McKinley Boston, the Athletic Director at New Mexico State, and the entire coaching staff were arrested as they exited the Horseshoe in Columbus, Ohio, today, on charges of prostitution.
The warrant read, in part," they prostituted the entire team to achieve financial gain."
Why else, would a team like New Mexico State, take on a school like OSU. They did it for the money.
I only hope that there were smiles of satisfaction on the faces of the OSU team as they left the field today. Perhaps they all smoked an "after" cigarette.
This game should certainly help OSU in the polls. Next year, OSU is going to schedule some high school teams, in an effort to find weaker opponents, and Make Reverend Jim look better. Coach Tressel is definitely the Eldon Miller of football coaches.
GO BUCKS .... what a game, what a victory. WOW, not they can say, "We beat New Mexico State.........................."
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson
"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd
"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....
When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Finding Missing Persons
How New Online Searches Can Help You Locate Someone Who Has Dropped Out of Sight
Every day, in towns and cities across the country, people go missing. Sometimes they're the victim of crime. But in most cases, they drop out of sight on purpose. Usually they're trying to escape some problem or avoid some responsibility.
People who disappear can include those who are:
- Responsible for an accident but do not want to pay for damages
- Avoiding alimony or child support payments
- Deeply In debt and unwilling to work out payment
- Running from Law Enforcement or the Courts
- Evading taxes or liens or other obligations
If you are looking for a missing person, you should be aware of how searches on the Internet can now help you locate them.
You Can Now Get Access to Data while Sitting at Your Computer that Before Could Only Be Uncovered using Costly Private Investigators
It used to be expensive to track down a missing person. You had to hire a private detective and pay them by the hour to do a "locate."
Not any more - not now that so many public records and business databases are available through the Internet. Anyone with online access and a bit of determination can do the same kind of investigative work themselves. There are no guarantees you'll find the person you're searching for, just as there were never any guarantees with paid investigators. But the cost is minimal and no one will be more motivated than you to keep at it until you succeed.
What makes it so easy is a new breed of web-based investigative search services. Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective or Personal Search services, these specialized services give you the speedy, accurate access to all kinds of formerly hard-to-get information.
Note that these search services are not the same as the general search engines you may already use, like Google or Yahoo. The general search engines are not the best way to hunt for someone who's missing. The private search services are best because they're optimized for finding people. Rather than a search making you scroll through thousands of unrelated listings, they take you directly to the data you need.
Basic Techniques You Can Use to Locate Someone
When you begin looking for someone, the first step is to collect as much physical information as possible about the subject. If the person is part of your own family, you'll probably already have personal information available. Pull out any old files and records. Look for clubs or organizations they belonged to. Get bank or investment account numbers. In particular look for any type of identifying records like a driver's license, employee id, etc. A Social Security Number is the most important identifier you can have.
If the person you're searching for is not someone you knew personally, gather information from anyone who did know them, if possible. If you aren't able to get this information, there are ways to get it online through the search services. It just makes it easier if you have some information to start with.
Organize what you collect and analyze it for any hints at where the person might have gone. Sometimes you'll find a clue to where the subject is hiding right in this first batch of information. It just wasn't apparent earlier because no one had examined the material closely enough.
What's more common, though, is to find links to other people or organizations that can assist you in your search. That's the professional investigator's secret - to find a missing person, first find other people who know them and can lead you to them.
At times, finding a missing person is as easy as calling up a former associate. The associate knows and can tell you the subject's current whereabouts.
If these basic steps don't result in locating the missing person, the next step is to move to the Internet. Below are some of the common steps that professionals use to gather information online that helps them track down a subject. You can use these same techniques by conducting your own hunt through an investigative search service.
Techniques Professional Investigators Use Online That You Can Use Too
1. Do a profile search. Look up all people with the same initial and last name, city and state. If you don't get promising results at first, and the name isn't too common, expand the search to other cities and states. In particular, look in the areas where the subject had relatives, friends, business dealings or other connections. Once you get a list, try contacting them. One of them may well be who you're searching for.
2. If you have a Social Security Number, do an SSN trace through the credit bureaus. Credit bureaus are the most likely place to find anyone's most current address and phone number. Professional investigators say this is usually the best way to locate someone who's trying to hide. That's because most people don't realize all the different types of activities they do that trigger address updates to their credit record. Everything from filling out an employment application, to renting a new apartment and getting the utilities turned on.
3. Search Voter Registration databases. This one is frequently overlooked but often effective. The reason is that those who disappear tend to build a new life based on their old one. If the voted before, they'll likely register to vote again. The records are kept by state offices but collected and available through better specialized search services.
4. Search Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings. These are lien notices filed locally and maintained by each state. The Search Services collect the data so you can access it more easily. UCC's are created to document a lien placed on property for which a loan has been made. It's valuable in tracking a missing person because it can lead you to a business that has had dealings with the person. It's possible you can get contact information through them.
There are a variety of other databases you can access easily through an online Investigative Search service. From post office Change of Address records to Driver's License Information to Vehicle Registrations for the missing person's car or truck -- even records of traffic tickets. Any one of these database searches can either provide a current address for your subject or a link to someone else that can eventually lead you to them.
Final Word
If you need to find someone who's missing, you can now use one of the new Investigative Search services to help you locate them. These services collect the data in one easy to use database or provide easy to use look up tools with automatic tie-ins to the public databases you need to search. That makes searching for a missing person faster, easier and more likely to end successfully.
Every day, in towns and cities across the country, people go missing. Sometimes they're the victim of crime. But in most cases, they drop out of sight on purpose. Usually they're trying to escape some problem or avoid some responsibility.
People who disappear can include those who are:
- Responsible for an accident but do not want to pay for damages
- Avoiding alimony or child support payments
- Deeply In debt and unwilling to work out payment
- Running from Law Enforcement or the Courts
- Evading taxes or liens or other obligations
If you are looking for a missing person, you should be aware of how searches on the Internet can now help you locate them.
You Can Now Get Access to Data while Sitting at Your Computer that Before Could Only Be Uncovered using Costly Private Investigators
It used to be expensive to track down a missing person. You had to hire a private detective and pay them by the hour to do a "locate."
Not any more - not now that so many public records and business databases are available through the Internet. Anyone with online access and a bit of determination can do the same kind of investigative work themselves. There are no guarantees you'll find the person you're searching for, just as there were never any guarantees with paid investigators. But the cost is minimal and no one will be more motivated than you to keep at it until you succeed.
What makes it so easy is a new breed of web-based investigative search services. Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective or Personal Search services, these specialized services give you the speedy, accurate access to all kinds of formerly hard-to-get information.
Note that these search services are not the same as the general search engines you may already use, like Google or Yahoo. The general search engines are not the best way to hunt for someone who's missing. The private search services are best because they're optimized for finding people. Rather than a search making you scroll through thousands of unrelated listings, they take you directly to the data you need.
Basic Techniques You Can Use to Locate Someone
When you begin looking for someone, the first step is to collect as much physical information as possible about the subject. If the person is part of your own family, you'll probably already have personal information available. Pull out any old files and records. Look for clubs or organizations they belonged to. Get bank or investment account numbers. In particular look for any type of identifying records like a driver's license, employee id, etc. A Social Security Number is the most important identifier you can have.
If the person you're searching for is not someone you knew personally, gather information from anyone who did know them, if possible. If you aren't able to get this information, there are ways to get it online through the search services. It just makes it easier if you have some information to start with.
Organize what you collect and analyze it for any hints at where the person might have gone. Sometimes you'll find a clue to where the subject is hiding right in this first batch of information. It just wasn't apparent earlier because no one had examined the material closely enough.
What's more common, though, is to find links to other people or organizations that can assist you in your search. That's the professional investigator's secret - to find a missing person, first find other people who know them and can lead you to them.
At times, finding a missing person is as easy as calling up a former associate. The associate knows and can tell you the subject's current whereabouts.
If these basic steps don't result in locating the missing person, the next step is to move to the Internet. Below are some of the common steps that professionals use to gather information online that helps them track down a subject. You can use these same techniques by conducting your own hunt through an investigative search service.
Techniques Professional Investigators Use Online That You Can Use Too
1. Do a profile search. Look up all people with the same initial and last name, city and state. If you don't get promising results at first, and the name isn't too common, expand the search to other cities and states. In particular, look in the areas where the subject had relatives, friends, business dealings or other connections. Once you get a list, try contacting them. One of them may well be who you're searching for.
2. If you have a Social Security Number, do an SSN trace through the credit bureaus. Credit bureaus are the most likely place to find anyone's most current address and phone number. Professional investigators say this is usually the best way to locate someone who's trying to hide. That's because most people don't realize all the different types of activities they do that trigger address updates to their credit record. Everything from filling out an employment application, to renting a new apartment and getting the utilities turned on.
3. Search Voter Registration databases. This one is frequently overlooked but often effective. The reason is that those who disappear tend to build a new life based on their old one. If the voted before, they'll likely register to vote again. The records are kept by state offices but collected and available through better specialized search services.
