I hope they don't make the finals, it ruins a great event for me.
If they do both get to the finals, before the match is even played, they tell the officials, "Just go ahead and make both checks out to Dad, it doeesn't matter who wins."
Sisters playing each other, tight family, who wins, who cares?
If it comes to that, I'm afraid I won't be eating strawberries while they play, I'll just grab a beer and hope a good western is playing.
Maybe it won't come to that ...........
I enjoy watching Roger, but sisters ............ no, and it seems like they have been playing forever....
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson
"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd
"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....
When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Justice is Done, Served, etc.,
Madoff will die in Jail, and the people that he broke, are still broke, with no chance of recouping any of their losses, and all is well.
The only person capable of getting their money back is gone.
An old Nevada expression .................
If you're gonna be a sucker, be a silent one!
One guy on TV the other night, lost 5 million, didn't say how much he had left. I did recognize a three thousand dollar suit he was wearing though, why interview him and not some poor schlump who really lost everything, and I am sure there were many.
I say let him out, start another scheme, and pay back some money to those in the first group .... etc ..... etc ......... etc.
His poor wife only got 2 million to live on. I wonder how they arrived at that amount, and then they took a photo of her riding a subway, I wonder who staged that, maybe her limo was in for a lube or something.
I wonder who the first guy he got money from. Wonder how many "celebs" and politicians he swindled, and how many "came to him" to please let me invest. My guess is they were the loudest.
Neat thing, not everyone is vocal about it, or want it known, that they were taken in by him ..... wonder how much he will make on his book? Should be good reading.
He could pay a lot of them off with the profits from that book, and even more on those who would pay him NOT to be mentioned in his book. The IRS would like to see his list, I betcha .....
The only person capable of getting their money back is gone.
An old Nevada expression .................
If you're gonna be a sucker, be a silent one!
One guy on TV the other night, lost 5 million, didn't say how much he had left. I did recognize a three thousand dollar suit he was wearing though, why interview him and not some poor schlump who really lost everything, and I am sure there were many.
I say let him out, start another scheme, and pay back some money to those in the first group .... etc ..... etc ......... etc.
His poor wife only got 2 million to live on. I wonder how they arrived at that amount, and then they took a photo of her riding a subway, I wonder who staged that, maybe her limo was in for a lube or something.
I wonder who the first guy he got money from. Wonder how many "celebs" and politicians he swindled, and how many "came to him" to please let me invest. My guess is they were the loudest.
Neat thing, not everyone is vocal about it, or want it known, that they were taken in by him ..... wonder how much he will make on his book? Should be good reading.
He could pay a lot of them off with the profits from that book, and even more on those who would pay him NOT to be mentioned in his book. The IRS would like to see his list, I betcha .....
Madoff for Treasury Secretary .......

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors rather than from any actual profit earned.
The Ponzi scheme usually offers returns that other investments cannot guarantee in order to entice new investors, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent.
The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going.
The system is destined to collapse because the earnings, if any, are less than the payments. Usually, the scheme is interrupted by legal authorities before it collapses because a Ponzi scheme is suspected or because the promoter is selling unregistered securities.
As more investors become involved, the likelihood of the scheme coming to the attention of authorities increases.
I have re-read this a number of times. Is it not basically what our GOVERNMENT is doing?
Maybe we should put Madoff in as Secretary of the Treasury, or some similar position, at least an advisor, instead of in Prison.
NOW, through the internet, he can show thousands, maybe millions, how to do what he did.
Remember Captain Crunch? The phone company wishes they had hired him rather than send him to jail, cost them millions.
He is smarter than some of the SMARTEST, he would be a cinch in Washington
captain crunch,
secretary of the treasury,
A group of 20 New Haven firefighters won a major victory from the Supreme Court this morning in their reverse discrimination lawsuit against the city, which had originally been decided against them by Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
On a 5-4 vote, the court ruled with the firefighters, one Hispanic and 19 white firefighters (the Ricci of Ricci vs. DeStefano), who said they were denied promotions after passing the appropriate exam. The city of New Haven and Mayor John DeStefano threw out the test results because no minorities scored high enough for a promotion. That, the city expressed, would leave them open for discrimination lawsuits from black firefighters.
"There is no evidence -- let alone the required strong basis in evidence -- that the tests were flawed because they were not job-related or because other, equally valid and less discriminatory tests were available to the City," wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy in his majority decision. (PDF)
Sotomayor, President Obama's choice to replace the retiring Justice Souter, was part of a three-judge panel that rejected an appeal by the group of New Haven firefighters.
The court resolved the city's fear of litigation can not justify the refusal to apply the test, reports Scotusblog.com. The case is expected to have wide-ranging implications for employment law.
"Fear of litigation alone cannot justify an employer's reliance on race to the detriment of individuals who passed the examinations and qualified for promotions," Kennedy added.
Kennedy was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.
In the dissenting opinion, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the white firefighters "understandably attract this court's sympathy. But they had no vested right to promotion. Nor have other persons received promotions in preference to them."
Justices Stephen Breyer, David Souter and John Paul Stevens signed onto Ginsburg's dissent, which she read aloud in court Monday.
Copyright Associated Press / NBC New York
On a 5-4 vote, the court ruled with the firefighters, one Hispanic and 19 white firefighters (the Ricci of Ricci vs. DeStefano), who said they were denied promotions after passing the appropriate exam. The city of New Haven and Mayor John DeStefano threw out the test results because no minorities scored high enough for a promotion. That, the city expressed, would leave them open for discrimination lawsuits from black firefighters.
"There is no evidence -- let alone the required strong basis in evidence -- that the tests were flawed because they were not job-related or because other, equally valid and less discriminatory tests were available to the City," wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy in his majority decision. (PDF)
Sotomayor, President Obama's choice to replace the retiring Justice Souter, was part of a three-judge panel that rejected an appeal by the group of New Haven firefighters.
The court resolved the city's fear of litigation can not justify the refusal to apply the test, reports Scotusblog.com. The case is expected to have wide-ranging implications for employment law.
"Fear of litigation alone cannot justify an employer's reliance on race to the detriment of individuals who passed the examinations and qualified for promotions," Kennedy added.
Kennedy was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.
In the dissenting opinion, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the white firefighters "understandably attract this court's sympathy. But they had no vested right to promotion. Nor have other persons received promotions in preference to them."
Justices Stephen Breyer, David Souter and John Paul Stevens signed onto Ginsburg's dissent, which she read aloud in court Monday.
Copyright Associated Press / NBC New York
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Who is next?
We have had a few celebrity deaths the last few days. They say they run in three's, we have had four.
They were all, "one of a kinds" in a way, and if memory serves me right, they all had Bentleys, at one time.
Ed, an icon with a booming voice, I don't think anyone could have sat next to Carson all those years, and done what he did. He was happy as a "second banana" and not many can do that and be satisfied for long. Their egos would get in the way.
Farrah, many a young lad fell in love with her, and some old ones too. I think she was a better actress than we all thought. Due to her looks, she had a lot of talent that was never utilized. I think her star really shown, in the final act.
Michael, in some ways he, like KISS, was "after my time." I remember seeing him when he was little, obviously talented. By the time his star rose, I was too old to appreciate his "talent." Unfortunately, I remember his later problems, and they, to me, sometimes overshadow his talent.
Billy, I always admired good "pitchmen." I remember many, many years ago, in Woolworths, in Dayton, Ohio, maybe some of you will remember, the guy demonstrating that little wax mouse, that he could do wonders with. He could get it crawling all over his coat. They sold like hotcakes, but no one could ever get it to do what that guy could. I admired huxters at carnivals, really good salesmen, people who could sell you the "Brooklyn Bridge."
Billy was already successful, but he was just starting to enter his "peak," that makes it sadder, to me. He was doing well, had success, but his new show was making him even bigger, and not just as a "pitchman" but as a businessman and personality. He and A.J. Khubani, the CEO of Telebrands, and Anthony Sullivan were bringing reality to the "pitchmen."
Scary, wonder who is next. I remember one episode of CSI Miami, someone had a "Death Pool," and wagered on who was next to die. A radio show I listened to today while driving was inviting callers to give the names of "who they thought would be next."
Kinda gruesome, don't want to go there, I could be on that list.
They were all, "one of a kinds" in a way, and if memory serves me right, they all had Bentleys, at one time.
Ed, an icon with a booming voice, I don't think anyone could have sat next to Carson all those years, and done what he did. He was happy as a "second banana" and not many can do that and be satisfied for long. Their egos would get in the way.
Farrah, many a young lad fell in love with her, and some old ones too. I think she was a better actress than we all thought. Due to her looks, she had a lot of talent that was never utilized. I think her star really shown, in the final act.
Michael, in some ways he, like KISS, was "after my time." I remember seeing him when he was little, obviously talented. By the time his star rose, I was too old to appreciate his "talent." Unfortunately, I remember his later problems, and they, to me, sometimes overshadow his talent.
Billy, I always admired good "pitchmen." I remember many, many years ago, in Woolworths, in Dayton, Ohio, maybe some of you will remember, the guy demonstrating that little wax mouse, that he could do wonders with. He could get it crawling all over his coat. They sold like hotcakes, but no one could ever get it to do what that guy could. I admired huxters at carnivals, really good salesmen, people who could sell you the "Brooklyn Bridge."
Billy was already successful, but he was just starting to enter his "peak," that makes it sadder, to me. He was doing well, had success, but his new show was making him even bigger, and not just as a "pitchman" but as a businessman and personality. He and A.J. Khubani, the CEO of Telebrands, and Anthony Sullivan were bringing reality to the "pitchmen."
Scary, wonder who is next. I remember one episode of CSI Miami, someone had a "Death Pool," and wagered on who was next to die. A radio show I listened to today while driving was inviting callers to give the names of "who they thought would be next."
Kinda gruesome, don't want to go there, I could be on that list.
anthony sullivan,
bill mays,
billy mays,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Comes the dawn ......................

I am 76, I think, born September, 1932, and I was watching something on TV last night, not sure what it was, Michael Jackson was on most of the channels, but it made me realize, in 76 (if that is correct) years, I have never been GOAL ORIENTED.
That's been my problem, I have never set goals. I just went with the flow, so to speak. I'm sure there is a technical term for it that the shrinks use. Looking back, I think I was even diagnosed with something similar many years ago. I think some shrink I was talking with used the term "pleasure principle" or something like that.
I never planned, just did what happened along.
I decided I wanted to go to college, so I did. Not too long after that, I decided I didn't like college, and, due to the draft at the time, joined the Navy.
Now that, I did for four years, no choice. But my goal was to GET OUT, which I did in four years.
I ended up in Reno, Nevada, another story, and decided I wanted to be a "crap dealer."
OK, I did set some goals, wanted to be a boxman, floor boss, casino manager, work at Lake Tahoe, work in Elko, Nevada at the old Stockmans, which I did, and then got on an Eastbound train, and headed back to Ohio, which is where it all started.
From that point, until today, I just did what came around, or made itself available at the time to me. Worked in a men's store, sold newspaper advertising, worked in an employment agency, owned a bar, worked in a factory for a year, ran a press, worked for a printer for 20 years, had a restaurant during that time also, managed a quick print, did political writing and managed a few campaigns, had my own print shop, had another restaurant, decided to retire, and that's where I am today. This latter took almost 50 years.
The few goals I ever set, I did, but then my ADD kicked in, and I did something else. I have waisted at least six, "golden opportunities," but who knows how those would have effected my life.
But, I am, I think, 76, in reasonably good health, still able to work occasionally, family is doing well, no serious problems, so I am better off than some goal oriented people, I guess. Oh, I have had four wives, I think that fits my pattern. Well, actually married 5 times, married one twice. That's another story.
I don't even have a goal to live so long, just go when its time.
I wonder where I would be now, if I had set goals?
That picture up there might say something ... "You can't have an expensive Cris-Craft on a little farm pond, that's crazy!"
WORK THIS OUT ................

