlled that up and down switch. They were good, they generally stopped at the exact spot, aligning up the elevator with the floor. Occasionally you would hear a "Watch your step," but not very often.
Then off the elevator and in to that "Santa Land," the whole toy floor was transformed. It was awesome to a little boy my age, all wonderful and mysterious. All the Santa helpers, the decorations, the trains, the trees it was truly "Christmas Time."
A trip to Rikes, the Christmas pageant at Emerson, putting up the tree on the 18th, going to Church, and the Christmas Service, on Christmas Eve, going to Geringers, a Dentist who was a good friend of my Dads, we visited them every Christmas Eve. Then home, put out the cookies and hot chocolate, to bed, and then the "wait" for Santa to come.
Christmas at 319 South Brown was something special in those days, late 30's. I think my Mom and Dad, after many frugal years of college, pre-med, med school, internship, residency, were financially better off than previous years, and Mom occasionally got carried away. "I think I have more for Bud, than Joe."
So off to the store for more for Joe. Later, "I think I have more for Joe than Bud." That went on and on for a few weeks. Mom hid things around the house that she had purchased, and it was a big house, an attic we could play basketball in, so there were many places to hide gifts. It was not uncommon, in July, when looking for something, to find a forgotten Christmas gift that was hidden too well.
We got up early on Christmas morning, and often opened gifts till noon. Even with Mom's warning of "Let's just open one gift at a time, and take turns so it is not over too soon." Mom loved her family and family occasions, and hated to see them end.
The house on Brown Street is gone, Mom, Dad and Bud are gone, schools can no longer have Christmas Pageants, the department stores are all gone, sitting around the old Philco radio listening to special "Christmas Shows," all gone. What a shame for the younger generation, but hopefully they will have their own memories to look back on.
Late 30's, Dayton, Ohio, Christmas Time. Generally, the last day of school before Christmas Vacation, at Emerson Junior High School, the whole school would go to the big auditorium for a Christmas Show. The big junior high kids would put it on.
I remember on stage, Mary and the Baby Jesus, Joseph, the Inn Keeper, the Three Wise Men, the big star hanging over the crib, songs like "Away in a Manger," "Oh Holy Night," "Silent Night," all the great Christmas songs were sung. Everyone generally got a candy cane, or some "goody" to take home.
It was a big part of the whole Christmas season for me. The toyland at Rikes, our big department store, Santa being there, talking with him, and that model railroad layout they had. My eyes were about the level of the tables the trains ran on. I remember one curve, coming out of a tunnel, the train would come right at me, and then turn, to go over a bridge.
Santa's helpers were always there in proper dress, a sea of white, with green trees and red lights. They transformed the toy department in to a "Winter Wonderland."
The windows in the front of the store, each one a Christmas story, most were animated, and they were the same each year, but they were always new and magical because of the season of the year.
Always, one of the days before Christmas, Mom and I would go downtown for our "day." We would take the old Brown Street bus downtown to Rikes. Gaze in wonder at all the decorated windows, then inside, I still have that aroma stored up in my head, and the noise and the hustle and bustle of the crowded store full of shoppers. No malls then, you did your shopping in a "department store." We had two in Dayton, Rikes and Elders. Rikes was always the special one.
On to the elevator, which had an operator that controlled that up and down switch. They were good, they generally stopped at the exact spot, aligning up the elevator with the floor. Occasionally you would hear a "Watch your step," but not very often.
Then off the elevator and in to that "Santa Land," the whole toy floor was transformed. It was awesome to a little boy my age, all wonderful and mysterious. All the Santa helpers, the decorations, the trains, the trees it was truly "Christmas Time."
A trip to Rikes, the Christmas pageant at Emerson, putting up the tree on the 18th, going to Church, and the Christmas Service, on Christmas Eve, going to Geringers, a Dentist who was a good friend of my Dads, we visited them every Christmas Eve. Then home, put out the cookies and hot chocolate, to bed, and then the "wait" for Santa to come.
Christmas at 319 South Brown was something special in those days, late 30's. I think my Mom and Dad, after many frugal years of college, pre-med, med school, internship, residency, were financially better off than previous years, and Mom occasionally got carried away. "I think I have more for Bud, than Joe."
So off to the store for more for Joe. Later, "I think I have more for Joe than Bud." That went on and on for a few weeks. Mom hid things around the house that she had purchased, and it was a big house, an attic we could play basketball in, so there were many places to hide gifts. It was not uncommon, in July, when looking for something, to find a forgotten Christmas gift that was hidden too well.
We got up early on Christmas morning, and often opened gifts till noon. Even with Mom's warning of "Let's just open one gift at a time, and take turns so it is not over too soon." Mom loved her family and family occasions, and hated to see them end.
The house on Brown Street is gone, Mom, Dad and Bud are gone, schools can no longer have Christmas Pageants, the department stores are all gone, sitting around the old Philco radio listening to special "Christmas Shows," all gone. What a shame for the younger generation, but hopefully they will have their own memories to look back on.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A candle is a candle is a candle .............
Marketing is a wonderful thing.
It's Christmas time, I remember at our house and homes we visited, always, the aroma of burning candles.
The Madison Home on Hudson, around Christmas, was ablaze with candles, and the aroma in the air, I still remember.
We always had candles with different aromas, vanilla, spice, lemon, all filling the house. To this day, if we are having someone over, I get a tea lite, or a candle with some fragrance going. I like candles and the warm glow and the fragrance that fills the room.
So, why are they telling me I need to buy candles, that are battery operated, last a long time, and create an intimate atmosphere. Why not just buy a flashlight, turn it on, and lay it on a table somewhere, for "atmosphere."
They also, just said, in the ad on one of the "selling TV shows" that they are much safer.
A burning candle is ............... a burning candle. An LED light, encased in plastic, is not the same, I don't care what they say.
It's Christmas time, I remember at our house and homes we visited, always, the aroma of burning candles.
The Madison Home on Hudson, around Christmas, was ablaze with candles, and the aroma in the air, I still remember.
We always had candles with different aromas, vanilla, spice, lemon, all filling the house. To this day, if we are having someone over, I get a tea lite, or a candle with some fragrance going. I like candles and the warm glow and the fragrance that fills the room.
So, why are they telling me I need to buy candles, that are battery operated, last a long time, and create an intimate atmosphere. Why not just buy a flashlight, turn it on, and lay it on a table somewhere, for "atmosphere."
They also, just said, in the ad on one of the "selling TV shows" that they are much safer.
A burning candle is ............... a burning candle. An LED light, encased in plastic, is not the same, I don't care what they say.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Contest time ... your help appreciated
I recently entered a contest, and if I win I get a nice prize.
The contest consists of GETTING MORE BLOG READERS
There is a counter on this BLOG. Tells us how many hits we get.
Basically, they are looking for REPEAT READERS.
The count is tallied on a weekly basis.
We are looking to be the BLOG that gets the most readership until the end of January.
So, if you would, send my link to all the people you know, and ask them to send the link to all the people they know, etc, etc.
So, please help me, I really want to win this contest. At my age, 77, there are very few "highlights," and it would mean a lot to me to win .... something, well, actually, anything.
I appreciate your help, and wish you a wonderful HOLIDAY SEASON ....
The contest consists of GETTING MORE BLOG READERS
There is a counter on this BLOG. Tells us how many hits we get.
Basically, they are looking for REPEAT READERS.
The count is tallied on a weekly basis.
We are looking to be the BLOG that gets the most readership until the end of January.
So, if you would, send my link to all the people you know, and ask them to send the link to all the people they know, etc, etc.
So, please help me, I really want to win this contest. At my age, 77, there are very few "highlights," and it would mean a lot to me to win .... something, well, actually, anything.
I appreciate your help, and wish you a wonderful HOLIDAY SEASON ....
dooley observed,
Friday, December 18, 2009
Poor Tiger
Someone put a couple of FACEBOOK sites up on Tiger Woods......
Name: I Have Also Slept With Tiger Woods
Type: Sports & Recreation
Members: 204,541 members
AND THEN ONE .....................
I did not sleep with Tiger Woods
Type: Sports / Athletics
Fans: 24,640 fans
One report is he is out sitting on his 2 million dollar yacht and heading for warmer climates. That's what I would do ................
Name: I Have Also Slept With Tiger Woods
Type: Sports & Recreation
Members: 204,541 members
AND THEN ONE .....................
I did not sleep with Tiger Woods
Type: Sports / Athletics
Fans: 24,640 fans
One report is he is out sitting on his 2 million dollar yacht and heading for warmer climates. That's what I would do ................
Another Holiday Tragedy
There are always tragedies around this time of year, this headline was especially tragic .....
Suicidal Twin Kill Sister By Mistake
Suicidal Twin Kill Sister By Mistake
What was your best Christmas Gift?

Well, since you asked, I'm thinking.
I remember the Mercury outboard motor I got in '48 or '49, I think it was a Hurricane, 10 horse, but kicked more like 14. Chuck Rodgers, a friend, worked for Sports Afield Magazine, heard about it and sent me a hand-painted blue necktie with the Mercury painted on it. Would love to have that on Ebay now.
Had the motor, so we built a boat. Went down to Miamisburg, Ohio, home of the McGuire Sisters, and the Acme Boat Company, and bought a kit, for a 12 foot runabout. We built that in the garage over the Winter. Dad built a trailer for it, unique design, angle iron, and a suspension system he designed.
I used to take it out to Miami Shores, South of Dayton, saw Guy Lombardo and his boat there. I entered a few open class races, but never did anything.
Took the boat to Burt Lake in Michigan a couple of summers, ran it all over the lake.
Got a brilliant idea one weekend, in Dayton, painted in a bright Canary Yellow with Red Circles. I have no idea why, just the ADD at work. I think I was trying to impress Mary Bimm, and I recall her just sitting and watching me paint, shaking her head, not sure if we dated after that or not.
I always remember my chemistry set, it was a Gilbert, not sure of the year, probably during the war years, '42 or '43,the chemicals were in wooden bottles.
Oh, and that Lionel Blue Comet Train, sometime in the late '30's. It was a beauty, lights in the coaches. I see on EBay now, they are, eight to ten ...... thousand, and I had two trains that belonged to my brother, that were older than my Blue Comet.
Well, the old house at 319 South Brown Street is gone, a freeway runs right over where it used to be, the boat is gone, the chemistry set and all the trains are gone, but the "memories linger on."
On my Mother's Birthday each year, today, December 18, we would go to the Fairgrounds, and under the bleachers, Christmas Trees were sold, still can smell that pine aroma. We had very high ceilings on Brown Street, but Dad always managed to get a tree that was too tall. On this day, we decorated the tree, and I think I still remember my emotions that came with that ritual. Poor Mom never got a thought on her birthday.
She would get all the boxes out of the attic that held those "treasures" that decorated the tree. Dad had built a 4 inch white picket fence years before, and Mom would get cotton out of Dad's office for snow, and around that snow, the fence. At each fencepost she had various figures that she had collected over the years, each one was a memory for her.
Mom always did the "finishing touches" on the tree, she did the icicles. Originally they were like a lead foil material, then during the war they became some material different, for the war effort.
Looking back, I don't remember much ever happening for Mom on her birthday, it was always "tree day," a day to always be remembered, "Mom's birthday is on the 18th, one week before Christmas."
I remember the Mercury outboard motor I got in '48 or '49, I think it was a Hurricane, 10 horse, but kicked more like 14. Chuck Rodgers, a friend, worked for Sports Afield Magazine, heard about it and sent me a hand-painted blue necktie with the Mercury painted on it. Would love to have that on Ebay now.
Had the motor, so we built a boat. Went down to Miamisburg, Ohio, home of the McGuire Sisters, and the Acme Boat Company, and bought a kit, for a 12 foot runabout. We built that in the garage over the Winter. Dad built a trailer for it, unique design, angle iron, and a suspension system he designed.
I used to take it out to Miami Shores, South of Dayton, saw Guy Lombardo and his boat there. I entered a few open class races, but never did anything.
Took the boat to Burt Lake in Michigan a couple of summers, ran it all over the lake.
Got a brilliant idea one weekend, in Dayton, painted in a bright Canary Yellow with Red Circles. I have no idea why, just the ADD at work. I think I was trying to impress Mary Bimm, and I recall her just sitting and watching me paint, shaking her head, not sure if we dated after that or not.
I always remember my chemistry set, it was a Gilbert, not sure of the year, probably during the war years, '42 or '43,the chemicals were in wooden bottles.
Oh, and that Lionel Blue Comet Train, sometime in the late '30's. It was a beauty, lights in the coaches. I see on EBay now, they are, eight to ten ...... thousand, and I had two trains that belonged to my brother, that were older than my Blue Comet.