4. Search Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings. These are lien notices filed locally and maintained by each state. The Search Services collect the data so you can access it more easily. UCC's are created to document a lien placed on property for which a loan has been made. It's valuable in tracking a missing person because it can lead you to a business that has had dealings with the person. It's possible you can get contact information through them.
There are a variety of other databases you can access easily through an online Investigative Search service. From post office Change of Address records to Driver's License Information to Vehicle Registrations for the missing person's car or truck -- even records of traffic tickets. Any one of these database searches can either provide a current address for your subject or a link to someone else that can eventually lead you to them.
Final Word
If you need to find someone who's missing, you can now use one of the new Investigative Search services to help you locate them. These services collect the data in one easy to use database or provide easy to use look up tools with automatic tie-ins to the public databases you need to search. That makes searching for a missing person faster, easier and more likely to end successfully.
GOOD, for Ohio??????????????/
I lived in Nevada, for a number of years, and worked in the casinos. It was somewhat of a normal job, go to work, put in your eight hours and go home. Shop at the grocery, live a normal life, like in any other town.
I had many friends out there, people I worked with, neighbors, people I got to know around Reno. They too lived normal lives, surrounded by all that "opportunity" and money. In those days we used silver dollars, thousands of them, everywhere.
Working in the clubs on the tables, you remember winners, generally you don't remember losers.
One of my friends, a man I had gotten to know over the years, Wick, owned a couple of barber shops, had a nice home, wife, played golf when he could, had some land up at Tahoe, with plans to build a retirement or vacation home, a Cadillac and a couple of pick-up trucks, Wick, to say the least, was well off.
The only time he would venture in to the clubs was to entertain someone from out of town, or to see some entertainer they liked, or on some occasions to have lunch, and that is where I got to know him. The Nevada Club had great food, and you could enter the club from the rear, eat, go back out, and not have to pass any tables. He and his wife stayed out of the clubs and the atmosphere that went with them. I got to know him from cutting my hair, and an occasional lunch if my breaks coincided with his lunch hour.
Every Thursday night, he and his wife, and four other couples, would get together at one of their homes, have a potluck supper, sit and chat, after dinner, the wives would play Canasta, and the boys would play poker, penny ante. They had been doing this for many years.
One night, Wick lost twenty dollars in the poker game. Twenty dollars did not mean a lot to Wick, I have seen him tip a waitress that much for one drink, or to a valet parking attendant.
They went home after that evening, and that twenty dollar loss, for some reason, got to Wick. He could not get it out of his mind, and the twenty really meant nothing to him, just the fact that he had "lost" it, in a poker game.
He could not sleep, that loss was getting to be too much for him.
He got up during the night, his wife was not sure of the time, called a cab, and went to downtown Reno, to win his twenty back.
Within two days, he lost everything he had, drove out near the Reno Airport, and put a gun to his head, and pulled the trigger. It all happened so fast that there was nothing anyone could do to stop him.
And all over twenty dollars, a man who rarely went in the casinos, who was as stable and reliable as a rock, yet, that "gambling" bug got to him, and in just a few days, lost everything, including his life.
This is a true story, I knew the man. And it happened because the casinos were there, the temptation was too great, all that "free" money, to just get his twenty dollar bill back, and it really meant little to nothing to him.
I know of a few other instances, where fortunes were lost, or someone lost everything and took their own life. This is a portion of what casinos will bring to Ohio, if they are allowed to come in.
And the FOP, some elected officials, some powerful figures in Ohio, have the bold faced audacity to say, "This is good, for Ohio."
I had many friends out there, people I worked with, neighbors, people I got to know around Reno. They too lived normal lives, surrounded by all that "opportunity" and money. In those days we used silver dollars, thousands of them, everywhere.
Working in the clubs on the tables, you remember winners, generally you don't remember losers.
One of my friends, a man I had gotten to know over the years, Wick, owned a couple of barber shops, had a nice home, wife, played golf when he could, had some land up at Tahoe, with plans to build a retirement or vacation home, a Cadillac and a couple of pick-up trucks, Wick, to say the least, was well off.
The only time he would venture in to the clubs was to entertain someone from out of town, or to see some entertainer they liked, or on some occasions to have lunch, and that is where I got to know him. The Nevada Club had great food, and you could enter the club from the rear, eat, go back out, and not have to pass any tables. He and his wife stayed out of the clubs and the atmosphere that went with them. I got to know him from cutting my hair, and an occasional lunch if my breaks coincided with his lunch hour.
Every Thursday night, he and his wife, and four other couples, would get together at one of their homes, have a potluck supper, sit and chat, after dinner, the wives would play Canasta, and the boys would play poker, penny ante. They had been doing this for many years.
One night, Wick lost twenty dollars in the poker game. Twenty dollars did not mean a lot to Wick, I have seen him tip a waitress that much for one drink, or to a valet parking attendant.
They went home after that evening, and that twenty dollar loss, for some reason, got to Wick. He could not get it out of his mind, and the twenty really meant nothing to him, just the fact that he had "lost" it, in a poker game.
He could not sleep, that loss was getting to be too much for him.
He got up during the night, his wife was not sure of the time, called a cab, and went to downtown Reno, to win his twenty back.
Within two days, he lost everything he had, drove out near the Reno Airport, and put a gun to his head, and pulled the trigger. It all happened so fast that there was nothing anyone could do to stop him.
And all over twenty dollars, a man who rarely went in the casinos, who was as stable and reliable as a rock, yet, that "gambling" bug got to him, and in just a few days, lost everything, including his life.
This is a true story, I knew the man. And it happened because the casinos were there, the temptation was too great, all that "free" money, to just get his twenty dollar bill back, and it really meant little to nothing to him.
I know of a few other instances, where fortunes were lost, or someone lost everything and took their own life. This is a portion of what casinos will bring to Ohio, if they are allowed to come in.
And the FOP, some elected officials, some powerful figures in Ohio, have the bold faced audacity to say, "This is good, for Ohio."
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The FOP, well known politicians, all ENDORSE Casinos in Ohio.
$500 MILLION a year coming in to Ohio Counties ............
34,000 New Jobs .................... for OHIO RESIDENTS
WHO pays those 34,000 employees?
WHERE does the money come from to make up that $500 MILLION going to the state?
WELL, it comes from CUSTOMERS, people like you and me, residents of Ohio, voters in Ohio, from all of those who visit the casinos, and leave their hard earned money there. The CASINO has payed a LARGE amount of money for a Gambling License, or, as they are better known ................ A LICENSE TO STEAL
IT COMES from PEOPLE ...................... LOSING THEIR MONEY
It creates people who become addicted to gambling. It ruins homes. In some instances, new slums will be created, right next to the opulant casino. What good has ever come out of a casino? None.
Why does someone want to invest MILLIONS to build a casino .......... MAYBE it is because they will make MILLIONS when the casino opens ..... maybe they know something that those supporting CASINOS IN OHIO ........... don't. And, every dime they make, comes from someone, losing it.
$500 MILLION a year coming in to Ohio Counties ............
34,000 New Jobs .................... for OHIO RESIDENTS
WHO pays those 34,000 employees?
WHERE does the money come from to make up that $500 MILLION going to the state?
WELL, it comes from CUSTOMERS, people like you and me, residents of Ohio, voters in Ohio, from all of those who visit the casinos, and leave their hard earned money there. The CASINO has payed a LARGE amount of money for a Gambling License, or, as they are better known ................ A LICENSE TO STEAL
IT COMES from PEOPLE ...................... LOSING THEIR MONEY
It creates people who become addicted to gambling. It ruins homes. In some instances, new slums will be created, right next to the opulant casino. What good has ever come out of a casino? None.
Why does someone want to invest MILLIONS to build a casino .......... MAYBE it is because they will make MILLIONS when the casino opens ..... maybe they know something that those supporting CASINOS IN OHIO ........... don't. And, every dime they make, comes from someone, losing it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
HOW, can this happen?
I don't know if you came across this article or not. I, for one, am glad that someone is keeping their eyes on issues like this, and not letting them be overlooked with everything else that is going on in this world. It they found this many, how many more are out there? Maybe, "Backward turn backward, oh time in the flight. Make me a child again, just for tonight," is not a good thing for way too many children.
The World Series, football ratings, basketball, new movies, new records out, what's on TV ............. really important, while we have this going on.
Child Prostitutes Rescued By FBI, Police
Slavery In The Suburbs
(CBS/AP) FBI officials say they have rescued 52 children in a series of raids around the country aimed at under-age prostitution.
Authorities say the youngest victim was just 10 years old. The bureau and local police officials also arrested 60 pimps during the three-day enforcement effort in 36 cities.
The raids are the latest in a long-running Operation Cross Country aimed at child prostitution rings around the country. Almost 1,600 agents and officers took part in the raids, which led to federal and state charges against a total of 691 suspects. The investigations typically target places where minors are likely to be sold for sex, including truck stops, casinos, public streets, and Internet Web sites.
In February, the FBI completed another sweep in major cities around the U.S., rescuing 48 teenage girls - some as young as 13 - whom the agency said were forced into prostitution.