Figure this one out!!Don't cheat... This is pretty neat.
It takes less than a minute ..Work this out as you read .Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!
This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.
1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than 10)
2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)
3. Add 5
4. Multiply it by 50 -- I'll wait while you get the calculator
5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1759 ..If you haven't, add 1758.
6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born. You should have a three digit number
The first digit of this was your original number(i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week).
The next two numbers are YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)
2009 obama agenda survey,
math problem,
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The July Contest
We all use a lot of toilet paper, and always have those cardboard centers left over.
Our contest this month is to see how many of the folded tubes that you can put into one tube.
Fold them down as tightly as you can, lengthwise and place in a tube. That tube will be the FILLEE, and the inserted tubes are the FILLERS. You will be amazed how soon you can fill one up.
The one who inserts the most folded tubes into one tube, the FILLEE, will receive a befitting, appropriate prize (to be determined) by the prize committee.
We all use a lot of toilet paper, and always have those cardboard centers left over.
Our contest this month is to see how many of the folded tubes that you can put into one tube.
Fold them down as tightly as you can, lengthwise and place in a tube. That tube will be the FILLEE, and the inserted tubes are the FILLERS. You will be amazed how soon you can fill one up.
The one who inserts the most folded tubes into one tube, the FILLEE, will receive a befitting, appropriate prize (to be determined) by the prize committee.
SURVEY on cereal eating habits
Survey on cereal eating habits around the world sponsored by the CEA
EMail me and let me know. cerealsurvey@thedooleysite.com
A. Put milk in the bowl and then a small amount of cereal, and then add another small amount, etc., till you are done.
or do you
B. Put milk in the bowl and then a LARGE amount of cereal, which, upon completing, you are done.
Sugar and fruit at appropriate times.
EMail me and let me know. cerealsurvey@thedooleysite.com
A. Put milk in the bowl and then a small amount of cereal, and then add another small amount, etc., till you are done.
or do you
B. Put milk in the bowl and then a LARGE amount of cereal, which, upon completing, you are done.
Sugar and fruit at appropriate times.
LSU vs Texas

If you missed the LSU/Texas College World Series game last night, you not only missed a good game, but you missed the opportunity to see some college athletes, many of who I am sure have dedicated their lives, as well as their families, so far to the game.
GENUINE enthusiasm, good sportsmanship on both sides, talented players on both sides, unbridled emotions, it was neat.
With all that is going on in the world, the game and the after game celebration, were a nice respite from the "news."
LSU won, and they deserved the win, good stuff to watch.
I have watched much of the entire series, and enjoyed each game.
The LSU Coaches Dad was there, got a hug from his coach son, their families, the football coach, neat to see.
Favorite saying ..
When once a job you have begun ....
Do not stop till it is done ....
Whether the task be great or small ....
Do it WELL, or not at all ..
Do not stop till it is done ....
Whether the task be great or small ....
Do it WELL, or not at all ..
Thanks ............
I see I am acquiring more readers every day. I would love to hear more comments.
Welcome to all, and from all the countries around the world.
If anyone would like to check out my FACEBOOK and say hello, perhaps join,
Again, thanks for vising my BLOG, keep checking back, someday I am going to publish my AWARD WINNING Bar-Be-Que Recipe .... or, as we call it DOO BE QUE.
Welcome to all, and from all the countries around the world.
If anyone would like to check out my FACEBOOK and say hello, perhaps join,
Again, thanks for vising my BLOG, keep checking back, someday I am going to publish my AWARD WINNING Bar-Be-Que Recipe .... or, as we call it DOO BE QUE.
Quotes from Abraham Lincoln ..

Quotes from Lincoln, the man Obama likes to compare himself to ... I hope he has the opportunity to read these, and see how far off base he actually is.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
You cannot help man permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Scratch another one ..............

Take South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, off the list of Republican Presidential Hopefuls.
I think the best the party can do is try to persuade Bill Clinton to change partys and run him .... he has never had any problems with cheating ............wrong ... there must be someone .... somewhere ..... is anyone "worthy" .....?
Interesting stuff ........................ to think about, in OHIO
Wearing ball caps and blue jeans, several hundred horse trainers, owners, breeders, stable hands and others in the racing industry stood today in the warm sun on the south side of the Statehouse.
They were there to support a proposal to build purses at Ohio's seven tracks with profits from 14,000 video lottery terminals or slot machines.
Many had come from the farms they own or work at. They listened to speakers and then went to directly lobby lawmakers.
They represent yet another dying breed in the Buckeye State. And as speaker after speaker told them, it is not their fault.
The amount of money wagered overall at Ohio's three thoroughbred and four standardbred or harness tracks is down significantly. (I wonder why?)
According to the Ohio State Racing Commission, the horse industry overall is $2.1 billion annually. There are 12,300 full-time jobs directly or indirectly related to the $460 million horse racing industry in the state.
As every gambler knows, the house always wins so purses are set at races based on the amount of money wagered. When fewer people go to tracks and bet fewer dollars, the dollars that flow to the people who breed and feed horses dwindles.
In 2005, the total purse at Ohio's seven tracks was $47 million. Three years later, the figure dropped to $34 million.
Like every industry, the decline ripples across the state's economy.
Purses are smaller in Ohio because surrounding states have found other ways to boost attendance and payouts at their tracks, primarily through slot machines and other forms of casino gambling.
The tack and saddle crowd wants to even the playing field, and they are clinging to recommendations made by the state racing commission and the hope that lawmakers, now facing a projected $3 billion budget deficit in the next two years, will move to place slot machines at the horse tracks.
Under the state racing commission proposal, each track would have to pay a one-time fee of $50 million — or $25,000 per slot machine — to the state to become a licensed agent for the VLTs. They would spend an additional $80 million renovating their facilities. (If they are BROKE where dies this money come from, I wonder?)
In return, the agents would receive 5 percent of all money bet in 2,000 slot machines at each of the tracks.
The tracks would get a nickel for every dollar inserted in the slot. The state would get a nickel. The other 90 cents would be paid out in winnings to the gamblers.
Keep in mind, when someone hits a jackpot, they often gamble their winnings. The state and the tracks make a nickel each on every real and recycled gambling dollar.
The house and Ohio will always win.
Tom Zaino, a former state tax commissioner for Gov. Bob Taft and one of the five racing commissioners, estimates enactment this year would mean by fiscal year 2013 — which begins July 1, 2012, and runs through June 20, 2013 — the state and tracks would split $1.3 billion.
So to get enough nickels for $1.3 billion, gamblers would have to insert $13 billion in wages and winnings into Ohio's 14,000 slot machines.
This is not the first time the horse tracks have asked for help, and it is not clear whether there is support for the proposal in the legislature.
A number of lawmakers, primarily from districts with horse racing tracks, spoke at the rally today.
Wearing ball caps and blue jeans, several hundred horse trainers, owners, breeders, stable hands and others in the racing industry stood today in the warm sun on the south side of the Statehouse.
They were there to support a proposal to build purses at Ohio's seven tracks with profits from 14,000 video lottery terminals or slot machines.
Many had come from the farms they own or work at. They listened to speakers and then went to directly lobby lawmakers.
They represent yet another dying breed in the Buckeye State. And as speaker after speaker told them, it is not their fault.
The amount of money wagered overall at Ohio's three thoroughbred and four standardbred or harness tracks is down significantly. (I wonder why?)
According to the Ohio State Racing Commission, the horse industry overall is $2.1 billion annually. There are 12,300 full-time jobs directly or indirectly related to the $460 million horse racing industry in the state.
As every gambler knows, the house always wins so purses are set at races based on the amount of money wagered. When fewer people go to tracks and bet fewer dollars, the dollars that flow to the people who breed and feed horses dwindles.
In 2005, the total purse at Ohio's seven tracks was $47 million. Three years later, the figure dropped to $34 million.
Like every industry, the decline ripples across the state's economy.
Purses are smaller in Ohio because surrounding states have found other ways to boost attendance and payouts at their tracks, primarily through slot machines and other forms of casino gambling.
The tack and saddle crowd wants to even the playing field, and they are clinging to recommendations made by the state racing commission and the hope that lawmakers, now facing a projected $3 billion budget deficit in the next two years, will move to place slot machines at the horse tracks.
Under the state racing commission proposal, each track would have to pay a one-time fee of $50 million — or $25,000 per slot machine — to the state to become a licensed agent for the VLTs. They would spend an additional $80 million renovating their facilities. (If they are BROKE where dies this money come from, I wonder?)
In return, the agents would receive 5 percent of all money bet in 2,000 slot machines at each of the tracks.
The tracks would get a nickel for every dollar inserted in the slot. The state would get a nickel. The other 90 cents would be paid out in winnings to the gamblers.
Keep in mind, when someone hits a jackpot, they often gamble their winnings. The state and the tracks make a nickel each on every real and recycled gambling dollar.
The house and Ohio will always win.
Tom Zaino, a former state tax commissioner for Gov. Bob Taft and one of the five racing commissioners, estimates enactment this year would mean by fiscal year 2013 — which begins July 1, 2012, and runs through June 20, 2013 — the state and tracks would split $1.3 billion.
So to get enough nickels for $1.3 billion, gamblers would have to insert $13 billion in wages and winnings into Ohio's 14,000 slot machines.
This is not the first time the horse tracks have asked for help, and it is not clear whether there is support for the proposal in the legislature.
A number of lawmakers, primarily from districts with horse racing tracks, spoke at the rally today.
Computers instead of slots ................
Gambling is a good thing for Ohio................
Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods.
In a typical slot machine, the top jackpot stop (the one with the highest-paying jackpot image) for each reel corresponds to only one virtual stop.
This means that the chance of hitting the jackpot image on one reel is 1 in 64.
If all of the reels are set up the same way, the chances of hitting the jackpot image on all three reels is 1 in 643, or 262,144.
For machines with a bigger jackpot, the virtual reel may have many more stops. This decreases the odds of winning that jackpot considerably.
Why not put some people to work in Ohio. Put together an agency, probably in Steubenville, form teams, both men and women, dress them in black, and they just go around the state, ROBBING PEOPLE. (In the interest of safety, they use only play guns, which look real. Actually they might just use miniature slot machines.)
All the revenue goes to schools, road resurfacing, purchasing ORANGE barels and building more libraries, which they can later close.
Better idea. Instead of slot machines at the tracks, put in computers, charge $10 an hour.
Figure out what 15,250 computers could bring in, in 14 months, my computer doesn't go that high.
More income for out officials to mishandle, and a lot of people will be put to work.
Gambling is a good thing for Ohio................
Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods.
In a typical slot machine, the top jackpot stop (the one with the highest-paying jackpot image) for each reel corresponds to only one virtual stop.
This means that the chance of hitting the jackpot image on one reel is 1 in 64.
If all of the reels are set up the same way, the chances of hitting the jackpot image on all three reels is 1 in 643, or 262,144.
For machines with a bigger jackpot, the virtual reel may have many more stops. This decreases the odds of winning that jackpot considerably.
Why not put some people to work in Ohio. Put together an agency, probably in Steubenville, form teams, both men and women, dress them in black, and they just go around the state, ROBBING PEOPLE. (In the interest of safety, they use only play guns, which look real. Actually they might just use miniature slot machines.)
All the revenue goes to schools, road resurfacing, purchasing ORANGE barels and building more libraries, which they can later close.
Better idea. Instead of slot machines at the tracks, put in computers, charge $10 an hour.
Figure out what 15,250 computers could bring in, in 14 months, my computer doesn't go that high.
More income for out officials to mishandle, and a lot of people will be put to work.
Something to think about .............
If you enjoy playing slot machine games, there's nothing wrong with that.
But don't treat them as a quick way to get rich.
Get-rich-quick schemes don't pan out and they certainly don't pan out when the house odds are stacked against you.
Casinos are big and fancy because they bring in more money than they lose.
But don't treat them as a quick way to get rich.
Get-rich-quick schemes don't pan out and they certainly don't pan out when the house odds are stacked against you.
Casinos are big and fancy because they bring in more money than they lose.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The controversy is raging again. The Guv wants slots in Onio. He sez we'll take in 1 BILLION dollars in the next 14 months, even though, everywhere that has slots, the revenue is down from 6 to 20 percent.
He wants 15,250 machines at racetracks in Ohio.
Well, a machine, under ideal circumstances, on an average, takes in from $227 to $403 per day.
Why does he want slots. The economy is sagging, OH, where does that revenue come from, OH, the people living in the sagging economy, OH. I thought they were bankrolled by GOD, I didn't know the money came from the PEOPLE ......... the ones who are already strapped.
How much do the people who own the machines make? Well, I am sure they give it all to the state ............. OH, what does the lottery commission have to do with slot macchines ............ I thought they were formed to run the LOTTERY, wrong, same way, well the voters turned down slots, but the guv sez BS to you guys, we need the money.
I wonder how much "grease" has been passed, in the right places, to get this overturn.
Race tracks are losing money, so they invest BILLIONS in machines, to take money from the people who aren't showing up.
I don't believe all of the players are going to change their habits and drop their money in Ohio. At least they haven't in other States that were bordered by states that already had wagering.
Mohican Sun is down on revenue, Harrah's In Atlantic City, but all those people are going to come to Ohio and make us 1 BILLION in the next 14 months .....BS, BS, BS.
This year, figure out how much you were going to lose in a casino, and to avoid a lot of other "stuff" .......... just send it in to the LOTTERY COMMISSION.
Then they can open the LIBRARIES again, and the parks ..... but ........ don't take any away from the POLITICIANS in Columbus, find another way. Start saving some money there.
ALL of the casinos in the country are DOWN, some really hurting ..... SSSSOOOOOO, lets bring gambling to OHIO ................ STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.....
I know what they make, I owned 6 slots years ago, and didn't have to pay the electric on them .... just a sheriff or policeman or two.
He wants 15,250 machines at racetracks in Ohio.
Well, a machine, under ideal circumstances, on an average, takes in from $227 to $403 per day.
Why does he want slots. The economy is sagging, OH, where does that revenue come from, OH, the people living in the sagging economy, OH. I thought they were bankrolled by GOD, I didn't know the money came from the PEOPLE ......... the ones who are already strapped.
How much do the people who own the machines make? Well, I am sure they give it all to the state ............. OH, what does the lottery commission have to do with slot macchines ............ I thought they were formed to run the LOTTERY, wrong, same way, well the voters turned down slots, but the guv sez BS to you guys, we need the money.
I wonder how much "grease" has been passed, in the right places, to get this overturn.
Race tracks are losing money, so they invest BILLIONS in machines, to take money from the people who aren't showing up.
I don't believe all of the players are going to change their habits and drop their money in Ohio. At least they haven't in other States that were bordered by states that already had wagering.
Mohican Sun is down on revenue, Harrah's In Atlantic City, but all those people are going to come to Ohio and make us 1 BILLION in the next 14 months .....BS, BS, BS.
This year, figure out how much you were going to lose in a casino, and to avoid a lot of other "stuff" .......... just send it in to the LOTTERY COMMISSION.
Then they can open the LIBRARIES again, and the parks ..... but ........ don't take any away from the POLITICIANS in Columbus, find another way. Start saving some money there.
ALL of the casinos in the country are DOWN, some really hurting ..... SSSSOOOOOO, lets bring gambling to OHIO ................ STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.....
I know what they make, I owned 6 slots years ago, and didn't have to pay the electric on them .... just a sheriff or policeman or two.
Resume Writing .... looking for a job

