Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson

"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd

"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.

If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....

When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............

Monday, November 16, 2009

????????????????? It's Monday

I started in on this today, six times, and have not finished one of them. I started with the Obama bow. (I think they should make that bough, bow is something you make from a ribbon) They say Washington is upset. I imagine they are all Republicans that are upset. I doubt that we will hear any complaints from Pelosi or other Democrats.

Maybe Obama realizes that we, as a nation, are not as strong as we once were, and as a show of respect to a "reborn" country, that we may all need each other some day. A little close to December 7, but most are not old enough to remember that.

I am not an Obama fan. In his religion, a bow is the thing to do. Now, that is scary. Did a Muslim bow, or the President of the US? He seems to bow to everyone. I don't know that any US President, in this day and age, can carry himself with the same aloofness and arrogance that he once could.

Than I was going to write about the Belichick call last night, but I doubt that many really care about that, and I wasn't sure how to spell his name. I've done many stupid things, but I don't think any have equalled that.

Take Adolph back to Berlin to try him, take Tojo back to Tokyo and try him. What about Change of Venue, whatever that means. Would it not be something if Mohammed got off like OJ did. And, some are getting tried, some not. Who made that call?

Picture, if you will, the World Trade Center, before 9/11, but being hit every day by many "little" planes, or objects, or people, or rocks, or things, but slowly deteriorating before our eyes, on TV, but so slowly, that we don't even notice that it is collapsing ..... I think that is what is happening to our country today. But we just glance, and then turn away. Maybe we just don't want to know what is happening.