The World Series, football ratings, basketball, new movies, new records out, what's on TV ............. really important, while we have this going on.
Child Prostitutes Rescued By FBI, Police
Slavery In The Suburbs
(CBS/AP) FBI officials say they have rescued 52 children in a series of raids around the country aimed at under-age prostitution.
Authorities say the youngest victim was just 10 years old. The bureau and local police officials also arrested 60 pimps during the three-day enforcement effort in 36 cities.
The raids are the latest in a long-running Operation Cross Country aimed at child prostitution rings around the country. Almost 1,600 agents and officers took part in the raids, which led to federal and state charges against a total of 691 suspects. The investigations typically target places where minors are likely to be sold for sex, including truck stops, casinos, public streets, and Internet Web sites.
In February, the FBI completed another sweep in major cities around the U.S., rescuing 48 teenage girls - some as young as 13 - whom the agency said were forced into prostitution.
academy for children,
child prostitutes,
Some company, or companies, are going to build four casinos in Ohio. I have not seen any figures on construction costs, I am going to guess 300 million for each of them, it may be more.
They say 34,000 new jobs in Ohio. WOW
The overhead, all the additional amenities needed, entertainment, food, etc.
WHERE does all the money come from to pay for all this construction, all the employees, all the overhead ........... AND, they are going to have MILLIONS left over to give back to the state. Think about this, gambling in other parts of the country is down about 30%, no prospects right now of it getting any better.
WHAT would appeal to some investors to take such a risk, to invest all these millions in CASINOS IN OHIO................. They must know something ........
WHO gets FIRST COUNT of the money in the casinos? Is the Ohio Lottery Commission capable of controlling these casinos, and 34,000 employees. What is their experience in controlling this? OH, you say, "None."
Is Federal Grant Money going to be available to help defray all these costs?
Will Government Money pay back these investors?
Will Federal Subsidy help pay the overhead costs?
Is there a Federal Casino Assistance Program available to help them out?
Millions to build them, Millions to operate them, and they are going to give Millions back to the State of Ohio ......... GOSH ........... that's a lot of money, where is it all going to come from ...............
YOU, YOU, YOU, the poor pathetic OHIO taxpayer who thinks he is going to get rich, and win an UNLIMITED amount of money, or become addicted to gambling. Well, don't these citizens have a chance of winning ............. NO, because they have to pay back those investors, and all the employees, and all the overhead.
Flipping a coin, 50/50 chance of winning. They don't flip coins in a casino, they don't like the odds ............... THEY don't have an "edge."
Casino odds are calculated to take your money ..........
So, who is paying for all this .......... THE OHIO TAXPAYER and WAGE EARNER.... just think of all the money that has to be LOST in the casinos of Ohio .... BILLIONS.
And the FOP thinks this is a good idea, wonder who got to them and how much it cost. Some politicians think this is a good idea. No brainer there, we know how easy they can be bought off.
My guess is there are a lot of new boats anchored on Lake Erie, or some new condominiums being occupied somewhere, all owned by supporters of Casino Gambling in Ohio.
"What's earned in Ohio, gets LOST in Ohio."
They say 34,000 new jobs in Ohio. WOW
The overhead, all the additional amenities needed, entertainment, food, etc.
WHERE does all the money come from to pay for all this construction, all the employees, all the overhead ........... AND, they are going to have MILLIONS left over to give back to the state. Think about this, gambling in other parts of the country is down about 30%, no prospects right now of it getting any better.
WHAT would appeal to some investors to take such a risk, to invest all these millions in CASINOS IN OHIO................. They must know something ........
WHO gets FIRST COUNT of the money in the casinos? Is the Ohio Lottery Commission capable of controlling these casinos, and 34,000 employees. What is their experience in controlling this? OH, you say, "None."
Is Federal Grant Money going to be available to help defray all these costs?
Will Government Money pay back these investors?
Will Federal Subsidy help pay the overhead costs?
Is there a Federal Casino Assistance Program available to help them out?
Millions to build them, Millions to operate them, and they are going to give Millions back to the State of Ohio ......... GOSH ........... that's a lot of money, where is it all going to come from ...............
YOU, YOU, YOU, the poor pathetic OHIO taxpayer who thinks he is going to get rich, and win an UNLIMITED amount of money, or become addicted to gambling. Well, don't these citizens have a chance of winning ............. NO, because they have to pay back those investors, and all the employees, and all the overhead.
Flipping a coin, 50/50 chance of winning. They don't flip coins in a casino, they don't like the odds ............... THEY don't have an "edge."
Casino odds are calculated to take your money ..........
So, who is paying for all this .......... THE OHIO TAXPAYER and WAGE EARNER.... just think of all the money that has to be LOST in the casinos of Ohio .... BILLIONS.
And the FOP thinks this is a good idea, wonder who got to them and how much it cost. Some politicians think this is a good idea. No brainer there, we know how easy they can be bought off.
My guess is there are a lot of new boats anchored on Lake Erie, or some new condominiums being occupied somewhere, all owned by supporters of Casino Gambling in Ohio.
"What's earned in Ohio, gets LOST in Ohio."
THREE other blogs ...........
Thanks for asking .... I do have some other blogs but do not work on them as frequently .... here are three of them ...............
fire damaage,
nevada club,
water damage
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday Morning Reflections - 10/25
Michigan State had a heartbreaking loss last night to Iowa. They felt they had won it, with 2 seconds to go ..... Iowa got a TD and won the game. It still amazes me how two teams can play head to head for three quarters, implement the PREVENT DEFENSE, and each team scores in the last couple of minutes of the game. I have always wondered what they are "preventing." Same thing in basketball.
Speaking of football, I believe that an intentional SPEAR with the helmet, especially followed by provoking, threatening gestures over the motionless body, should be followed by EJECTION from the game. It is obvious the intent of the defensive player, knock out the opponent. How is that different from Assault and Battery? The coach that tolerates it from his players should be punished also.
I must admit I have not followed the news much this week. What little I heard sounded somewhat like what we heard last week, and the week before that. I still question why a man with no military experience whatsoever, can dictate what happens on the field of battle. Why do we have generals? A man with little to no experience, happens to get elected to a high office, and that makes him qualified to make decisions pertaining to anything.
Proposed health care ..... From what I have read, the most important tool in preventing Breast Cancer is catching it early, with X-ray exams. It is important that each and every woman have an exam in the recommended time frames. BUT, the new health care proposal, as I read it, does away with that. And that makes good sense, how?
In my advanced retirement age, with little to nothing to do, and nothing pressing at all, in my mind I try to connect days to recollections of good things in the past, and relate them to today. For example. Wow, Saturday, a day off, try to get all these things done today. Wash the car, to do list, get motivated to get things done, just like I used to do. Sunday.... a day with nothing to do, rest and relax and watch some football on the TV.
Weekdays are harder. Monday, wash day, Mom always did the wash on Monday. She had a wringer washer and a two tub wash sink. Put in hot water and soap, sort the clothes, whites and colors. I forget how she timed the wash cycle, maybe she just knew when the washing was done. Then, put the wringer in position, run the clothes threw, into the first wash tub. As I recall she generally got to loads washed before changing the water.
Then, move the washer and wringer so that it was between tub one and tub two. Tub two was the finished rinse, always clean water. From there, after the second rinse, through the wringer again and into the clothes basket. (I still have that basket somewhere, I think it goes back to the 20's). Then the clothes were hung out on the line to dry. Economical, people may have to get back to that form of washing and drying, out in the sun, what a concept. If the sky got cloudy, you had to run out and get the clothes in before the rain.
We had a neighbor years ago, a General Motors Plant Manager who almost became head of General Motors. (They retired him instead, he had a habit of expecting those under him to work hard. He even had some co-patents with Charles Kettering, and had many patents under his name.) On Monday morning he could be found doing his wash, for his family of five, in his garage .... he considered it "quality time" and a good time to clear his head, and make major decisions. When we first moved out there, all of the homes had a great mound of dirt in their backyards. All the neighbors hired bulldozers to come in and level the mounds. Not him, he got a wheelbarrow and a shovel, moved the mountain himself, which he did.
I also remember one Sunday morning, he was at the top of a giant tree in his front yard, trimming the branches. Someone with GM saw him. Shortly, there was a truck or two, many workers, up in his tree doing the work, and he was on the ground watching them. Needless to say, a hard worker, no wonder he became so successful with GM.
One more indicdent. We were visiting next door at their house one evening, I think they were playing Canasta, and I was visiting with his kids. Phone rang, it was for him. We were enthralled with the conversation. He had invented, or been a part of a team that invented, hydraulic landing gear for airplanes. He was talking with the pilot, made some suggestions, pause here and there. I remember him telling the pilot, "Go ahead and land, the indicator light is not working." He was right.
Incidentally, he worked his way through college to become an Engineer, while working at Delco, a co-op high school, and eventually the University of Cincinnati. He was given a prestigious award by an Engineers Club, his acceptance: "Each of us reacts to change differently. It stimulates some and disturbs others. Change takes us from the security of the known to the uncertainty of the unknown. It lifts us out of the easy chair of complacency and spurs us to new competitive heights. There is nothing like a competitor's success to drive us to find a better product or a better way."