Been a lot on TV lately about job hunting, resumes, etc., I wrote many during my time in the printing industry, and an employment agency years ago. My theory on resumes:
Name at the top, prominently.
Right under that, JOB OBJECTIVE. Make it specific and to the point. When they see it, they really don't care what your name is. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? If they need someone like that, they read on, and the next thing is your EDUCATION. Can you back up what you are looking for, with the education they want.
Follow the trail. Depending on the size of the company, Mail room, Personnel Department, Specific Department.
In the mail room, a clerk or a secretary will see it first. Put yourself in their shoes. Name means nothing. OBJECTIVE ....... they read this, and know where to send the resume. Same response from the Personnel Department only they are somewhat more educated, but from the OBJECTIVE they will know where to send the resume.
Don't make the objective broad or wordy, brief and to the point. We used to use a lot of flowery phrases, "with a company that recognizes and rewards proven ability." Blowing a lot of smoke, so to speak, and it was effective then, but I think not as fruitful anymore.
So now they know your name and what you are looking for and hopefully your resume has gotten to a department who speaks your language. i.e. Bill Smith looking for a position in the drafting department, and you are now being scrutinized by the Head of the Drafting Department.
Now, EDUCATION, have you prepared yourself to be a Draftsman, education wise. If so, he moves on.
Your EDUCATION has to back up your OBJECTIVE.
EXPERIENCE, has your word related experience been in drafting? If so, he is still interested and moves on.
He has 50 resumes, draftsmen, basically the same education and experience, flip a coin, or which resume rises to the top of the list.
After EXPERIENCE comes, on resumes, what I think can be the tie-breaker. If you have gotten this far, they are interested .....now ...... the clincher part.
PERSONAL .... a paragraph and what we are going to sell here is SIZZLE. We've promoted the steak, name, objective, education, experience, now, the things that make YOU STAND OUT. Visualize that many are looking for the same job you are, they have the same education and the same experience ..... now, what makes YOU stand out. Things that YOU did ..... THE SIZZLE.
President of your class, involved in the community while in school, captained the football team, developed this, designed that .... the thing or things that YOU DID that others didn't. SELL THE SIZZLE, it makes YOU stand out, from all those others looking for the same job.
All you want that resume to do is get YOU an INTERVIEW, so you have to make them want to see more, talk with you, like cream, rise to the top.
Things like, payed all of my college tuition, cub scout leader, volunteered at a senior citizens home, WORKED MY WAY THROUGH COLLEGE, (they love that).
I got a guy a job onetime, DEGREE REQUIRED, large company, nice pay, because he had been working on his degree, driving 30 miles to school, and back, married with 3 children, and he had been working to get his degree for five years.
They read that, hired him, and gave him an excellent job.
I have been asked to write an E-Book on this subject, and in the process of wrapping it up now. It goes in to more detail than this BLOG
job hunting,
resume writing,
Monday, June 22, 2009
Great day for TV
I know I was, and I think most of the world was pulling for Phil Mickelson today, but it was not to be, he just blows too many short putts.
I got really excited when he pulled even .... but I knew it was over when he blew that next putt .... I didn't want to see him lose, it meant so much to him, his wife, and the world. He just blows too many short putts. It was nice to see Glover win it though, the emotion and all, but I didn't watch the end of it, not easy to feel upbeat for one guy when you feel so sad for another one ..............
Great Monday morning on TV thouth, the US Open and Wimbledon.
Glover - Mickelson - Federrer .......... something is wrong, where is the Tiger?
I got really excited when he pulled even .... but I knew it was over when he blew that next putt .... I didn't want to see him lose, it meant so much to him, his wife, and the world. He just blows too many short putts. It was nice to see Glover win it though, the emotion and all, but I didn't watch the end of it, not easy to feel upbeat for one guy when you feel so sad for another one ..............
Great Monday morning on TV thouth, the US Open and Wimbledon.
Glover - Mickelson - Federrer .......... something is wrong, where is the Tiger?
nicklaus federrer,
I am trying to figure out .... the president .... so many mixed signals..........
President Barack Obama enjoys poker and blackjack, and admires the way the gaming industry powers Nevada's economy.
But in his home state, it's a different story. As a matter of principle, he repeatedly opposed expanding gambling in Illinois, saying it was bad for communities and not a good way to fund government.
As recently as 2003, Obama, then an Illinois state senator, said he believed the "moral and social cost of gambling" was potentially "devastating" and that using gaming as a source of revenue or for economic development was "irresponsible."
He didn't think Illinois legislators should accept political contributions from the gaming industry, and in 2004 and 2006 refused federal contributions from gaming companies.
Today, it's a different story: He was the U.S. Senate's No. 10 recipient of gaming donations, backed in Nevada by such industry insiders as Billy Vassiliadis and Elaine Wynn, and actively seeking the support of the gaming-dependent Culinary union.
President Barack Obama enjoys poker and blackjack, and admires the way the gaming industry powers Nevada's economy.
But in his home state, it's a different story. As a matter of principle, he repeatedly opposed expanding gambling in Illinois, saying it was bad for communities and not a good way to fund government.
As recently as 2003, Obama, then an Illinois state senator, said he believed the "moral and social cost of gambling" was potentially "devastating" and that using gaming as a source of revenue or for economic development was "irresponsible."
He didn't think Illinois legislators should accept political contributions from the gaming industry, and in 2004 and 2006 refused federal contributions from gaming companies.
Today, it's a different story: He was the U.S. Senate's No. 10 recipient of gaming donations, backed in Nevada by such industry insiders as Billy Vassiliadis and Elaine Wynn, and actively seeking the support of the gaming-dependent Culinary union.
I wonder .................
I smoked for many years, and was able to quite only during a period of recuperation when I could not smoke, and have managed to stay away from smoking. There are still times I crave a cigar ...... but I know ...... one puff and I could be hooked again.
Obama has signed the new "smoking" legislation, and that is probably a good thing. Those that voted against the legislation were Republicans who had received a lot of campaign money from the tobacco industry. Money talks.
The middle class and poor, it is said by the politicians, suffer the most from smoking.
In the mext breath, politicians, including Obama say that gamblling hurts the poor and middle class .... but during the campaign, while campaigning in Nevada ...
"Obama is courting union workers at casinos and has calibrated his criticisms to declare Nevada a "model" for properly regulated casino gambling."
So smoking is bad, gambling is bad, unless in Nevada, or was it a campaign gimmick?
I wonder if the Obama campaign received any money from the cigarette industry, or the casinos in Navada ..........
Obama has signed the new "smoking" legislation, and that is probably a good thing. Those that voted against the legislation were Republicans who had received a lot of campaign money from the tobacco industry. Money talks.
The middle class and poor, it is said by the politicians, suffer the most from smoking.
In the mext breath, politicians, including Obama say that gamblling hurts the poor and middle class .... but during the campaign, while campaigning in Nevada ...
"Obama is courting union workers at casinos and has calibrated his criticisms to declare Nevada a "model" for properly regulated casino gambling."
So smoking is bad, gambling is bad, unless in Nevada, or was it a campaign gimmick?
I wonder if the Obama campaign received any money from the cigarette industry, or the casinos in Navada ..........
KODACHROME Film .... gone after 74 years

