If you are still up, listen to this, I just did a number of times, gets better each time I listen.
Hope your day went well, have a pleasant night.
Every night I thank HIM for helping me get through the day
and ask him to watch over me, and all my family, during the night.
Every morning is a great revelation that I have made it to another day
The first thing I do is to again, thank HIM for getting me through the night,
and thank him for giving me the gift of another day.
The older I get, the more precious each day becomes
I have many more miles behind me
Than I have ahead.
Get this on FULL SCREEN
Kick the volume up a little
I just listened four more times. There is some narrative at the start, I think Michael English had been gone for a while and this was shortly after his return. I love the reactions of all the singers in attendance, they are moved and aware that something special,,musically, is happening.