Speaking of football, I believe that an intentional SPEAR with the helmet, especially followed by provoking, threatening gestures over the motionless body, should be followed by EJECTION from the game. It is obvious the intent of the defensive player, knock out the opponent. How is that different from Assault and Battery? The coach that tolerates it from his players should be punished also.
I must admit I have not followed the news much this week. What little I heard sounded somewhat like what we heard last week, and the week before that. I still question why a man with no military experience whatsoever, can dictate what happens on the field of battle. Why do we have generals? A man with little to no experience, happens to get elected to a high office, and that makes him qualified to make decisions pertaining to anything.
Proposed health care ..... From what I have read, the most important tool in preventing Breast Cancer is catching it early, with X-ray exams. It is important that each and every woman have an exam in the recommended time frames. BUT, the new health care proposal, as I read it, does away with that. And that makes good sense, how?
In my advanced retirement age, with little to nothing to do, and nothing pressing at all, in my mind I try to connect days to recollections of good things in the past, and relate them to today. For example. Wow, Saturday, a day off, try to get all these things done today. Wash the car, to do list, get motivated to get things done, just like I used to do. Sunday.... a day with nothing to do, rest and relax and watch some football on the TV.
Weekdays are harder. Monday, wash day, Mom always did the wash on Monday. She had a wringer washer and a two tub wash sink. Put in hot water and soap, sort the clothes, whites and colors. I forget how she timed the wash cycle, maybe she just knew when the washing was done. Then, put the wringer in position, run the clothes threw, into the first wash tub. As I recall she generally got to loads washed before changing the water.
Then, move the washer and wringer so that it was between tub one and tub two. Tub two was the finished rinse, always clean water. From there, after the second rinse, through the wringer again and into the clothes basket. (I still have that basket somewhere, I think it goes back to the 20's). Then the clothes were hung out on the line to dry. Economical, people may have to get back to that form of washing and drying, out in the sun, what a concept. If the sky got cloudy, you had to run out and get the clothes in before the rain.
We had a neighbor years ago, a General Motors Plant Manager who almost became head of General Motors. (They retired him instead, he had a habit of expecting those under him to work hard. He even had some co-patents with Charles Kettering, and had many patents under his name.) On Monday morning he could be found doing his wash, for his family of five, in his garage .... he considered it "quality time" and a good time to clear his head, and make major decisions. When we first moved out there, all of the homes had a great mound of dirt in their backyards. All the neighbors hired bulldozers to come in and level the mounds. Not him, he got a wheelbarrow and a shovel, moved the mountain himself, which he did.
I also remember one Sunday morning, he was at the top of a giant tree in his front yard, trimming the branches. Someone with GM saw him. Shortly, there was a truck or two, many workers, up in his tree doing the work, and he was on the ground watching them. Needless to say, a hard worker, no wonder he became so successful with GM.
One more indicdent. We were visiting next door at their house one evening, I think they were playing Canasta, and I was visiting with his kids. Phone rang, it was for him. We were enthralled with the conversation. He had invented, or been a part of a team that invented, hydraulic landing gear for airplanes. He was talking with the pilot, made some suggestions, pause here and there. I remember him telling the pilot, "Go ahead and land, the indicator light is not working." He was right.
Incidentally, he worked his way through college to become an Engineer, while working at Delco, a co-op high school, and eventually the University of Cincinnati. He was given a prestigious award by an Engineers Club, his acceptance: "Each of us reacts to change differently. It stimulates some and disturbs others. Change takes us from the security of the known to the uncertainty of the unknown. It lifts us out of the easy chair of complacency and spurs us to new competitive heights. There is nothing like a competitor's success to drive us to find a better product or a better way."
Friday, October 23, 2009
Newark Councilman has the solution ............
A recent incident at an Arizona race track, triggered a unique idea in the fertile mind of a Newark, Ohio City Councilman. North Newark has been plagued recently by Coyotes killing animals, and it has become quite a problem.
The Councilman read this article:
Brad Coleman, a driver for Joe Gibbs racing was traveling at 190 mph when he saw a coyote a mere 100 feet away. With no possible way of slowing down to save the creature, the driver ran it over. To his surprise he couldn't figure our where it went. He describes the incident,
“It just started smoking like crazy. And it smelled terrible. I didn’t see anything in the mirror, so I was like, ‘I wonder where it went?’".
The perceptive Councilman contacted a number of area businessmen and plans are underway to start construction of a new racetrack in the general area of the Coyote problem.
The area is located near a soccer field, some farmland, and an ice skating rink. The Councilman was quoted as saying, "We can use that ice facility to store the dead animals until proper disposal procedures can be arranged."
The area is also experiencing an over population of deer, and it is hoped that the noise and traffic will also interest the deer to wonder on to the track.
The Gibbs Race Team is in the process of designing a new front end for their race cars, similar to the ones used by locomotives many years ago. With no additional front end protection, many of the cars running in Arizona have been demolished.
Gibbs stated, "Hitting a coyote at 190 miles per hour is bad enough, but if they think we can help diminish their deer population by hitting a 200 pound deer at that speed they are mistaken."
The finished plans are being drawn up, and will be made public soon.
The Councilman read this article:
Brad Coleman, a driver for Joe Gibbs racing was traveling at 190 mph when he saw a coyote a mere 100 feet away. With no possible way of slowing down to save the creature, the driver ran it over. To his surprise he couldn't figure our where it went. He describes the incident,
“It just started smoking like crazy. And it smelled terrible. I didn’t see anything in the mirror, so I was like, ‘I wonder where it went?’".
The perceptive Councilman contacted a number of area businessmen and plans are underway to start construction of a new racetrack in the general area of the Coyote problem.
The area is located near a soccer field, some farmland, and an ice skating rink. The Councilman was quoted as saying, "We can use that ice facility to store the dead animals until proper disposal procedures can be arranged."
The area is also experiencing an over population of deer, and it is hoped that the noise and traffic will also interest the deer to wonder on to the track.
The Gibbs Race Team is in the process of designing a new front end for their race cars, similar to the ones used by locomotives many years ago. With no additional front end protection, many of the cars running in Arizona have been demolished.
Gibbs stated, "Hitting a coyote at 190 miles per hour is bad enough, but if they think we can help diminish their deer population by hitting a 200 pound deer at that speed they are mistaken."
The finished plans are being drawn up, and will be made public soon.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
"Backward, turn backward ..................."
For me, the world I live in has come around gradually. I remember some of the 30's, getting Borden's Milk and White's Bakery delivering bread and pastries in a horse drawn wagon to our front door. I remember the ice man going down our alley delivering ice to those who still used the old icebox.
I remember our neighbor, Mr. Guild, sending someone down to the nearest bar with a clean glass gallon jug to get him a gallon of draft beer. I remember buying all our groceries from Earl's, across the street, a neighborhood grocer. We never drove to a store, we had Earl's and one block down, Milletts Delicatessen. We still had a trolley going down Brown Street, on the tracks in the middle of the street.
On a number of occasions I walked, with my brother, past the bike shop of the Wright Brothers, often saw Charles Kettering, who invented the self starter for the automobile, and lived not to far from the National Cash Register Company, who manufactured equipment for world wide distribution of cash registers.
We listened to the radio, had two newspapers delivered, a morning and an evening paper. I remember my Dad thoroughly going over the paper and listening to H. V. Kaltenborne and Walter Winchell. We listened to Peter Grant doing the news from WLW in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Breakfast Club came to us from Chicago every morning. I liked being sick, sometimes, and staying home from school, and listening to the "soaps," Stella Dallas and Ma Perkins, Love of Life and a whole day full of "radio images."
I went to bed around nine at night, sometimes on the weekend stayed up till ten. I remember one year, trying to stay up, till midnight, it was almost sinful. I remember how daring that was. Almost as daring as being dared to dip a radish, in dirt, and eat it. I thought I might die from that, I still remember the crunch when I tried to chew it.
Two real treats I remember from those days. Some evenings, after my Father, who was a Doctor in General Practice saw his last patient, we would drive across town, to Somerlots Pharmacy, and have a chocolate soda. I remember too, the time we drove out South, through Oakwood, to Stroop Road, a new concept, a drive-in, the Custola. They had a new frozen ice cream treat, hamburgers and hot dogs. My first drive-in hamburger. We sat in the car, a Packard Clipper, and a girl took our order and put a tray on the window, and we ate in the car. Will never forget that hamburger, none has tasted as good since.
And in grade school, I still remember the day that my Captain Midnight Decoder Ring came. There was something going on at Emerson Junior High School that I was attending, I think a basketball game, and Mom and Dad were also going to the game. That was the day my Decoder Ring came, and Mom brought it to me at school.