Well, the old house at 319 South Brown Street is gone, a freeway runs right over where it used to be, the boat is gone, the chemistry set and all the trains are gone, but the "memories linger on."
On my Mother's Birthday each year, today, December 18, we would go to the Fairgrounds, and under the bleachers, Christmas Trees were sold, still can smell that pine aroma. We had very high ceilings on Brown Street, but Dad always managed to get a tree that was too tall. On this day, we decorated the tree, and I think I still remember my emotions that came with that ritual. Poor Mom never got a thought on her birthday.
She would get all the boxes out of the attic that held those "treasures" that decorated the tree. Dad had built a 4 inch white picket fence years before, and Mom would get cotton out of Dad's office for snow, and around that snow, the fence. At each fencepost she had various figures that she had collected over the years, each one was a memory for her.
Mom always did the "finishing touches" on the tree, she did the icicles. Originally they were like a lead foil material, then during the war they became some material different, for the war effort.
Looking back, I don't remember much ever happening for Mom on her birthday, it was always "tree day," a day to always be remembered, "Mom's birthday is on the 18th, one week before Christmas."
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Correction .....
I have gotten a few emails ..... with a correction on my last BLOG.
I am not sure what I called it, but it is a Pzone.
For any Northerners or hunters who have hunted in the north, it is nothing more than an Italian PASTY ... remember those, that home made meat pie you could buy in the North during hunting season .... you can still get them on line .... GOOGLE PASTY. I have done some at home, a lot of work.
I am not sure what I called it, but it is a Pzone.
For any Northerners or hunters who have hunted in the north, it is nothing more than an Italian PASTY ... remember those, that home made meat pie you could buy in the North during hunting season .... you can still get them on line .... GOOGLE PASTY. I have done some at home, a lot of work.
I am trying ................
I gained about 8 pounds over the Thanksgiving Holidays, and I am trying to lose some weight. I would like to get back to that 195 or under. I am getting to that point where I dred going to the bathroom. Not because of any internal problems, the problem is, standing up. Knees, ankles, legs, hips, all hurt.
Yesterday we were at WalMart and I decided to go for those little TV dinners, and they are only $1, plus, portion control, should get my stomach shrunk down a little, and only a buck, some were 93 cents. If I eat seven of those a week, only $7, lose weight and save us some money. Since we didn't get a raise in our SS this year, we are having to cut corners. What better way than me eating for a little over $1 a day, and I lose weight.
I had an English Muffin for breakfast, and this evening started to get a little hungry. Banquet Salisbury Steak dinner with mashed potatoes and corn. Microwave only 6 minutes.
It was not too bad, the spoonful of potatoes was a little runny, spoon full of corn was pretty good, Salisbury steak was pretty good, used the extra gravy on the potatoes. All in all, not too bad. Still a little hungry, but satisfied. I could see the weight coming down.
Well, we had some ice cream sandwiches for dessert, pretty good, lime ice cream and a chocolate type cookie, so I had one.
Now, an hour later, sitting here at the laptop, working my heart out, internet marketing, which so far, over all these years, has gotten me about $30, but I try very hard.
"Would you like a Calzone, from Pizza Hut?"
I am never gonna lose that weight.
Yesterday we were at WalMart and I decided to go for those little TV dinners, and they are only $1, plus, portion control, should get my stomach shrunk down a little, and only a buck, some were 93 cents. If I eat seven of those a week, only $7, lose weight and save us some money. Since we didn't get a raise in our SS this year, we are having to cut corners. What better way than me eating for a little over $1 a day, and I lose weight.
I had an English Muffin for breakfast, and this evening started to get a little hungry. Banquet Salisbury Steak dinner with mashed potatoes and corn. Microwave only 6 minutes.
It was not too bad, the spoonful of potatoes was a little runny, spoon full of corn was pretty good, Salisbury steak was pretty good, used the extra gravy on the potatoes. All in all, not too bad. Still a little hungry, but satisfied. I could see the weight coming down.
Well, we had some ice cream sandwiches for dessert, pretty good, lime ice cream and a chocolate type cookie, so I had one.
Now, an hour later, sitting here at the laptop, working my heart out, internet marketing, which so far, over all these years, has gotten me about $30, but I try very hard.
"Would you like a Calzone, from Pizza Hut?"
I am never gonna lose that weight.
Tom Harmon against Ohio State - 1940
I think I remember listenting to this game in 1940, I was only 8, but as I recall, my Dad was listenting to it on the old Philco radio, and I sat there listenting with him.
He, of course, is the Father of NCIS boss, Leroy Jethroe Gibbs, or better known as Mark Harmon, who is married to actress Pam Dawber.
The only known footage of Old 98's performance against the Buckeyes in Columbus in 1940. Though, there are some highlights missing. In this game, Harmon...
*Passed for 151 yards and 2 touchdowns
*Rushed for 139 yards and 2 touchdowns
*Averaged 50 yards a punt
*Scored 4 extra points
*Intercepted 3 passes, 1 of them for a 5th touchdown
In the closing moments, Fritz Crisler pulled Harmon from the game and 70,000 Buckeye fans actually gave Tom a standing ovation. For OSU fans, to give a standing ovation to anyone, other than a Buckeye, is beyond comprehension. But, a Michigan player, is the highest possible tribute. You will never, ever, see it happen today.
This year, the Navy game, a move was started to give a great ovation to the Navy team as a salute to the armed forces. There was dissention. Finally, both teams came out at once .... many OSU fans would not stand and applaud the Navy team.
It is still a great rivalry, somewhat worse back in those days. My Dad talks of going up to Michigan for some games during those years. They would drive just above the Michigan border, stop, park their cars, and rent cars to take them to Ann Arbor. It was not safe having a car with Ohio plates, on game day.
He, of course, is the Father of NCIS boss, Leroy Jethroe Gibbs, or better known as Mark Harmon, who is married to actress Pam Dawber.
The only known footage of Old 98's performance against the Buckeyes in Columbus in 1940. Though, there are some highlights missing. In this game, Harmon...
*Passed for 151 yards and 2 touchdowns
*Rushed for 139 yards and 2 touchdowns
*Averaged 50 yards a punt
*Scored 4 extra points
*Intercepted 3 passes, 1 of them for a 5th touchdown
In the closing moments, Fritz Crisler pulled Harmon from the game and 70,000 Buckeye fans actually gave Tom a standing ovation. For OSU fans, to give a standing ovation to anyone, other than a Buckeye, is beyond comprehension. But, a Michigan player, is the highest possible tribute. You will never, ever, see it happen today.
This year, the Navy game, a move was started to give a great ovation to the Navy team as a salute to the armed forces. There was dissention. Finally, both teams came out at once .... many OSU fans would not stand and applaud the Navy team.
It is still a great rivalry, somewhat worse back in those days. My Dad talks of going up to Michigan for some games during those years. They would drive just above the Michigan border, stop, park their cars, and rent cars to take them to Ann Arbor. It was not safe having a car with Ohio plates, on game day.
mark harmon,
ohio state football,
tom harmon
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The President ...... at Prayer
How do Retailers Do it, anymore?
I remember, years ago, we did our shopping at Rikes and Elders in Dayton, and a few other stores. I think, all the Christmas gifts we bought were at the regular price. Everyone was excited, after Christmas, to shop the same stores and see what was on sale.
Today, everything is ON SALE before Christmas, just to get people in. It has to be a retailers headache.
Case in point. Kohls has a neck massager that I looked at. My neck and back felt better when I put my hand on the pillow and felt those finger-like undulations going round and round. I knew it would change my life, but I didn't even look at the price. Plug-in, variable controller, I knew it would be more than I wanted to spend.
I went on-line, found the company and the product, I was right, %65. I can rub my own neck for that.
I mentioned it to my wife, who does some "marketing" work at Kohls, she told me they had it ON SALE for $29. They had that entire line of products ON SALE, at what looked like about one-half off. Two weeks before Christmas.
What do they do after Christmas, go back to full price?
I remember the day when Christmas "made the year" for a store. If they had a good Christmas, they had a good year.
How can you have a good Christmas, if your leader items are half price or less.
I guess WalMart is right. Low prices all the time, some break-even prices, and sell it all, food, clothing, furniture, hardware, just sell it all. One stop shopping.
Southgate Men's Shop, as I recall, had one sale a year, and it was one heck of a sale, everyone knew when, and it was a gigantic success.
I remember too, I worked at Montgomery Wards, in Oregon. Everyone knew when, certain items would go on sale, and that's when they bought certain items. They knew that tires would go on sale at certain times, White Sale at a certain time, and that is when they bought those items.
Of course, there aren't many small retailers anymore, the big boys have seen to that. Even some of the big boys have gone out of business, at least those that offered "service."
WalMart should start building their new stores, multi floors, with condos on the upper floors. If you lived there, you would never have to leave. No car, no car insurance, just spend your retirement years at WalMart, we do that pretty much anyway.
Today, everything is ON SALE before Christmas, just to get people in. It has to be a retailers headache.
Case in point. Kohls has a neck massager that I looked at. My neck and back felt better when I put my hand on the pillow and felt those finger-like undulations going round and round. I knew it would change my life, but I didn't even look at the price. Plug-in, variable controller, I knew it would be more than I wanted to spend.
I went on-line, found the company and the product, I was right, %65. I can rub my own neck for that.
I mentioned it to my wife, who does some "marketing" work at Kohls, she told me they had it ON SALE for $29. They had that entire line of products ON SALE, at what looked like about one-half off. Two weeks before Christmas.
What do they do after Christmas, go back to full price?
I remember the day when Christmas "made the year" for a store. If they had a good Christmas, they had a good year.
How can you have a good Christmas, if your leader items are half price or less.
I guess WalMart is right. Low prices all the time, some break-even prices, and sell it all, food, clothing, furniture, hardware, just sell it all. One stop shopping.
Southgate Men's Shop, as I recall, had one sale a year, and it was one heck of a sale, everyone knew when, and it was a gigantic success.
I remember too, I worked at Montgomery Wards, in Oregon. Everyone knew when, certain items would go on sale, and that's when they bought certain items. They knew that tires would go on sale at certain times, White Sale at a certain time, and that is when they bought those items.
Of course, there aren't many small retailers anymore, the big boys have seen to that. Even some of the big boys have gone out of business, at least those that offered "service."
WalMart should start building their new stores, multi floors, with condos on the upper floors. If you lived there, you would never have to leave. No car, no car insurance, just spend your retirement years at WalMart, we do that pretty much anyway.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Something to Ponder.
What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi?
So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket,suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later?
And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi, what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration?
Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?
A : Yes, by his own admission.
Q: What passport did he travel under?
A: There are only three possibilities.
1) He traveled with a U.S. Passport,
2) He traveled with a British passport, or
3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.
Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?
A: No. It is not possible.
Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981
When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.
If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims.
And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.
What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi?
So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket,suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later?
And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi, what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration?
Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?
A : Yes, by his own admission.
Q: What passport did he travel under?
A: There are only three possibilities.
1) He traveled with a U.S. Passport,
2) He traveled with a British passport, or
3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.
Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?
A: No. It is not possible.
Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981
When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.
If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims.
And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.
More Traffic! More customers! More sales!
Subject: The Right Mindset Makes It Easy To Make Blogs Work For Your Business
Blogging is taking off like a wildfire. People are blogging about just about anything you can think of. From the daily routine of their cat, to technology reviews, to politics. Until the blogosphere sorts itself out and matures a bit more, it may be difficult to tell exactly how this new frontier of instant publishing can help you and your business grow. But don’t worry – you’ll start getting a flood of new ideas in the coming months.
For now, the most important thing you can do is develop the right mindset about business blogging. What you think about something, and how you strategize applying it in your business very often has more to do with success than the technology, tool, or resource itself.
With that in mind, here is the most important thing you can do. Keep your eye on people.
DO NOT get stuck on the “technology.” That’s what drove all the pie-in-the-sky dot.com dreamers into the financial abyss. It’s people and personal communication that matter most, and should always be a the center of all your thoughts, strategies, and actions.
Blogging is just a tool. But it’s a tool that can and should become a major support arm of your business. Why?
Because it exponentially multiplies the world's oldest, most favored, and trusted form of information sharing -- word of mouth.
Just ask yourself, whom do you trust the most to give you advice, recommendations, and information about opportunities, purchases, or choices? Someone you know and trust, right? Someone who you feel is just like you.
That type of trust comes from personal communication, social interaction, and the joining together of like-minded individuals. Blogging simply magnifies and expands that sense of community and more personalized communication, and then expands the reach across the entire world!
