Thanks to the Mad Is On in Oklahoma ...................
There's an old sea story about a ship's Captain who inspected his sailors, and afterward told the first mate that his men smelled bad. The Captain suggested perhaps it would help if the sailors would change underwear occasionally.
The first mate responded, "Aye, aye sir, I'll see to it immediately!"
The first mate went straight to the sailors berth deck and announced, "The Captain thinks you guys smell bad and wants you to change your underwear." He continued, "Pittman, you change with Jones, McCarthy, you change with Witkowski, and Brown, you change with Schultz. Now GET TO IT!"
THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS: Someone may come along and promise "Change", but don't count on things smelling any better.
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson
"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd
"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....
When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Cutty Sark and Milk Fund
An old memory from the late 50's came to mind this morning. I have a new website up for my 78 birthday, 78 Birthday Site and I have a foto page, was looking at that, and some memories came floating back.
I was working at the Primm, graveyard, 3 am to 11 am, which left a lot of good daylight time to get into trouble. Some mornings I would go straight home, make a b-line to my car, which then was a Studebaker Golden Hawk, and head home.
Then, some mornings, after a good winning night, Ernie Primm, the owner, or someone, would offer to "Let me buy you guys a drink" at the bar, and Dave would fix us up. On some occasions, previous customers from the night would see we dealers at the bar, and also buy us one.
One particular morning, Ernie bought one, then two, then some customers followed suit, and before long, a party was "goin on."
Around 2 or so, the party started breaking up, for them, not for me, I wanted to keep it going, but was running short of money. Well, we could always "draw" on salary at the Primm, but Mr. Roberts, the casino manager, who was one of the finest "gentlemen" I have ever known, got the picture, saw was was happening, and about to happen, and said "No" to the draw.
So I left the Primm, walked down the back alley, and there, behind the Horseshoe Club, were three nice, bright, shiny, stainless steel, 5-gallon milk cans. I am not sure how it all came about, or even who I was with, but I partnered with someone, put a sign on the milk can ........... the Cutty Sark and Milk Fund.
It was Winter, and "Slim" one of the owners of the Crystal Bay Club at Lake Tahoe, got us drinking his "Winter" drink, Cutty Sark and Milk. I don't know if I ever liked it, or even thought about it, but in the Winter, I often drank it.
I was living on North Virginia then, almost across from the University of Nevada, split rent on a house with another guy, don't remember his name.
Anyway, I started making the rounds of clubs, people I knew, friends, etc., collecting for the "fund."
I was having a good time, so were my "donors" maybe have a drink with them and collect the change or they would put money in the milk can. This went on till around 5 in the afternoon. I must admit I do not remember a lot of it, but apparently, at some time, for some reason, I invited some to our "Kickoff Party" on North Virginia, and gave them the address. Not sure when I started doing that.
About 8, something woke me up. After a very long time, I realized I was lying on the couch, in our living room, surrounded by people, mostly strangers, in a room full of people, mostly strangers, who were having a party, celebrating the kickoff of the Cutty Sark and Milk Fund.
And there was I, in my shorts, surrounded by probably 50 people, all looking at me.
As I walked to my bedroom, I was sent off with a thunderous applause, for the founder, of the Cutty Sark and Milk Fund.
At one time, Don Eammelli, my Shift Boss, had that can and was keeping it as a souvenir, I was told he had it in his Recreation Room as a reminder of the good old days.
Those were the days ...........................................
I was working at the Primm, graveyard, 3 am to 11 am, which left a lot of good daylight time to get into trouble. Some mornings I would go straight home, make a b-line to my car, which then was a Studebaker Golden Hawk, and head home.
Then, some mornings, after a good winning night, Ernie Primm, the owner, or someone, would offer to "Let me buy you guys a drink" at the bar, and Dave would fix us up. On some occasions, previous customers from the night would see we dealers at the bar, and also buy us one.
One particular morning, Ernie bought one, then two, then some customers followed suit, and before long, a party was "goin on."
Around 2 or so, the party started breaking up, for them, not for me, I wanted to keep it going, but was running short of money. Well, we could always "draw" on salary at the Primm, but Mr. Roberts, the casino manager, who was one of the finest "gentlemen" I have ever known, got the picture, saw was was happening, and about to happen, and said "No" to the draw.
So I left the Primm, walked down the back alley, and there, behind the Horseshoe Club, were three nice, bright, shiny, stainless steel, 5-gallon milk cans. I am not sure how it all came about, or even who I was with, but I partnered with someone, put a sign on the milk can ........... the Cutty Sark and Milk Fund.
It was Winter, and "Slim" one of the owners of the Crystal Bay Club at Lake Tahoe, got us drinking his "Winter" drink, Cutty Sark and Milk. I don't know if I ever liked it, or even thought about it, but in the Winter, I often drank it.
I was living on North Virginia then, almost across from the University of Nevada, split rent on a house with another guy, don't remember his name.
Anyway, I started making the rounds of clubs, people I knew, friends, etc., collecting for the "fund."
I was having a good time, so were my "donors" maybe have a drink with them and collect the change or they would put money in the milk can. This went on till around 5 in the afternoon. I must admit I do not remember a lot of it, but apparently, at some time, for some reason, I invited some to our "Kickoff Party" on North Virginia, and gave them the address. Not sure when I started doing that.
About 8, something woke me up. After a very long time, I realized I was lying on the couch, in our living room, surrounded by people, mostly strangers, in a room full of people, mostly strangers, who were having a party, celebrating the kickoff of the Cutty Sark and Milk Fund.
And there was I, in my shorts, surrounded by probably 50 people, all looking at me.
As I walked to my bedroom, I was sent off with a thunderous applause, for the founder, of the Cutty Sark and Milk Fund.
At one time, Don Eammelli, my Shift Boss, had that can and was keeping it as a souvenir, I was told he had it in his Recreation Room as a reminder of the good old days.
Those were the days ...........................................
cuyy sark and milk fund,
don eammelli,
the primmadonna
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
OSMA Endorsement
An entry I put on FACEBOOK. This was my reply to his endorsement ...............
Patrick Tiberi Yesterday Pat Tiberi accepted the endorsement of the Ohio State Medical Association (OSMAPAC) which represents 20,000 medical professionals across Ohio. “I am proud that Ohio’s doctors recognized my commitment to reducing regulatory barriers in medical treatment and care," said Congressman Tiberi.
Joe Dooley - The Medical Community is responsible for a lot of the MESS the health care system is in today. They started the "insurance abuse" back in the 50's and 60's and it has all blossomed in to what it is today. The hospitals "own" many of them, 20,000 MD's would make a heck of a convention in Vegas, but I question their "clout." Today they would show up in "jeans" and not in suits. Many practice deceit, not Medicine.
Patrick Tiberi Yesterday Pat Tiberi accepted the endorsement of the Ohio State Medical Association (OSMAPAC) which represents 20,000 medical professionals across Ohio. “I am proud that Ohio’s doctors recognized my commitment to reducing regulatory barriers in medical treatment and care," said Congressman Tiberi.
Joe Dooley - The Medical Community is responsible for a lot of the MESS the health care system is in today. They started the "insurance abuse" back in the 50's and 60's and it has all blossomed in to what it is today. The hospitals "own" many of them, 20,000 MD's would make a heck of a convention in Vegas, but I question their "clout." Today they would show up in "jeans" and not in suits. Many practice deceit, not Medicine.
dooley observed,
joe dooley,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
An explanation of Death
This really is the most beautiful explanation of death I've ever heard.
A sick man turned to his doctor as he was preparing to
Leave the examination room and said,
'Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side.'
Very quietly, the doctor said, 'I don't know.'
'You don't know? You're, a Christian man, and don't know what's on the other side?'
The doctor was holding the handle of the door;
On the other side came a sound of scratching and whining,
And as he opened the door, a dog sprang into the room
And leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.
Turning to the patient, the doctor said,
'Did you notice my dog?
He's never been in this room before.
He didn't know what was inside.
He knew nothing except that his master was here,
And when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.
I know little of what is on the other side of death,
But I do know one thing...
I know my Master is there and that is enough.'
A sick man turned to his doctor as he was preparing to
Leave the examination room and said,
'Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side.'
Very quietly, the doctor said, 'I don't know.'
'You don't know? You're, a Christian man, and don't know what's on the other side?'
The doctor was holding the handle of the door;
On the other side came a sound of scratching and whining,
And as he opened the door, a dog sprang into the room
And leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.
Turning to the patient, the doctor said,
'Did you notice my dog?
He's never been in this room before.
He didn't know what was inside.
He knew nothing except that his master was here,
And when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.
I know little of what is on the other side of death,
But I do know one thing...
I know my Master is there and that is enough.'
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Tribute to Jennie Finch
The finals of a tournament are being played tonight, in Oklahoma, the USA versus Japan, the championship game.
But a bigger story, a few days ago, Jennie Finch announced her retirement from the USA team. Her list of achievements is long. All American at Arizona, a National Championship, some Gold Medals at the Olympics, many records, and a whole world of accomplishments. She is one of the more dominant pitchers in the game today, she plays first base and is a great hitter. She is a model, and great spokesperson for the game, always has time to talk with kids and give autographs, and, in my mind, she is one of the most beautiful women in the world, at 6'2'.