I remember the day they bombed Pearl Harbor, and have a youthful knowledge of WWII. I was a Junior Commando, planted a Victory Garden in our small back yard, collected pods of some kind that they wove in to material for parachutes, saved grease, and collected scrap metal. I remember our Ration Cards, and the C sticker on Dad's car, which enabled him to get more gasoline because he was a Doctor and made house calls and had to drive to the hospital. I had my name painted on a B-25 bomber for something I did.
I got through childhood, high school, a few years at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, four years in the Navy, and all I have seen and heard and experienced since then.
And today, I sit quietly, in awe, of the news on television. All that is going on domestically and around the world, children kidnapped and murdered, suicide bombings, war, and I am even frightened for my future, with all the pro and con of health care and all that is going on internally, here in this country. I often think that in one day, today, there is more on the news to be frightened of, than all my previous years on this planet.
Life used to be so simple. I had the advantage of youthful innocence, but we didn't live under the threats and stress that we do today.
"Backward turn backward, Oh time in thy flight. Make my a boy again, just for tonight."
I remember our neighbor, Mr. Guild, sending someone down to the nearest bar with a clean glass gallon jug to get him a gallon of draft beer. I remember buying all our groceries from Earl's, across the street, a neighborhood grocer. We never drove to a store, we had Earl's and one block down, Milletts Delicatessen. We still had a trolley going down Brown Street, on the tracks in the middle of the street.
On a number of occasions I walked, with my brother, past the bike shop of the Wright Brothers, often saw Charles Kettering, who invented the self starter for the automobile, and lived not to far from the National Cash Register Company, who manufactured equipment for world wide distribution of cash registers.
We listened to the radio, had two newspapers delivered, a morning and an evening paper. I remember my Dad thoroughly going over the paper and listening to H. V. Kaltenborne and Walter Winchell. We listened to Peter Grant doing the news from WLW in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Breakfast Club came to us from Chicago every morning. I liked being sick, sometimes, and staying home from school, and listening to the "soaps," Stella Dallas and Ma Perkins, Love of Life and a whole day full of "radio images."
I went to bed around nine at night, sometimes on the weekend stayed up till ten. I remember one year, trying to stay up, till midnight, it was almost sinful. I remember how daring that was. Almost as daring as being dared to dip a radish, in dirt, and eat it. I thought I might die from that, I still remember the crunch when I tried to chew it.
Two real treats I remember from those days. Some evenings, after my Father, who was a Doctor in General Practice saw his last patient, we would drive across town, to Somerlots Pharmacy, and have a chocolate soda. I remember too, the time we drove out South, through Oakwood, to Stroop Road, a new concept, a drive-in, the Custola. They had a new frozen ice cream treat, hamburgers and hot dogs. My first drive-in hamburger. We sat in the car, a Packard Clipper, and a girl took our order and put a tray on the window, and we ate in the car. Will never forget that hamburger, none has tasted as good since.
And in grade school, I still remember the day that my Captain Midnight Decoder Ring came. There was something going on at Emerson Junior High School that I was attending, I think a basketball game, and Mom and Dad were also going to the game. That was the day my Decoder Ring came, and Mom brought it to me at school.
I remember the day they bombed Pearl Harbor, and have a youthful knowledge of WWII. I was a Junior Commando, planted a Victory Garden in our small back yard, collected pods of some kind that they wove in to material for parachutes, saved grease, and collected scrap metal. I remember our Ration Cards, and the C sticker on Dad's car, which enabled him to get more gasoline because he was a Doctor and made house calls and had to drive to the hospital. I had my name painted on a B-25 bomber for something I did.
I got through childhood, high school, a few years at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, four years in the Navy, and all I have seen and heard and experienced since then.
And today, I sit quietly, in awe, of the news on television. All that is going on domestically and around the world, children kidnapped and murdered, suicide bombings, war, and I am even frightened for my future, with all the pro and con of health care and all that is going on internally, here in this country. I often think that in one day, today, there is more on the news to be frightened of, than all my previous years on this planet.
Life used to be so simple. I had the advantage of youthful innocence, but we didn't live under the threats and stress that we do today.
"Backward turn backward, Oh time in thy flight. Make my a boy again, just for tonight."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Perfect Pet
A man went into a pet shop and told the owner that he wanted to buy a pet. But, he didn't want your ordinary, garden variety pet! No, he wanted a pet that could do everything!
The shop owner suggested a faithful dog.
The man replied, "Come on, a dog?"
The owner said, "How about a cat?"
The man replied, "No way! A cat certainly can't do everything. I want a pet that can do everything!"
The shop owner thought for a minute, then said, "I've got it! A centipede!"
The man said, "A centipede? I can't imagine a centipede doing everything, but okay... I'll try a centipede." So he got the centipede home and said to the centipede, "Clean the kitchen."
Thirty minutes later, he walked into the kitchen and... it was immaculate! All the dishes and silverware were washed, dried, and put away; the counter-tops cleaned; the
appliances sparkling; the floor waxed. He was absolutely amazed.
He then said to the centipede, "Go clean the living room." Twenty minutes later, he walked into the living room. The carpet has been vacuumed; the furniture cleaned and dusted; the pillows on the sofa plumped; and the plants watered.
The man thought to himself, "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. This really is a pet that can do everything!"
Next he says to the centipede, "Run down to the corner and get me a newspaper."
The centipede walks out the door. 10 minutes later... no centipede. 20 minutes later... no centipede. 30 minutes later... no centipede.
By this point the man was wondering what was going on. The centipede should have been back in a couple of minutes.
45 minutes later... still no centipede! He couldn't imagine what had happened. Did the centipede run away? Did it get run over by a car? Where was that centipede?
So he went to the front door, opened it ... and there was the centipede sitting right outside.
The man said, "Hey!!! I sent you down to the corner store 45minutes ago to get me a newspaper. What happened?!"
The centipede says, "I'm goin'! I'm goin'! I'm just puttin' on my shoes!"
The shop owner suggested a faithful dog.
The man replied, "Come on, a dog?"
The owner said, "How about a cat?"
The man replied, "No way! A cat certainly can't do everything. I want a pet that can do everything!"
The shop owner thought for a minute, then said, "I've got it! A centipede!"
The man said, "A centipede? I can't imagine a centipede doing everything, but okay... I'll try a centipede." So he got the centipede home and said to the centipede, "Clean the kitchen."
Thirty minutes later, he walked into the kitchen and... it was immaculate! All the dishes and silverware were washed, dried, and put away; the counter-tops cleaned; the
appliances sparkling; the floor waxed. He was absolutely amazed.
He then said to the centipede, "Go clean the living room." Twenty minutes later, he walked into the living room. The carpet has been vacuumed; the furniture cleaned and dusted; the pillows on the sofa plumped; and the plants watered.
The man thought to himself, "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. This really is a pet that can do everything!"
Next he says to the centipede, "Run down to the corner and get me a newspaper."
The centipede walks out the door. 10 minutes later... no centipede. 20 minutes later... no centipede. 30 minutes later... no centipede.
By this point the man was wondering what was going on. The centipede should have been back in a couple of minutes.
45 minutes later... still no centipede! He couldn't imagine what had happened. Did the centipede run away? Did it get run over by a car? Where was that centipede?
So he went to the front door, opened it ... and there was the centipede sitting right outside.
The man said, "Hey!!! I sent you down to the corner store 45minutes ago to get me a newspaper. What happened?!"
The centipede says, "I'm goin'! I'm goin'! I'm just puttin' on my shoes!"
Monday, October 19, 2009
Birthday Update
An unknown said I should do an update on my Birthday Results ...............
People who know me, well, they know I exaggerate, stretch the truth, make stuff up, etc., etc., etc.,
We had a nice dinner at my daughters house, I heard from every offspring, got a great fruit basket from one, money from some, to buy what I wanted, and all in all, it was a 100% successful day.
I got a card from a best friend from my Navy days who called me .... had not heard from him since 1954, heard from good friends in Florida, and old number 77 goes down in my highlight reels.
I was not neglected or abused in any way. I did get a few complaints that I did not put up a BIRTHDAY WEBSITE this year ..... will take care of that next year .....
So to the unknown, it worked out well, take what I say here with a grain of salt, or two, but thanks for reading my blog.
People who know me, well, they know I exaggerate, stretch the truth, make stuff up, etc., etc., etc.,
We had a nice dinner at my daughters house, I heard from every offspring, got a great fruit basket from one, money from some, to buy what I wanted, and all in all, it was a 100% successful day.
I got a card from a best friend from my Navy days who called me .... had not heard from him since 1954, heard from good friends in Florida, and old number 77 goes down in my highlight reels.
I was not neglected or abused in any way. I did get a few complaints that I did not put up a BIRTHDAY WEBSITE this year ..... will take care of that next year .....
So to the unknown, it worked out well, take what I say here with a grain of salt, or two, but thanks for reading my blog.
Now I know... how it feels ............
I have listened to news stories for years, a shooting, people afraid to go out on the street, elderly are almost hostages in their apartments because of crime on the streets. I never really payed any attention to them much.
I got a taste of it last night, right here in our Coventry Apartment, in the North end of Newark, Ohio.