Link trust; with respect, positioning, and word-of-mouth and you have the makings of a powerful marketing arm that can initiate an ever-growing stream of highly targeted prospects.
Remember, it’s the relationships that matter most. Keep your eye on that fact, and you’ll always have the right mindset for business blogging that’s a benefit for you and your readers.
More Traffic! More customers! More sales!
Blogging is taking off like a wildfire. People are blogging about just about anything you can think of. From the daily routine of their cat, to technology reviews, to politics. Until the blogosphere sorts itself out and matures a bit more, it may be difficult to tell exactly how this new frontier of instant publishing can help you and your business grow. But don’t worry – you’ll start getting a flood of new ideas in the coming months.
For now, the most important thing you can do is develop the right mindset about business blogging. What you think about something, and how you strategize applying it in your business very often has more to do with success than the technology, tool, or resource itself.
With that in mind, here is the most important thing you can do. Keep your eye on people.
DO NOT get stuck on the “technology.” That’s what drove all the pie-in-the-sky dot.com dreamers into the financial abyss. It’s people and personal communication that matter most, and should always be a the center of all your thoughts, strategies, and actions.
Blogging is just a tool. But it’s a tool that can and should become a major support arm of your business. Why?
Because it exponentially multiplies the world's oldest, most favored, and trusted form of information sharing -- word of mouth.
Just ask yourself, whom do you trust the most to give you advice, recommendations, and information about opportunities, purchases, or choices? Someone you know and trust, right? Someone who you feel is just like you.
That type of trust comes from personal communication, social interaction, and the joining together of like-minded individuals. Blogging simply magnifies and expands that sense of community and more personalized communication, and then expands the reach across the entire world!
Link trust; with respect, positioning, and word-of-mouth and you have the makings of a powerful marketing arm that can initiate an ever-growing stream of highly targeted prospects.
Remember, it’s the relationships that matter most. Keep your eye on that fact, and you’ll always have the right mindset for business blogging that’s a benefit for you and your readers.
More Traffic! More customers! More sales!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Update on old Coach Abandon Ship Kelly
It was just released that Brian Kelly, the new Notre Dame football coach used to be in the Great Lakes Maritime Service before he entered coaching. He was Captain of a frigate cargo ship, the Bearcat, which serviced the waters of Lake Erie, Lake Huron and Lake Superior.
In 1999, the year of the blizzard, the Bearcat was 12 miles off off point Wolverine, on Lake Superior, when the steering link broke that steered the ship, and chaos and bedlam broke on on the ship. The valiant crew fought the problem as long as they could, and Captain Kelly reluctantly gave the command to "Abandon Ship."
He was the first person off, and as his personal launch sped away, he turned, and waved to his stranded crew, still on board the vessel, still trying to save the ship.
In 1999, the year of the blizzard, the Bearcat was 12 miles off off point Wolverine, on Lake Superior, when the steering link broke that steered the ship, and chaos and bedlam broke on on the ship. The valiant crew fought the problem as long as they could, and Captain Kelly reluctantly gave the command to "Abandon Ship."
He was the first person off, and as his personal launch sped away, he turned, and waved to his stranded crew, still on board the vessel, still trying to save the ship.
More on old "Abandon Ship" Kelly
This decision GAULS me to no end. I hope he falls flat on his ass at ND. This was printed on one of the news sites, I want all to see it ........ tells a lot about the character of Brian Kelly..........
Brian Kelly said farewell to his Cincinnati charges last night and many responded by kindly asking their ex-coach to mind both the door and the area where the Good Lord split him as he makes his way through it.
Several Bearcat players expressed their anger with Kelly after being told of his departure for Notre Dame before last night's football banquet—hours after the rest of planet already knew. Their annoyance seems to come not just from the fact that they were the last group to be told (after being promised that they would be first to know) or that he's abandoning them before the biggest game in school history, but because many players were led to believe—by Kelly himself—that he wasn't going anywhere.
Receiver Mardy Gilyard—who days ago was convinced that Kelly was staying—left in the middle of the team meeting where they finally learned of the decision, telling reporters he was "disgusted" at a situation he called an "injustice." Quarterback Tony Pike said that just a week ago (before their pivotal game against Pittsburgh) Kelly was gushing to the team about how much he loved the school and had no plans to leave. Tight end Ben Guidugli used the phrase "turning his back on us." Defensive end Alex Daniels angrily vowed to "show you all that we were the ones out there doing it" and Kelly was "just calling signals." So you're saying there won't be bon voyage cake?
Some would say that the the Bearcats are just being naive and this is simply a part of big time college football. Others might say that lying to your players right up until the moment when you walk out on them is underhanded and petty. Gilyard, for his part, says that he gets it. Kelly made "a business decision," but that doesn't mean he has to like it.
Brian Kelly said farewell to his Cincinnati charges last night and many responded by kindly asking their ex-coach to mind both the door and the area where the Good Lord split him as he makes his way through it.
Several Bearcat players expressed their anger with Kelly after being told of his departure for Notre Dame before last night's football banquet—hours after the rest of planet already knew. Their annoyance seems to come not just from the fact that they were the last group to be told (after being promised that they would be first to know) or that he's abandoning them before the biggest game in school history, but because many players were led to believe—by Kelly himself—that he wasn't going anywhere.
Receiver Mardy Gilyard—who days ago was convinced that Kelly was staying—left in the middle of the team meeting where they finally learned of the decision, telling reporters he was "disgusted" at a situation he called an "injustice." Quarterback Tony Pike said that just a week ago (before their pivotal game against Pittsburgh) Kelly was gushing to the team about how much he loved the school and had no plans to leave. Tight end Ben Guidugli used the phrase "turning his back on us." Defensive end Alex Daniels angrily vowed to "show you all that we were the ones out there doing it" and Kelly was "just calling signals." So you're saying there won't be bon voyage cake?
Some would say that the the Bearcats are just being naive and this is simply a part of big time college football. Others might say that lying to your players right up until the moment when you walk out on them is underhanded and petty. Gilyard, for his part, says that he gets it. Kelly made "a business decision," but that doesn't mean he has to like it.
brian kelly,
disgrace. no class,
disgusting decision
I got the job ..... see you guys later
Well, I am no longer a Notre Dame fan, at least not a fan of the new coach.
I wish there was just a little bit of a strain of loyalty that ran through coaches. "Dream come true" crap just doesn't work for me. He can't even stay at Cincinnati, which got him where he is today, long enough to coach "his kids" in a bowl game.
"The best story," Brian Kelly said, "would be I get to coach in the Sugar Bowl. But I'm here at Notre Dame now, and this is where I want to be. This is where I need to get to work immediately. So yeah, the story would be the coach stays with the team and finishes what he started. But in the calendar that we are in in college football, it just can't happen."
Cincinnati never won more games in a season than it did when Kelly coached the team to 11 victories in 2008. It then topped that in the 2009 regular season, a perfect 12-0 that essentially vaulted Kelly into the corner office at Notre Dame's Guglielmino Athletics Complex.
I think Kelly leaving his team them this way says a lot about the man. He is GREEDY. Dreams be damned, loyalty is worth something. If he had half a spine he would have said, "Can't talk till after the bowl game, MY KIDS NEED ME!" But, he didn't, he caved in to his own greed.
I wish him the same success there that Faust had. I hope his record makes Faust's record look good.
I wonder if he would leave his wife and family if his "dream girl" came along.
I hope he ends up having to coach the Cleveland Browns, that is how much I dislike what he did. The man has NO CLASS. I personally think it is a blemish on the record of a fine football program. Faust, now Kelly.
Wouldn't it be nice to see more loyal coaches, who stay with a program for a long time, and coach, because they love working with the kids, and seeing them succeed. Million dollar salaries are killing loyalty in coaches.
I wish there was just a little bit of a strain of loyalty that ran through coaches. "Dream come true" crap just doesn't work for me. He can't even stay at Cincinnati, which got him where he is today, long enough to coach "his kids" in a bowl game.
"The best story," Brian Kelly said, "would be I get to coach in the Sugar Bowl. But I'm here at Notre Dame now, and this is where I want to be. This is where I need to get to work immediately. So yeah, the story would be the coach stays with the team and finishes what he started. But in the calendar that we are in in college football, it just can't happen."
Cincinnati never won more games in a season than it did when Kelly coached the team to 11 victories in 2008. It then topped that in the 2009 regular season, a perfect 12-0 that essentially vaulted Kelly into the corner office at Notre Dame's Guglielmino Athletics Complex.
I think Kelly leaving his team them this way says a lot about the man. He is GREEDY. Dreams be damned, loyalty is worth something. If he had half a spine he would have said, "Can't talk till after the bowl game, MY KIDS NEED ME!" But, he didn't, he caved in to his own greed.
I wish him the same success there that Faust had. I hope his record makes Faust's record look good.
I wonder if he would leave his wife and family if his "dream girl" came along.
I hope he ends up having to coach the Cleveland Browns, that is how much I dislike what he did. The man has NO CLASS. I personally think it is a blemish on the record of a fine football program. Faust, now Kelly.
Wouldn't it be nice to see more loyal coaches, who stay with a program for a long time, and coach, because they love working with the kids, and seeing them succeed. Million dollar salaries are killing loyalty in coaches.
brian kelly,
disgrace. no class,
notre dame
I wonder?
Watching a football game, Montana versus Appalachian State. Got me to thinking.
We are the intelligent species on earth, I'm told, but I don't recall ever seeing any Apes or Monkeys or Gorillas, playing a game, in the snow, with thousands of people, huddled together, in the stands, trying to keep warm, watching them play.
I guess there is something else that makes us intelligent.
We are the intelligent species on earth, I'm told, but I don't recall ever seeing any Apes or Monkeys or Gorillas, playing a game, in the snow, with thousands of people, huddled together, in the stands, trying to keep warm, watching them play.
I guess there is something else that makes us intelligent.
Some wondering...............
I have noticed that both high school and college football teams, have female managers, and am also noticing that high school and college basketball teams have male managers.
Anyone know why?
What about track, wrestling, baseball, softball?
I have no way of know what all teams do. In college it used to be a good way to get in to sports medicine, sports management, and looked good on a resume when trying to get a job after college.
I remember one year at Ohio State, a four year manager, who "did it all" in regards to equipment, transportation, hotels, after graduation, was heavily recruited by many companies. He ended up much better than all the players on the team.
I don't remember how many years ago it was, probably twenty or so, we printed the program for out local high school. One of the mothers was putting it all together. I remember the day she came in and announced that her daughter was now the manager on the boys wrestling team. Her son was a standout on the basketball team. That was the first I had heard of a girl manager.
But, I have seen no gals on the basketball team, all guys, just wondering why.
Anyone know why?
What about track, wrestling, baseball, softball?
I have no way of know what all teams do. In college it used to be a good way to get in to sports medicine, sports management, and looked good on a resume when trying to get a job after college.
I remember one year at Ohio State, a four year manager, who "did it all" in regards to equipment, transportation, hotels, after graduation, was heavily recruited by many companies. He ended up much better than all the players on the team.
I don't remember how many years ago it was, probably twenty or so, we printed the program for out local high school. One of the mothers was putting it all together. I remember the day she came in and announced that her daughter was now the manager on the boys wrestling team. Her son was a standout on the basketball team. That was the first I had heard of a girl manager.
But, I have seen no gals on the basketball team, all guys, just wondering why.
girl manager,
ohio state football
Just wondering, does OBAMA have a PASSPORT?
I was just wondering, does Obama have a passport?
If so, what name is it under?
If he doesn't have one, how is he able to travel to all these foreign countries?
If he has one, then, if valid, he has shown PROOF that he is a citizen.
Anyone answer any of this.
If so, what name is it under?
If he doesn't have one, how is he able to travel to all these foreign countries?
If he has one, then, if valid, he has shown PROOF that he is a citizen.
Anyone answer any of this.
Friday, December 11, 2009
A Great Christmas Decoration

"Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas decorations. The bad news is that I had to take my fake man down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever. Great stories. But two things made me take it down.
First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by.
Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn't realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was only one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn't take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard."
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mr. Snedeker .....
A few people have asked me recently about my encounter with Mr. Snedeker, and coincidence or not, we were driving down Granville Road two days ago, drove in front of "that" house, and something got my attention. Something, or someone, was silhouetted in a second floor window, with an arm raised, in a waving motion. It made me remember my first encounter with him.
The incident I will never forget. In 1969, I had a tavern here in town, and one evening, a good friend, will call him Jim, was going to "do the town" with one of my customers. I drove them to the customers home, so he could get out of his work clothes and get in to something more appropriate for the evening ahead.