She is respected by all of her team mates, and for her last game, her old coach from Arizona went to Oklahoma to see the game and to be there with her.
Oh, yes, her husband and young son are at the game also, sitting in the full stands, to watch Jennie play her last game in a USA uniform. She is only 29, but has dedicated most of her life to softball and her education, and now wants to spend more time with her family. Is that a great kid, or what?
I admit it, I have been in love with her for many years, and have the utmost respect for her. She could be a full time model, or perhaps even have had a Hollywood career, but she chose softball, and that makes her very special to me. There are many beautiful women athletes, but not all excel at their sports like Jennie does.
There have been many nice tributes (Jennie just fielded a hot grounder and made the put out at first) payed to Jennie tonight by her teammates and coaches, clips that were filmed prior to the game, none were dry eyed.
One more out, the coach to Jennie out to a standing ovation. She told the coach she wanted to stay in for the last out.
The game is over, all hugs a lot of tears, not a dry eye on the field, I must admit I have a tear in my eye. I have watched and admired her for a number of years. She is a class act. Each member of the Japanese team bowed to her. She is almost embarrassed by the attention.
What a shame there are not more like her in the world. If you haven't been watching and following her, you have missed out on watching a unique woman, athlete, team mate, wife and mother.
The world could use a lot more like Jennie Finch.
I did it again ...........
Spent this whole day thinking it was Saturday, now find out it is Sunday. I missed some things on TV I wanted to see. I missed the end of the Tour de France, been watching that for three weeks. I missed the ASA Softball fame. Missed seeing Jenny Finch pitch her last game as a member of the USA team. I have been doing that a lot, better find a good memory pill to take, Gees, I thought it was Saturday ..... now that it is Sunday I wonder what happened to Saturday.
Arizona is full of yard sales, 400,000 of them, illegals are selling out and moving elsewhere. New Mexico seems to be the state of preference. Now, what are they going to do with all of them? I think this foto says a lot, taken in Arizona, the STOP sign says ALTO, and immigrants are packing up and leaving. Something is out of control.
It is like a convict, complaining because he was arrest for breaking the law. I just don't understand the whole problem.
Anyway, it's now Monday morning, of that I am sure, at least for a little while.
On the news last night, they are concerned in Columbus, Ohio over the number of murders, so they are meeting to figure out how to cut the number down. I wonder what they will decide. How do you go about stopping murders. Maybe put in a "hot line" of some kind and condition people to call up whenever they get the urge to shoot someone. I think that Superman is the only one who can put a stop to it.
And, also in Ohio, the State Patrol is concerned, more deaths in wrecks this year than last. How do you put a stop to wrecks?
Arizona is full of yard sales, 400,000 of them, illegals are selling out and moving elsewhere. New Mexico seems to be the state of preference. Now, what are they going to do with all of them? I think this foto says a lot, taken in Arizona, the STOP sign says ALTO, and immigrants are packing up and leaving. Something is out of control.
It is like a convict, complaining because he was arrest for breaking the law. I just don't understand the whole problem.
Anyway, it's now Monday morning, of that I am sure, at least for a little while.
On the news last night, they are concerned in Columbus, Ohio over the number of murders, so they are meeting to figure out how to cut the number down. I wonder what they will decide. How do you go about stopping murders. Maybe put in a "hot line" of some kind and condition people to call up whenever they get the urge to shoot someone. I think that Superman is the only one who can put a stop to it.
And, also in Ohio, the State Patrol is concerned, more deaths in wrecks this year than last. How do you put a stop to wrecks?
Saturday, July 24, 2010
A Recommended BLOCKER ... of unwanted material
A personal observation. I have done some checking, and porn and related sites have some of the most sophisticated and cunning software at their disposal. If you are not protected they can enter your computer. They can start out with innocent links, and infiltrate your computer. I put this on my computer because I have grandchildren who visit, but I have also found that this program stops some other unwanted visitors. It is worth looking in to.
If you are concerned about unsolicited Internet Pornography and adult content slipping through the cracks and ending up on your PC, please read further. I want to update you briefly on a few staggering statistics that I think may shock you.
The truth is, the adult entertainment industry is extremely powerful and they have the means and funds necessary to bring their unwanted content into your home with or WITHOUT your permission.
And that spells DANGER for your children! So you need to fight back to protect your family.
Check out some of these staggering statistics:
= One in five children ages 10-17 have received a sexual solicitation over the Internet.
= One in four children who use the Internet are exposed to unsolicited sexual material.
= 2.5 billion emails per day are pornographic (YES BILLION!).
= 70 percent of sexual advances over the Internet happened while youngsters were on a home computer.
= 21 percent of teens say they have looked at something on the Internet that they wouldn't want their parents to know.
But with the right software, you won't have to worry about your family being exposed ever again!
Try out this software for 60 Days Risk Free.
Take action and get protected today!
If you are concerned about unsolicited Internet Pornography and adult content slipping through the cracks and ending up on your PC, please read further. I want to update you briefly on a few staggering statistics that I think may shock you.
The truth is, the adult entertainment industry is extremely powerful and they have the means and funds necessary to bring their unwanted content into your home with or WITHOUT your permission.
And that spells DANGER for your children! So you need to fight back to protect your family.
Check out some of these staggering statistics:
= One in five children ages 10-17 have received a sexual solicitation over the Internet.
= One in four children who use the Internet are exposed to unsolicited sexual material.
= 2.5 billion emails per day are pornographic (YES BILLION!).
= 70 percent of sexual advances over the Internet happened while youngsters were on a home computer.
= 21 percent of teens say they have looked at something on the Internet that they wouldn't want their parents to know.
But with the right software, you won't have to worry about your family being exposed ever again!
Try out this software for 60 Days Risk Free.
Take action and get protected today!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A pretty picture is being painted ................
I think that TV gives us a pretty good picture of what is happening in our country today.
Feed the Hungry ...... who else would they feed, but the hungry.
A program where they sell nothing but wrist watches, EXPENSIVE watches, EXPENSIVE BIG watches, nobs and dials, some with diamonds, some very expensive, who buys all those watches. I have one that I got at Walmart for $5.00 on sale, works find, just needs batteries on occasions. In my younger Nevada days, I had a 33 diamond watch, all gold, a few thousand and back in the fifties that was a LOT of money. It was in a pawnshop more than on my wrist. But I still only had one watch.
A 24 hour a day shopping channel.
A channel where some woman devotes her whole show to CRIME, preferably CELEBRITY CRIME. Lost children, lost people sensational stories, she makes a living off of them.
I talent show, where people of questionable talent are judged by three people who have NO talent, and they make major dollars doing it.
There are millions of Americans, and millions of people elsewhere who will go to bed tonight, hungry, with no food and no hope of getting any. All the while, some guy is deciding which $5000 watch he should buy. There just seems to be something wrong with that picture.
There are shows about multi-million dollar homes and apartments, one last night, I think it was a 6 million dollar apartment in New York, and the guy thought the kitchen (which was elaborate) was too small, yet millions of people are homeless and have nowhere to sleep.
One show about Celebrity Digs, shows homes of guys who play basketball for a living, or a musician who plays LOUD music, or sings, makes millions, and cannot even carry a tune, now race car drivers are getting into that category, ENTERTAINMENT ... in one form or another.
Then a show about parents who SELL their children, one about homeless children who are wondering the streets, hungry. One show featured orphans, who are in homes, but when they turn 18, I think it was, they have no place to go so they become homeless and wonder the streets.
I'm not even going to mention politicians, I put them a peg or two BELOW, the underworld, Mafia, gangland, whatever, they admit what they do, politicians hide under an umbrella of respectability. They both feed on the public, so I guess there is no real difference.
Are we a great country, or what?
Feed the Hungry ...... who else would they feed, but the hungry.
A program where they sell nothing but wrist watches, EXPENSIVE watches, EXPENSIVE BIG watches, nobs and dials, some with diamonds, some very expensive, who buys all those watches. I have one that I got at Walmart for $5.00 on sale, works find, just needs batteries on occasions. In my younger Nevada days, I had a 33 diamond watch, all gold, a few thousand and back in the fifties that was a LOT of money. It was in a pawnshop more than on my wrist. But I still only had one watch.
A 24 hour a day shopping channel.
A channel where some woman devotes her whole show to CRIME, preferably CELEBRITY CRIME. Lost children, lost people sensational stories, she makes a living off of them.
I talent show, where people of questionable talent are judged by three people who have NO talent, and they make major dollars doing it.
There are millions of Americans, and millions of people elsewhere who will go to bed tonight, hungry, with no food and no hope of getting any. All the while, some guy is deciding which $5000 watch he should buy. There just seems to be something wrong with that picture.
There are shows about multi-million dollar homes and apartments, one last night, I think it was a 6 million dollar apartment in New York, and the guy thought the kitchen (which was elaborate) was too small, yet millions of people are homeless and have nowhere to sleep.