Marilyn, my wife, had Caleb, our dog, on his leash, ready for his evening walk. She was only gone a few minutes and came back in. It was dark outside, and the "coyote" fear had taken over. I knew how she felt.
"Do you want to walk him?"
"No, I don't think so!"
In this day and age, we are afraid to leave our apartment at night, because of COYOTES.
I now have experienced that fear. I think my advanced age had something to do with it, but now, we both have a fear of leaving our apartment, at night.
The older I get, the more I sympathize, with people, who have experienced one emotion or another, in one situation or another.
Now, I know how it feels, I have experienced it.
I got a taste of it last night, right here in our Coventry Apartment, in the North end of Newark, Ohio.
Marilyn, my wife, had Caleb, our dog, on his leash, ready for his evening walk. She was only gone a few minutes and came back in. It was dark outside, and the "coyote" fear had taken over. I knew how she felt.
"Do you want to walk him?"
"No, I don't think so!"
In this day and age, we are afraid to leave our apartment at night, because of COYOTES.
I now have experienced that fear. I think my advanced age had something to do with it, but now, we both have a fear of leaving our apartment, at night.
The older I get, the more I sympathize, with people, who have experienced one emotion or another, in one situation or another.
Now, I know how it feels, I have experienced it.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
As odd as it may seem, coyotes are showing up in cities with surprising frequency, abandoning their natural habitat for the comforts of city and suburban living. Often disparaging animals have no intention of abandoning their new habitats. Why are coyotes moving into urban areas, and how can people get along with their wild neighbors?
Experts chalk up the higher numbers of coyotes to a decrease in the number of people hunting coyotes for their pelts and the near-extermination of wolves--coyotes' natural enemy.
The key to coyotes' success, says Gehrt, is their adaptability. "Coyotes love to hunt in their natural habitat, but they're not dependent upon it," he says. The animals are opportunistic feeders and are just as likely to eat food and garbage left outdoors as eat traditional prey.
Despite living in close proximity, people and coyotes rarely encounter each other. That's because coyotes are primarily nocturnal. They hide during the day and come out after dusk.
Coyotes also have a natural fear of humans and will do their best to avoid them. So although the animals commonly live in urban and suburban areas, most people aren't even aware that they're there.
Gehrt, who has been studying coyotes in the Chicago metropolitan area “Chicagoland” redirects here. For for the racing venue, see Chicagoland Speedway.
These techniques have enabled Gehrt to learn all about one collared female coyote that has otherwise lived undetected near a bustling suburban post office. "Hundreds of people pass by on a daily basis and have no idea she's there," he says.
As quiet animals that keep to themselves, coyotes sound like good neighbors. So should people be wary of living with them?
As long as people leave coyotes alone, scientists say they have little to fear. But problems can arise when people start to interfere with wild coyotes' natural habits.
Paul Krausman, a professor of wildlife conservation at the University explains that some people accidentally attract coyotes by leaving pet food or garbage outdoors. Others, hoping to catch a glimpse Verb 1. catch a glimpse - see something for a brief time catch sight, get a look
Once coyotes begin to associate people with food sources, they lose their natural fear of humans. When this happens, coyotes run the risk of becoming nuisance animals that may have to be relocated or even destroyed to prevent negative interactions with people.
"We're essentially setting the table for them and then saying that they're not invited," says Krausman. "We have to understand that these are wild animals WILD ANIMALS. Animals in a state of nature; animals ferae naturae. Vide Animals; Ferae naturae. . Our help isn't in coyotes' best interests."
According to wildlife experts, education is vital if people and coyotes are to live peacefully together. "Coyotes are our neighbors," says Gehrt. "But what kind of neighbors coyotes are going to be depends on us."
Coyotes are wild animals and should be treated that way. Here are some tips to help people and coyotes coexist peacefully:
* DO NOT feed coyotes. Keep all pet food and water inside at night, and secure your garbage cans.
* Always keep your pets on a leash. Do not leave cats and small dogs outside at night.
* Do not tolerate coyotes that enter your yard. Scare them away by yelling, waving your arms, or banging pots and pans.
* Where do coyotes live? What do they eat?
* How might you react if you were to see a coyote in your neighborhood?
* Coyotes are monogamous; they mate for life. Coyote parents raise their pups together until the babies are approximately one year old.
* Coyote pups are born blind. They open their eyes to see when they are about 10 days old.
* Coyotes can live for up to 10 years in the wild and 18 years in captivity. Approximately 30 to 50 percent of all adult coyotes die each year. Many die from disease, starvation, and predation predation
Form of food getting in which one animal, the predator, eats an animal of another species, the prey, immediately after killing it or, in some cases, while it is still alive. Most predators are generalists; they eat a variety of prey species. . But most coyote deaths are due to human activities, including hunting, trapping, and vehicle collisions.
* Coyotes are canids, or members of the dog family, which includes wolves, jackals, dogs, and foxes. Canis Latrans, the Latin name for coyote, means "barking dog."
* What wild animals have you seen living near your home? Which of these might be considered nuisance animals? What attracts these animals to your area?
Today, coyotes are found in every U.S. state except Hawaii.
Experts chalk up the higher numbers of coyotes to a decrease in the number of people hunting coyotes for their pelts and the near-extermination of wolves--coyotes' natural enemy.
The key to coyotes' success, says Gehrt, is their adaptability. "Coyotes love to hunt in their natural habitat, but they're not dependent upon it," he says. The animals are opportunistic feeders and are just as likely to eat food and garbage left outdoors as eat traditional prey.
Despite living in close proximity, people and coyotes rarely encounter each other. That's because coyotes are primarily nocturnal. They hide during the day and come out after dusk.
Coyotes also have a natural fear of humans and will do their best to avoid them. So although the animals commonly live in urban and suburban areas, most people aren't even aware that they're there.
Gehrt, who has been studying coyotes in the Chicago metropolitan area “Chicagoland” redirects here. For for the racing venue, see Chicagoland Speedway.
These techniques have enabled Gehrt to learn all about one collared female coyote that has otherwise lived undetected near a bustling suburban post office. "Hundreds of people pass by on a daily basis and have no idea she's there," he says.
As quiet animals that keep to themselves, coyotes sound like good neighbors. So should people be wary of living with them?
As long as people leave coyotes alone, scientists say they have little to fear. But problems can arise when people start to interfere with wild coyotes' natural habits.
Paul Krausman, a professor of wildlife conservation at the University explains that some people accidentally attract coyotes by leaving pet food or garbage outdoors. Others, hoping to catch a glimpse Verb 1. catch a glimpse - see something for a brief time catch sight, get a look
Once coyotes begin to associate people with food sources, they lose their natural fear of humans. When this happens, coyotes run the risk of becoming nuisance animals that may have to be relocated or even destroyed to prevent negative interactions with people.
"We're essentially setting the table for them and then saying that they're not invited," says Krausman. "We have to understand that these are wild animals WILD ANIMALS. Animals in a state of nature; animals ferae naturae. Vide Animals; Ferae naturae. . Our help isn't in coyotes' best interests."
According to wildlife experts, education is vital if people and coyotes are to live peacefully together. "Coyotes are our neighbors," says Gehrt. "But what kind of neighbors coyotes are going to be depends on us."
Coyotes are wild animals and should be treated that way. Here are some tips to help people and coyotes coexist peacefully:
* DO NOT feed coyotes. Keep all pet food and water inside at night, and secure your garbage cans.
* Always keep your pets on a leash. Do not leave cats and small dogs outside at night.
* Do not tolerate coyotes that enter your yard. Scare them away by yelling, waving your arms, or banging pots and pans.
* Where do coyotes live? What do they eat?
* How might you react if you were to see a coyote in your neighborhood?
* Coyotes are monogamous; they mate for life. Coyote parents raise their pups together until the babies are approximately one year old.
* Coyote pups are born blind. They open their eyes to see when they are about 10 days old.
* Coyotes can live for up to 10 years in the wild and 18 years in captivity. Approximately 30 to 50 percent of all adult coyotes die each year. Many die from disease, starvation, and predation predation
Form of food getting in which one animal, the predator, eats an animal of another species, the prey, immediately after killing it or, in some cases, while it is still alive. Most predators are generalists; they eat a variety of prey species. . But most coyote deaths are due to human activities, including hunting, trapping, and vehicle collisions.
* Coyotes are canids, or members of the dog family, which includes wolves, jackals, dogs, and foxes. Canis Latrans, the Latin name for coyote, means "barking dog."
* What wild animals have you seen living near your home? Which of these might be considered nuisance animals? What attracts these animals to your area?
Today, coyotes are found in every U.S. state except Hawaii.
Coyotes in Newark, Ohio
I have lived in remote areas in California, Nevada and Oregon. Spent a lot of time in Northern Michigan, never had any problem.
I now live in a densely populated area in Newark, Ohio. We have a small dog, Caleb. We live in the Coventry Apartments, I know the man quite well who lost his dog, just got done talking with him outside, as a matter of fact. In Today's News .........