The Paul Simon Song
They give us those nice bright colors
They give us the greens of summers
Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, oh yeah
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So mama don't take my Kodachrome away
Kodak estimates supplies of existing stock will run out sometime in early fall. Don't forget to hum that cool acoustic guitar riff in between the verses. You're welcome.
No more film, no more scrapbooks to look through, just discs and memory sticks. I've taken a lot of pictures with my Sony Digital Mavica on a 3.5 disc, and they are everywhere around the house, but no computer with a 3.5 compatibility. So, they are all lost.
I still have pictures that were taken during WWI. A number of scrapbooks, some in NY, some in NJ and a few here. My kids live in those places, long story. BUT, we had photographs to show them of the past and the family.
Photographs were forever ... my old Kodak Brownie, my first camera, had great fun with it. Then went to 35mm. Where are all those expensive cameras now?
I think they are ALL gone, now, everything is DIGITAL, I think that is what they are called.
Taking photographs, taking the film to the drug store, getting the prints and looking over them, a thing of the past .... and now ...... no more Kodachrome.
Say good by to an era.
My Dad, the Doctor, actually the Baby Doctor, got a Poleroid in 1943, and until he retired almost some 20 years later, when the baby was brought in for his six week checkup, the baby would have a picture taken with the Doctor that brought the child into the world, Doctor Dooley. He delivered many babies, and went through a lot of Poloroid film.
No more slides and slide projectors. We've all spent many hours at someone's house, "looking at slides." Vacations, kids, trips, good quality time, gone.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Glenn W. Turner..
Glenn W Turner was born in 1934 in South Carolina to an unwed mother. He was very poor. His mother’s prenatal illness of scarlet fever caused Glenn W Turner to be born with a clef palate and a hair lip. As an infant, he had surgery in an attempt to correct these problems. Even so, his disability was always noticeable but this was not to stop Glen W Turner from wanting to be great.
He dropped out of school in the 8th grade mainly because of the teasing about his hair lip by other children. When Glen W Turner was only 17 years old, he had his father sign for him so that he could join the Air Force. Unfortunately, he was given a medical discharge one year later because it was discovered that he had a perforated eardrum.
Upon exploring job opportunities, he was told that his outlook was bleak because he had no education. He was directed to and enrolled in an Opportunity School. This was a school for people who had dropped out of school or had never gone to school. This school saved his life. It gave him the inspiration to complete school and the first boost of confidence in his life.
Glenn eventually started selling sewing machines door to door. Because of his past experiences, Glenn Tuner didn’t have much confidence at first. However, he was fortunate to have the ability to learn about sales from his manager who became his mentor. This mentoring relationship helped Glenn to be very successful. Glenn never forgot the importance of having a good mentor.
He was soon introduced to a great company called Holiday Magic, an MLM cosmetic sales company. Glenn Turner would mortgage the family furniture to borrow $5000 to become a distributor. In a short time, Glenn surpassed fellow distributor, Zig Ziegler, and became the Number One distributor for Holiday Magic. In fact, he made a quarter of a million dollars just in his first eight months with Holiday Magic!
Glenn was transformed from having little confidence to having the confidence of a master speaker and entrepreneur. When Glenn was 26, he left Holiday Magic and began his own cosmetic MLM marketing company. It was called Koscot.
Glenn W Turner grew Koskot to a $100 million dollar powerhouse in just 36 short months. At the height of it’s growth, Koscot was larger than Amway.
Glenn developed a new company named Dare To Be Great because Koscot had a need for training materials and courses. Many Koscot salespeople left their distributorships and became involved with the Dare To Be Great program. People flocked to Dare To Be Great because they were fascinated with everyone’s positive attitude and success.
In fact, Glenn W Turner estimates that more than 800 people became millionaires through Koscot and Dare To Be Great.
MLM laws were non-existent when Glenn W Turner first started. But as the laws developed, Glenn Turner started being investigated for different kinds of illegal activities, including mail fraud. (Oddly, the new laws were written with the help of AMWAY attorneys)
He subsequently worked with one of his former employees in the development of a new MLM, Challenge America. The company was investigated and Glenn was eventually charged with “aiding and abetting a pyramid.” He spent almost five years in an Arizona prison.
Glenn’s great passion is teaching personal development and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. He has written several books and estimates that he has sold seven million books and audio-tape programs in his career combined.
I heard Turner speak on one occasion, in Columbus, Ohio. The program consisted of some of his staff, successful franchisers and others. The talk was 100% MONEY and AMBITION ..... NEVER one word about the product ...... he was selling ..... OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONEY. The only visible connection with his Mink Oil Product, was the mink coat that his lovely secretary was wearing.
ALL speakers RAN from the back of the room to the front. You could feel the electricity in the air.
Glenn was late getting to the Columbus venue. SUPPOSEDLY he had a strict rule on his private plane, if you are late, fly commercial. HE WAS LATE and the plane took off without him.
As a result, all of the HIGH POWERED speakers had their opportunity, electrifcy the crowd, get them to a fevered pitch ..... then ..... THE KING ARRIVED with his entourage .... and the crowd went HYSTERICAL ..... wanting to shake his hand ..... or "just go up and touch him."
Sound familiar, this was many years ago, we are seeing it today with OBAMA.
Think about it!
He dropped out of school in the 8th grade mainly because of the teasing about his hair lip by other children. When Glen W Turner was only 17 years old, he had his father sign for him so that he could join the Air Force. Unfortunately, he was given a medical discharge one year later because it was discovered that he had a perforated eardrum.
Upon exploring job opportunities, he was told that his outlook was bleak because he had no education. He was directed to and enrolled in an Opportunity School. This was a school for people who had dropped out of school or had never gone to school. This school saved his life. It gave him the inspiration to complete school and the first boost of confidence in his life.
Glenn eventually started selling sewing machines door to door. Because of his past experiences, Glenn Tuner didn’t have much confidence at first. However, he was fortunate to have the ability to learn about sales from his manager who became his mentor. This mentoring relationship helped Glenn to be very successful. Glenn never forgot the importance of having a good mentor.
He was soon introduced to a great company called Holiday Magic, an MLM cosmetic sales company. Glenn Turner would mortgage the family furniture to borrow $5000 to become a distributor. In a short time, Glenn surpassed fellow distributor, Zig Ziegler, and became the Number One distributor for Holiday Magic. In fact, he made a quarter of a million dollars just in his first eight months with Holiday Magic!
Glenn was transformed from having little confidence to having the confidence of a master speaker and entrepreneur. When Glenn was 26, he left Holiday Magic and began his own cosmetic MLM marketing company. It was called Koscot.
Glenn W Turner grew Koskot to a $100 million dollar powerhouse in just 36 short months. At the height of it’s growth, Koscot was larger than Amway.
Glenn developed a new company named Dare To Be Great because Koscot had a need for training materials and courses. Many Koscot salespeople left their distributorships and became involved with the Dare To Be Great program. People flocked to Dare To Be Great because they were fascinated with everyone’s positive attitude and success.
In fact, Glenn W Turner estimates that more than 800 people became millionaires through Koscot and Dare To Be Great.
MLM laws were non-existent when Glenn W Turner first started. But as the laws developed, Glenn Turner started being investigated for different kinds of illegal activities, including mail fraud. (Oddly, the new laws were written with the help of AMWAY attorneys)
He subsequently worked with one of his former employees in the development of a new MLM, Challenge America. The company was investigated and Glenn was eventually charged with “aiding and abetting a pyramid.” He spent almost five years in an Arizona prison.
Glenn’s great passion is teaching personal development and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. He has written several books and estimates that he has sold seven million books and audio-tape programs in his career combined.
I heard Turner speak on one occasion, in Columbus, Ohio. The program consisted of some of his staff, successful franchisers and others. The talk was 100% MONEY and AMBITION ..... NEVER one word about the product ...... he was selling ..... OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONEY. The only visible connection with his Mink Oil Product, was the mink coat that his lovely secretary was wearing.
ALL speakers RAN from the back of the room to the front. You could feel the electricity in the air.
Glenn was late getting to the Columbus venue. SUPPOSEDLY he had a strict rule on his private plane, if you are late, fly commercial. HE WAS LATE and the plane took off without him.
As a result, all of the HIGH POWERED speakers had their opportunity, electrifcy the crowd, get them to a fevered pitch ..... then ..... THE KING ARRIVED with his entourage .... and the crowd went HYSTERICAL ..... wanting to shake his hand ..... or "just go up and touch him."
Sound familiar, this was many years ago, we are seeing it today with OBAMA.
Think about it!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Cleveland Browns receiver Donte’ Stallworth was indefinitely suspended by the NFL on Thursday for driving drunk and killing a pedestrian in Miami.
“The conduct reflected in your guilty plea resulted in the tragic loss of life and was inexcusable,” Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a letter to Stallworth.
“While the criminal justice system has determined the legal consequences of this incident, it is my responsibility as NFL commissioner to determine appropriate league discipline for your actions, which have caused irreparable harm to the victim and his family, your club, your fellow players and the NFL,” Goodell said.
Stallworth, who will not be paid during the suspension, (NOT ANOTHER BANKRUPTCY BY A MILLION DOLLAR FOOTBALL PLAYER) pleaded guilty this month to a DUI manslaughter charge for striking Mario Reyes on March 14. He began serving a 30-day jail sentence Tuesday and has reached a financial settlement with the family of the 59-year-old construction worker.
After jail, Stallworth must serve two years of house arrest and spend eight years on probation. The house arrest provisions would allow him to play.
Goodell said that, eventually, he would contact Stallworth’s representatives before determining the length of the suspension.
“There is no reasonable dispute that your continued eligibility for participation at this time would undermine the integrity of and public confidence in our league,” Goodell said.
Browns general manager George Kokinis said in a statement: “We support the action taken by the commissioner today and will continue to work closely with the league regarding this matter.”
The NFL Players Association had no comment.
After a night drinking at a bar in Miami Beach’s Fountainebleau hotel, police said Stallworth hit Reyes, who was rushing to catch a bus after finishing work about 7:15 a.m. Stallworth told police he flashed his lights in an attempt to warn Reyes, who was not in a crosswalk when struck.
Stallworth, who stopped after the crash and reported the accident, had a blood-alcohol level well above Florida’s legal limit. Police estimated Stallworth was driving about 50 mph in a 40 mph zone
Stallworth must undergo drug and alcohol testing. His driver’s license was suspended for life and he must perform 1,000 hours of community service.
The night before the crash, Stallworth earned a $4.5 million roster bonus from the Browns, whose offseason moves indicated they were not counting on him.
“The conduct reflected in your guilty plea resulted in the tragic loss of life and was inexcusable,” Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a letter to Stallworth.
“While the criminal justice system has determined the legal consequences of this incident, it is my responsibility as NFL commissioner to determine appropriate league discipline for your actions, which have caused irreparable harm to the victim and his family, your club, your fellow players and the NFL,” Goodell said.
Stallworth, who will not be paid during the suspension, (NOT ANOTHER BANKRUPTCY BY A MILLION DOLLAR FOOTBALL PLAYER) pleaded guilty this month to a DUI manslaughter charge for striking Mario Reyes on March 14. He began serving a 30-day jail sentence Tuesday and has reached a financial settlement with the family of the 59-year-old construction worker.
After jail, Stallworth must serve two years of house arrest and spend eight years on probation. The house arrest provisions would allow him to play.
Goodell said that, eventually, he would contact Stallworth’s representatives before determining the length of the suspension.
“There is no reasonable dispute that your continued eligibility for participation at this time would undermine the integrity of and public confidence in our league,” Goodell said.
Browns general manager George Kokinis said in a statement: “We support the action taken by the commissioner today and will continue to work closely with the league regarding this matter.”
The NFL Players Association had no comment.
After a night drinking at a bar in Miami Beach’s Fountainebleau hotel, police said Stallworth hit Reyes, who was rushing to catch a bus after finishing work about 7:15 a.m. Stallworth told police he flashed his lights in an attempt to warn Reyes, who was not in a crosswalk when struck.
Stallworth, who stopped after the crash and reported the accident, had a blood-alcohol level well above Florida’s legal limit. Police estimated Stallworth was driving about 50 mph in a 40 mph zone
Stallworth must undergo drug and alcohol testing. His driver’s license was suspended for life and he must perform 1,000 hours of community service.
The night before the crash, Stallworth earned a $4.5 million roster bonus from the Browns, whose offseason moves indicated they were not counting on him.
cleveland browns,
drunk driving,
This is well worth watching
As I understand it, Obama invited him to the White House ......
As I understand it, Obama invited him to the White House ......
Friday, June 19, 2009
I have to admit, Barbara Boxer makes me sick at times .....
At it again ......
Barbara Boxer is at it again.
During a Senate hearing this week, Boxer lashed out at United States Army General Michael Walsh for not addressing her properly.
What did General Walsh say, you ask?
No, General Walsh didn't call her Barbara.
The offensive moniker?...
General Walsh has a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Army. He's worked his way up through the ranks, having served at home and abroad - including a tour in Iraq - to his current command of a division of the Army Corps of Engineers.
He deserves better from a United States Senator. Ironically, General Walsh is even from California - making him a constituent of Senator Boxer's.
All of our military men and women deserve more dignity than to be on the receiving end of condescension and disrespect, especially at the hands of our elected officials.
She rebuked him for calling her that ..... I AM A CONGRESSWOMAN ..... worked long and hard to get that. True, but he showed no disrespect to her ..... she did to him.
Barbara Boxer is at it again.
During a Senate hearing this week, Boxer lashed out at United States Army General Michael Walsh for not addressing her properly.
What did General Walsh say, you ask?
No, General Walsh didn't call her Barbara.
The offensive moniker?...
General Walsh has a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Army. He's worked his way up through the ranks, having served at home and abroad - including a tour in Iraq - to his current command of a division of the Army Corps of Engineers.
He deserves better from a United States Senator. Ironically, General Walsh is even from California - making him a constituent of Senator Boxer's.
All of our military men and women deserve more dignity than to be on the receiving end of condescension and disrespect, especially at the hands of our elected officials.
She rebuked him for calling her that ..... I AM A CONGRESSWOMAN ..... worked long and hard to get that. True, but he showed no disrespect to her ..... she did to him.
Brad (my son in NY) called on the phone.
I thought my wife had left for Walmart, but looked outside, and there was my wife, my daughter Melissa and my granddaughter Amanda ....
Then FEDEX pulled up in front of our apartment ...
Marilyn, Melissa and Amanda all appeared in the living room where I was watching the OPEN.
Brad is still on the phone ...... talking with me .....
OPEN THE BOX, he sez
TWO LIVE LOBSTERS 2 THICK FILETS ...... A BIG BAG OF LARGE SHRIMP ..... COCKTAIL SAUCE ..... BUTTER ........ BIBS .............. NUT CRACKERS for the lobster ....
What a GREAT Father's Day gift ....... going to have the lobster tonight, after I shave and shower, have to get dressed up a bit for a meal like that and then have the shrimp and filets tomorrow ...... on father's day
Thanks Brad and Bernie .... my love and thanks to you both........
I thought my wife had left for Walmart, but looked outside, and there was my wife, my daughter Melissa and my granddaughter Amanda ....
Then FEDEX pulled up in front of our apartment ...
Marilyn, Melissa and Amanda all appeared in the living room where I was watching the OPEN.
Brad is still on the phone ...... talking with me .....
OPEN THE BOX, he sez
TWO LIVE LOBSTERS 2 THICK FILETS ...... A BIG BAG OF LARGE SHRIMP ..... COCKTAIL SAUCE ..... BUTTER ........ BIBS .............. NUT CRACKERS for the lobster ....
What a GREAT Father's Day gift ....... going to have the lobster tonight, after I shave and shower, have to get dressed up a bit for a meal like that and then have the shrimp and filets tomorrow ...... on father's day
Thanks Brad and Bernie .... my love and thanks to you both........
Anything to get HITS