One show about Celebrity Digs, shows homes of guys who play basketball for a living, or a musician who plays LOUD music, or sings, makes millions, and cannot even carry a tune, now race car drivers are getting into that category, ENTERTAINMENT ... in one form or another.
Then a show about parents who SELL their children, one about homeless children who are wondering the streets, hungry. One show featured orphans, who are in homes, but when they turn 18, I think it was, they have no place to go so they become homeless and wonder the streets.
I'm not even going to mention politicians, I put them a peg or two BELOW, the underworld, Mafia, gangland, whatever, they admit what they do, politicians hide under an umbrella of respectability. They both feed on the public, so I guess there is no real difference.
Are we a great country, or what?
CONSERVATIVES ................ WAKE UP!
One new Democrat in Washington, one vote passed .... to Extend Unemployment. I wonder how many votes OBAMA and his clan picked up.
My guess is that somewhere in an office or a room, in Washington, somewhere, SOMEONE can tell you all the statistics, of HAPPY PEOPLE, food stamps, welfare, unemployment ... a large group of voters who DON'T want to see any changes in the way that things are now. Happy Voters. Money buys votes.
"Wait till November" All the good that Tea Parties accomplished in the last few months was washed down the drain today with the Unemployment Benefit Extension. Who says that money cannot buy votes.
Simple formula. How many people are on the welfare rolls? How many more will be by November?
Wait till November. I personally don't see any changes, just hear rhetoric.
My guess is that somewhere in an office or a room, in Washington, somewhere, SOMEONE can tell you all the statistics, of HAPPY PEOPLE, food stamps, welfare, unemployment ... a large group of voters who DON'T want to see any changes in the way that things are now. Happy Voters. Money buys votes.
"Wait till November" All the good that Tea Parties accomplished in the last few months was washed down the drain today with the Unemployment Benefit Extension. Who says that money cannot buy votes.
Simple formula. How many people are on the welfare rolls? How many more will be by November?
Wait till November. I personally don't see any changes, just hear rhetoric.
2009 obama agenda survey,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Some facts on the Tour ............
I am not a big bike fan, but have been watching the Tour De France. Here are some facts that were compiled at the 2005 Tour ............... I am sure it is bigger this year. I just wondered how many water bottles they went through .......... 42,000 .... now I have to wonder where do they get the water from, and how do they store all of that in those crammed cars ........................
Specific 2005 Tour de France facts
•One jaunt into foreign territory (Stage Seven in Karlsruhe, Germany)
•Two rest days (July 11 and 18)
•Three summit finishes (Courchevel, Ax-3 Domaines, Pla d'Adet in Saint-Lary Soulan)
•Five classic climbs to hors categorie 'unclassified' summits (Col de la Madeleine, Col de Galibier, Port de Pailheres, Pla d'Adet, Col d'Aubisque)
•Nine riders in each team and number of flat stages
•15,000,000 spectators set to line the route
•21 stages
•22 teams
•36 French victories on the Tour since debut in 1903
•67.5 kilometers to ride on team time trial
•74 km - the combined distance of the two individual time trials
•131 - times Paris has hosted a start or finish of the Tour
•19 km - the shortest flat stage of the race (Stage One from Fromentine to Noirmoutier-en-l'Ile)
•198 riders at the start
•239.5 km - longest stage in the Tour (Stage 17 from Pau to Revel)
•381 euros prize money for riders finishing race after 120th position
•1200 hotel rooms reserved for teams and staff, press, and Tour personnel
•1904 - the year of the first documented case of cheating in the Tour
•2400 hours of TV coverage
•2004 meters - the altitude of the Courchevel (Stage Ten), the highest climb on the 2005 Tour
•7620 euros prize money for the winner of a stage
•8400 food bags distributed at feeding stations throughout race
•20,000 euros in prize money to most combative rider in race
•25,055 security personnel
•42,000 water bottles used by teams
•353,430 km - approximate distance of all previous 90 Tours de France
•400,000 euros prize money for race winner
•2,877,705 euros total prize money for the entire race
•217 miles of barricades erected and torn down for the race
•250 gendarmes on stage routes per day
Totally Trivial 2005 Tour de France Stats
•4500 accompanying people
•1500 vehicles
•60 permanent staff
•200 temporary staff
•180 service providers
•14 medical staff
•13,000 gendarmes
•45 “gardes républicains”
•9000 police staff
•3000 government officials from the Ministère de l'Équipement
•15,000,000 spectators (men: 68% - women: 32%)
•96% in France, 90% in Europe - Tour name recognition
•11 million gifts distributed
•2300 accredited journalists
•1200 photographer, cameramen & TV directors
•1100 technicians or chauffeurs
•528 various media
•78 television channels showing the Tour in 170 countries
•2,000,000,000 television viewers
Specific 2005 Tour de France facts
•One jaunt into foreign territory (Stage Seven in Karlsruhe, Germany)
•Two rest days (July 11 and 18)
•Three summit finishes (Courchevel, Ax-3 Domaines, Pla d'Adet in Saint-Lary Soulan)
•Five classic climbs to hors categorie 'unclassified' summits (Col de la Madeleine, Col de Galibier, Port de Pailheres, Pla d'Adet, Col d'Aubisque)
•Nine riders in each team and number of flat stages
•15,000,000 spectators set to line the route
•21 stages
•22 teams
•36 French victories on the Tour since debut in 1903
•67.5 kilometers to ride on team time trial
•74 km - the combined distance of the two individual time trials
•131 - times Paris has hosted a start or finish of the Tour
•19 km - the shortest flat stage of the race (Stage One from Fromentine to Noirmoutier-en-l'Ile)
•198 riders at the start
•239.5 km - longest stage in the Tour (Stage 17 from Pau to Revel)
•381 euros prize money for riders finishing race after 120th position
•1200 hotel rooms reserved for teams and staff, press, and Tour personnel
•1904 - the year of the first documented case of cheating in the Tour
•2400 hours of TV coverage
•2004 meters - the altitude of the Courchevel (Stage Ten), the highest climb on the 2005 Tour
•7620 euros prize money for the winner of a stage
•8400 food bags distributed at feeding stations throughout race
•20,000 euros in prize money to most combative rider in race
•25,055 security personnel
•42,000 water bottles used by teams
•353,430 km - approximate distance of all previous 90 Tours de France
•400,000 euros prize money for race winner
•2,877,705 euros total prize money for the entire race
•217 miles of barricades erected and torn down for the race
•250 gendarmes on stage routes per day
Totally Trivial 2005 Tour de France Stats
•4500 accompanying people
•1500 vehicles
•60 permanent staff
•200 temporary staff
•180 service providers
•14 medical staff
•13,000 gendarmes
•45 “gardes républicains”
•9000 police staff
•3000 government officials from the Ministère de l'Équipement
•15,000,000 spectators (men: 68% - women: 32%)
•96% in France, 90% in Europe - Tour name recognition
•11 million gifts distributed
•2300 accredited journalists
•1200 photographer, cameramen & TV directors
•1100 technicians or chauffeurs
•528 various media
•78 television channels showing the Tour in 170 countries
•2,000,000,000 television viewers
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
An Obama Fairy Tale
I saw this on a Google search ...... IF TRUE, why is he not as frugal with our money. I just can't picture their children doing any menial tasks, HE is to arrogant for that .... my guess is the kids do nothing and this article about the dollar allowance was a shallow attempt for us all to see how "adept" he is at taking care of money, he rules with an "Iron Fist."
"I realize we have servants taking care of our every wish, but I want you guys to work around the MANSION, set the table, do dishes, stuff like that, and if you do, Daddy will give you each a dollar, excuse me a minute, I have a call ........ Hello, pause, OK, if it's GM, give them another billion. OK kids a dollar and not a cent more."
I know my kids would love to hear about this story how the President’s kids, Sasha, 10, and Malia, 7, do chores for money around the ‘house’. Every week he pays his daughter’s just a dollar a week each for their chores, such as setting the table, rinsing dishes, and cleaning up their play area and closets. That seems a bit low to paying your child. I know I would pay my daughter at least $10.
I’m sure being the child of the President has it perks and they get a lot of other things, and if not their parents are teaching them that money isn’t something to be taken for granted. Something that we all should learn from.
"I realize we have servants taking care of our every wish, but I want you guys to work around the MANSION, set the table, do dishes, stuff like that, and if you do, Daddy will give you each a dollar, excuse me a minute, I have a call ........ Hello, pause, OK, if it's GM, give them another billion. OK kids a dollar and not a cent more."
I know my kids would love to hear about this story how the President’s kids, Sasha, 10, and Malia, 7, do chores for money around the ‘house’. Every week he pays his daughter’s just a dollar a week each for their chores, such as setting the table, rinsing dishes, and cleaning up their play area and closets. That seems a bit low to paying your child. I know I would pay my daughter at least $10.
I’m sure being the child of the President has it perks and they get a lot of other things, and if not their parents are teaching them that money isn’t something to be taken for granted. Something that we all should learn from.
Food for Thought
The Soviet Union enacted gun control legislation in 1929. Subsequently, 20 million unarmed were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany enacted gun control legislation in 1938. Following that, 13 million unarmed were rounded up and exterminated.
