I cannot begin to tell you what went through my head when I saw her, holding on to Mom and Dad's hands, entering that door. I just know it choked me up a bit, no, a lot.
I think it just brought back so many memories, in just that instant, that it was rather overwhelming. I think my age amplified the event. I have seen my kids, my grandkids go through this, but a great grandchild is almost a gift .... from God ... that he has allowed me to live this long and to experience so much in my lifetime. And to see her walking through that door, on her first day of .... a big part of her life ... much of which I probably will not be around to see, well, it made me sad.
But, just look at that face, Miss Brooklyn .... she was so excited, starting school, what a big day in her life .... and I was there ...... thank YOU for letting me share in this day. Love you Miss Brooklyn.