It was an old house, as all of them were in this particular neighborhood of Newark, Ohio. I pulled up in front of the house, and was able to park. We walked up the walk, on to the porch, and through the large, heavy, glass front door, and in to the foyer of this older, but well kept home.
The foyer connected to a large hallway, filled with interesting objects, that intrigued me. Jim went in to the study to wait, and I stayed out in the hall, roaming around.
The family cat came up to me, and I petted him behind the ears and said a few nice things to him. He apparently accepted me, and went off in to the study where Jim was waiting.
A number of times I thought I felt something touch me, or something game me some very strange feelings. Each time I would turn to look, nothing would be there. I continued checking everything out, but for some reason, I did not feel that I was alone, yet nothing was there.
They were all ready to go, so I drove them downtown and dropped them off, and went home, thinking no more about the incident.
The next afternoon, Jim came in, and we got to talking about the evening before.
"Darndest thing, I was sitting there, waiting, and a cat walked into the room and came over to me. I was just getting ready to pet him, when suddenly I felt a cold draft, and just that time that cat stopped and I swear the hair on his neck stood straight out on him, and his tail shot up in the air. It was the strangest thing. The air in that room got cooler, and it was a few moments until that cats hair settled down and he got back to normal."
He said he mentioned the incident to his friend, who replied, "Oh, that's just Mr. Snedeker, a ghost that lives here. The story goes that he was a caretaker here when this was the parish house for the Catholic Church down the street. Those who happened to be here when it happened said he was a devout Catholic, had a heart attack and died on the stairway. There were no Priests available, and he died without receiving his last rites. So, they say he still lives in this house. He doesn't bother us much, moves things around sometimes. Last night, I was reading in bed and lit a cigarette. Put the lighter on the night stand. Next morning, he had moved it to my dresser. He just does things like that, we've just gotten used to him."
Since that time I have talked with a number of people who have entered that house, for one reason or another, and either had strange occurrences, or felt strange sensations of cold.
Over the years, the house has sold, but I have often thought of Snedeker, especially when I drive by the house.
A short time ago my wife was talking with a lady she had worked with, and during the course of their conversation she mentioned that she was working at a "half way" house on Granville, and further mentioned that they had a very devastating fire in the house one night, but, fortunately, everyone got out safely. There were about 25 people living in the home, some with varying degrees of being handicapped.
She further mentioned that when the fire started, everyone was asleep, but that they said they were all awakened by something, or someone, but no one saw anything, they were just awakened, and led to their doors, to get outside and to safety.
My wife asked which house it was, and they she realized that it was the house of Mr. Snedeker, and she related the story to her.
She said that explained, to her, what happened, because no one in the house had done, or been able, to do anything to lead the people to safety. She said she originally thought that perhaps a "divine hand" had done it, but now, she could give Mr. Snedeker credit for the rescue. After the fire, they all agreed that some miracle had happened, to get all those people out of that smoke filled house.
The interior of the house has been fixed, the exterior looks the same, but every time I drive by that house I get the strangest feeling that someone is taking a ride with me in the car. I generally just say "Hi Mr. Snedeker," and keep on driving.
The incident I will never forget. In 1969, I had a tavern here in town, and one evening, a good friend, will call him Jim, was going to "do the town" with one of my customers. I drove them to the customers home, so he could get out of his work clothes and get in to something more appropriate for the evening ahead.
It was an old house, as all of them were in this particular neighborhood of Newark, Ohio. I pulled up in front of the house, and was able to park. We walked up the walk, on to the porch, and through the large, heavy, glass front door, and in to the foyer of this older, but well kept home.
The foyer connected to a large hallway, filled with interesting objects, that intrigued me. Jim went in to the study to wait, and I stayed out in the hall, roaming around.
The family cat came up to me, and I petted him behind the ears and said a few nice things to him. He apparently accepted me, and went off in to the study where Jim was waiting.
A number of times I thought I felt something touch me, or something game me some very strange feelings. Each time I would turn to look, nothing would be there. I continued checking everything out, but for some reason, I did not feel that I was alone, yet nothing was there.
They were all ready to go, so I drove them downtown and dropped them off, and went home, thinking no more about the incident.
The next afternoon, Jim came in, and we got to talking about the evening before.
"Darndest thing, I was sitting there, waiting, and a cat walked into the room and came over to me. I was just getting ready to pet him, when suddenly I felt a cold draft, and just that time that cat stopped and I swear the hair on his neck stood straight out on him, and his tail shot up in the air. It was the strangest thing. The air in that room got cooler, and it was a few moments until that cats hair settled down and he got back to normal."
He said he mentioned the incident to his friend, who replied, "Oh, that's just Mr. Snedeker, a ghost that lives here. The story goes that he was a caretaker here when this was the parish house for the Catholic Church down the street. Those who happened to be here when it happened said he was a devout Catholic, had a heart attack and died on the stairway. There were no Priests available, and he died without receiving his last rites. So, they say he still lives in this house. He doesn't bother us much, moves things around sometimes. Last night, I was reading in bed and lit a cigarette. Put the lighter on the night stand. Next morning, he had moved it to my dresser. He just does things like that, we've just gotten used to him."
Since that time I have talked with a number of people who have entered that house, for one reason or another, and either had strange occurrences, or felt strange sensations of cold.
Over the years, the house has sold, but I have often thought of Snedeker, especially when I drive by the house.
A short time ago my wife was talking with a lady she had worked with, and during the course of their conversation she mentioned that she was working at a "half way" house on Granville, and further mentioned that they had a very devastating fire in the house one night, but, fortunately, everyone got out safely. There were about 25 people living in the home, some with varying degrees of being handicapped.
She further mentioned that when the fire started, everyone was asleep, but that they said they were all awakened by something, or someone, but no one saw anything, they were just awakened, and led to their doors, to get outside and to safety.
My wife asked which house it was, and they she realized that it was the house of Mr. Snedeker, and she related the story to her.
She said that explained, to her, what happened, because no one in the house had done, or been able, to do anything to lead the people to safety. She said she originally thought that perhaps a "divine hand" had done it, but now, she could give Mr. Snedeker credit for the rescue. After the fire, they all agreed that some miracle had happened, to get all those people out of that smoke filled house.
The interior of the house has been fixed, the exterior looks the same, but every time I drive by that house I get the strangest feeling that someone is taking a ride with me in the car. I generally just say "Hi Mr. Snedeker," and keep on driving.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Eldrick and his problems
Maybe we should feel a little more compassion for Eldrick.
First, the name Eldrick, with the middle name of Tont. Eldrick has spent his entire life with a golf club in his hand, perhaps it was forced on him, living out the dream of his Father, Earl, and his Mother, Kultida. Those names, alone, are enough to scar a child for life. And, then when you spend all your waking hours hitting golf balls, there is not much time left to just be a boy.
All Eldrick did, his entire life, was play golf, and he played it better than anyone else, perhaps before, and in the future. His prowess elevated him to a status, well, in the world of golf, he was up there all alone.
All of a sudden, thanks to his bodyguards, and an unlimited source of money, he would see a woman that appealed to him, and in most cases, he could have her. Sports figures have always had their choice of a flock of women, who surrounded them, and made themselves available.
Look at Kobie and Ben, and I imagine the list would include a large percentage of sports figures, who have availed themselves of the opportunities.
Look at Sinatra, we never thought the less of him.
Sports figures, musicians, singers, politicians, it happens in every walk of life. Not saying it was right, just picturing a young guy, a pocket full of money, and a crowd of young beautiful girls, just waiting to get the nod.
I don't know that we should ruin the man for those indiscretions. Let's remember the "kid in the candy store." Just think of how his life has been, "Hi, I'm Eldrick, would you like to go out with me?"
First, the name Eldrick, with the middle name of Tont. Eldrick has spent his entire life with a golf club in his hand, perhaps it was forced on him, living out the dream of his Father, Earl, and his Mother, Kultida. Those names, alone, are enough to scar a child for life. And, then when you spend all your waking hours hitting golf balls, there is not much time left to just be a boy.
All Eldrick did, his entire life, was play golf, and he played it better than anyone else, perhaps before, and in the future. His prowess elevated him to a status, well, in the world of golf, he was up there all alone.
All of a sudden, thanks to his bodyguards, and an unlimited source of money, he would see a woman that appealed to him, and in most cases, he could have her. Sports figures have always had their choice of a flock of women, who surrounded them, and made themselves available.
Look at Kobie and Ben, and I imagine the list would include a large percentage of sports figures, who have availed themselves of the opportunities.
Look at Sinatra, we never thought the less of him.
Sports figures, musicians, singers, politicians, it happens in every walk of life. Not saying it was right, just picturing a young guy, a pocket full of money, and a crowd of young beautiful girls, just waiting to get the nod.
I don't know that we should ruin the man for those indiscretions. Let's remember the "kid in the candy store." Just think of how his life has been, "Hi, I'm Eldrick, would you like to go out with me?"
Tiger Woods,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
John Daly ..... loses weight
John Daly recently lost 115 pounds, he said that Tiger had revealed to him how he kept his weight down, .... when asked about it, John just smiled.
Talk about famous last words ...... priceless

This is tooooooo good, had to get it in here.....
December 9, 2009
The cover of Golf Digest.
AS IT emerged yesterday that Tiger Woods is now on the inward nine when it comes to women claiming to have had affairs with him - news reports put the latest tally down to 10 (and there you were, weren't you, laughing at our suggestion yesterday it would be 10 by the end of this week) - what about this? Is this the funniest thing you have ever seen?
Now, we have often heard of publications getting into trouble with pre-print deadlines (back in the 1970s and '80s, when colour covers required days of preparation, we lost count of the number of times local newspapers had Melbourne Cup day cover photographs of Cup hopefuls that had been scratched by the time the paper hit the newsstands).
Nothing compares to this though, surely the most excruciatingly ill-timed front cover ever, the January 2010 edition of Golf Digest magazine which shows a mocked-up image of President Barack Obama lining up a putt while apparently taking advice from his ''caddie'' Woods.
All this with the words: ''10 Tips Obama Can Take from Tiger''. Well, what a difference four weeks can make because it was apparently this time last month that the magazine was sent to the printers with the editor no doubt congratulating himself, what with Tiger, the family man with seemingly unblemished role-model qualities alongside the most powerful man in the world.
Inside, the article adds to the embarrassment by referring to the President and the now scandal-plagued golfer as "two men who might have much to talk about, like siblings separated at birth".
What's more, Golf Digest praises Woods as "a good role model because he has always been able to pull himself together after setbacks". According to the article, Obama could also benefit from a Woods-like agility with image control, the magazine adding: "Tiger never does anything that would make him ridiculous."
Talk about famous last words.
golf digest cover,
one for the ages,
Tiger Woods
More on Tiger
It started out rather simply, Tiger in a wreck, critical condition, then, relief, he was alright. I wrote at that time that there was more to it than we were told. Look what all has happened since then.
We may have seen the end to his golf career. How could he possibly still have that concentration that is so necessary in golf. I don't see how he could ever play golf at that level again. And, we may not be done hearing of his "indiscretions."
What will emerge next. I think we all have some idea of what happened. Tiger perhaps had too much to drink, and his wife found out about an affair, got it off of his cell phone. They had a fight. She hit him with a golf club. He got in the car, drove down his driveway and had the wreck. Fame and money kept the police at a comfortable distance and few, if any, questions were asked, at the time.
Now, affairs are coming out of the woodwork, they possibly are living apart, and this morning we find out that "someone" from the neighborhood was taken to the hospital.
Stuff that "soap operas" are made of. It could be the end of Tiger. His dream of walking off in to the sunset, known as the greatest of all time, his achievements overshadowing his idol, Jack Nicklaus will never happen now. All of those shiny trophies are now tarnished, and will forever be. He now carries the stigma that follows after affairs, drinking, fighting. What a shame.
We have seen him and been aware of him for most of his life. Saw him as a child on TV, hitting a golf ball, that embrace with his Father after that first Masters victory, hugging his Mother, the defiant fist in the air after an amazing shot, all of those "last second" putts, for championships, all gone.
He was perfection, he played golf like no other, if he endorsed it, we bought it. When he played in the final round on Sunday, ratings and viewership shot through the roof.
And now this. He may be able to overcome it, but I think there is much more to come. The golfing "knight" on the big white horse, is now walking, like everyone else. John Daly has been playing with a "drinking" tag on him, but nothing, like this.
I don't think Tiger's star will ever shine as bright, or maybe, not at all.