China enacted gun control legislation in 1935. Subsequently, 20 million unarmed were rounded up and exterminated.
Without gun control, think of how difficult mass murder and genocide would be - nearly impossible!
Germany enacted gun control legislation in 1938. Following that, 13 million unarmed were rounded up and exterminated.
China enacted gun control legislation in 1935. Subsequently, 20 million unarmed were rounded up and exterminated.
Without gun control, think of how difficult mass murder and genocide would be - nearly impossible!
dooley observed,
gun control,
soviet union
Fifty Years Ago ................
Fifty years ago, I remember this incident, what a change has happened since then. Around this time I introduced a friend of mine, a white gal, to Billy Ward, a black entertainer, Billy Ward and the Dominos. They eventually got married. We talked much before her marriage, "What about her white daughter?" Blacks were still not allowed in the casinos .......................... fifty years ago.
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – Fifty years ago this week, Sammy Davis Jr. was roundly booed during the opening ceremony of the 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. The incident was one of the saddest moments in the entertainer's life and pointed up the deep racial divide that was threatening to rip apart the Democratic Party and the country.
It was July 11, 1960, and in two days the convention would nominate John F. Kennedy as the Democrats' presidential nominee. It had been hot and smoggy that day as 7,000 delegates began pouring into the Sports Arena downtown. The convention was called to order promptly at 5 p.m., and after the invocation, everyone stood as the color guard presented the flag -- the first with 50 stars presented at a national political convention as Hawaii had been admitted to the Union 11 months earlier.
Then came the introduction of the Hollywood celebrities who were packed into the crowded hall as guests of the convention. Three of the five-member Rat Pack were there: Davis, Frank Sinatra and Peter Lawford. Tony Curtis and his wife, Janet Leigh, were on hand, as was Nat "King" Cole, Shirley MacLaine, Lee Marvin, Edward G. Robinson, Hope Lange, Lloyd Bridges and Vincent Price.
Everyone was greeted with cheers except Davis, who was booed by many of the white Southern delegates -- not because he was unpopular but because he was engaged to a white woman, Swedish actress May Britt. A headline over a New York Times story the next day read, "Delegates Boo Negro."
After the booing subsided, Sinatra came over and put his hand on Davis' shoulder. "Those dirty sons of bitches," he told his pal. "Don't let 'em get to you."
But it did get to Davis. With tears welling up, he asked Sinatra: "What did I do to deserve that?"
With Davis looking on, Sinatra then sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" under a lone spotlight shining from the rafters as if from heaven. Frank's daughter Nancy later recalled that this was one of her father's "proudest moments," but when he sang the last line, it must have been a moment tinged with irony as well.
After Davis left the rostrum, a reporter, noting that Cole had not been booed when he was introduced, asked Davis why he thought so many of the Southern delegates had booed him. "You know as well as I why they booed," he said.
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – Fifty years ago this week, Sammy Davis Jr. was roundly booed during the opening ceremony of the 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. The incident was one of the saddest moments in the entertainer's life and pointed up the deep racial divide that was threatening to rip apart the Democratic Party and the country.
It was July 11, 1960, and in two days the convention would nominate John F. Kennedy as the Democrats' presidential nominee. It had been hot and smoggy that day as 7,000 delegates began pouring into the Sports Arena downtown. The convention was called to order promptly at 5 p.m., and after the invocation, everyone stood as the color guard presented the flag -- the first with 50 stars presented at a national political convention as Hawaii had been admitted to the Union 11 months earlier.
Then came the introduction of the Hollywood celebrities who were packed into the crowded hall as guests of the convention. Three of the five-member Rat Pack were there: Davis, Frank Sinatra and Peter Lawford. Tony Curtis and his wife, Janet Leigh, were on hand, as was Nat "King" Cole, Shirley MacLaine, Lee Marvin, Edward G. Robinson, Hope Lange, Lloyd Bridges and Vincent Price.
Everyone was greeted with cheers except Davis, who was booed by many of the white Southern delegates -- not because he was unpopular but because he was engaged to a white woman, Swedish actress May Britt. A headline over a New York Times story the next day read, "Delegates Boo Negro."
After the booing subsided, Sinatra came over and put his hand on Davis' shoulder. "Those dirty sons of bitches," he told his pal. "Don't let 'em get to you."
But it did get to Davis. With tears welling up, he asked Sinatra: "What did I do to deserve that?"
With Davis looking on, Sinatra then sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" under a lone spotlight shining from the rafters as if from heaven. Frank's daughter Nancy later recalled that this was one of her father's "proudest moments," but when he sang the last line, it must have been a moment tinged with irony as well.
After Davis left the rostrum, a reporter, noting that Cole had not been booed when he was introduced, asked Davis why he thought so many of the Southern delegates had booed him. "You know as well as I why they booed," he said.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Watching a Mud Hens baseball game coming from Toledo.
WHY? do some players wear their pants to their knees and then long socks, and some wear their pants all the way down to the top of their shoes?
I personally think the long stockings look nice.
Just wondering???????????
WHY? do some players wear their pants to their knees and then long socks, and some wear their pants all the way down to the top of their shoes?
I personally think the long stockings look nice.
Just wondering???????????
Harry Truman, a DIFFERENT Kind of President
He probably made as many, or more important decisions regarding our nation's history as any of the other 42 Presidents preceding him.
However, a measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he left the White House.
The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived in, which was in Independence Missouri . His wife had inherited the house from her mother and father and other than their years in the White House, they lived their entire lives there.
When he retired from office in 1952, his income was a U.S. Army pension reported to have been $13,507.72 a year.
Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an 'allowance' and, later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year..
After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves. There was no Secret Service following them.
When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the American people and it's not for sale."
Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise."
As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food.
Modern politicians have found a new level of success in cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth.
Today, many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices.
Political offices are now for sale. (sic. Illinois)
Good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed,
"My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference!
There is not ONE in office now, who would follow in his footsteps.
However, a measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he left the White House.
The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived in, which was in Independence Missouri . His wife had inherited the house from her mother and father and other than their years in the White House, they lived their entire lives there.
When he retired from office in 1952, his income was a U.S. Army pension reported to have been $13,507.72 a year.
Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an 'allowance' and, later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year..
After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves. There was no Secret Service following them.
When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the American people and it's not for sale."
Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise."
As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food.
Modern politicians have found a new level of success in cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth.
Today, many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices.
Political offices are now for sale. (sic. Illinois)
Good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed,
"My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference!
There is not ONE in office now, who would follow in his footsteps.
dooley observed,
harry truman,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
You just GOTTA feel sorry for old Rushba.......
First, I am NOT a Limbaugh fan. I think it is a shame when a radio dj can become the spokesperson for a political party, he is an entertainer, nothing more. He is like the pied piper of old. And, if he is so smart, why does he need that big a place, spend all that money on taxes and upkeep, when he only uses if 15 days a year. How DUMB is that? Wouldn't a hotel be cheaper? DAH! Do you think he has an EGO problem? You can't say he is dumb, he listened to what his Daddy told him, "Buy LOW and sell HIGH! This picture says a lot, "He just blows smoke."
Rush Limbaugh Sells Condo, Vetoes NY Taxes
Rush Limbaugh is vetoing New York City taxes literally by selling his posh residence there.
The radio talk show king's 10-room condominium went under contract Thursday for about $11.5 million, reports The Wall Street Journal. Limbaugh purchased the property in 1994 for about $5 million, and his final asking price was $12.95 million.
The sale of the Fifth Avenue penthouse comes a year after Limbaugh began publicly complaining about the high taxes that wealthy New York residents must pay.
The state had imposed a so-called “millionaires' tax” on wealthy residents to help cut a huge budget deficit, which Limbaugh said punished "“the achievers for the mistakes ... on the part of a bunch of corrupt politicians."
Higher-incomed New York City residents can expect to pay more than half their pay in income taxes.
Already the city and state impose an additional 12 percent, on top of the highest federal tax bracket, set to hit 39 percent at the end of this year.
"I'm going to get out of there totally, because this is just absurd," Limbaugh said last year. "I'm going to look for an alternative studio somewhere outside New York, perhaps Texas.”"
On his personal and investment income Limbaugh likely had to pay New York state and city taxes for only the days he resided in the Big Apple. In recent years, however, New York tax authorities have aggressively sought to fully tax the income from media personalities who live outside the state but who broadcast via a signal from New York.
Limbaugh says he spends only about 15 days a year in New York City, where his network studios are located. He usually broadcasts his radio show from his home in Palm Beach, Fla.
The sale of Limbaugh's condo to an undisclosed buyer will cost him about $325,000 in taxes, according to the Journal.
The condo features a 30-foot-wide living room, four terraces, a view of Central Park and a private elevator entrance. It occupies a full floor and has 4,661 square feet of space.
Rush Limbaugh Sells Condo, Vetoes NY Taxes
Rush Limbaugh is vetoing New York City taxes literally by selling his posh residence there.