I feel bad about doing this, but I really need readers, and I think this photograph will help generate a few more ....
I hope to hear:
"Go to this blog, check out that picture of Debra."
"She has always been beautifull."
"She sure looks a lot like her handsome father."
"When is he coming back for a visit, we certainly miss him."
"Is that her high school picture?"
"She gets her good looks from her Father, no doubt about that."
"Does she write him regularly?"
"I really enjoy his BLOG."
"I was surprised to learn how old he was, he writes much younger."
Is something wrong here?
World hunger reaches the 1 billion people mark
Consumers could get up to $4,500 toward new car
Cleveland Browns receiver Donte' Stallworth was indefinitely suspended by the NFL for driving drunk in his $200,000 Bentley and killing a pedestrian in Miami
Obama talks titles with winning NBA, NHL coaches
PETA wishes Obama hadn't swatted that fly
New iPhone goes on sale with less drama
World hunger reaches the 1 billion people mark
World hunger reaches the 1 billion people mark
Consumers could get up to $4,500 toward new car
Cleveland Browns receiver Donte' Stallworth was indefinitely suspended by the NFL for driving drunk in his $200,000 Bentley and killing a pedestrian in Miami
Obama talks titles with winning NBA, NHL coaches
PETA wishes Obama hadn't swatted that fly
New iPhone goes on sale with less drama
World hunger reaches the 1 billion people mark
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Good help is hard to find ....................
A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife.
She was a very good-looking woman and determined to keep the ranch, but knew
very little about ranching, so she decided to place an ad in the newspaper
for a ranch hand.
Two cowboys applied for the job. One was gay and the other a drunk. She
thought long and hard about it, and when no one else applied she decided to
hire the gay guy, figuring it would be safer to have him around the house
than the drunk.
He proved to be a hard worker who put in long hours every day and knew a lot
about ranching. For weeks, the two of them worked, and the ranch was doing
very well.
Then one day, the rancher's widow said to the hired hand, 'You have done a
really good job, and the ranch looks great You should go into town and kick
up your heels.'
The hired hand readily agreed and went into town one Saturday night.
One o'clock came, however, and he didn't return. Two o'clock and no hired
hand. Finally he returned around two-thirty, and upon entering the room, he
found the rancher's widow sitting by the fireplace with a glass of wine,
waiting for him.
She quietly called him over to her.
'Unbutton my blouse and take it off,' she said. Trembling, he did as she
'Now take off my boots.' He did as she asked, ever so slowly.
'Now take off my stockings.' He removed each gently and placed them neatly
by her boots.
'Now take off my skirt.' He slowly unbuttoned it, constantly watching her
eyes in the fire light.
'Now take off my bra.' Again, with trembling hands, he did as he was told
and dropped it to the floor.
Then she looked at him and said, 'If you ever wear my clothes into town
again, you're fired.'
I didn't see it coming, either!
She was a very good-looking woman and determined to keep the ranch, but knew
very little about ranching, so she decided to place an ad in the newspaper
for a ranch hand.
Two cowboys applied for the job. One was gay and the other a drunk. She
thought long and hard about it, and when no one else applied she decided to
hire the gay guy, figuring it would be safer to have him around the house
than the drunk.
He proved to be a hard worker who put in long hours every day and knew a lot
about ranching. For weeks, the two of them worked, and the ranch was doing
very well.
Then one day, the rancher's widow said to the hired hand, 'You have done a
really good job, and the ranch looks great You should go into town and kick
up your heels.'
The hired hand readily agreed and went into town one Saturday night.
One o'clock came, however, and he didn't return. Two o'clock and no hired
hand. Finally he returned around two-thirty, and upon entering the room, he
found the rancher's widow sitting by the fireplace with a glass of wine,
waiting for him.
She quietly called him over to her.
'Unbutton my blouse and take it off,' she said. Trembling, he did as she
'Now take off my boots.' He did as she asked, ever so slowly.
'Now take off my stockings.' He removed each gently and placed them neatly
by her boots.
'Now take off my skirt.' He slowly unbuttoned it, constantly watching her
eyes in the fire light.
'Now take off my bra.' Again, with trembling hands, he did as he was told
and dropped it to the floor.
Then she looked at him and said, 'If you ever wear my clothes into town
again, you're fired.'
I didn't see it coming, either!
In retrospect .... I could never have been .......
I was watching something on TV yesterday, guys working on TALL buildings, with nothing between them and the ground, but air. I thought to myself, "I could never have done that."
I don't like height, I don't like looking at pictures of height, or high places, my hands perspire, they are perspiring now just thinking about height, so I'm glad I never got a construction job, or became a fireman.
Many years ago, probably 1943, I was 11, we were asked to go sailing, in Michigan, with some friends we had made. They had a 30 foot sailboat, TALL MAST.
My Dad asked McFarland, "Whatever happens if that main sail rope breaks?"
"It never does, Doc."
It broke, just at that moment, like it was planned. We were pretty far out in Burt Lake.
"Joe, can you shinny up there and put this rope through that pulley."
"Sure," I replied and started up.
I got up about 10 feet or so, looked down, and slid down.
We paddled back to the boat well where the boat was kept, and my brother was enlisted to climb to the top of an overhanging tree and everyone got on the port side of the sailboat to make it lean, and the top of the mast and my brother met, and the rope was put into place.
I was going in to medicine, since my Dad was an MD, it was just assumed in those days. My freshman year of pre-med, not sure of the class, but we had to cut up something. Made me realize I did not want to be a Doctor. Not aware of my ADD then, would never have seen a "healing" through to the end. Lots of patients, no results.
I never could have been a Catholic Priest either. First, I wasn't a Catholic, and four wives and four children later, the celibacy thing would never have worked out. If it had not been for that, I would have made a good priest. Maybe all that kneeling would have kept my knees in better shape than they are now.
I don't like height, I don't like looking at pictures of height, or high places, my hands perspire, they are perspiring now just thinking about height, so I'm glad I never got a construction job, or became a fireman.
Many years ago, probably 1943, I was 11, we were asked to go sailing, in Michigan, with some friends we had made. They had a 30 foot sailboat, TALL MAST.
My Dad asked McFarland, "Whatever happens if that main sail rope breaks?"
"It never does, Doc."
It broke, just at that moment, like it was planned. We were pretty far out in Burt Lake.
"Joe, can you shinny up there and put this rope through that pulley."
"Sure," I replied and started up.
I got up about 10 feet or so, looked down, and slid down.
We paddled back to the boat well where the boat was kept, and my brother was enlisted to climb to the top of an overhanging tree and everyone got on the port side of the sailboat to make it lean, and the top of the mast and my brother met, and the rope was put into place.
I was going in to medicine, since my Dad was an MD, it was just assumed in those days. My freshman year of pre-med, not sure of the class, but we had to cut up something. Made me realize I did not want to be a Doctor. Not aware of my ADD then, would never have seen a "healing" through to the end. Lots of patients, no results.
I never could have been a Catholic Priest either. First, I wasn't a Catholic, and four wives and four children later, the celibacy thing would never have worked out. If it had not been for that, I would have made a good priest. Maybe all that kneeling would have kept my knees in better shape than they are now.
WHAT IF..... we have to draw the line, SOMEWHERE
Letterman, in his monologue Monday night, noted that the 2008 Democatic presidential candidate's wife attended a Yankees game during a trip to New York City, where she was honored by a special needs group. Letterman referred to Michelle, the President's wife, as having the style of a "slutty flight attendant."
The "Late Show" host also took a shot Obama's daughter, while poking fun at the Yankees' third baseman.
"One awkward moment for Michelle at the Yankee game," Letterman said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
Imus, in his monologue Monday morning, noted that the 2008 Democatic presidential candidate's wife attended a Yankees game during a trip to New York City, where she was honored by a special needs group. Imus referred to Michelle, the President's wife, as having the style of a "slutty flight attendant."
The morning radio host also took a shot Obama's daughter, while poking fun at the Yankees' third baseman.
"One awkward moment for Michelle at the Yankee game," Imus said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
Letterman, in his monologue Monday night, noted that the
speaker of the House attended a Yankees game during a trip to New York City, where she was honored by a special needs group. Letterman referred to Nancy as having the style of a "slutty flight attendant."
The "Late Show" host also took a shot Pelosi's daughter, while poking fun at the Yankees' third baseman.
"One awkward moment for Nancy at the Yankee game," Letterman said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
The "Late Show" host also took a shot Obama's daughter, while poking fun at the Yankees' third baseman.
"One awkward moment for Michelle at the Yankee game," Letterman said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
Imus, in his monologue Monday morning, noted that the 2008 Democatic presidential candidate's wife attended a Yankees game during a trip to New York City, where she was honored by a special needs group. Imus referred to Michelle, the President's wife, as having the style of a "slutty flight attendant."
The morning radio host also took a shot Obama's daughter, while poking fun at the Yankees' third baseman.
"One awkward moment for Michelle at the Yankee game," Imus said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
Letterman, in his monologue Monday night, noted that the
speaker of the House attended a Yankees game during a trip to New York City, where she was honored by a special needs group. Letterman referred to Nancy as having the style of a "slutty flight attendant."
The "Late Show" host also took a shot Pelosi's daughter, while poking fun at the Yankees' third baseman.
"One awkward moment for Nancy at the Yankee game," Letterman said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
One apology just isn't enough.
David Letterman directly apologized to Gov. Sarah Palin and her daughters on his program Monday night according to released transcripts, with the CBS late show comic taking the blame for a "flawed" joke that offended the former vice presidential candidate.
"I told a bad joke," he said. "I told a joke that was beyond flawed, and my intent is completely meaningless compared to the perception."
Letterman is in hot water after a barb last week about the governor's daughter, prompting an argument over the airwaves that has lasted several days.
Letterman was riffing on Palin's recent visit to New York when he said, "One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
In the joke, Letterman seemingly confused Willow, who is 14 and attended the game with Palin, with Bristol, who is 18 and an unwed mother.
Insisting that Letterman was talking about her 14-year-old daughter, Palin told Matt Lauer on the "TODAY" show she'd never let Willow near the "perverted" Letterman.
During Monday's show, Letterman again said he would never make a joke about a young girl and said he was confused about the daughters. “I was told at the time she was there with Rudy Guiliani,” he said. “I should have made the joke about Rudy.”
He said that he fully realized the impact of what he said after watching PBS.
"This commentator, the columnist Mark Shields, was talking about how I had made this indefensible joke about the 14-year-old girl, and I thought, 'Oh, boy, now I'm beginning to understand what the problem is here," Letterman told his audience. "It's the perception rather than the intent.' It doesn't make any difference what my intent was, it's the perception. And, as they say about jokes, if you have to explain the joke, it's not a very good joke."
New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser is among the critics who have said the joke was about much more than teenage pregnancy. Words like "statutory rape" found their way into her column Monday about Letterman, describing him as "a bitter guy who never saw a woman or a Republican he could stand."
Others who probably wouldn't let their young daughters near Letterman might include those who recently launched the Web site firedavidletterman.com.
New York State Assemblyman Brian Kolb and Los Angeles-based attorney and radio host John Ziegler are among those who have not only helped build the site, but they've also started a Facebook group for which more than 1,600 members have already signed up.
"I'm glad he's acknowledged we're right," Ziegler said.
"I told a bad joke," he said. "I told a joke that was beyond flawed, and my intent is completely meaningless compared to the perception."
Letterman is in hot water after a barb last week about the governor's daughter, prompting an argument over the airwaves that has lasted several days.
Letterman was riffing on Palin's recent visit to New York when he said, "One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
In the joke, Letterman seemingly confused Willow, who is 14 and attended the game with Palin, with Bristol, who is 18 and an unwed mother.
Insisting that Letterman was talking about her 14-year-old daughter, Palin told Matt Lauer on the "TODAY" show she'd never let Willow near the "perverted" Letterman.
During Monday's show, Letterman again said he would never make a joke about a young girl and said he was confused about the daughters. “I was told at the time she was there with Rudy Guiliani,” he said. “I should have made the joke about Rudy.”
He said that he fully realized the impact of what he said after watching PBS.
"This commentator, the columnist Mark Shields, was talking about how I had made this indefensible joke about the 14-year-old girl, and I thought, 'Oh, boy, now I'm beginning to understand what the problem is here," Letterman told his audience. "It's the perception rather than the intent.' It doesn't make any difference what my intent was, it's the perception. And, as they say about jokes, if you have to explain the joke, it's not a very good joke."
New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser is among the critics who have said the joke was about much more than teenage pregnancy. Words like "statutory rape" found their way into her column Monday about Letterman, describing him as "a bitter guy who never saw a woman or a Republican he could stand."
Others who probably wouldn't let their young daughters near Letterman might include those who recently launched the Web site firedavidletterman.com.
New York State Assemblyman Brian Kolb and Los Angeles-based attorney and radio host John Ziegler are among those who have not only helped build the site, but they've also started a Facebook group for which more than 1,600 members have already signed up.
"I'm glad he's acknowledged we're right," Ziegler said.
Lifelong Headaches .............
Fred was moderately successful golfer, but as he got older he was increasingly hampered by incredible headaches. His golf, personal hygiene and love life started to suffer, he managed to push on, but when his game turned really sour he sought medical help. After being referred from one specialist to another, he finally came across a doctor who solved the problem.
"The good news is I can cure your headaches, the bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition which causes your testicles to press up against the base of your spine.
The pressure creates one hell of a headache. The only way to relieve the pressure and allow your swing to work again is to remove the testicles."
Fred was shocked and depressed. He wondered if he has anything to live for, but then figured at least he could play reasonable golf again.
He decided he had no choice but to go under the knife. When he left the hospital, his mind was clear, but he felt like he was missing an important part of himself. As he walked down the street, he realised that he felt like a different person. He could make a new beginning, swing free, and live a new life.
He went to the club for a drink and as he walked past the Pro shop thought, "That's what I need: A new outfit."
He entered the shop and told the salesman, "I'd like some new golf slacks." The salesman eyed him briefly and said, "Let's see . . . size 44 long." Fred laughed, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job." Fred tried on the slacks, they fitted perfectly.
As Fred admired himself in the mirror, the salesman asked, "How about a new shirt, I've got some great new Nicklaus stock."
Fred thought for a moment and then said, "Sure . ." . The salesman eyed Fred and said,"Let's see. . . 34 sleeve and . . . 16 and and half neck" Fred was surprised, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."
Fred tried on the shirt, and it fitted perfectly. As Fred adjusted the collar in the mirror, the salesman asked, "How about new shoes, we just got new stock with soft spikes" Fred was on a roll and agreed. The salesman said, "Let's see. . .9 and a half. . . wide."
Fred was astonished, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job." Fred tried on the shoes and they fit perfectly. Fred walked comfortably around the shop and the salesman asked, "How about a new hat?" Without hesitating, Fred said, "Sure . ."
The salesman eyed Fred's head and said, "Let's see . . . 7 5/8." Fred was really impressed, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."
The hat fit perfectly. Fred was feeling great, when the salesman asked, "How about some new underwear, got some great new imported stock." Fred thought for a second and said, "Sure . . " The salesman stepped back, eyed Fred's waist and said, "Let's see. . size 36."
Fred laughed, "No, I've worn size 34 since I was 18 years old." The salesman shook his head, "You can't wear a size 34 - every time you swing it would press your testicles up against the base of your spine and give you one hell of a headache."
"The good news is I can cure your headaches, the bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition which causes your testicles to press up against the base of your spine.
The pressure creates one hell of a headache. The only way to relieve the pressure and allow your swing to work again is to remove the testicles."
Fred was shocked and depressed. He wondered if he has anything to live for, but then figured at least he could play reasonable golf again.
He decided he had no choice but to go under the knife. When he left the hospital, his mind was clear, but he felt like he was missing an important part of himself. As he walked down the street, he realised that he felt like a different person. He could make a new beginning, swing free, and live a new life.
He went to the club for a drink and as he walked past the Pro shop thought, "That's what I need: A new outfit."
He entered the shop and told the salesman, "I'd like some new golf slacks." The salesman eyed him briefly and said, "Let's see . . . size 44 long." Fred laughed, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job." Fred tried on the slacks, they fitted perfectly.
As Fred admired himself in the mirror, the salesman asked, "How about a new shirt, I've got some great new Nicklaus stock."
Fred thought for a moment and then said, "Sure . ." . The salesman eyed Fred and said,"Let's see. . . 34 sleeve and . . . 16 and and half neck" Fred was surprised, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."
Fred tried on the shirt, and it fitted perfectly. As Fred adjusted the collar in the mirror, the salesman asked, "How about new shoes, we just got new stock with soft spikes" Fred was on a roll and agreed. The salesman said, "Let's see. . .9 and a half. . . wide."
Fred was astonished, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job." Fred tried on the shoes and they fit perfectly. Fred walked comfortably around the shop and the salesman asked, "How about a new hat?" Without hesitating, Fred said, "Sure . ."
The salesman eyed Fred's head and said, "Let's see . . . 7 5/8." Fred was really impressed, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."
The hat fit perfectly. Fred was feeling great, when the salesman asked, "How about some new underwear, got some great new imported stock." Fred thought for a second and said, "Sure . . " The salesman stepped back, eyed Fred's waist and said, "Let's see. . size 36."
Fred laughed, "No, I've worn size 34 since I was 18 years old." The salesman shook his head, "You can't wear a size 34 - every time you swing it would press your testicles up against the base of your spine and give you one hell of a headache."
Keep aspirin by the bedside