NEWARK, Ohio—Residents in Newark are being advised by police to keep small pets indoors when possible and in sight and under control when they are out of doors.
The alert was issued in the wake of a fatal attack by a coyote Thursday night on a small dog.
The attack occurred Thursday night between 8 and 8:30 p.m. near the Coventry Apartments on Newark’s North Side.
The pet’s owner saw a coyote and saw the wild animal seize the dog, but the dog was not on a leash, and the owner could not rescue the pet Pekingese. The remains were not recovered.
Police say there have been several sightings of coyotes, either alone or in a group, but no other reports of any other attacks on animals.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is working with police to try to capture the coyotes.
If anyone sees the coyotes, they should contact Newark Police immediately at 740-670-7201.
Police advise against approaching any coyote and suggest that children should be removed from the area where a coyote is spotted.
With all the things we to worry about in this day and age, now coyotes.
I was just talking with some neighbors outside ........... now we know what has happened to a few cats that are missing, some rabbits that used to bother Caleb on his walks, gone ... one neighbor saw four coyotes in her front yard one morning, I think that explains some of Caleb's unexplained barking in the middle of the night.
Oddly enough, we don't walk Caleb at night anymore, just during the day.
A Coyote problem in Newark, Ohio ...... what's next?
I now live in a densely populated area in Newark, Ohio. We have a small dog, Caleb. We live in the Coventry Apartments, I know the man quite well who lost his dog, just got done talking with him outside, as a matter of fact. In Today's News .........
NEWARK, Ohio—Residents in Newark are being advised by police to keep small pets indoors when possible and in sight and under control when they are out of doors.
The alert was issued in the wake of a fatal attack by a coyote Thursday night on a small dog.
The attack occurred Thursday night between 8 and 8:30 p.m. near the Coventry Apartments on Newark’s North Side.
The pet’s owner saw a coyote and saw the wild animal seize the dog, but the dog was not on a leash, and the owner could not rescue the pet Pekingese. The remains were not recovered.
Police say there have been several sightings of coyotes, either alone or in a group, but no other reports of any other attacks on animals.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is working with police to try to capture the coyotes.
If anyone sees the coyotes, they should contact Newark Police immediately at 740-670-7201.
Police advise against approaching any coyote and suggest that children should be removed from the area where a coyote is spotted.
With all the things we to worry about in this day and age, now coyotes.
I was just talking with some neighbors outside ........... now we know what has happened to a few cats that are missing, some rabbits that used to bother Caleb on his walks, gone ... one neighbor saw four coyotes in her front yard one morning, I think that explains some of Caleb's unexplained barking in the middle of the night.
Oddly enough, we don't walk Caleb at night anymore, just during the day.
A Coyote problem in Newark, Ohio ...... what's next?
Sunday Morning Reflections
Sunday morning, having a cup of coffee, was sitting in the living room with my TV tuner in hand, looking for something to watch. Going from one station to another, one thing jumps out at me. It is 9:50 and there are commercials on every channel. One channel looked like it had something of interest to me, some WWII footage of the Russian Front, but there were seven commercials in a row.
One channel did not have commercials, the Big Ten Network, had a football game, Indiana and Illinois, which I saw yesterday, but started to watch it again.
TV, music, movies and sports, about 99 percent of our lives anymore, and the purpose of each is to give our minds, a vacation, fill all that empty time space we have.
I guess it all started, many years ago, with conversations, people just talking. Saturday nights on the square, visiting with friends and neighbors. Books came along very early, reading. Then, radio, followed by TV, and we could all mentally masturbate to our hearts content. It all comes under the heading of ENTERTAINMENT, we have to, somehow, be mentally entertained during all our waking hours. There are no longer any "quiet" places for us.
It is quiet, in this room right now, an occasional car going by, some ringing in my left ear, not sure what that is, but in the background, the Indiana/Illinois game. I am not watching it, but somehow I feel better with the TV on. Don't know why.
As an experiment, I went out and turned the TV off. I am now sitting here, quietly, a little noise from the keys on the laptop, especially the space bar, surrounded by LED's from telephones, computers, the wireless router, the printer, the extension cords and that ringing in my left ear.
The sun is out in Ohio this morning, leaves are turning, a little chill in the air, a beautiful day.
It is nice, just sitting here, being ............... quiet.
Can't take it anymore, have to go watch that game, again.
One channel did not have commercials, the Big Ten Network, had a football game, Indiana and Illinois, which I saw yesterday, but started to watch it again.
TV, music, movies and sports, about 99 percent of our lives anymore, and the purpose of each is to give our minds, a vacation, fill all that empty time space we have.
I guess it all started, many years ago, with conversations, people just talking. Saturday nights on the square, visiting with friends and neighbors. Books came along very early, reading. Then, radio, followed by TV, and we could all mentally masturbate to our hearts content. It all comes under the heading of ENTERTAINMENT, we have to, somehow, be mentally entertained during all our waking hours. There are no longer any "quiet" places for us.
It is quiet, in this room right now, an occasional car going by, some ringing in my left ear, not sure what that is, but in the background, the Indiana/Illinois game. I am not watching it, but somehow I feel better with the TV on. Don't know why.
As an experiment, I went out and turned the TV off. I am now sitting here, quietly, a little noise from the keys on the laptop, especially the space bar, surrounded by LED's from telephones, computers, the wireless router, the printer, the extension cords and that ringing in my left ear.
The sun is out in Ohio this morning, leaves are turning, a little chill in the air, a beautiful day.
It is nice, just sitting here, being ............... quiet.
Can't take it anymore, have to go watch that game, again.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Better SAFE than SORRY
-- NEW WAY TO DO CARJACKINGS (This is NOT one of my jokes)
Heads up everyone! Please, keep this circulating... You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. You start the engine and shift into Reverse.
When you look into the rear view mirror to back out of your parking space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you shift into Park, unlock your doors, and jump out of your car to remove that paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view.
When you reach the back of your car, that is when the carjackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off. They practically mow you down as they speed off in your car.
And guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car.
So now the carjacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys. Your home and your whole identity are now compromised!
If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, just drive away. Remove the paper later. And be thankful that you read this in DOOLEY OBSERVED.
I hope you will forward this to friends and family, especially to women. A purse contains all kinds of personal information and identification documents, and you certainly do NOT want this to fall into the wrong hands...
-- NEW WAY TO DO CARJACKINGS (This is NOT one of my jokes)
Heads up everyone! Please, keep this circulating... You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. You start the engine and shift into Reverse.
When you look into the rear view mirror to back out of your parking space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you shift into Park, unlock your doors, and jump out of your car to remove that paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view.
When you reach the back of your car, that is when the carjackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off. They practically mow you down as they speed off in your car.
And guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car.
So now the carjacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys. Your home and your whole identity are now compromised!
If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, just drive away. Remove the paper later. And be thankful that you read this in DOOLEY OBSERVED.
I hope you will forward this to friends and family, especially to women. A purse contains all kinds of personal information and identification documents, and you certainly do NOT want this to fall into the wrong hands...
car jacking,
car thieves,
paper in rear window,
steal your car
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday .... NO news is good news .... well
It's Friday, that's about it, nothing much to say.
Well, there is that kid that supposedly took off in a balloon and had everyone looking for him. Then, they found the balloon and no kid. He was home hiding. I remember when that first broke, someone, not sure who it was, said, "He's probably in the house hiding, he's good at that." Later, they found him, hiding in his house. Wonder why nobody looked sooner?????????????????????????
DENVER (Reuters) – A Colorado father rejected suggestions on Friday that a search-and-rescue operation triggered by fears his son had floated away in a home-made balloon was an attention-seeking hoax.
Richard Heene appeared on several morning television programs to beat back the hoax talk, fueled by 6-year-old Falcon Heene's statement that he had hidden in the family's attic on Thursday "for the show."
"Absolutely not, this is not some sort of hoax," a visibly irritated Heene said on NBC's "Today" show in an interview made more bizarre by Falcon vomiting while his father talked. (Wonder how they worked that?)
In Central Ohio, the Columbus Mayor is getting a divorce. What a shocker that was. She is an alcoholic, apparently, has been arrested for her driving, also for working at a job, apparently she was not qualified, but made good money. And her husband, the Mayor reportedly has been seen around town with other women, and some say has fathered a few eventual voters ..... now, how could a couple like that break up after 25 years. They are going to stay friends, probably something they have not been for many years.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Bank of America Corp. said Friday it lost more than $2.2 billion in the third quarter as loan losses kept rising, providing further evidence that consumers are still struggling to pay their bills.
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. military can send only about 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan in the next three months without putting excessive strains on the Army and Marine Corps , but the top Afghanistan commander has said he needs more than twice that number to have the best chance of success, military and administration officials told McClatchy .
Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal has said that even if it sent 30,000 additional troops, the U.S. would risk failure in Afghanistan under the current strategy. His resourcing plan offers President Barack Obama three options based on the estimated risk, said two U.S. military officials, who requested anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly and because the proposal remains classified.