The radio talk show king's 10-room condominium went under contract Thursday for about $11.5 million, reports The Wall Street Journal. Limbaugh purchased the property in 1994 for about $5 million, and his final asking price was $12.95 million.
The sale of the Fifth Avenue penthouse comes a year after Limbaugh began publicly complaining about the high taxes that wealthy New York residents must pay.
The state had imposed a so-called “millionaires' tax” on wealthy residents to help cut a huge budget deficit, which Limbaugh said punished "“the achievers for the mistakes ... on the part of a bunch of corrupt politicians."
Higher-incomed New York City residents can expect to pay more than half their pay in income taxes.
Already the city and state impose an additional 12 percent, on top of the highest federal tax bracket, set to hit 39 percent at the end of this year.
"I'm going to get out of there totally, because this is just absurd," Limbaugh said last year. "I'm going to look for an alternative studio somewhere outside New York, perhaps Texas.”"
On his personal and investment income Limbaugh likely had to pay New York state and city taxes for only the days he resided in the Big Apple. In recent years, however, New York tax authorities have aggressively sought to fully tax the income from media personalities who live outside the state but who broadcast via a signal from New York.
Limbaugh says he spends only about 15 days a year in New York City, where his network studios are located. He usually broadcasts his radio show from his home in Palm Beach, Fla.
The sale of Limbaugh's condo to an undisclosed buyer will cost him about $325,000 in taxes, according to the Journal.
The condo features a 30-foot-wide living room, four terraces, a view of Central Park and a private elevator entrance. It occupies a full floor and has 4,661 square feet of space.
coventry apartments,
dooley observed,
new york,
Tour de France observations
Why would anyone want to do it, first question, or ride up a mountain on a bike. Physically they all look alike, from the shoulders down they all look the same.
And, what is it with those people who run along beside them. They carry flags, they dress up in costumes, they gesture, they act nuts. I wonder how many accidents there are due to spectators, they are right there, in arms length of the riders.
And all those cars and motorcycles, there have to be a number off accidents.
And there, at the top of a mountain, hundreds of campers, thousands of people, standing close to drop offs of thousands of feet,, there has to be a lot going on.
But the scenery, beautiful, the shots from the helicopters are something else. I have, I thought, done enough traveling, but when I hit the lottery I think I am going to get a passport, and follow the route off the Tour de France, sans bikes, to check out that scenery for myself. Not on a bike, but in a nice limo or maybe a camper.
How are they able to close all those roads for so long?
And, what is it with those people who run along beside them. They carry flags, they dress up in costumes, they gesture, they act nuts. I wonder how many accidents there are due to spectators, they are right there, in arms length of the riders.
And all those cars and motorcycles, there have to be a number off accidents.
And there, at the top of a mountain, hundreds of campers, thousands of people, standing close to drop offs of thousands of feet,, there has to be a lot going on.
But the scenery, beautiful, the shots from the helicopters are something else. I have, I thought, done enough traveling, but when I hit the lottery I think I am going to get a passport, and follow the route off the Tour de France, sans bikes, to check out that scenery for myself. Not on a bike, but in a nice limo or maybe a camper.
How are they able to close all those roads for so long?
Saturday, July 10, 2010
When the Music Stopped
For those who are unaware: at all military base theaters, the National Anthem is played before the movie begins.)
This was written by a Chaplain in Iraq :
I recently attended a showing of 'Superman 3' here at LSA Anaconda. We have a large auditorium we use for movies, as well as memorial services and other large gatherings. As is the custom at all military bases, we stood to attention when the National Anthem began before the main feature. All was going well until three-quarters of the way through The National Anthem, the music stopped.
Now, what would happen if this occurred with 1,000 18-22 year-olds back in the States? I imagine there would be hoots, catcalls, laughter, a few rude comments, and everyone would sit down and yell for the movie to begin. Of course, that is, if they had stood for the National Anthem in the first place.
Here in Iraq , 1,000 Soldiers continued to stand at attention, eyes fixed forward. The music started again and the Soldiers continued to quietly stand at attention. But again, at the same point, the music stopped. What would you expect 1000 soldiers standing at attention to do?? Frankly, I expected some laughter, and everyone would eventually sit down and wait for the movie to start.
But No!!... You could have heard a pin drop, while every Soldier continued to stand at attention.
Suddenly, there was a lone voice from the front of the auditorium, then a dozen voices, and soon the room was filled with the voices of a thousand soldiers, finishing where the recording left off: "And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave."
It was the most inspiring moment I have had in Iraq and I wanted you to know what kind of Soldiers are serving you.
Remember them as they fight for us!
Forward this blog along as a reminder to others to be ever in prayer for all our soldiers serving us here at home and abroad. Many have already paid the ultimate price.
Written by Chaplain Jim Higgins. LSA Anaconda is at the Ballad Airport in Iraq , north of Baghdad .
This was written by a Chaplain in Iraq :
I recently attended a showing of 'Superman 3' here at LSA Anaconda. We have a large auditorium we use for movies, as well as memorial services and other large gatherings. As is the custom at all military bases, we stood to attention when the National Anthem began before the main feature. All was going well until three-quarters of the way through The National Anthem, the music stopped.
Now, what would happen if this occurred with 1,000 18-22 year-olds back in the States? I imagine there would be hoots, catcalls, laughter, a few rude comments, and everyone would sit down and yell for the movie to begin. Of course, that is, if they had stood for the National Anthem in the first place.
Here in Iraq , 1,000 Soldiers continued to stand at attention, eyes fixed forward. The music started again and the Soldiers continued to quietly stand at attention. But again, at the same point, the music stopped. What would you expect 1000 soldiers standing at attention to do?? Frankly, I expected some laughter, and everyone would eventually sit down and wait for the movie to start.
But No!!... You could have heard a pin drop, while every Soldier continued to stand at attention.
Suddenly, there was a lone voice from the front of the auditorium, then a dozen voices, and soon the room was filled with the voices of a thousand soldiers, finishing where the recording left off: "And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave."
It was the most inspiring moment I have had in Iraq and I wanted you to know what kind of Soldiers are serving you.
Remember them as they fight for us!
Forward this blog along as a reminder to others to be ever in prayer for all our soldiers serving us here at home and abroad. Many have already paid the ultimate price.
Written by Chaplain Jim Higgins. LSA Anaconda is at the Ballad Airport in Iraq , north of Baghdad .
Sweet Tea
A woman goes to the doctor, beaten black and blue. Doctor: "What happened?"
Woman: "Doctor, I don't know what to do. Every time my husband comes home drunk, he beats me to a pulp."
Doctor: "I have a real good medicine for that. When your husband comes home drunk, just take a glass of sweet tea and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don't swallow until he goes to bed and is asleep."
Two weeks later the woman comes back to the doctor looking fresh and reborn.
Woman: "Doctor, that was a brilliant idea! Every time my husband came home drunk, I swished with sweet tea. I swished and swished, and he didn't touch me!"
Doctor: "You see how much keeping your mouth shut helps?"
Woman: "Doctor, I don't know what to do. Every time my husband comes home drunk, he beats me to a pulp."
Doctor: "I have a real good medicine for that. When your husband comes home drunk, just take a glass of sweet tea and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don't swallow until he goes to bed and is asleep."
Two weeks later the woman comes back to the doctor looking fresh and reborn.
Woman: "Doctor, that was a brilliant idea! Every time my husband came home drunk, I swished with sweet tea. I swished and swished, and he didn't touch me!"
Doctor: "You see how much keeping your mouth shut helps?"
Friday, July 9, 2010
Not my thought, but I SHARE IT!
Illegal immigration, the healthcare bill, the drilling ban, the bank and wall street bailouts, the stimulus spending, tax increases left and right - I am old and retired, and I never dreamed I would ever see a president so diametrically opposed to the will of the American people. The actions of this administration are absolutely unimmaginable, unbelievable, and unforgiveable !
More on the Tour
When I hit the lottery I may move to France, or wherever they were televising today, that is such beautiful countryside, and quaint towns, and it all looks so clean, well, except for the countryside.
About 200 bikers, they drink at least 3 waters an hour, that's 600 water bottles that are thrown out on the roads and country side. What do they ride, 5 or 6 hours, that could be 3000 or so water bottles. Where do they keep them all in those little station wagons, and where do they get all that water. I saw a few kids chasing after thrown bottles, but a lot were just thrown out into fields. I'll bet the farmers love picking up all those bottles.
I wonder if the cows eat them, there are a lot of cows. Gotta do some more research.
About 200 bikers, they drink at least 3 waters an hour, that's 600 water bottles that are thrown out on the roads and country side. What do they ride, 5 or 6 hours, that could be 3000 or so water bottles. Where do they keep them all in those little station wagons, and where do they get all that water. I saw a few kids chasing after thrown bottles, but a lot were just thrown out into fields. I'll bet the farmers love picking up all those bottles.
I wonder if the cows eat them, there are a lot of cows. Gotta do some more research.
The Tour
Not much on TV, cloudy out, muggy, so I am watching the Tour De France. I am sitting here, drinking coffee, looking at this beautiful scenery and watching a bunch of guys riding bikes. Some fall, they pick themselves up, and then hold on to a car window while a doctor patches them up, doing what, 25 or 30 mph. I wonder if anyone ever got run over?