Why keep aspirin by your bedside?
About Heart Attacks
There are other symptoms of a heart attack besides the pain on the left arm.
One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and
lots of sweating, however these symptoms may also occur less frequently.
Note: There may be no pain in the chest during a heart attack.
The majority of people (about 60%) who had an heart attack during their sleep,
did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from
your deep sleep.
If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow
them with a bit of water.
- phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by
- say "heart attack!"
- say that you have taken 2 aspirins.
- take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their
arrival and...
~ do NOT lie down ~
A Cardiologist has stated that, if each person, after reading this blog,
refers this site to 10 people, probably one life can be saved!
I have already shared the information-- What about you?
Refer or forward this blog; it may save lives!
PS A personal comment and recommendation...
I keep a small used "prescription" plastic bottle on my nightstand. I have two aspirins in it, and for a lid, a piece of foil which I can easily remove.
In the bottle are two aspirins, at the ready.
I always keep a bottle of water by my bed, with a loose cap. I can reach down by the side of the bed, in the dark, and know just where it is.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
More Proustian Memory Stuff
Now that I know what it is .....
Smell, fragrances, or odors that trigger vivid memory images ...... just thinking about the "smell, fragrance, odor" brings back the imagery, and almost takes you back to that time and place ................. remember a room, or a place, and that odor almost comes back .............. some on my list:
My old school, Oakwood High School, in Dayton, Ohio ..... 7 through 12 .... I had not been in the building for almost 50 years, but we visited there a few years ago, an one walk in the door, the aroma was the same, and it brought back all those memories.
The Church and the Church Basement where I went to Sunday School and had our Cub Scout meetings, 1st Methodist, Dayton, Ohio.
The Seashore .... always the same, brings back so many memories, vacations, USN, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Japan, Korea .... the ocean seemed to have a different odor in the Orient, for some reason ..... OH, the odor that permeates the air in Japan ....... I think it was the Sandalwood ......... very distinct.
Mennen Skin Bracer .......... takes me back to 1950, The Citadel, in Charleston, SC, I used that .... my first after shave......... memories there.
Aqua Velva ............. Lake Tahoe, the Nevada Lodge, Crystal Bay Club ..... Reno, and with those ..............
the AIR at Lake Tahoe, clear, crisp, a hint of Cedar in the air, and cedar smoke from the fireplaces......
So many, any of yours to add to my list?
Smell, fragrances, or odors that trigger vivid memory images ...... just thinking about the "smell, fragrance, odor" brings back the imagery, and almost takes you back to that time and place ................. remember a room, or a place, and that odor almost comes back .............. some on my list:
My old school, Oakwood High School, in Dayton, Ohio ..... 7 through 12 .... I had not been in the building for almost 50 years, but we visited there a few years ago, an one walk in the door, the aroma was the same, and it brought back all those memories.
The Church and the Church Basement where I went to Sunday School and had our Cub Scout meetings, 1st Methodist, Dayton, Ohio.
The Seashore .... always the same, brings back so many memories, vacations, USN, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Japan, Korea .... the ocean seemed to have a different odor in the Orient, for some reason ..... OH, the odor that permeates the air in Japan ....... I think it was the Sandalwood ......... very distinct.
Mennen Skin Bracer .......... takes me back to 1950, The Citadel, in Charleston, SC, I used that .... my first after shave......... memories there.
Aqua Velva ............. Lake Tahoe, the Nevada Lodge, Crystal Bay Club ..... Reno, and with those ..............
the AIR at Lake Tahoe, clear, crisp, a hint of Cedar in the air, and cedar smoke from the fireplaces......
So many, any of yours to add to my list?
Proustian Memory ......
I found this article on the internet, I am going to get some PLAY-DOH today and see if I have the same reaction ...... Play-Doh was originally to be a wallpaper cleaner ...
I pop the lid on a new can of Play-Doh and after emptying its bright blue contents, place the can to my face like it’s an airplane oxygen mask. I inhale deeply and then, as if actually on some magical aircraft, I travel to a different place. At once I am at my parents’ dining room table. I can see the pattern of the tablecloth, I can hear my mother in the kitchen behind me and I can taste the cherry Kool-Aid––the drink I used as a chaser after I ate a super-salty morsel of Play-Doh. It’s a wonderfully vivid visit, 30 years in the past.
Scientists call my trip a “Proustian Memory,” named after novelist Marcel Proust, who, in a 1913 novel, described how the smell of a certain cake dipped into lime-blossom tea had caused a flood of powerful memories. We now know there’s a biological reason for what Proust described and what Play-Doh delivers. The sensation of smell, the retrieval of memories and our emotions, are all processed on the right side of the brain and are, therefore, closely linked.
According to aromatherapy experts, that link has the ability to reduce stress, increase energy, and restore the lost balance of the mind, body and soul. Of course, they’re referring to scents like nutmeg and lime-blossom tea, certainly not Play-Doh.
Yet, give any surly adult a sniff of this magical modeling compound and you’ll witness a transformation as remarkable as any from the most fragrant frankincense. The pleasant aroma of Play-Doh can move us and yes, restore our lost balance to mind, body and soul. It smells a little like almonds, a little like grammar school, and a whole lot like childhood.
WOW, I can relate to this ...............
I pop the lid on a new can of Play-Doh and after emptying its bright blue contents, place the can to my face like it’s an airplane oxygen mask. I inhale deeply and then, as if actually on some magical aircraft, I travel to a different place. At once I am at my parents’ dining room table. I can see the pattern of the tablecloth, I can hear my mother in the kitchen behind me and I can taste the cherry Kool-Aid––the drink I used as a chaser after I ate a super-salty morsel of Play-Doh. It’s a wonderfully vivid visit, 30 years in the past.
Scientists call my trip a “Proustian Memory,” named after novelist Marcel Proust, who, in a 1913 novel, described how the smell of a certain cake dipped into lime-blossom tea had caused a flood of powerful memories. We now know there’s a biological reason for what Proust described and what Play-Doh delivers. The sensation of smell, the retrieval of memories and our emotions, are all processed on the right side of the brain and are, therefore, closely linked.
According to aromatherapy experts, that link has the ability to reduce stress, increase energy, and restore the lost balance of the mind, body and soul. Of course, they’re referring to scents like nutmeg and lime-blossom tea, certainly not Play-Doh.
Yet, give any surly adult a sniff of this magical modeling compound and you’ll witness a transformation as remarkable as any from the most fragrant frankincense. The pleasant aroma of Play-Doh can move us and yes, restore our lost balance to mind, body and soul. It smells a little like almonds, a little like grammar school, and a whole lot like childhood.
WOW, I can relate to this ...............
Homemade Wallpaper Cleaner
Robyn has left a new comment on your post "Homemade Wallpaper Cleaner":
Kerosene and ammonia? Mixed with vinegar? I'd recommend starting with a safer home-chemistry project like making methamphetamine. That will only PROBABLY kill you, instead of ALMOST CERTAINLY like this recipe!
Robyn has left a new comment on your post "Homemade Wallpaper Cleaner":
Kerosene and ammonia? Mixed with vinegar? I'd recommend starting with a safer home-chemistry project like making methamphetamine. That will only PROBABLY kill you, instead of ALMOST CERTAINLY like this recipe!
Letterman vs IMUS
Is there a double standard, or is it just my imagination?
Letterman gets by with a "tongue in cheek" apology, and Imus gets kicked off the air. To me, what Letterman did was much, much more severe. Why INSULT the child of a politician in the name of humor.
Today, there would be no comedians if it were not for politicians. There are no more comedy writers, just political analysts. A so called comedy writer today, needs do nothing more but sit and watch television.
I wonder what Letterman would have said if it had been one of Pelosi's daughters, or any prominent democrat, for that matter.
I no longer watch the Indiana boy, he has forgotten his "roots" and the Indiana background in which he was raised. He no longer "tears" up, when he hears the strains of "Back Home Again In Indiana," he is not a Hoosier anymore, in my book. He is just another one of those Carson, WANNABEES, and that will never happen.
Imus, and I heard him when he made that comment, and I was shocked, and knew he had overstepped his boundaries. He, like Letterman, think they have risen to a point of invulnerability, where they can do no wrong, but some things just can't go ignored.
I don't think the Palin family deserved those comments. I am also glad that Sarah chose not to go on his show ...... to see how great he really is.... or was.
Lettterman is on my list of NOT TO WATCH shows, not too many left to watch! My list is almost down to POKER and the WEATHER CHANNEL. I am thankful for Channel 73, I spend as much time there as anywhere. THE BIG TEN NETWORK.
Letterman gets by with a "tongue in cheek" apology, and Imus gets kicked off the air. To me, what Letterman did was much, much more severe. Why INSULT the child of a politician in the name of humor.
Today, there would be no comedians if it were not for politicians. There are no more comedy writers, just political analysts. A so called comedy writer today, needs do nothing more but sit and watch television.
I wonder what Letterman would have said if it had been one of Pelosi's daughters, or any prominent democrat, for that matter.
I no longer watch the Indiana boy, he has forgotten his "roots" and the Indiana background in which he was raised. He no longer "tears" up, when he hears the strains of "Back Home Again In Indiana," he is not a Hoosier anymore, in my book. He is just another one of those Carson, WANNABEES, and that will never happen.
Imus, and I heard him when he made that comment, and I was shocked, and knew he had overstepped his boundaries. He, like Letterman, think they have risen to a point of invulnerability, where they can do no wrong, but some things just can't go ignored.
I don't think the Palin family deserved those comments. I am also glad that Sarah chose not to go on his show ...... to see how great he really is.... or was.
Lettterman is on my list of NOT TO WATCH shows, not too many left to watch! My list is almost down to POKER and the WEATHER CHANNEL. I am thankful for Channel 73, I spend as much time there as anywhere. THE BIG TEN NETWORK.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Scents make memories ..............
I was laying out on the front porch a while ago, about half asleep, and my mind wondered back, many years, trying to remember "scents" from my past.
Few will remember, but each year, in the spring, WALLPAPER CLEANER. I remember coming home from school, late 30's, open the door, to that aroma of wallpaper cleaner. That scent meant a lot of things ..... spring, summer, vacations, housecleaning, not that I did any in those days.
The cleaner came in a can, was pink, consistency of play doh, it was nothing more than a soft eraser. You would basically "erase" the coal dust and dirt off the wallpaper. The more you worked, the blacker the pink cleaner got. It was soft and playable. When you were done, the wallpaper looked new, and there was that lasting aroma in the air, of the wallpaper cleaner.
I'll have to look and see if they still have it, I would love to experience that fragrance again.
PS: A little reseaarch revealed that PLAY DOH was originally invented to be a wallpaper cleaner ... but, as I recall, the old wallpaper cleaner had more of a gritty texture to it.
Few will remember, but each year, in the spring, WALLPAPER CLEANER. I remember coming home from school, late 30's, open the door, to that aroma of wallpaper cleaner. That scent meant a lot of things ..... spring, summer, vacations, housecleaning, not that I did any in those days.
The cleaner came in a can, was pink, consistency of play doh, it was nothing more than a soft eraser. You would basically "erase" the coal dust and dirt off the wallpaper. The more you worked, the blacker the pink cleaner got. It was soft and playable. When you were done, the wallpaper looked new, and there was that lasting aroma in the air, of the wallpaper cleaner.
I'll have to look and see if they still have it, I would love to experience that fragrance again.
PS: A little reseaarch revealed that PLAY DOH was originally invented to be a wallpaper cleaner ... but, as I recall, the old wallpaper cleaner had more of a gritty texture to it.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Newark, Ohio police did that arrest ..... and the city gets the 53 billion dollar fine:
Each registered voter gets 1 million dollars
Registered democrats each get 2 million
Enlarge the ice arena, bring in professional hockey to Newark (I am thinking up a name)
Buy Longaberger, turn the BASKET into City Council Chambers (ideal setting for all the "basket cases" that show up for meetings
Widen the Licking River, allow for a new riverboat casino ... Harrah's Newark
ALL City employees get triple wages
Incorporate Marne, Hanover, Granville, Jacksontown, Pataskala and Heath into Newark.
Each registered voter gets 1 million dollars
Registered democrats each get 2 million
Enlarge the ice arena, bring in professional hockey to Newark (I am thinking up a name)
Buy Longaberger, turn the BASKET into City Council Chambers (ideal setting for all the "basket cases" that show up for meetings
Widen the Licking River, allow for a new riverboat casino ... Harrah's Newark
ALL City employees get triple wages
Incorporate Marne, Hanover, Granville, Jacksontown, Pataskala and Heath into Newark.
FRIGHTENING ...........
Italian police arrest 2 Japanese smuggling $134 billion in bonds into Switzerland
ROME — Italian authorities say they have arrested two Japanese men who allegedly tried to bring $134 billion (C96 billion) worth of undeclared U.S. bonds into Switzerland.
Anti-fraud police in Como, near the Swiss border, said Monday the men hid the bonds in the bottom of a suitcase. They were caught in Chiasso's train station June 3 after an inspection.
Police said the two suspects were carrying a total of 259 bonds, including 10 with a value of $1 billion (C721 million) each and 249 with a value of $500 million (C357 million).
Police said they were checking whether the bonds are authentic. If they are found to be real, the two men could face a fine of C38 billion ($53 billion).
Copyright © 2009 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.
IF THEY ARE REAL, ???????????????????????
IF THEY ARE REAL, HECK OF A FINE ..... 53 BILLION ..... WILL HELP BALANCE SOME ONE'S BUDGET .....Can you imagine this headline .............
ROME — Italian authorities say they have arrested two Japanese men who allegedly tried to bring $134 billion (C96 billion) worth of undeclared U.S. bonds into Switzerland.
Anti-fraud police in Como, near the Swiss border, said Monday the men hid the bonds in the bottom of a suitcase. They were caught in Chiasso's train station June 3 after an inspection.
Police said the two suspects were carrying a total of 259 bonds, including 10 with a value of $1 billion (C721 million) each and 249 with a value of $500 million (C357 million).
Police said they were checking whether the bonds are authentic. If they are found to be real, the two men could face a fine of C38 billion ($53 billion).
Copyright © 2009 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.
IF THEY ARE REAL, ???????????????????????
IF THEY ARE REAL, HECK OF A FINE ..... 53 BILLION ..... WILL HELP BALANCE SOME ONE'S BUDGET .....Can you imagine this headline .............
134 billion,
italian police,
japanese arrested
Saturday, June 13, 2009
SAD, but perhaps, just the beginning .....
At the end of the 81-year marriage, the Isaksons said goodbye by turning off the lights. The partnership was over.
The Chrysler sign went dark.
It was an unceremonious finale to a four-generation bond between one family and one company, but it was not a surprise. Rob Isakson had known for weeks his dealership was on a Chrysler hit list — the cuts were part of the troubled automaker's survival strategy.
Still, when the moment arrived, he did not go gently into the night.
"It hurts," he says. "How do you put into words 81 years of your family's blood, sweat and tears? How many times did my father miss some family event ... because the business came first? And all of it is for nothing now."
It has been a wrenching few weeks, beginning with Chrysler's notification in mid-May that the family was losing its franchise. The word came in a form letter. "How insensitive is that?" Isakson asks.
Then came futile efforts — through calls and e-mails — to find why they were being dropped, even though they say their sales were better than some dealers that survived.
Last week, a judge ruled for Chrysler: The bankrupt company, having sold most of its assets to Fiat SpA, the Italian automaker, could trim about a quarter of its dealer franchises.
Isakson Motor Sales was among the dealers to go. And thus ended a proud family history.
Their ties to Chrysler go back to 1928 when two Isakson brothers who were farmers invested $5,000 in an exciting new venture: the DeSoto. They opened a showroom, in the heart of what once was booming steel country, at an auspicious-sounding intersection — Front and Center.
Over nine decades, the names of the cars changed (Imperial, Valiant, Cordoba, Horizon, Duster, Reliant, New Yorker, Road Runner, Challenger, Voyager, PT Cruiser), but the name of the dealership did not. It was the Isaksons. Clarence and Walter. Bill. Rob. Eric and Steve.
Father to son, father to son, selling cars and handing over the keys to one, two, even three generations of customers, making a go of it even in the leanest years.
"How many businesses survive their first five years, or the next five?" Rob Isakson asks, huddled in his office with his 83-year-old father, Bill, and his two sons. "We survived 81 years of ups and downs in this industry. The stock market of '29 and the Depression ... World War II and rationing, the strike years with the steel mills and we survived, the loan guarantee years, which were tough years ... and we survived that, too."
"And now," he pauses, "we're surviving but Chrysler says we're not worth keeping."
"Am I angry?" he asks, then quickly answers. "You're darn right I am."
At the end of the 81-year marriage, the Isaksons said goodbye by turning off the lights. The partnership was over.
The Chrysler sign went dark.
It was an unceremonious finale to a four-generation bond between one family and one company, but it was not a surprise. Rob Isakson had known for weeks his dealership was on a Chrysler hit list — the cuts were part of the troubled automaker's survival strategy.
Still, when the moment arrived, he did not go gently into the night.
"It hurts," he says. "How do you put into words 81 years of your family's blood, sweat and tears? How many times did my father miss some family event ... because the business came first? And all of it is for nothing now."
It has been a wrenching few weeks, beginning with Chrysler's notification in mid-May that the family was losing its franchise. The word came in a form letter. "How insensitive is that?" Isakson asks.
Then came futile efforts — through calls and e-mails — to find why they were being dropped, even though they say their sales were better than some dealers that survived.
Last week, a judge ruled for Chrysler: The bankrupt company, having sold most of its assets to Fiat SpA, the Italian automaker, could trim about a quarter of its dealer franchises.
Isakson Motor Sales was among the dealers to go. And thus ended a proud family history.
Their ties to Chrysler go back to 1928 when two Isakson brothers who were farmers invested $5,000 in an exciting new venture: the DeSoto. They opened a showroom, in the heart of what once was booming steel country, at an auspicious-sounding intersection — Front and Center.
Over nine decades, the names of the cars changed (Imperial, Valiant, Cordoba, Horizon, Duster, Reliant, New Yorker, Road Runner, Challenger, Voyager, PT Cruiser), but the name of the dealership did not. It was the Isaksons. Clarence and Walter. Bill. Rob. Eric and Steve.
Father to son, father to son, selling cars and handing over the keys to one, two, even three generations of customers, making a go of it even in the leanest years.
"How many businesses survive their first five years, or the next five?" Rob Isakson asks, huddled in his office with his 83-year-old father, Bill, and his two sons. "We survived 81 years of ups and downs in this industry. The stock market of '29 and the Depression ... World War II and rationing, the strike years with the steel mills and we survived, the loan guarantee years, which were tough years ... and we survived that, too."
"And now," he pauses, "we're surviving but Chrysler says we're not worth keeping."
"Am I angry?" he asks, then quickly answers. "You're darn right I am."
Thanks to Bernie for this...................
Mosquito Spray...Worth a try
I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting everyone..
A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared.
The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well.. It worked at a picnic where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing area, and the standing water nearby During the summer, I don't leave home without it.....Pass it on.
There seems to be some differing opinions .......
At least if they do bite you ...... they have nice breath ...............
I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting everyone..
A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared.
The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well.. It worked at a picnic where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing area, and the standing water nearby During the summer, I don't leave home without it.....Pass it on.
There seems to be some differing opinions .......
At least if they do bite you ...... they have nice breath ...............
The grass was greener, for old Charlie Mower

