Many of the same memories surface in my mind, first, my Grandfather, Caleb Dooley, 1844 - 1925
who served in the Civil War. Not too many walking around that can say that. I never knew him, or, my Grandmother, Lucy Bradford Dooley, and I regret never having met them. Actually, I never knew any grandparent, they had all passed by 1932 when I arrived. I have heard my Father relate a number of stories that Caleb had related to him. It ignited a Civil War knowledge fire in him, and he became quite an authority on a few of the various battles of the war.
I remember Dad relating the story of his enlistment in WWI. As he was leaving on the train in Marion, Indiana, he told of looking back on the station platform, at the aging figure of his Father, Caleb, who was aware of what was ahead for his son, because he had served through the horrendous carnage of our Civil War.
My Grandfather, my Dad, my Brother, myself, my two sons, have all served their country, four in the Navy and two in the Army.
The start of the Summer, as it is called, a Summer that seems to pass with increasing speed each year. Not too many weeks away, and Walmart will start bringing out their Fall merchandise. Retailers lengthen the Winter Holiday season each year. I doubt that anyone will ever write about "The Long Hot Summer" again, more like "The Long Never Ending Winter Selling Season."
The last day of school was one of the great days of the year .... a whole Summer, with nothing to do but make memories. And, it seemed like it was so long till school started.
I do "appreciate" each holiday more, the older I get, actually, I thank him for each day that he lets me stay around. Enjoy the weekend, no mail on Monday.