I wonder too what happens to all the stuff they throw away, water bottles, wrappers, they litter all along the route, who picks it all up.
Now they are going through a little town, people all along the street, yelling and waving and clapping. On the light posts, bikes handing there, some with cardboard cutouts all sorts of decorations, and then what maybe a minute or so and the bikes are gone, not to come back for another year.
Another town, people dressed up in costumes, streets packed, OK, now they are out of town.
Maybe because it is Europe, but those bikes are arms lengths from the crowds. It is just hard to believe that some jerk, somewhere doesn't reach out and grab or hit a biker, cause a massive pile up. Maybe that is why they have it in France.
I don't see many signs along the roadside, no big billboards, just beautiful scenery.
It is all a mystery to me how the race works, all the cars with bikes on them, motorcycles, helicopters, all the sunglasses and bike caps. What about going to the bathroom?
Small campers, half of the people in France must own small campers.
I guess the scenery is worth watching. All those bikers, and only one guy isn't staring at someones butt.
I wonder too what happens to all the stuff they throw away, water bottles, wrappers, they litter all along the route, who picks it all up.
Now they are going through a little town, people all along the street, yelling and waving and clapping. On the light posts, bikes handing there, some with cardboard cutouts all sorts of decorations, and then what maybe a minute or so and the bikes are gone, not to come back for another year.
Another town, people dressed up in costumes, streets packed, OK, now they are out of town.
Maybe because it is Europe, but those bikes are arms lengths from the crowds. It is just hard to believe that some jerk, somewhere doesn't reach out and grab or hit a biker, cause a massive pile up. Maybe that is why they have it in France.
I don't see many signs along the roadside, no big billboards, just beautiful scenery.
It is all a mystery to me how the race works, all the cars with bikes on them, motorcycles, helicopters, all the sunglasses and bike caps. What about going to the bathroom?
Small campers, half of the people in France must own small campers.
I guess the scenery is worth watching. All those bikers, and only one guy isn't staring at someones butt.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
What really happened to Little Red Riding Hood
Trust me, no Big Bad Wolf did me in. It was the Big Golden Arch.
I used to head to Grandma's house a lot, take a shortcut through the woods, and take her stuff to eat. She was getting Meals on Wheels and it just wasn't working for her, so a few times a week I would pack up some goodies for her.
Well, one day I was tired and didn't feel like fixing her anything and a new McDonald's opened up at the edge of the woods near the freeway, so I thought I would give it a shot and surprise Grams with a Big Mac and some fries and a shake. I'm not rich, but I get a nice monthly income from the State, a little from the County, and, well, I'm not proud of it, but one day a guy in a big Caddy stopped and tried to pick me up and I screamed like crazy, the police came. Well, bottom line, I got a nice settlement out of that, being an orphan and wearing the hood and all, I had the jury eating out of my hands.
OK, back to the story. I was a little hungry that day, so I got a burger, fries and a shake for myself. It was a lot easier going to McDonald's that fixing anything, so I started going there every day. Then I got hooked on the Double Burger and the Big Mac and that Quarter Pounder. Then I started getting up earlier and went there for an Egg McMuffin, and some days the Big Breakfast. Then back home and around noon head back to get stuff for Grams, and for me a burger, fries and a shake.
Then, one afternoon Grams and I watched a flick, "Autumn in New York" I think it was. So it was late when I left, and the sad movie made me hungry, so I stopped and got dinner at Mickey Dees, McDonald's, more burgers fries and shakes.
So now I'm doin three meals a day there and the only exercise I'm getting is that little walk through the woods to Grandma's house.
Then one day I noticed the Big Bad Wolfe hiding behind a tree, and when he saw me he just shook his head, and I think I heard him say, "WOW, I can't eat THAT much, she looks like she might even be having a baby, bummer."
I used to head to Grandma's house a lot, take a shortcut through the woods, and take her stuff to eat. She was getting Meals on Wheels and it just wasn't working for her, so a few times a week I would pack up some goodies for her.
Well, one day I was tired and didn't feel like fixing her anything and a new McDonald's opened up at the edge of the woods near the freeway, so I thought I would give it a shot and surprise Grams with a Big Mac and some fries and a shake. I'm not rich, but I get a nice monthly income from the State, a little from the County, and, well, I'm not proud of it, but one day a guy in a big Caddy stopped and tried to pick me up and I screamed like crazy, the police came. Well, bottom line, I got a nice settlement out of that, being an orphan and wearing the hood and all, I had the jury eating out of my hands.
OK, back to the story. I was a little hungry that day, so I got a burger, fries and a shake for myself. It was a lot easier going to McDonald's that fixing anything, so I started going there every day. Then I got hooked on the Double Burger and the Big Mac and that Quarter Pounder. Then I started getting up earlier and went there for an Egg McMuffin, and some days the Big Breakfast. Then back home and around noon head back to get stuff for Grams, and for me a burger, fries and a shake.
Then, one afternoon Grams and I watched a flick, "Autumn in New York" I think it was. So it was late when I left, and the sad movie made me hungry, so I stopped and got dinner at Mickey Dees, McDonald's, more burgers fries and shakes.
So now I'm doin three meals a day there and the only exercise I'm getting is that little walk through the woods to Grandma's house.
Then one day I noticed the Big Bad Wolfe hiding behind a tree, and when he saw me he just shook his head, and I think I heard him say, "WOW, I can't eat THAT much, she looks like she might even be having a baby, bummer."
Ciinderella, how it really ended up .................
You'll never believe it. My bitchy old step mother who works me like a dog, cleaning, doing dishes, cooking, doing the wash ..... well, somehow, I guess I had a fairy Godmother that I didn't even know about, well she showed up and sez she is gonna see that I get to go to the big dance up at the kings place.
She gets me this dress, fixes my hair, really cleaned me up good, and then, well you ain't gonna believe what she did next. She took a pumpkin, tapped it with a stick she had and it turned in to a beautiful carriage, and to top that off, she turned some mice into horses. I ended up with grooms, drivers, the whole shebang.
All the stuff she fixed me up with was really nice, except for the shoes, and they were made out of fine crystal. How can you have a good time trying to dance in Crystall shoes, well, she called them slippers.
Well, it was time to go. I got into the carriage, and those horses took off. The last thing that she told me as we were driving off, "Be on your way home, by the stroke of midnight. At 12, you lose it all.
"Why 12?"
"Don't ask, it's just a good time for it all to end."
So I went to the ball, ate escargot and shrimp and lobster, great spread, all sorts of fish and chicken and pastry. They even had some black fish egg stuff that the guy serving said was from Russia. I had never heard of Russia so I didn't eat any.
I was washing all that good stuff down with some bubbly drink they had in fancy glasses, and this really good looking guy comes over and asks me to dance. I said to him, "You look like a Prince."
He said, "I am."
Whoa, I was dancin with the Prince himself. He kept askin me to dance and we danced and danced.
Then I heard the old clock on the wall start striking and I looked at the big clock and it was going on midnight. Ugg, I remembered what my good Fairy said, gave a quick nod and a goodbye to the Prince, and went running.
Anyway, I started running for the stairs, the Prince was chasing not too far behind, the damn clock was chiming away, and then half way down the stairs one of those crystal slippers came off, I was going to stop and pick it up, but just decided to keep going.
Well, right out in front of this place the whole thing went away, the carriage, the horses, the drivers, the grooms, it all just poofed away, so here I am, still in this fancy dress, wearing one damn crystal slipper, and about 5 miles away from home ... Oh, yea, I don't have any money, can one of you guys buy me a drink, I'll give you a glass slipper for one.
She gets me this dress, fixes my hair, really cleaned me up good, and then, well you ain't gonna believe what she did next. She took a pumpkin, tapped it with a stick she had and it turned in to a beautiful carriage, and to top that off, she turned some mice into horses. I ended up with grooms, drivers, the whole shebang.
All the stuff she fixed me up with was really nice, except for the shoes, and they were made out of fine crystal. How can you have a good time trying to dance in Crystall shoes, well, she called them slippers.
Well, it was time to go. I got into the carriage, and those horses took off. The last thing that she told me as we were driving off, "Be on your way home, by the stroke of midnight. At 12, you lose it all.
"Why 12?"
"Don't ask, it's just a good time for it all to end."
So I went to the ball, ate escargot and shrimp and lobster, great spread, all sorts of fish and chicken and pastry. They even had some black fish egg stuff that the guy serving said was from Russia. I had never heard of Russia so I didn't eat any.
I was washing all that good stuff down with some bubbly drink they had in fancy glasses, and this really good looking guy comes over and asks me to dance. I said to him, "You look like a Prince."
He said, "I am."
Whoa, I was dancin with the Prince himself. He kept askin me to dance and we danced and danced.
Then I heard the old clock on the wall start striking and I looked at the big clock and it was going on midnight. Ugg, I remembered what my good Fairy said, gave a quick nod and a goodbye to the Prince, and went running.