I was sitting on our porch, watching the guys mow the grass, with an eight thousand dollar mower, and got to wondering, who invented grass. I did some research and figured some of it out.
A guy by the name of Charlie Mower had this invention. He was a blacksmith, and had messed up on some steel that he was going to use for swords. When he got done, they all came out twisted, no use for them. He also had been making some small wheels for old Charlie Parkinson, and had some of them left over.
He got to tinkering, and put his twisted swords on the extra wheels, and has the idea to make an automatic potato peeler. But when he got it all together, it was too powerful for a potato, ate it right up, so he tossed the idea aside.
Then he got the idea to put wheels on it, make it turn, and use it to push snow around in the winter. That didn't work out, didn't push enough snow, so what to do.
Then, one day, old Harley Ferguson stopped by, and Harley and Charlie just sat and stared at his contraption.
Mae, Charlie's wife, yelled out from the house, "Get the scythe out and cut that darn green stuff growing in the yard, it's lookin pretty awful."
Well, Charlie and Harley had the same idea at the same time, and they got his contraption out and started pushing it around the yard, and the green stuff just flew, and in no time, they had the yard looking like a "putting green," which was something they had seen when they visited a golf tournament at the county seat some years ago. They cut them with big shears, this was a lot easier. The first "green stuff cutter" was born.
Well they didn't sell at all, no one knew what to use the thing for. So the boys put their heads together and invented grass seed, got a copyright on the word "lawn," put an ad in Better Homes and Gardens, and they were off and running.
They just sat back, sold grass seed, then invented fertilizer, to make the grass grow faster, put out more ads, to make sure that every home needed a green lawn, for the kids to play on, to fertilize, to water, to weed, everyone had to have one. They sold everyone a push mower, when they had them all sold, they put a motor on one, and sold everyone one of those.
Then they saw a helicopter one day, new type of mower, no more reels, circular blade, easier to make, can even do one with an electric motor, and of course, they sold extension cords.
Started a whole new industry, companies cutting grass in the summertime, pushing snow in the winter, year round work.
When you think about it, a lawn is stupid. Buy grass seed or sod, get it to grow, then a mower to cut in back, then seed and fertilize, mow more, rake, it never ends. And, when you get tired of doing it, you pay people to do it for you. It was a diabolical plot old Charlie Mower had.
Years later, he retired in Las Vegas, had gravel in his yard. Was he smart, or what?
Old lawn mowers
my stomaak be itchin