I also have to wonder, why, did he ever get married?
We may have seen the end to his golf career. How could he possibly still have that concentration that is so necessary in golf. I don't see how he could ever play golf at that level again. And, we may not be done hearing of his "indiscretions."
What will emerge next. I think we all have some idea of what happened. Tiger perhaps had too much to drink, and his wife found out about an affair, got it off of his cell phone. They had a fight. She hit him with a golf club. He got in the car, drove down his driveway and had the wreck. Fame and money kept the police at a comfortable distance and few, if any, questions were asked, at the time.
Now, affairs are coming out of the woodwork, they possibly are living apart, and this morning we find out that "someone" from the neighborhood was taken to the hospital.
Stuff that "soap operas" are made of. It could be the end of Tiger. His dream of walking off in to the sunset, known as the greatest of all time, his achievements overshadowing his idol, Jack Nicklaus will never happen now. All of those shiny trophies are now tarnished, and will forever be. He now carries the stigma that follows after affairs, drinking, fighting. What a shame.
We have seen him and been aware of him for most of his life. Saw him as a child on TV, hitting a golf ball, that embrace with his Father after that first Masters victory, hugging his Mother, the defiant fist in the air after an amazing shot, all of those "last second" putts, for championships, all gone.
He was perfection, he played golf like no other, if he endorsed it, we bought it. When he played in the final round on Sunday, ratings and viewership shot through the roof.
And now this. He may be able to overcome it, but I think there is much more to come. The golfing "knight" on the big white horse, is now walking, like everyone else. John Daly has been playing with a "drinking" tag on him, but nothing, like this.
I don't think Tiger's star will ever shine as bright, or maybe, not at all.
I also have to wonder, why, did he ever get married?
December 7, 1941
I heard no mention of the events that took place in 1941, maybe it is just the older folks who remember that day. It is a day that I shall never forget.
I was in Greencastle, Indiana, with my Mom and Dad, visiting my Brother, who was attending DePauw University. I loved going over there for visits, a beautiful college town, sorority houses, fraternity houses, going to their stadium to watch football games, and their gym for basketball. That is what my brother played and we went over as often as possible to see him play.
My brother lived in the Delt House, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, a beautiful place, sunken garden in the back, large lawn, and a large living room with leather couches and chairs, that overlooked that sunken garden. I can almost still catch the aroma in that house.
On special weekends, the cook baked up Parker House Rolls, hot and steaming, I really liked them, but they were made with a lot of eggs, and I was allergic to eggs in those days. My eyes would get puffy, runny nose, wheezy, and sometimes, difficulty in breathing. But I still managed to steal one or two of those rolls during dinner.
I had done that at lunch, on December 7, 1941, and was suffering the consequences and lying on one of those leather couches trying to overcome all those symptoms.
I remember the radio, playing in the background, not really paying attention to what was on, but I knew something was wrong. A deathly quiet came over the room, a lot of blank faces, staring in to space. Looking back, it is hard to imagine, what was going through their minds, young men, who knew they would be caught up in what certainly would be, a war.
I didn't fully comprehend what all was going on, I was only 9, but the overwhelming tension in that beautiful college fraternity living room, was somehow transformed, and I remember different ones, quietly and somberly, leaving, heading for their rooms, to be my themselves and sort out their own thoughts. It became really oppressive after a while. There was very little chatter in that room full of young men, some with their dates, some with their parents, but I think they knew their lives had just been altered, by that bombing, in Pearl Harbor, and the inevitable war that would follow.
I remember the war pretty well, the reports in the newspapers, the news on the radio, Walter Winchell, H. V. Kaltenbourne, Peter Grant from WLW in Cincinnati, reports on the progress of the war.
My brother ended up serving during the latter stages of the war, in the Navy, Submarine Service. We had friends and neighbors who had ships shot out from under them, one on the Yorktown, some in the Army who walked their way through Europe. We escaped most of the horrors of war, we lost no close friends or relatives. I planted a Victory Garden, was a Junior Commando, collected cans and grease, went around the neighborhood and collect some sort of a "pod" that supposedly ended up in parachutes.
We had our ration card, for food and gas and maybe one for sugar, but I think we were one of Earl's best customers, he had a neighborhood grocery store on Brown Street, down on the corner, across the street from where we lived, so I have a hunch Earl took pretty good care of us.
'A day that will go down in infamy," Roosevelt said, but not much to little to nothing said about it today, maybe "infamy" has come and gone. I guess a lot of water has run over the dam since then, now they own much of this country, we rely on them for many products we use every day ......... so perhaps....... but, I can't forget.
I was in Greencastle, Indiana, with my Mom and Dad, visiting my Brother, who was attending DePauw University. I loved going over there for visits, a beautiful college town, sorority houses, fraternity houses, going to their stadium to watch football games, and their gym for basketball. That is what my brother played and we went over as often as possible to see him play.
My brother lived in the Delt House, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, a beautiful place, sunken garden in the back, large lawn, and a large living room with leather couches and chairs, that overlooked that sunken garden. I can almost still catch the aroma in that house.
On special weekends, the cook baked up Parker House Rolls, hot and steaming, I really liked them, but they were made with a lot of eggs, and I was allergic to eggs in those days. My eyes would get puffy, runny nose, wheezy, and sometimes, difficulty in breathing. But I still managed to steal one or two of those rolls during dinner.
I had done that at lunch, on December 7, 1941, and was suffering the consequences and lying on one of those leather couches trying to overcome all those symptoms.
I remember the radio, playing in the background, not really paying attention to what was on, but I knew something was wrong. A deathly quiet came over the room, a lot of blank faces, staring in to space. Looking back, it is hard to imagine, what was going through their minds, young men, who knew they would be caught up in what certainly would be, a war.
I didn't fully comprehend what all was going on, I was only 9, but the overwhelming tension in that beautiful college fraternity living room, was somehow transformed, and I remember different ones, quietly and somberly, leaving, heading for their rooms, to be my themselves and sort out their own thoughts. It became really oppressive after a while. There was very little chatter in that room full of young men, some with their dates, some with their parents, but I think they knew their lives had just been altered, by that bombing, in Pearl Harbor, and the inevitable war that would follow.
I remember the war pretty well, the reports in the newspapers, the news on the radio, Walter Winchell, H. V. Kaltenbourne, Peter Grant from WLW in Cincinnati, reports on the progress of the war.
My brother ended up serving during the latter stages of the war, in the Navy, Submarine Service. We had friends and neighbors who had ships shot out from under them, one on the Yorktown, some in the Army who walked their way through Europe. We escaped most of the horrors of war, we lost no close friends or relatives. I planted a Victory Garden, was a Junior Commando, collected cans and grease, went around the neighborhood and collect some sort of a "pod" that supposedly ended up in parachutes.
We had our ration card, for food and gas and maybe one for sugar, but I think we were one of Earl's best customers, he had a neighborhood grocery store on Brown Street, down on the corner, across the street from where we lived, so I have a hunch Earl took pretty good care of us.
'A day that will go down in infamy," Roosevelt said, but not much to little to nothing said about it today, maybe "infamy" has come and gone. I guess a lot of water has run over the dam since then, now they own much of this country, we rely on them for many products we use every day ......... so perhaps....... but, I can't forget.
Monday, December 7, 2009
For those who read this, and those who care, my EMAIL has been compromised. I think someone has gotten in to my EMAIL list and is using it to send out EMAILS to my list.
And, I may never get back on YAHOO, I can't remember where I put down I met my wife. Southgate didn't work, Heath, didn't work. The Casual Shop, didn't work, and Southgate Mens Shop didn't work, and that is where I met her. I may have put something clever down, years ago, and now, don't know what it was. So, I may never get my EMAIL ..... joedooley@yahoo.com ......... back. I've had it for so many years.
So, for a while, my EMAIL will be jbradforddooley@gmail.com, and may always be that, if I can't remember what I put down for ....... Where did you meet your wife?
Since I can't get in to that, I also cannot get in to thedooleysite.com and all the sites I have up under that. I can't make any changes on any of them.
Tomorrow, I may have to talk with YAHOO on the telephone .... the last time I talked with them .......... "I have a receipt to show I purchased the domain name."
"But you cancelled it a day later."
"Why would I do that?"
"I know it shows you cancelled it before you purchased it, but there is nothing we can do. Go in and purchase it again."
"Does that make any sense to you?"
"No, but thanks for using YAHOO."
I dread calling them up tomorrow, going to keep my blood pressure hooked up to my arm, just in case..
And, I may never get back on YAHOO, I can't remember where I put down I met my wife. Southgate didn't work, Heath, didn't work. The Casual Shop, didn't work, and Southgate Mens Shop didn't work, and that is where I met her. I may have put something clever down, years ago, and now, don't know what it was. So, I may never get my EMAIL ..... joedooley@yahoo.com ......... back. I've had it for so many years.
So, for a while, my EMAIL will be jbradforddooley@gmail.com, and may always be that, if I can't remember what I put down for ....... Where did you meet your wife?
Since I can't get in to that, I also cannot get in to thedooleysite.com and all the sites I have up under that. I can't make any changes on any of them.
Tomorrow, I may have to talk with YAHOO on the telephone .... the last time I talked with them .......... "I have a receipt to show I purchased the domain name."
"But you cancelled it a day later."
"Why would I do that?"
"I know it shows you cancelled it before you purchased it, but there is nothing we can do. Go in and purchase it again."
"Does that make any sense to you?"
"No, but thanks for using YAHOO."
I dread calling them up tomorrow, going to keep my blood pressure hooked up to my arm, just in case..
Friday, December 4, 2009

I wonder, in the foto below it looks like Obama is looking at Michaele Salahi .............
We know who is looking at who in this one ...... and why................
Does ANYONE wonder WHY the American press didn't publish the below foto???????????
And then, five years later, another picture, together, and SUPPOSEDLY they weren't invited to be "under the tent." But they were, and nobody knows HOW THEY GOT THERE. I still have not seen or heard anything about this foto in OUR NEWS ................
Now the Truth Comes Out ...... from Canada

Wouldn't it be nice if the press in the USA told the truth sometime. This picture was recently published in the Canadian press .... a picture taken in 2005.
SO it was not the first that OBAMA knew these folks.
WHY the publicity Mr. President, what was accomplished by this SCAM?
REMEMBER, this foto was taken in 2005.
Obama could end the “party crasher” goose chase for White House Secret Service in a
proverbial New York Minute by coming clean on his almost 5-year-old social/political relationship with Tareq and Michaele Salahi.
It could save money in these recessionary times and put an end to the drama of
Washington’s “unprecedented” first state dinner in a tent.
Only in Las Vegas ....

Something the general public probably does not know.
Las Vegas churches accept gambling chips during their services in their collection plates. It probably originated with Wilbur Clark, who owned the Desert Inn, and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, and attended regularly on Sunday. The Pastor there at the time was James Street, who had lived in Nevada all his life, and was a good friend of Wilbur Clark.
A fact most don't know, there are more churches in Las Vegas than there are casinos. Reno has the same statistical balance, and Harold's Club often mentioned that in their world-wide advertising campaign in the 40's and 50's.
Not surprisingly, some worshipers at Sunday Services will put casino chips, rather than cash, when the basket is passed. The churches accept them with the same philosophy that the casinos use, a chip does not have the same monetary value as actual money, so people are prone to donate more, in chips, than actual money.
Since they get chips from many different casinos, the Clark County Ministerial Association has devised a method to collect the offerings.
A nearby Franciscan Monastery, located on Mt. Charleston, every Monday, collects all of the chips from the various churches, takes them to the Monastery, where they sort them, and then take them to the casino of origin, and cash them in. The money is then electronically transferred to each church.
This service is performed by the Chip Monks.
Las Vegas churches accept gambling chips during their services in their collection plates. It probably originated with Wilbur Clark, who owned the Desert Inn, and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, and attended regularly on Sunday. The Pastor there at the time was James Street, who had lived in Nevada all his life, and was a good friend of Wilbur Clark.
A fact most don't know, there are more churches in Las Vegas than there are casinos. Reno has the same statistical balance, and Harold's Club often mentioned that in their world-wide advertising campaign in the 40's and 50's.
Not surprisingly, some worshipers at Sunday Services will put casino chips, rather than cash, when the basket is passed. The churches accept them with the same philosophy that the casinos use, a chip does not have the same monetary value as actual money, so people are prone to donate more, in chips, than actual money.
Since they get chips from many different casinos, the Clark County Ministerial Association has devised a method to collect the offerings.