Anyway, I started running for the stairs, the Prince was chasing not too far behind, the damn clock was chiming away, and then half way down the stairs one of those crystal slippers came off, I was going to stop and pick it up, but just decided to keep going.
Well, right out in front of this place the whole thing went away, the carriage, the horses, the drivers, the grooms, it all just poofed away, so here I am, still in this fancy dress, wearing one damn crystal slipper, and about 5 miles away from home ... Oh, yea, I don't have any money, can one of you guys buy me a drink, I'll give you a glass slipper for one.
bernie dooley,
doolery observed,
joe dooley,
The Fairy Tale ..... how it ends
The parties over, so to speak. I thought this was cute, and the more I thought about it, the more reality it had to it.
And all she got, as I recall, was a kiss from the prince. Well, one thing led to another.
Now, 4 kids, a dog, a Prince of a husband, sitting around in his tights watching TV, not even a flat screen. My guess is he is out of work, I don't know who would hire him in those tights, and he probably is not qualified to do anything but be a Prince.
His country went belly-up, all of their manufacturing went to China, the oil slick ruined their fishing, a mad-cow epidemic ruined their ranching, they invested all their money with Bernie Madoff and they didn't get the "shot in the arm" they had hoped for, from the USA. In their original request for aid, they used the term "fairy tale," and Obama considered that to be "politically incorrect" and he would not approve their loan. That, and when the term "Snow White" was mentioned they said Obama went "ballistic." He actually tore the loan request up into small pieces.
Now, the good news. Since the Prince is out of work, they have moved to the USA. Financially, they are better off than when they lived in the Principality. They get FREE health care, rent subsidy, disability, food stamps, unemployment, and the Prince is getting a FREE education, all tuition is being paid, and he is getting a nice monthly stipend for living expenses.
Nike saw the picture and is sending them all free Air Jordans, and Puma, not to be outdone is doing the same thing, as are a number of other shoe companies.
So, Snow White is now living the American Dream, all because of a "kiss" ..... from the Prince. She would not have been better off if he had turned into a frog.
And all she got, as I recall, was a kiss from the prince. Well, one thing led to another.
Now, 4 kids, a dog, a Prince of a husband, sitting around in his tights watching TV, not even a flat screen. My guess is he is out of work, I don't know who would hire him in those tights, and he probably is not qualified to do anything but be a Prince.
His country went belly-up, all of their manufacturing went to China, the oil slick ruined their fishing, a mad-cow epidemic ruined their ranching, they invested all their money with Bernie Madoff and they didn't get the "shot in the arm" they had hoped for, from the USA. In their original request for aid, they used the term "fairy tale," and Obama considered that to be "politically incorrect" and he would not approve their loan. That, and when the term "Snow White" was mentioned they said Obama went "ballistic." He actually tore the loan request up into small pieces.
Now, the good news. Since the Prince is out of work, they have moved to the USA. Financially, they are better off than when they lived in the Principality. They get FREE health care, rent subsidy, disability, food stamps, unemployment, and the Prince is getting a FREE education, all tuition is being paid, and he is getting a nice monthly stipend for living expenses.
Nike saw the picture and is sending them all free Air Jordans, and Puma, not to be outdone is doing the same thing, as are a number of other shoe companies.
So, Snow White is now living the American Dream, all because of a "kiss" ..... from the Prince. She would not have been better off if he had turned into a frog.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I danced with my Daughter
I danced with my Daughter on May 30th, 2010.
What is newsworthy about that? Well, my Son Brad got married, at The Would, in Highland, New York, So?
For one thing, my Daughter is one of the owners of The Would. OK!
After the wedding, at the reception, after we all ate, the DJ played music, and people started dancing. OK!
The minister who performed the wedding, Arlene Dawber, was a friend of my Daughter, and had often talked with her, and knew a lot about her past life.
She knew that Debra's Mother and I had gotten divorced in the late 50's, and that I had only seen my Daughter a few times since then, and that we did not see each other for almost 30 years. She knew that we had gotten back together after all that time, and had a few visits together. She knew what a special day this was for me.
During one of the dance breaks, Arlene took the microphone and announced that Debra and her Father, were going to dance. What she didn't know, was that my Daughter and I had never danced together. I am 77, my Daughter, well, is in her 50's, and we had never danced together.
I don't think anyone in the crowd knew what a special moment this was for us, I think only Debra and I knew, and Arlene. I know how I felt, both sad and happy.
So, thank you, Arlene, for giving me that moment, I finally danced with my Daughter.
What is newsworthy about that? Well, my Son Brad got married, at The Would, in Highland, New York, So?
For one thing, my Daughter is one of the owners of The Would. OK!
After the wedding, at the reception, after we all ate, the DJ played music, and people started dancing. OK!
The minister who performed the wedding, Arlene Dawber, was a friend of my Daughter, and had often talked with her, and knew a lot about her past life.
She knew that Debra's Mother and I had gotten divorced in the late 50's, and that I had only seen my Daughter a few times since then, and that we did not see each other for almost 30 years. She knew that we had gotten back together after all that time, and had a few visits together. She knew what a special day this was for me.
During one of the dance breaks, Arlene took the microphone and announced that Debra and her Father, were going to dance. What she didn't know, was that my Daughter and I had never danced together. I am 77, my Daughter, well, is in her 50's, and we had never danced together.
I don't think anyone in the crowd knew what a special moment this was for us, I think only Debra and I knew, and Arlene. I know how I felt, both sad and happy.
So, thank you, Arlene, for giving me that moment, I finally danced with my Daughter.
Monday, July 5, 2010
BP Petitions for Madoff Release
It was announced today that British Petroleum has petitioned for the release of Bernard Madoff to assume the Presidency of their company. The rising costs of the petroleum disaster, now at 3 billions, necessitated this move.
In a statement issued to the press, BP commented, "It is just too much money for us to raise, Bernie is the only hope we have of raising that amount of money."
BP law firm, Dewey, Cheatem and Howe, filed the petition and told local press that they expect an answer later on this week.
In a statement issued to the press, BP commented, "It is just too much money for us to raise, Bernie is the only hope we have of raising that amount of money."
BP law firm, Dewey, Cheatem and Howe, filed the petition and told local press that they expect an answer later on this week.
bernie madoff,
cheatem and howe,
Monday, July 5, 2010 - The Day AFTER we are Patriotic
Funny how we get patriotic at times, after the tragedy on 9/11, after Kennedy was assassinated, it seems to take a tragedy or a war to bring out the flags.
I watched on TV last evening in Washington and New York and Boston, everyone joining together, hand in hand, singing patriotic songs, waving their American Flags, all caught up in the emotion of the hour. Funny what firecrackers and fireworks can do.
I often wonder what different people, groups, gangs are doing. Is the Mafia partying somewhere, waving flags, singing patriotic sons. They should be thankful for what the country has done for them.
How about the gangs in New York and LA, I wonder how they celebrate the day. They should be more thankful than most for all the country has done for them, a real land of opportunity.
Congressmen and Senators, oh how thankful they should be. One of the celebrations did the Pledge of Allegiance at the end of the ceremony, I wonder how many had their fingers crossed.
I would have liked to be in the White House to see how Obama celebrated, was he sincere or chuckling, were his fingers crossed. What he has done to the country, well, I can see why he was not visible during any of the celebrations.
I wonder how many more 4ths we will be allowed to celebrate, it is offensive to some, well not some, now almost the majority of people who live here.
I finally figured out something to compare to what is going on in this country.
It is comparable to being on a roller coaster. The ride starts, it goes up and down, seems like it is out of control, you are scared to death, it goes fast, it goes slow, around curves, and there is nothing you can do, you have no control over it, you want to get off, but you can't, you have no control, you just sit back, hold on, shut your eyes and go along on the ride.
It would make a good cartoon, Obama holding the roller coaster control stick, with a sly smile on his face.
I watched on TV last evening in Washington and New York and Boston, everyone joining together, hand in hand, singing patriotic songs, waving their American Flags, all caught up in the emotion of the hour. Funny what firecrackers and fireworks can do.
I often wonder what different people, groups, gangs are doing. Is the Mafia partying somewhere, waving flags, singing patriotic sons. They should be thankful for what the country has done for them.
How about the gangs in New York and LA, I wonder how they celebrate the day. They should be more thankful than most for all the country has done for them, a real land of opportunity.
Congressmen and Senators, oh how thankful they should be. One of the celebrations did the Pledge of Allegiance at the end of the ceremony, I wonder how many had their fingers crossed.
I would have liked to be in the White House to see how Obama celebrated, was he sincere or chuckling, were his fingers crossed. What he has done to the country, well, I can see why he was not visible during any of the celebrations.
I wonder how many more 4ths we will be allowed to celebrate, it is offensive to some, well not some, now almost the majority of people who live here.
I finally figured out something to compare to what is going on in this country.
It is comparable to being on a roller coaster. The ride starts, it goes up and down, seems like it is out of control, you are scared to death, it goes fast, it goes slow, around curves, and there is nothing you can do, you have no control over it, you want to get off, but you can't, you have no control, you just sit back, hold on, shut your eyes and go along on the ride.
