With help from relatives, friends and obituaries of the deceased released by local funeral homes, The Associated Press compiled vignettes of some of the 14 victims who died in the blast. They were a grandmother, a town secretary, a fire truck builder, a town festival organizer, fishing enthusiasts, hunters, fathers, men preparing to become emergency medical technicians, and devoted church and local organization members.
The Boston Marathon event, we saw everyone on TV, they could not find enough people to fill all that air time. The explosion in Texas got very little coverage. I don't recall seeing any footage on those killed, the tragedy, their funerals, little to nothing, I wonder why? Was the media just spread too thin and worn out from being in Boston. I watched for a full day, the "manhunt." There was even an hour of vehicles being cheered, as they left. I have no "images" of the event, imprinted, in my mind .............