A nearby Franciscan Monastery, located on Mt. Charleston, every Monday, collects all of the chips from the various churches, takes them to the Monastery, where they sort them, and then take them to the casino of origin, and cash them in. The money is then electronically transferred to each church.
This service is performed by the Chip Monks.
chip monks,
las vegas,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Another, Tiger comment ..............
If you want to live a "private" life, and keep your personal life from the public, don't live in a neighborhood where your shouting can be heard by your neighbors, I don't care how "exclusive" it is, don't drive, or let your car be driven at 2:30 in the morning, and do not hit fire plugs and trees, and have the police come to your house.
Someone is going to notice.
A fireplug was hit, water did not come out, but a whole bunch of dirty little secrets gushed out into the morning air. And when you have a whole army of the "press," desperate to get material for their TV shows, just waiting for the "giants" to fall, they soaked up all the water their "sponges" could absorb. They can squeeze every little ounce out of those "sponges" and talk, and talk and insinuate, for many years to come.
Look what they have done to Anna Nicole, and MJ, and all the others. Just think what they can do to the "King" of golf ............ it will never end.
So, Tiger, you can say it a million times, about the "keeping it a private matter," but when you have elevated to your status, there are no "private matters."
And we will have to hear about them, well, for a long time, or maybe, perpetuity.
Someone is going to notice.
A fireplug was hit, water did not come out, but a whole bunch of dirty little secrets gushed out into the morning air. And when you have a whole army of the "press," desperate to get material for their TV shows, just waiting for the "giants" to fall, they soaked up all the water their "sponges" could absorb. They can squeeze every little ounce out of those "sponges" and talk, and talk and insinuate, for many years to come.
Look what they have done to Anna Nicole, and MJ, and all the others. Just think what they can do to the "King" of golf ............ it will never end.
So, Tiger, you can say it a million times, about the "keeping it a private matter," but when you have elevated to your status, there are no "private matters."
And we will have to hear about them, well, for a long time, or maybe, perpetuity.
Tiger, never be the same again ....
Remember when we heard that Tiger was in a serious accident, and he was in a critical condition?
We all thought,, "What a tragedy."
We felt sorry for he, and his family. Out thoughts went back to his first victory at Augusta, hugging his Dad and his Mom, how all his hard work had paid off.
We thought of some of those winning puts, the fist in that upward position, the "yawaha" expression on his face. He was a superman, a super human being, whose practice and dedication to his sport was paying off. Victory was his, and deservedly so.
Now we are seeing his human side, or a side that tarnishes all of the trophies he has won. His Dad is not here to see it, his Mother and his Wife, and his fans, and the world, are.
Tiger lives in the professional world with Hogan, Snead, Palmer, Nicklaus and many others, none of whom, have been involved in this scale of notoriety. Tiger wanted to go out as "The Best." He wanted to surpass his hero, Nicklaus, and come out ahead of the likes of Hogan, Snead and Palmer.
Unfortunately, he has carved his own niche in golf history, and he will never live this down, his image is tarnished, forever. The king has been dethroned, and he will never get that same respect, again. He was looked upon as "super human," and in the end, he was merely "human."
Politicians have been caught, and their transgressions, forgotten. We expect such things from politicians, actors, singers, probably even football and basketball players. But not from golfers. The very nature of their game, is being a "gentleman." Honesty, integrity, are all part of the game.
He will probably hold more winners cups aloft, but their brightness will never shine as bright, again.
We all thought,, "What a tragedy."
We felt sorry for he, and his family. Out thoughts went back to his first victory at Augusta, hugging his Dad and his Mom, how all his hard work had paid off.
We thought of some of those winning puts, the fist in that upward position, the "yawaha" expression on his face. He was a superman, a super human being, whose practice and dedication to his sport was paying off. Victory was his, and deservedly so.
Now we are seeing his human side, or a side that tarnishes all of the trophies he has won. His Dad is not here to see it, his Mother and his Wife, and his fans, and the world, are.
Tiger lives in the professional world with Hogan, Snead, Palmer, Nicklaus and many others, none of whom, have been involved in this scale of notoriety. Tiger wanted to go out as "The Best." He wanted to surpass his hero, Nicklaus, and come out ahead of the likes of Hogan, Snead and Palmer.
Unfortunately, he has carved his own niche in golf history, and he will never live this down, his image is tarnished, forever. The king has been dethroned, and he will never get that same respect, again. He was looked upon as "super human," and in the end, he was merely "human."
Politicians have been caught, and their transgressions, forgotten. We expect such things from politicians, actors, singers, probably even football and basketball players. But not from golfers. The very nature of their game, is being a "gentleman." Honesty, integrity, are all part of the game.
He will probably hold more winners cups aloft, but their brightness will never shine as bright, again.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Breaking News- Woods regrets Transgressions
Tiger Woods apologized to his family for letting them down and said today that he regretted those "transgressions with all of my heart."
In a statement released on his website Wednesday, Woods offered a "profound apology" for his actions but stopped short of specifying what those behaviors were.
He apparently has been doing a lot more than just playing golf. All that extra practice time we heard so much about must have just been a ploy. Rumor has it that "she" even went to the trouble to have green sheets made for her bed. If reached by phone he could honestly say, "Honey, I'm on the green right now, can't talk." Added some new insight into just "putting around."
They will be coming out of the woodwork now, women from all over the world who will claim they had an affair with The Tiger. This never have come out except for this "incident" in Florida. I still don't think he was driving that Caddy, airbag did not deploy (there is a website that will answer that questions for me, about the airbag and the ignition, for a price). Marks on his forehead came from the golf club. Woods is thankful that it was not a Tiger Wood Wood she used.
And why was the BUICK spokesperson driving a Caddy, maybe the Caddy belonged to his wife. I still wonder what she was doing with a golf club at 2:30 in the morning. Where are hidden video cameras when you need them.
No, we don't need to know, but by the same token we don't have to support tournaments he in playing in, we don't have to buy products he endorses, or drive cars he endorses. He has acquired a fortune, due to his talent, and also the public who spends their money that eventually swings back to him.
He has worked long and hard to get where he is today, but, like so many others, he has been brought to his knees, by a woman, or many women. I think that when God instilled those emotions and desires in his people he didn't realize the trouble they could cause. And it all started right after he created Adam and Eve. Maybe he had a good sense of humor, and foresaw all the trouble it would cause.
Bill Clinton, Jim Baker, Tiger Woods, Anthony, a whole bevy of politicians, sports figures, ministers, and millions more.
God is sitting up in his heavens, looking down on poor Tiger Woods (not poor in the monetary sense), and saying, "Gotcha."
In a statement released on his website Wednesday, Woods offered a "profound apology" for his actions but stopped short of specifying what those behaviors were.
He apparently has been doing a lot more than just playing golf. All that extra practice time we heard so much about must have just been a ploy. Rumor has it that "she" even went to the trouble to have green sheets made for her bed. If reached by phone he could honestly say, "Honey, I'm on the green right now, can't talk." Added some new insight into just "putting around."
They will be coming out of the woodwork now, women from all over the world who will claim they had an affair with The Tiger. This never have come out except for this "incident" in Florida. I still don't think he was driving that Caddy, airbag did not deploy (there is a website that will answer that questions for me, about the airbag and the ignition, for a price). Marks on his forehead came from the golf club. Woods is thankful that it was not a Tiger Wood Wood she used.
And why was the BUICK spokesperson driving a Caddy, maybe the Caddy belonged to his wife. I still wonder what she was doing with a golf club at 2:30 in the morning. Where are hidden video cameras when you need them.
No, we don't need to know, but by the same token we don't have to support tournaments he in playing in, we don't have to buy products he endorses, or drive cars he endorses. He has acquired a fortune, due to his talent, and also the public who spends their money that eventually swings back to him.
He has worked long and hard to get where he is today, but, like so many others, he has been brought to his knees, by a woman, or many women. I think that when God instilled those emotions and desires in his people he didn't realize the trouble they could cause. And it all started right after he created Adam and Eve. Maybe he had a good sense of humor, and foresaw all the trouble it would cause.
Bill Clinton, Jim Baker, Tiger Woods, Anthony, a whole bevy of politicians, sports figures, ministers, and millions more.
God is sitting up in his heavens, looking down on poor Tiger Woods (not poor in the monetary sense), and saying, "Gotcha."
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Strange ............... but true
I have an old Seiko Bell-Matic watch that is rather old. It belonged to my brother-in-law, who has passed away. Not sure where he got it. It quit running about ten years ago. I took it to a jeweler, he said it was too complicated for him, so I put it away in a jewelry box, and it has been nestled there for many years.
Some of you remember my encounter with Sarah Rooselvelt, the mother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, at Hyde Park, in New York, on a recent visit there.
Two nights ago, I had a dream, very vivid, I think it was a dream, Sarah, for some reason, told me to wear that watch yesterday. She said it would run, but only for sixteen hours. It was a very vivid dream and it was fresh on my mind, so when I woke up, I pulled out that jewelry box, got out the old Seiko Bell-Matic and put it on. I looked at the face of it, and the second hand, was working. I set it, for eight o'clock.
It ran all day. I set the alarm for noon, and it went off, right at twelve. I always liked that watch, and was really pleased that it was working again. It had reminded me of many appointments and meetings in the past, and I had worn it for many years.
I watched Monday Night Football, saw the Patriots go down, big time, and watched the exuberant Saints celebrate at the end of the game.
I went to bed at eleven fifty, I checked the time on the watch, and it was still accurate, according to our other clocks in the room. I was glad to have the old friend back, and took one last glance, at the old Seiko Bell-matic.
I woke up this morning, went to the kitchen to make coffee, put in the coffee, then the water, and I glanced down at my watch, to check the time.
For some reason, it stopped at exactly midnight, and as hard as I tried, it would not run. It is sitting beside me now, both hands on twelve, the second hand no longer moves. It had worked perfectly, for sixteen hours.
Some of you remember my encounter with Sarah Rooselvelt, the mother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, at Hyde Park, in New York, on a recent visit there.
Two nights ago, I had a dream, very vivid, I think it was a dream, Sarah, for some reason, told me to wear that watch yesterday. She said it would run, but only for sixteen hours. It was a very vivid dream and it was fresh on my mind, so when I woke up, I pulled out that jewelry box, got out the old Seiko Bell-Matic and put it on. I looked at the face of it, and the second hand, was working. I set it, for eight o'clock.
It ran all day. I set the alarm for noon, and it went off, right at twelve. I always liked that watch, and was really pleased that it was working again. It had reminded me of many appointments and meetings in the past, and I had worn it for many years.
I watched Monday Night Football, saw the Patriots go down, big time, and watched the exuberant Saints celebrate at the end of the game.
I went to bed at eleven fifty, I checked the time on the watch, and it was still accurate, according to our other clocks in the room. I was glad to have the old friend back, and took one last glance, at the old Seiko Bell-matic.
I woke up this morning, went to the kitchen to make coffee, put in the coffee, then the water, and I glanced down at my watch, to check the time.
For some reason, it stopped at exactly midnight, and as hard as I tried, it would not run. It is sitting beside me now, both hands on twelve, the second hand no longer moves. It had worked perfectly, for sixteen hours.
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Monday, November 30, 2009
The Tiger ..... and his problem
In my earlier post, I think I was close to the truth.
Wonder why the air bag did not deploy, unless the car ignition was not turned on and the car went down the driveway by itself. To spend all that money on a car and they the air bag doesn't work ..... strange.
Enough said, the incident is closed. It is nice, though, to tell the police you are too busy to talk to them, and they say, "Oh, OK." More questions arise, because none were answered.
That takes him from my list of "true professionals."
Wonder why the air bag did not deploy, unless the car ignition was not turned on and the car went down the driveway by itself. To spend all that money on a car and they the air bag doesn't work ..... strange.
Enough said, the incident is closed. It is nice, though, to tell the police you are too busy to talk to them, and they say, "Oh, OK." More questions arise, because none were answered.
That takes him from my list of "true professionals."
Sunday, November 29, 2009
James Whitcomb Riley
This was one of my Moms favorites. Riley was from Indiana, as was she, and I think somewhere years ago, my Grandfather or, my brother's wife, Rebecca Rhue's Father, John, met Mr. Riley. We heard this poem, or parts of it, often, around Thanksgiving time. Most of my family are Hoosiers, around Marion.
When the Frost is on the Punkin
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock,
And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin' turkey-cock,
And the clackin' of the guineys, and the cluckin' of the hens,
And the rooster's hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence;
O, it's then's the times a feller is a-feelin' at his best,
With the risin' sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,
As he leaves the house, bareheaded, and goes out to feed the stock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock.