It would make a good cartoon, Obama holding the roller coaster control stick, with a sly smile on his face.
2009 obama agenda survey,
roller coaster
Sunday, July 4, 2010
To be or not to be .......... GUILTY

Golly, I wonder if Gore is GUILTY. He looks, well, like hell, to be honest.
I have a hunch old Tipper dumped him in anticipation of this news coming out. Reportedly there is DNA and some other "concrete" evidence, but, innocent until proven guilty.
Old Bill Clinton is going to be one of his character witnesses. Is that a pair, or what? "I know that Al DID NOT have sex with that women," Cllinton commented.
Al said he invented the Internet, so he can get all of his "hackers" to get on his side, start a "computer campaign," get Ben Roethlisberger and Kobie to testify as character witnesses, and "ger 'er done."
He stated that "if they find me guilty, I WILL accelerate global warming, and flood much of the country."
al gore,
assault case,
french open,
Wouldn't it be nice, to hear some schoolchild say, "Oh, yes, on the 4th of July, we celebrate our nations independence." I haven't heard even one this year, being interviewed, that knew anything about why we celebrate this day. When they lose all their freeddoms, perhaps then, they will understand. You can't appreciate it, till you lose it.
One thought comes to mind, an old Nevada casino expression ..... "If you're gonna be a sucker, be a silent one."
One thought comes to mind, an old Nevada casino expression ..... "If you're gonna be a sucker, be a silent one."
Saturday, July 3, 2010
How did it happen????
July 3, about 8 in the evening, and I am sitting here crying. Been listening to the Gaither Gospel show, and they are singing patriotic music, Just heard Vestal Good sing God Bless American, and the tears came, for a number of reasons.
One, I think we are losing our freedoms and all of the things that we have known all these years ....
Now they are doing The Battle Hymn of the Rdpublic, more tears.
On the news tonight they were interviewing some children, not a one knew that actual reason for this holiday. They thought it had something to do with soldiers "or something like that." That is sad. Is it any wonder that our freedoms can be taken away from us, and we don't know it, or seem to care.
We can expect no less, when some want that American Flag taken out of our classrooms, because it offends the Hispanics (I had to laugh, I didn't capitalize it, spellcheck corrected me, they must know something). If that happens, we can kiss our Freedom, and our asses, goodbye.
I was always taught to observe and remember the Declaration of Independence on this day, what that meant, and to be proud for our country. I wonder what they are teaching our kids now.
Not too many years from now, it will be illegal to celebrate this holiday, it will OFFEND too many of those who live in this country.
What and how did it all happen????????
One, I think we are losing our freedoms and all of the things that we have known all these years ....
Now they are doing The Battle Hymn of the Rdpublic, more tears.
On the news tonight they were interviewing some children, not a one knew that actual reason for this holiday. They thought it had something to do with soldiers "or something like that." That is sad. Is it any wonder that our freedoms can be taken away from us, and we don't know it, or seem to care.
We can expect no less, when some want that American Flag taken out of our classrooms, because it offends the Hispanics (I had to laugh, I didn't capitalize it, spellcheck corrected me, they must know something). If that happens, we can kiss our Freedom, and our asses, goodbye.
I was always taught to observe and remember the Declaration of Independence on this day, what that meant, and to be proud for our country. I wonder what they are teaching our kids now.
Not too many years from now, it will be illegal to celebrate this holiday, it will OFFEND too many of those who live in this country.
What and how did it all happen????????
A Reprint worth Reading ....
Do you remember the scene? The Senate. Barbara Boxer hearing from a Brigadier General? Silly General! He addresses Barbara as "Ma'm", and she CORRECTS him, telling him she's "worked SO hard to earn the title, "Senator", so please to use that when speaking to her.
Get a load of this letter!
Read the letter sent to Sen. Barbara Boxer from an Alaskan Airlines pilot below. Many of us witnessed the arrogance of Barbara Boxer on June 18, 2009 as she admonished Brigadier General Michael Walsh because he addressed her as "ma'am" and not "Senator" before a Senate hearing.
This letter is from a National Guard aviator and Captain for Alaska Airlines named Jim Hill. I wonder what he would have said if he were really angry. Long fly Alaska !!!!!
You were so right on when you scolded the General on TV for using the term, "ma'am," instead of "Senator". After all, in the military, "ma'am" is a term of respect when addressing a female of superior rank or position. The General was totally wrong. You are not a person of superior rank or position. You are a member of one of the world's most corrupt organizations, the U.S. Senate, equaled only by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Congress is a cesspool of liars, thieves, inside traders, traitors, drunks (one who killed a staffer, yet is still revered), criminals, and other low level swine who, as individuals (not all, but many), will do anything to enhance their lives, fortunes and power, all at the expense of the People of the United States and its Constitution, in order to be continually re-elected. Many Democrats even want American troops killed by releasing photographs. How many of you could honestly say, "We pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor"? None? One? Two?
Your reaction to the General shows several things. First is your abysmal ignorance of all things military. Your treatment of the General shows you to be an elitist of the worst kind. When the General entered the military (as most of us who served) he wrote the government a blank check, offering his life to protect your corpulent derriere, now safely and comfortably ensconced in a 20 thousand dollar leather chair, paid for by the General 's taxes. You repaid him for this by humiliating him in front of millions.
Second is your puerile character, lack of sophistication, and arrogance, which borders on the hubristic. This display of brattish behavior shows you to be a virago, termagant, harridan, nag, scold or shrew, unfit for your position, regardless of the support of the unwashed, uneducated masses who have made California into the laughing stock of the nation.
What I am writing, are the same thoughts countless millions of Americans have toward Congress, but who lack the energy, ability or time to convey them. Regardless of their thoughts, most realize that politicians are pretty much the same, and will vote for the one who will bring home the most bacon, even if they do consider how corrupt that person is. Lord Acton (1834 - 1902) so aptly charged, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Unbeknownst to you and your colleagues, "Mr. Power" has had his way with all of you, and we are all the worse for it.
Finally, Senator, I, too, have a title. It is "Right Wing Extremist Potential Terrorist Threat." It is not of my choosing, but was given to me by your Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, and you were offended by "ma'am"?
Have a fine day. Cheers!
Jim Hill
16808 - 103rd Avenue Court East
South Hill , WA 98374
If you care about the way our Country is heading, please circulate this to remind every voter that the "cesspools" MUST be pumped out when we go to the polls in November, 2010
Get a load of this letter!
Read the letter sent to Sen. Barbara Boxer from an Alaskan Airlines pilot below. Many of us witnessed the arrogance of Barbara Boxer on June 18, 2009 as she admonished Brigadier General Michael Walsh because he addressed her as "ma'am" and not "Senator" before a Senate hearing.
This letter is from a National Guard aviator and Captain for Alaska Airlines named Jim Hill. I wonder what he would have said if he were really angry. Long fly Alaska !!!!!
You were so right on when you scolded the General on TV for using the term, "ma'am," instead of "Senator". After all, in the military, "ma'am" is a term of respect when addressing a female of superior rank or position. The General was totally wrong. You are not a person of superior rank or position. You are a member of one of the world's most corrupt organizations, the U.S. Senate, equaled only by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Congress is a cesspool of liars, thieves, inside traders, traitors, drunks (one who killed a staffer, yet is still revered), criminals, and other low level swine who, as individuals (not all, but many), will do anything to enhance their lives, fortunes and power, all at the expense of the People of the United States and its Constitution, in order to be continually re-elected. Many Democrats even want American troops killed by releasing photographs. How many of you could honestly say, "We pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor"? None? One? Two?
Your reaction to the General shows several things. First is your abysmal ignorance of all things military. Your treatment of the General shows you to be an elitist of the worst kind. When the General entered the military (as most of us who served) he wrote the government a blank check, offering his life to protect your corpulent derriere, now safely and comfortably ensconced in a 20 thousand dollar leather chair, paid for by the General 's taxes. You repaid him for this by humiliating him in front of millions.
Second is your puerile character, lack of sophistication, and arrogance, which borders on the hubristic. This display of brattish behavior shows you to be a virago, termagant, harridan, nag, scold or shrew, unfit for your position, regardless of the support of the unwashed, uneducated masses who have made California into the laughing stock of the nation.
What I am writing, are the same thoughts countless millions of Americans have toward Congress, but who lack the energy, ability or time to convey them. Regardless of their thoughts, most realize that politicians are pretty much the same, and will vote for the one who will bring home the most bacon, even if they do consider how corrupt that person is. Lord Acton (1834 - 1902) so aptly charged, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Unbeknownst to you and your colleagues, "Mr. Power" has had his way with all of you, and we are all the worse for it.
Finally, Senator, I, too, have a title. It is "Right Wing Extremist Potential Terrorist Threat." It is not of my choosing, but was given to me by your Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, and you were offended by "ma'am"?
Have a fine day. Cheers!
Jim Hill
16808 - 103rd Avenue Court East
South Hill , WA 98374
If you care about the way our Country is heading, please circulate this to remind every voter that the "cesspools" MUST be pumped out when we go to the polls in November, 2010
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