"Woody, did you see the helmets, all that printing on them, I hated the jerseys and the pants, and those shoes, gold shoes .... what has happened, where are the black shoes ?"
"Knute, I see the same problem in Columbus. Last week it looked like they made their helmets out of sardine cans, I don't recognize shirts and pants at all, they are playing on a damned piece of carpet, they have changed the stadium all around the damned coach is making over a million dollars a year."
"I was there, well, I think, 28 years, Rock, I did a couple of years each at Denison and Miami before I went to to Ohio State. Yeh, a lot of them boys are wearin golf high tops .... you are right though .... them do't look like a Notre Dame team in those uniforms .... I gotta admit, at first I didn't know which team was which till I saw that ND on their shoulders ... naw, we're relics Rock ..... they've forgotten us by now .... it's a whole new world."
"What is that about that damned band director .... he got fired and don't wanaa leave ... he's still bellyachin about it .... I' bet if his wife divorced him he wouldn't want to leave the house .... wonder what his unemployment is............?"