They's something kindo' harty-like about the atmusfere
When the heat of summer's over and the coolin' fall is here --
Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossums on the trees,
And the mumble of the hummin'-birds and buzzin' of the bees;
But the air's so appetizin'; and the landscape through the haze
Of a crisp and sunny morning of the airly autumn days
Is a pictur' that no painter has the colorin' to mock --
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock.
The husky, rusty russel of the tossels of the corn,
And the raspin' of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn;
The stubble in the furries -- kindo' lonesome-like, but still
A-preachin' sermuns to us of the barns they growed to fill;
The strawstack in the medder, and the reaper in the shed;
The hosses in theyr stalls below -- the clover over-head! --
O, it sets my hart a-clickin' like the tickin' of a clock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock!
Then your apples all is gethered, and the ones a feller keeps
Is poured around the celler-floor in red and yeller heaps;
And your cider-makin' 's over, and your wimmern-folks is through
With their mince and apple-butter, and theyr souse and saussage, too! ...
I don't know how to tell it -- but ef sich a thing could be
As the Angels wantin' boardin', and they'd call around on me --
I'd want to 'commodate 'em -- all the whole-indurin' flock --
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock!
James Whitcomb Riley
When the Frost is on the Punkin
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock,
And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin' turkey-cock,
And the clackin' of the guineys, and the cluckin' of the hens,
And the rooster's hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence;
O, it's then's the times a feller is a-feelin' at his best,
With the risin' sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,
As he leaves the house, bareheaded, and goes out to feed the stock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock.
They's something kindo' harty-like about the atmusfere
When the heat of summer's over and the coolin' fall is here --
Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossums on the trees,
And the mumble of the hummin'-birds and buzzin' of the bees;
But the air's so appetizin'; and the landscape through the haze
Of a crisp and sunny morning of the airly autumn days
Is a pictur' that no painter has the colorin' to mock --
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock.
The husky, rusty russel of the tossels of the corn,
And the raspin' of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn;
The stubble in the furries -- kindo' lonesome-like, but still
A-preachin' sermuns to us of the barns they growed to fill;
The strawstack in the medder, and the reaper in the shed;
The hosses in theyr stalls below -- the clover over-head! --
O, it sets my hart a-clickin' like the tickin' of a clock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock!
Then your apples all is gethered, and the ones a feller keeps
Is poured around the celler-floor in red and yeller heaps;
And your cider-makin' 's over, and your wimmern-folks is through
With their mince and apple-butter, and theyr souse and saussage, too! ...
I don't know how to tell it -- but ef sich a thing could be
As the Angels wantin' boardin', and they'd call around on me --
I'd want to 'commodate 'em -- all the whole-indurin' flock --
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock!
James Whitcomb Riley
Another Memory

I was in the Navy, San Diego, Yeoman School, in 1952, and a classmate of mine lived in Los Angeles, and we occasionally went up to his house for a weekend visit.
His Dad was a Dentist, and as I recall, that year he was President of a Los Angeles Dental Association.
On one particular visit, his Dad was very busy putting the finishing touches on a large annual meeting the association was having that weekend. Dentists were coming in from all over California for the event. It was being held a a large convention center somewhere.
It was unusual for his family to be home during our visits, they were generally off somewhere for the weekend. He had a girlfriend who lived in Beverly Hills, her Father had something to do with one of the large studios. We visited her home on one of my visits. I remember she lived in a corner house, very large, and in close proximity to her house, some of her neighbors included Jimmy Stewart, Jack Benny and some other well known names.
We were sitting out at their pool one morning, and Dan Dailey, entered and went around saying hello to everyone, followed by Virginia Mayo and Frank Lovejoy. They were putting together a movie they were working on. It was a big event for me, a kid from Ohio, sitting around the luxurious pool, waving, and saying "Hi Dan."
That happened on Saturday morning, and the convention was that evening. The entertainment for the evening was Martin and Lewis.
Of course I didn't attend the meeting, but when his Dad got home, rather late, we were sitting up watching "The Peter Potter Show," which few will remember. He had a late Saturday night show, from LA, live, came on around midnight, and would keep going as long as guests showed up. All very impromptu. I remember one night Sammy Davis stopped by, before his accident. All the "stars" who lived in LA stopped by at one time or another. It was the first "Late Night TV Show," remember, this was in 1952.
His Dad got us tickets, for a Sunday Morning show at one of the downtown theatres in LA, The Martin and Lewis Show. If memory serves me, the show started around noon, or something like that.
Lewis came out first, a little late, apologizing to the filled theatre, explaining they had done a convention the night before that went on till the wee hours of the morning, and they had very little sleep. He clowned around a bit, then Dean Martin came out and they went through some of their normal routines. They primarily did what they felt like doing, and it was hilariously funny. I gathered they were still a bit "high" from the previous night, so the entire hour plus show was nothing but laughs. The great thing about the show, they had no idea what was coming next, they played the whole show, doing whatever they felt like doing next. It was great.
It was a great weekend, and a great show, early Martin and Lewis. Prior to that, I had listened to them on the radio when they broadcast their first "telethons," which were from some theatre in New York, with the midshipmen from Annapolis, going through the crowd collecting money .....
los angeles,
martin and lewis
Saturday, November 28, 2009
New Security Chief Named

In view of recent security breaches at the White House, Obama named a new Security Chief, Alfred E. Neuman, who will take over the duties immediately.
Obama was quoted saying, "Now that I look back at all those photographs, that incident scares the hell out of me. I shook hands with them, they got that close, and no one knew who they were. One of them could even have had the flu. They walked right in, through the metal detectors, met everyone, had pictures taken with everyone, shook hands with the first black president of the United States. I think the reason they didn't do anything to me is that he is a Muslim terrorist. Tareq is pretty good though, maybe we should get him on the security staff."
Michaele and Tareq Salahi, were not available for comment, they were meeting with their agent, who is making arrangements for all their TV appearances. Michaele, who is anorexic will appear on the Oprah show as soon as arrangements can be made, and they both will appear on either the Letterman or Leno show, whichever bids the highest. Ellen is scheduled for later this week.
Celebrity Digs has them down for a Christmas segment, which gives them time to purchase a new more elaborate home with their earnings from their appearances.
Tareq, apparently, has to return to his home sometime soon to complete a tour of duty with Al-Qaeda. He was recently released from Guantanamo on an Early Work Release Program instituted by Obama. Ironic that he showed up at the White House to thank the man who had gotten him out of prison.
More on the "Woods" Incident

Apparently what happened, Elin, Tiger Woods wife was upset that they had not been invited to the White House for the BIG dinner, and they got in to a heated argument.
"Everyone was invited, but no, not us."
"I have a tournament to go to on Monday, I needed to rest up."
"You always put your golf first and me second."
Then, on her laptop she saw the above picture, and that really set her off. Not only were they not invited, total strangers got in to the event.
She pulled out a five-iron and took off after him. He jumped in their new Caddy and started the engine. Before he could take off, she used the five-iron on the rear window, which caused the Tiger to put the accelerator to the floor.
She saw him lose control, hit the fireplug and the tree, and ran to his aide. She opened his door and pulled him out, giving him a shot in the mouth for good measure.
That explains a lot:
Why they didn't find a golf club.
Why his mouth was cut, even though his air bag went off and protected his face.
What they were doing up at such an early hour.
Who was watching the baby?
I wonder how long their driveway is.
Why she used a five-iron, seems more appropriate to use a Wood on Woods!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tiger, the fireplug, the tree, the wife and the golf club
Tiger Woods was injured early Friday when he lost control of his SUV outside his Florida mansion, and a local police chief said Woods' wife used a golf club to smash out the back window to help get him out.
The world's No. 1 golfer was treated and released from a hospital in good condition, his spokesman said. The Florida Highway Patrol said Woods' vehicle hit a fire hydrant and a tree in his neighbor's yard after he pulled out of his driveway at 2:25 a.m.
Windermere police chief Daniel Saylor told The Associated Press that officers found the 33-year-old PGA star lying in the street with his wife, Elin, hovering over him.
She was frantic, upset," Saylor said in a briefing Friday night. "It was her husband laying on the ground."
She told officers she was in the house when she heard the accident and "came out and broke the back window with a golf club," he said, adding that the front-door windows were not broken and that "the door was probably locked."
"She supposedly got him out and laid him on the ground," he said. "He was in and out of consciousness when my guys got there."
Anybody wonder about this, I don't think I buy it at all ............early morning, 2:25 or something like that, near his home, he hits a tree and then a fireplug, his wife, who is inside the house (wonder why she is not asleep?), runs to the car, doors are locked, so she breaks in the REAR window with a golf club, (she just happened to have, she always leaves the house with a golf club) got him out of the car, and laid him on the ground. Hi class community so no breath-o-lizer, I think they pay for and have their own police force.
Wonder why he was out at 2:30 in the morning driving around.
Wonder why his wife was not in bed.
Wonder why she was awake and heard the wreck, and knew it was HIM.
Wonder where the golf club came from.
Wonder why he was leaving at that time in the morning.
Wonder why Charges are Pending.
Wonder why she smashed out the REAR window, maybe she had already started working on it while he was escaping down the driveway, or maybe she had already busted the window before he started his escape.
I wonder, if all the doors were locked, and she broke out the rear window, did she climb in, over the broken glass, over all the seats, to get to the front of the car, to open his door, and drag him out, and which door did she exit from.
My Scenario: They were up partying and drinking till the wee hours. They had a fight over something, she chased him out of the house with a golf club. He got in the car and took off. She chased him out of the driveway with the golf club. He hit the fireplug and the tree, she was right there to get him out, just happened to have a golf club with her. That's how I think it went down.
But, Im sure it didn't happen that way.
Wouldn't you just love to know, what really happened?
The world's No. 1 golfer was treated and released from a hospital in good condition, his spokesman said. The Florida Highway Patrol said Woods' vehicle hit a fire hydrant and a tree in his neighbor's yard after he pulled out of his driveway at 2:25 a.m.
Windermere police chief Daniel Saylor told The Associated Press that officers found the 33-year-old PGA star lying in the street with his wife, Elin, hovering over him.
She was frantic, upset," Saylor said in a briefing Friday night. "It was her husband laying on the ground."
She told officers she was in the house when she heard the accident and "came out and broke the back window with a golf club," he said, adding that the front-door windows were not broken and that "the door was probably locked."
"She supposedly got him out and laid him on the ground," he said. "He was in and out of consciousness when my guys got there."
Anybody wonder about this, I don't think I buy it at all ............early morning, 2:25 or something like that, near his home, he hits a tree and then a fireplug, his wife, who is inside the house (wonder why she is not asleep?), runs to the car, doors are locked, so she breaks in the REAR window with a golf club, (she just happened to have, she always leaves the house with a golf club) got him out of the car, and laid him on the ground. Hi class community so no breath-o-lizer, I think they pay for and have their own police force.
Wonder why he was out at 2:30 in the morning driving around.
Wonder why his wife was not in bed.
Wonder why she was awake and heard the wreck, and knew it was HIM.
Wonder where the golf club came from.
Wonder why he was leaving at that time in the morning.
Wonder why Charges are Pending.
Wonder why she smashed out the REAR window, maybe she had already started working on it while he was escaping down the driveway, or maybe she had already busted the window before he started his escape.
I wonder, if all the doors were locked, and she broke out the rear window, did she climb in, over the broken glass, over all the seats, to get to the front of the car, to open his door, and drag him out, and which door did she exit from.
My Scenario: They were up partying and drinking till the wee hours. They had a fight over something, she chased him out of the house with a golf club. He got in the car and took off. She chased him out of the driveway with the golf club. He hit the fireplug and the tree, she was right there to get him out, just happened to have a golf club with her. That's how I think it went down.
But, Im sure it didn't happen that way.
Wouldn't you just love to know, what really happened?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving Eve 2009
"Backward turn backward ............." I now have 77 Thanksgivings to remember, well, not the first few.
I remember many at 319 South Brown Street, in Dayton, Ohio. A big old house, tall ceilings, big rooms, I vaguely remember those, I was 11 when we moved to Oakwood. I mostly remember Jessie Maud Shannon Dooley, my Mom. she loved holidays and family, they were precious to her. She was never happier than when she had the whole family around her for a Thanksgiving Dinner.
She had table items just for specific holidays. Turkeys, pilgrims, a small horse drawn carriage, special dishes and plates, and always, too much food. We always ate early so we could help get rid of some of the leftovers in the evening.
I always liked to see Thanksgiving Day come, it meant Christmas was not too far away. What a great time of the year, Fall, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Most of the years memories revolved around that time of the year.