This is interesting, a part of his life history .... I think Virginia Tech should be suspended from the NCAA ...... for just letting Vick enter the university ...
Due to the extreme physical demands and the affects of human aging, the career longevity of NFL players (and most other athletes) is by nature limited to a shorter time than many other occupations. There has been widespread speculation about Vick's physical conditioning and retention of skills after almost two years away from active participation. However, he reportedly has stayed in good physical condition during his federal incarceration, working out and playing basketball. He also did work some physical work as an inmate, earning less than a dollar a day (before taxes).
During his incarceration, Vick's financial condition was rapidly deteriorating due to virtually having no income and substantial ongoing expenses for attorneys, maintaining at least 6 luxury homes in Virginia, Georgia, and Florida, providing living expenses and about 10 vehicles for friends and relatives. With debts millions of dollars in excess of assets, and facing judgments and collection efforts by some of the creditors, his attorneys filed for federal bankruptcy protection under Chapter 13 on his behalf in July 2008.
Vick's Initial Reorganization Plan submitted to the Bankruptcy Court in the Spring of 2009, with his release from federal custody due in about 4 months. The plan relied upon Vick again earning a very substantial income as a professional football player, which he could not assure the court. Testifying on April 3 in Newport News, Vick told the bankruptcy court judge that he believes he can play pro football for another 10 years.[26] His agent, Joel Segal, testified that he hopes to secure Vick a well-paying contract to play football with another NFL team after his suspension is lifted and after the Falcons release him from his current contract to trade it to another team.
Vick wanted to start the bankruptcy plan May 1, 2009, but could only demonstrate a commitment for a construction job paying approximately $20,000 per year arranged by the rector of Virginia Tech, an old friend and long-time supporter. However, his plan, even after divesting many assets, would have required at least $200,000 annually to maintain two of the homes in Virginia, 3 expensive vehicles, and continue to provide a comfortable living for a number of people as he has been, notably his mother, brother, a former girlfriend and their son, and his fiancee and their two children. The plan was rejected by Judge Frank Santoro on April 3, who said the numbers simply didn't work.
He agreed to allow Vick time to plan a much more modest plan. DUH
In the News
Big deal about TV, same lousy programs, new format, I guess. I must admit I never really understood what was going to happen. Rather like ............ 1999 to 2000 ... as Hitchcock said, "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."
He also said, "Television is like the American toaster, you push the button and the same thing pops up everytime." So much for the analog to digital conversion.
Poor Michael Vick, not too long ago he signed for $130 million for eight years, now he is bankrupt .... has three or so houses, one for 3.2 million hasn't sold, he has three cars, I think he owes on them ............. the American Dream. If some team picks him up, and pay him for being STUPID, one of his two talents, he may make it. I wonder what team will pick him up ..... he can carry a football, someone will overlook his other "problems" and give him a chance, if he gets reinstated. Something American about wearing an "ankle bracelet" in your 3.2 million dollar house.
Imus made a stupid comment about a girls basketball team .... Letterman commented on a young girl getting "knocked up." Letterman passes it off as a joke, "do I look like the kind of guy that would mean anything by that?" Imus is drummed off the airways for quite a while.
I wonder what would have been the consequences of the statement if it had been made about a well known Democratic politician, or one of Pelosi's daughters, I think she has three or four. Actually, why didn't Pelosi come out and criticize him for doing it, or some of the WOMEN'S RIGHTS GROUPS that are so vocal at times.
Maybe it was just because it happened to Palin's daughter .... the press is OK with that.
If you have an upset stomach, eaten too much, or maybe the wrong thing, and you want to "get rid" of it ............ just think about POLITICS ..... and you will get sick, throw up, and feel better.
Or watch "Celebrity Cribs," it will do the same thing ............
He also said, "Television is like the American toaster, you push the button and the same thing pops up everytime." So much for the analog to digital conversion.
Poor Michael Vick, not too long ago he signed for $130 million for eight years, now he is bankrupt .... has three or so houses, one for 3.2 million hasn't sold, he has three cars, I think he owes on them ............. the American Dream. If some team picks him up, and pay him for being STUPID, one of his two talents, he may make it. I wonder what team will pick him up ..... he can carry a football, someone will overlook his other "problems" and give him a chance, if he gets reinstated. Something American about wearing an "ankle bracelet" in your 3.2 million dollar house.
Imus made a stupid comment about a girls basketball team .... Letterman commented on a young girl getting "knocked up." Letterman passes it off as a joke, "do I look like the kind of guy that would mean anything by that?" Imus is drummed off the airways for quite a while.
I wonder what would have been the consequences of the statement if it had been made about a well known Democratic politician, or one of Pelosi's daughters, I think she has three or four. Actually, why didn't Pelosi come out and criticize him for doing it, or some of the WOMEN'S RIGHTS GROUPS that are so vocal at times.
Maybe it was just because it happened to Palin's daughter .... the press is OK with that.
If you have an upset stomach, eaten too much, or maybe the wrong thing, and you want to "get rid" of it ............ just think about POLITICS ..... and you will get sick, throw up, and feel better.
Or watch "Celebrity Cribs," it will do the same thing ............
Monday, June 8, 2009

On the news tonight, from Columbus, Ohio, MILLIONS of dollars going to be spent on road resurfacing, street resurfacing. Freeways worked on, streets in run-down neighborhoods worked on, bridges worked on, apparently all coming with the help of federal money.
My theory, when you go looking for a job, or to get your SS, or unemployment check, they want you to travel, maybe with an empty stomach, but at least, on nice pavements and freeways, assuming you can put gas in your car.
They may have to lay off police and firemen, but the few that are left, will travel on nice pavement.
If you do get desperate and rob someplace, you can escape on nicer roads and freeways.
You may be hungry and out of work, but it will be easier to push your cart full of your belongings, around town. Maybe even a nicer surface to sleep on.
If you are homeless, out of work, and it rains, get under an orange barrel, they will be everywhere.
More Nominees ... from Oklahoma
Some more nominees for my list of TRUE PRO ATHLETES ........
Jordan ..... had a few trips to Vegas ..... makes more money on shoes now than he did on BBall ..... no question he was great .... changed bball forever ...
Cousy, have seen him play quite a few times in the old Coliseum in Dayton.
Oscar Robinson, saw him play when he was at UC ...... did not stand out during the game ... when it was over ......... he had HOW MANY points? He never got the recognition in the pros that he deserved, he just did the job at hand, unceremoniously.
Brown, more well known for his roles in pictures. I have talked with younger folks who didn't know he played football....
Gretsky, definitely.
James Michner did an article years ago on this same subject, and Gretsky was at the top of his list.
A lot of baseball players did too much "playing" on the side to make my list.
Jordan ..... had a few trips to Vegas ..... makes more money on shoes now than he did on BBall ..... no question he was great .... changed bball forever ...
Cousy, have seen him play quite a few times in the old Coliseum in Dayton.
Oscar Robinson, saw him play when he was at UC ...... did not stand out during the game ... when it was over ......... he had HOW MANY points? He never got the recognition in the pros that he deserved, he just did the job at hand, unceremoniously.
Brown, more well known for his roles in pictures. I have talked with younger folks who didn't know he played football....
Gretsky, definitely.
James Michner did an article years ago on this same subject, and Gretsky was at the top of his list.
A lot of baseball players did too much "playing" on the side to make my list.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
"Professional" Athletes

I think Arnold Palmer, John Havlicek, Hank Aaron, probably Nicklaus, are the first ones that come to mind, when I think of TRUE professional athletes.
They excel at their sport, their lives are exemplary, they live the life we expect them to live. I would like my "child" to admire them, and be like them.
I think Federrer fits in to this group. Maybe Tiger Woods also, but there are NOT many that fit my "mold."
His victory today, and the way he handled it, put him right up there.
I guess one measure of a true professional, they excel at what they do, we hear of that, but nothing more, their private lives stay private.
Anyone come to your mind?
nicklaus federrer,
Security System Idea
1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots.
2. Place them on your front porch, along with several empty beer cans, a copy of Guns & Ammo magazine and several NRA magazines.
3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.
4. Leave a note on your door that reads:
"Hey Bubba, Big Jim, Duke and Slim ---
I went to the gun shop for more ammunition. Back in an hour.. Don't mess with the pit bulls -- they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it but it was hard to tell from all the blood.
P S - I locked all four of 'em in the house. Better wait outside.'
Redneck Security Company
1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots.
2. Place them on your front porch, along with several empty beer cans, a copy of Guns & Ammo magazine and several NRA magazines.
3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.
4. Leave a note on your door that reads:
"Hey Bubba, Big Jim, Duke and Slim ---
I went to the gun shop for more ammunition. Back in an hour.. Don't mess with the pit bulls -- they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it but it was hard to tell from all the blood.
P S - I locked all four of 'em in the house. Better wait outside.'
Redneck Security Company
Saturday, June 6, 2009
To Wager or Not To Wager .... that is the question
I listened to some local, Columbus, Ohio, radio, and they were discussing the possibility of Gambling In Ohio .... i.e. all the money we are losing to other states who have gambling.
All the good it does, jobs, the economy, millions of dollars of revenue, that we are missing out on, by not allowing slot machines at race tracks, or better yet, casino gambling.
What a good thing it is .....
I wanted to call in, but didn't.
WHERE does the money come from, all these millions that we are losing, the thousands of jobs .... does no one realize that it all comes, from people, who wager and lose money, that they probably can't afford.
People bitch about taxes, but lose their money in a slot machines, and think nothing of it. Everyone is a winner in a casino ..... WRONG ..... it's the millions that are lost that keep them going.
Race tracks want slot machines because their revenue is down .... oh ..... people can't afford to lose money on a horse, but they can put their money in a slot machine. OH, that makes sense.
Millions will be generated into the economy, thousands of new jobs, more tax revenue, all because people lose their money ..... probably ..... that they can ill afford to lose ...
I know where the money comes from to support casinos, and generate these millions they talk about ...... people .... and don't tell me it's just entertainment, and they are going to lose it somewhere else .... so why not in Ohio.
I know where the money cones from ..... there is no "money spring" that generates the money that goes in to a casino or a slot machine .... as we always said, "A gambling license is nothing more than a license to steal."
All the good it does, jobs, the economy, millions of dollars of revenue, that we are missing out on, by not allowing slot machines at race tracks, or better yet, casino gambling.
What a good thing it is .....
I wanted to call in, but didn't.
WHERE does the money come from, all these millions that we are losing, the thousands of jobs .... does no one realize that it all comes, from people, who wager and lose money, that they probably can't afford.
People bitch about taxes, but lose their money in a slot machines, and think nothing of it. Everyone is a winner in a casino ..... WRONG ..... it's the millions that are lost that keep them going.
Race tracks want slot machines because their revenue is down .... oh ..... people can't afford to lose money on a horse, but they can put their money in a slot machine. OH, that makes sense.
Millions will be generated into the economy, thousands of new jobs, more tax revenue, all because people lose their money ..... probably ..... that they can ill afford to lose ...
I know where the money comes from to support casinos, and generate these millions they talk about ...... people .... and don't tell me it's just entertainment, and they are going to lose it somewhere else .... so why not in Ohio.
I know where the money cones from ..... there is no "money spring" that generates the money that goes in to a casino or a slot machine .... as we always said, "A gambling license is nothing more than a license to steal."
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Veil of Barack
Had a few comments, thought more about the "veil."
Maybe, when he speaks, we are "veiled" from the truth.
The Mormons believe in a before and an after life, they are "veiled" from their previous life, so they have no knowledge of it.
A veil is a "pretty, soft" word, a veil of secrecy, almost like a gossamer curtain surrounding something.
Diabolical, he can speak, and we only hear, or see, or feel, what he wants to convey to us.
He can say something, and the press, reports something else, without thinking about it.
He can say, "I am selling the country out," but we hear, "I am doing good things for the country."
Think about it, politicians have been using this veil for years. They tell us one thing, do something else, but we only see what they told us they would do. The deceit is veiled from us ..... how strong is that?
Maybe, when he speaks, we are "veiled" from the truth.
The Mormons believe in a before and an after life, they are "veiled" from their previous life, so they have no knowledge of it.
A veil is a "pretty, soft" word, a veil of secrecy, almost like a gossamer curtain surrounding something.
Diabolical, he can speak, and we only hear, or see, or feel, what he wants to convey to us.
He can say something, and the press, reports something else, without thinking about it.
He can say, "I am selling the country out," but we hear, "I am doing good things for the country."
Think about it, politicians have been using this veil for years. They tell us one thing, do something else, but we only see what they told us they would do. The deceit is veiled from us ..... how strong is that?
......when we wake up ..... WHAT THEN?

I don't want this blog to become a political forum, but golly ...................
Is anyone concerned about the direction this country is heading? It must just be me, but I lay awake at night and worry about it ..... I worry about my grand kids, and their kids .....
Think of what has happened in the last few months. And, no one seems to care, or mention it, or talk about it. I think the Mormons are "veiled" from many things, now we seem to be "veiled" ....... it goes by, and we don't see it, oblivious to reality.
He's talking with our enemies, OH, OK .................
He's spending TRILLIONS .......... OH, OK ..................
He has control of General Motors .......... OH .......... OK.............
Whatever he does ............. OH .............. that is OK .............
There is a "veil" on the press ........ they have "Obama Blindness" for some reason.
It is that Obama charisma, he is surrounded by it, and when you are near it, the "veil" is thrown over you ........ you are mesmerized by it, and him.
When he speaks, head going from one teleprompter to another, like he is watching a tennis match, I thought he needed the teleprompter to know what to say, but I think that constant motion, is hypnotic ........ he speaks .... and we listen ........... we don't hear ............. we just listen. Like background music in an office ....... it's there ....... but we don't listen to it.
I have mentioned before, and will mention it again, I have met, personally, two men, who had that effect on people. L. Ron Hubbard, and Glenn Turner, Dianetics, Scientology, and Dare To Be Great (Koscot cosmetics) .... both were frightening, in a way. They spoke, you listened .......... you listened, and you followed. They both had a hypnotic charisma about them that made you lose reason within yourself. They put you under their "veil," and you listened and followed. Koscot is gone, Turner, I think, is still selling, and Scientology is bigger than ever.
It seems to me that Obama has put the country up "for sale" and we can't see the sign in the yard.
OR ......... is he on the right track?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Gracious Losers ........

Don't you just love gracious athletes, when they lose, they can never admit someone beat them ....
"Honestly, I think I lost because of me, and not because of anything she did," Williams said.
Williams being one of the sisters, who are now both out of the French Open.
The seesaw struggle was this close: Midway through the third set, each player had won 100 points.
"Honestly, I think I lost because of me, and not because of anything she did," Williams said.
Not entirely. High-risk tennis paid off for Kuznetsova, who whacked winners into both corners and sometimes chose angles that surprised Williams. Kuznetsova showed lots of variety, too -- when she hit a crosscourt lob, Williams staggered helplessly as she watched the ball land beyond her reach.
Williams was sometimes betrayed by uncertain footwork on the clay, which led to repeated mistakes on her forehand side down the stretch.
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