I think in the 40's sometime, we started watching the New York Parade, followed by the Lions football game, all black and white, and I think some of those memories were in front of the old Philco radio, rather than a TV.
I think I can reflect and still capture those aromas that came from the kitchen, sneaking out and taking a bite of Mom's dressing, and if early enough a bite of some turkey parts.
I think I liked the leftovers as well as the dinner, more informal, could use your hands .... that's when I developed my love for cold turkeys, cold turkey and cranberry sauce and leftover dressing. That dressing, Mom let the bread dry on a cutting board, would boil parts of the turkey for stock, and then to top it off, that rich broth in the bottom of the roasting pan. It was one of the very old, domed top roasters, this one my great grandmother had owned. It is in New Jersey now, I hope it gets used tomorrow. I have her backup one, will do a ham in it tomorrow. Boil celery and onion and butter in that rich broth and pour it over the dried bread, into a big roasting pan, and into the oven.
I think I was generally full, by the time the dinner call came. I guess I ate more before and after the actual dinner, didn't have to mind my manners as much.
One Thanksgiving stands our in my mind. Late 50's in Reno, Nevada. I was working at the Primm, got off at 11 AM, stopped for a festive drink at the bar. Jim Jones was there, we talked, he had no place to go, so I invited him home to dinner. Well, Reno, a lot of divorced gals and single guys, all alone. So, I started inviting them home for dinner. I got home early enough to warn everyone. We went out and got more of everything .... and around 3 or so, they started coming in. Two people had stopped and somehow picked up two large cooked, still hot, turkeys. Everyone brought something, we had an abundance of food. We used card tables, stuff we borrowed from neighbors, but we all got around a large table. I'm thinking there were 16 or more for dinner. One gal, who was a 21 dealer at the Primm, recently divorced, before we started eating, asked if she could say grace.
This was a pretty wild bunch, some professional gamblers, crap dealers, 21 dealers, 2wheel dealers, 3 keno writers, one boxman and a floor boss. Some had grown up in the "rackets" so to speak. I will never forget her prayer. All heads bowed, very reverent, and all thankful that we had all somehow gotten together for this meal.
Everyone hated to leave after dinner, we all just sat around in groups and talked. None had family's in the area, some had none at all, but that group became family, an many sat and talked till late in the evening.
My next shift at the Primm, it was the talk of the club, those that weren't there were jealous, and those that were, talked of the great time we had. Everyone thanked me, again and again. One old boxman, Jack Bailey came up to me as we were getting off shift, took my hand and said, "I really want to thank you for yesterday, it was the nicest Thanksgiving I ever had."
It was a memorable day, obviously one I will never forget, and I am sure tomorrow, any of that group that is still left, will be thinking of that impromptu Thanksgiving Dinner they had in Reno, way back in the 50's.
I remember many at 319 South Brown Street, in Dayton, Ohio. A big old house, tall ceilings, big rooms, I vaguely remember those, I was 11 when we moved to Oakwood. I mostly remember Jessie Maud Shannon Dooley, my Mom. she loved holidays and family, they were precious to her. She was never happier than when she had the whole family around her for a Thanksgiving Dinner.
She had table items just for specific holidays. Turkeys, pilgrims, a small horse drawn carriage, special dishes and plates, and always, too much food. We always ate early so we could help get rid of some of the leftovers in the evening.
I always liked to see Thanksgiving Day come, it meant Christmas was not too far away. What a great time of the year, Fall, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Most of the years memories revolved around that time of the year.
I think in the 40's sometime, we started watching the New York Parade, followed by the Lions football game, all black and white, and I think some of those memories were in front of the old Philco radio, rather than a TV.
I think I can reflect and still capture those aromas that came from the kitchen, sneaking out and taking a bite of Mom's dressing, and if early enough a bite of some turkey parts.
I think I liked the leftovers as well as the dinner, more informal, could use your hands .... that's when I developed my love for cold turkeys, cold turkey and cranberry sauce and leftover dressing. That dressing, Mom let the bread dry on a cutting board, would boil parts of the turkey for stock, and then to top it off, that rich broth in the bottom of the roasting pan. It was one of the very old, domed top roasters, this one my great grandmother had owned. It is in New Jersey now, I hope it gets used tomorrow. I have her backup one, will do a ham in it tomorrow. Boil celery and onion and butter in that rich broth and pour it over the dried bread, into a big roasting pan, and into the oven.
I think I was generally full, by the time the dinner call came. I guess I ate more before and after the actual dinner, didn't have to mind my manners as much.
One Thanksgiving stands our in my mind. Late 50's in Reno, Nevada. I was working at the Primm, got off at 11 AM, stopped for a festive drink at the bar. Jim Jones was there, we talked, he had no place to go, so I invited him home to dinner. Well, Reno, a lot of divorced gals and single guys, all alone. So, I started inviting them home for dinner. I got home early enough to warn everyone. We went out and got more of everything .... and around 3 or so, they started coming in. Two people had stopped and somehow picked up two large cooked, still hot, turkeys. Everyone brought something, we had an abundance of food. We used card tables, stuff we borrowed from neighbors, but we all got around a large table. I'm thinking there were 16 or more for dinner. One gal, who was a 21 dealer at the Primm, recently divorced, before we started eating, asked if she could say grace.
This was a pretty wild bunch, some professional gamblers, crap dealers, 21 dealers, 2wheel dealers, 3 keno writers, one boxman and a floor boss. Some had grown up in the "rackets" so to speak. I will never forget her prayer. All heads bowed, very reverent, and all thankful that we had all somehow gotten together for this meal.
Everyone hated to leave after dinner, we all just sat around in groups and talked. None had family's in the area, some had none at all, but that group became family, an many sat and talked till late in the evening.
My next shift at the Primm, it was the talk of the club, those that weren't there were jealous, and those that were, talked of the great time we had. Everyone thanked me, again and again. One old boxman, Jack Bailey came up to me as we were getting off shift, took my hand and said, "I really want to thank you for yesterday, it was the nicest Thanksgiving I ever had."
It was a memorable day, obviously one I will never forget, and I am sure tomorrow, any of that group that is still left, will be thinking of that impromptu Thanksgiving Dinner they had in Reno, way back in the 50's.
A quick one today .... getting ready for tomorrow ...
Honk if you love Jesus.
Text if you want to meet him.
Text if you want to meet him.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Darwin Awards
The Darwin's are out!!!!
Yes, it's that magical time of year again when the Darwin Awards are bestowed, honoring the least evolved among us.
Here is the glorious winner:
1. When his 38 caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach, California would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked.
And now, the honorable mentions:
2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat cutting machine and after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost a finger. The chef's claim was approved.
3. A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her.
4. After stopping for drinks at an illegal bar, a Zimbabwean bus driver found that the 20 mental patients he was supposed to be transporting from Harare to Bulawayo had escaped. Not wanting to admit his incompetence, the driver went to a nearby bus stop and offered everyone waiting there a free ride. He then delivered the passengers to the mental hospital, telling the staff that the patients were very excitable and prone to bizarre fantasies. The deception wasn't discovered for 3 days.
5. An American teenager was in the hospital recovering from serious head wounds received from an oncoming train. When asked how he received the injuries, the lad told police that he was simply trying to see how close he could get his head to a moving train before he was hit.
6. A man walked into a Louisiana Circle-K, put a $20 bill on the counter, and asked for change. When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the $20 bill on the counter. The total amount of cash he got from the drawer... $15.
[If someone points a gun at you and gives you money, is a crime committed?]
7. Seems an Arkansas guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he'd just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window. The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief on the head, knocking him unconscious. The liquor store window was made of Plexiglas. The whole event was caught on videotape.
8. As a female shopper exited a New York convenience store, a man grabbed her purse and ran. The clerk called 911 immediately, and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the snatcher. Within minutes, the police apprehended the snatcher. They put him in the car and drove back to the store. The thief was then taken out of the car and told to stand there for a positive ID. To which he replied, "Yes, officer, that's her. That's the lady I stole the purse from."
9. The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti, Michigan at 5 A.M., flashed a gun, and demanded cash. The clerk turned him down because he said he couldn't open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they weren't available for breakfast. The man, frustrated, walked away.
10. When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle street, he got much more than he bargained for. Police arrived at the scene to find a very sick man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage. A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline, but he plugged his siphon hose into the motor home's sewage tank by mistake. The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges saying that it was the best laugh he'd ever had.
In the interest of bettering mankind, please share these with friends and
family....unless of course one of these individuals by chance is a distant
relative or long lost friend. In that case, be glad they are distant and
hope they remain lost.
Yes, it's that magical time of year again when the Darwin Awards are bestowed, honoring the least evolved among us.
Here is the glorious winner:
1. When his 38 caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach, California would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked.
And now, the honorable mentions:
2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat cutting machine and after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost a finger. The chef's claim was approved.
3. A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her.
4. After stopping for drinks at an illegal bar, a Zimbabwean bus driver found that the 20 mental patients he was supposed to be transporting from Harare to Bulawayo had escaped. Not wanting to admit his incompetence, the driver went to a nearby bus stop and offered everyone waiting there a free ride. He then delivered the passengers to the mental hospital, telling the staff that the patients were very excitable and prone to bizarre fantasies. The deception wasn't discovered for 3 days.
5. An American teenager was in the hospital recovering from serious head wounds received from an oncoming train. When asked how he received the injuries, the lad told police that he was simply trying to see how close he could get his head to a moving train before he was hit.
6. A man walked into a Louisiana Circle-K, put a $20 bill on the counter, and asked for change. When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the $20 bill on the counter. The total amount of cash he got from the drawer... $15.
[If someone points a gun at you and gives you money, is a crime committed?]
7. Seems an Arkansas guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he'd just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window. The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief on the head, knocking him unconscious. The liquor store window was made of Plexiglas. The whole event was caught on videotape.
8. As a female shopper exited a New York convenience store, a man grabbed her purse and ran. The clerk called 911 immediately, and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the snatcher. Within minutes, the police apprehended the snatcher. They put him in the car and drove back to the store. The thief was then taken out of the car and told to stand there for a positive ID. To which he replied, "Yes, officer, that's her. That's the lady I stole the purse from."
9. The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti, Michigan at 5 A.M., flashed a gun, and demanded cash. The clerk turned him down because he said he couldn't open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they weren't available for breakfast. The man, frustrated, walked away.
10. When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle street, he got much more than he bargained for. Police arrived at the scene to find a very sick man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage. A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline, but he plugged his siphon hose into the motor home's sewage tank by mistake. The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges saying that it was the best laugh he'd ever had.
In the interest of bettering mankind, please share these with friends and
family....unless of course one of these individuals by chance is a distant
relative or long lost friend. In that case, be glad they are distant and
hope they remain lost.
FREE 200 Products with Resell Rights
I have been trying VERY HARD to break in to SUCCESSFUL Internet Marketing. I don't expect to achieve a 6-figure income, I am just looking for some supplemental income, especially since OBAMA and his friends have seen fit to NOT give us a raise this year. EVERYONE else gets one, but not us old folks, for the FIRST TIME ever. Our rent went up, everything else has, so between the wife and I, we are going to fall short this year. And, we are probably not alone.
I have become affiliated with, and was Email corresponding the other day with Cody Moya. He is a well-known Internet Marketer, and he mentioned how his website is here to offer free gifts! Opened up a world of thoughts for me.
What are the gifts, you ask?
Here they are:
A Giant Package of 200 Products with Master Resell Rights
These gifts are not only great resources, but they can lead to many dollars in revenues! All with Master Resell Rights!
The catch? Cody said he can only offer this for a short time, and then the deal is off. Go ahead and click the link, sign up, and download your gifts now.
P.S. - You may be wondering, "what's the catch?"…well, there ISN'T one. Simply go and enter your name and email, and you'll receive 200 Products with Master Resell
Rights and more.
I have become affiliated with, and was Email corresponding the other day with Cody Moya. He is a well-known Internet Marketer, and he mentioned how his website is here to offer free gifts! Opened up a world of thoughts for me.
What are the gifts, you ask?
Here they are:
A Giant Package of 200 Products with Master Resell Rights
These gifts are not only great resources, but they can lead to many dollars in revenues! All with Master Resell Rights!
The catch? Cody said he can only offer this for a short time, and then the deal is off. Go ahead and click the link, sign up, and download your gifts now.
P.S. - You may be wondering, "what's the catch?"…well, there ISN'T one. Simply go and enter your name and email, and you'll receive 200 Products with Master Resell
Rights and more.
200 products,
cody moya,
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