WASHINGTON — The White House became "La Casa Blanca" on Tuesday, celebrating Hispanic musical heritage with a South Lawn concert and such guests as Gloria Estefan, George Lopez, the Bachata music group Aventura, Jose Feliciano and more.
President Barack Obama said Latin music, while hard to define because it comes in so many forms — from salsa to merengue and Bachata to reggaeton — speaks to everyone in a language they can all understand.
"It moves us, and it tends to make us move a little bit ourselves," Obama said in brief remarks before the infectious rhythms began pulsating on the White House grounds. "In the end, what makes Latin music great is the same thing that's always made America great. The unique ability to celebrate our differences while creating something new."
"In Performance at the White House: Fiesta Latina" is the third in a music series launched by first lady Michelle Obama to celebrate various genres of music. Jazz and country music events, with workshops for music students, have been held. Classical music is on tap for Nov. 4. (NO Gospel, I wonder why???????????)
I guess life goes on, a HOAX in Colorado, Bank of America lost 2 BILLION, not enough troops available to send, and a Fiesta Latina on the White House Lawn .....
At least the first family didn't fly anywhere.
Well, there is that kid that supposedly took off in a balloon and had everyone looking for him. Then, they found the balloon and no kid. He was home hiding. I remember when that first broke, someone, not sure who it was, said, "He's probably in the house hiding, he's good at that." Later, they found him, hiding in his house. Wonder why nobody looked sooner?????????????????????????
DENVER (Reuters) – A Colorado father rejected suggestions on Friday that a search-and-rescue operation triggered by fears his son had floated away in a home-made balloon was an attention-seeking hoax.
Richard Heene appeared on several morning television programs to beat back the hoax talk, fueled by 6-year-old Falcon Heene's statement that he had hidden in the family's attic on Thursday "for the show."
"Absolutely not, this is not some sort of hoax," a visibly irritated Heene said on NBC's "Today" show in an interview made more bizarre by Falcon vomiting while his father talked. (Wonder how they worked that?)
In Central Ohio, the Columbus Mayor is getting a divorce. What a shocker that was. She is an alcoholic, apparently, has been arrested for her driving, also for working at a job, apparently she was not qualified, but made good money. And her husband, the Mayor reportedly has been seen around town with other women, and some say has fathered a few eventual voters ..... now, how could a couple like that break up after 25 years. They are going to stay friends, probably something they have not been for many years.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Bank of America Corp. said Friday it lost more than $2.2 billion in the third quarter as loan losses kept rising, providing further evidence that consumers are still struggling to pay their bills.
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. military can send only about 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan in the next three months without putting excessive strains on the Army and Marine Corps , but the top Afghanistan commander has said he needs more than twice that number to have the best chance of success, military and administration officials told McClatchy .
Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal has said that even if it sent 30,000 additional troops, the U.S. would risk failure in Afghanistan under the current strategy. His resourcing plan offers President Barack Obama three options based on the estimated risk, said two U.S. military officials, who requested anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly and because the proposal remains classified.
WASHINGTON — The White House became "La Casa Blanca" on Tuesday, celebrating Hispanic musical heritage with a South Lawn concert and such guests as Gloria Estefan, George Lopez, the Bachata music group Aventura, Jose Feliciano and more.
President Barack Obama said Latin music, while hard to define because it comes in so many forms — from salsa to merengue and Bachata to reggaeton — speaks to everyone in a language they can all understand.
"It moves us, and it tends to make us move a little bit ourselves," Obama said in brief remarks before the infectious rhythms began pulsating on the White House grounds. "In the end, what makes Latin music great is the same thing that's always made America great. The unique ability to celebrate our differences while creating something new."
"In Performance at the White House: Fiesta Latina" is the third in a music series launched by first lady Michelle Obama to celebrate various genres of music. Jazz and country music events, with workshops for music students, have been held. Classical music is on tap for Nov. 4. (NO Gospel, I wonder why???????????)
I guess life goes on, a HOAX in Colorado, Bank of America lost 2 BILLION, not enough troops available to send, and a Fiesta Latina on the White House Lawn .....
At least the first family didn't fly anywhere.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The story, in part, of Yam
Well, Girl Potato and Boy Potato had eyes for each other, and finally they got married, and had a little sweet potato,which they called 'Yam.'Of course, they wanted the best for Yam.
When it was time, they told her about the facts of life. They warned her about going out and getting half-baked, she wouldn't get accidentally mashed, and get a bad name for herself like 'Hot Potato,'and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots.
Yam said not to worry, no Spud would get her into the sack and make a rotten potato out of her!But on the other hand she wouldn't stay homeand become a Couch Potato either.
She would get plenty of exercise so as not to beskinny like her Shoestring cousins. When she went off to Europe, they told Yam to watch out for the hard-boiled guys from Ireland. And the greasy guys from France called the French Fries.
And when she was going out west, to watch out for the Indians so she wouldn't get scalloped. Yam said she would stay on the straight and narrow and wouldn't associate with those high class Yukon Golds, or the ones from the other side of the tracks who advertise their trade on all the trucks that say, 'Frito Lay.'
Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U.(that's Potato University) so that when she graduated she'd really be in the Chips.
But in spite of all they did for her, one-day Yam came home and announced she was going to marry Tom Brokaw.
Tom Brokaw! Mr. and Mrs.Potato were very upset. They told Yam she couldn't possibly marry Tom Brokaw because he's just .... Are you ready for this? Are you sure?............................
When it was time, they told her about the facts of life. They warned her about going out and getting half-baked, she wouldn't get accidentally mashed, and get a bad name for herself like 'Hot Potato,'and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots.
Yam said not to worry, no Spud would get her into the sack and make a rotten potato out of her!But on the other hand she wouldn't stay homeand become a Couch Potato either.
She would get plenty of exercise so as not to beskinny like her Shoestring cousins. When she went off to Europe, they told Yam to watch out for the hard-boiled guys from Ireland. And the greasy guys from France called the French Fries.
And when she was going out west, to watch out for the Indians so she wouldn't get scalloped. Yam said she would stay on the straight and narrow and wouldn't associate with those high class Yukon Golds, or the ones from the other side of the tracks who advertise their trade on all the trucks that say, 'Frito Lay.'
Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U.(that's Potato University) so that when she graduated she'd really be in the Chips.
But in spite of all they did for her, one-day Yam came home and announced she was going to marry Tom Brokaw.
Tom Brokaw! Mr. and Mrs.Potato were very upset. They told Yam she couldn't possibly marry Tom Brokaw because he's just .... Are you ready for this? Are you sure?............................
I'm sorry, this is bad.......................
A man in Paris, recently, almost got away with stealing several paintings from the Louvre.
After planning the perfect crime, getting in and out of the Louvre through security, all of the hi-tech security measures, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas.
When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied: "Monsieur, I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."
After planning the perfect crime, getting in and out of the Louvre through security, all of the hi-tech security measures, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas.
When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied: "Monsieur, I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."
It happened in Newark, Ohio
A policeman was interrogating 3 blonde's who were training to become detectives.
To test their skills in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first blond a picture for 5 seconds and then hides it. "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?
The first blond answers, "That's easy, we'll catch him fast because he only has one eye!"
The policeman says, "Well...uh...that's because the picture shows his side profile." Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second blond and asks her, "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?"
The second blond giggles, flips her hair and says, "Ha! He'd be too easy to catch because he only has one ear!"
The policeman angrily responds, "What's the matter with you two?!? Of course only one eye and one ear are SHOWING because it's a picture of his side profile!! Is that the best answer you can come up with?
Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the picture to the third blond and in a very testy voice asks, "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?" He quickly adds"... think hard before giving me a stupid answer."
The blond looks at the picture intently for a moment and says, "Hmmmm...the suspect wears contact lenses."
The policeman is surprised and speechless because he really doesn't know himself if the suspect wears contacts or not. "Well, that's an interesting answer...wait here for a few minutes while I check his file and I'll get back to you on that."
He leaves the room and goes to his office, checks the suspects file in his computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on his face. "Wow! I can't believe's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such an astute observation?
"That's easy," the blond replied. "He can't wear regular glasses because he only has one eye and one ear."
To test their skills in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first blond a picture for 5 seconds and then hides it. "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?
The first blond answers, "That's easy, we'll catch him fast because he only has one eye!"
The policeman says, "Well...uh...that's because the picture shows his side profile." Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second blond and asks her, "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?"
The second blond giggles, flips her hair and says, "Ha! He'd be too easy to catch because he only has one ear!"
The policeman angrily responds, "What's the matter with you two?!? Of course only one eye and one ear are SHOWING because it's a picture of his side profile!! Is that the best answer you can come up with?
Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the picture to the third blond and in a very testy voice asks, "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?" He quickly adds"... think hard before giving me a stupid answer."
The blond looks at the picture intently for a moment and says, "Hmmmm...the suspect wears contact lenses."
The policeman is surprised and speechless because he really doesn't know himself if the suspect wears contacts or not. "Well, that's an interesting answer...wait here for a few minutes while I check his file and I'll get back to you on that."
He leaves the room and goes to his office, checks the suspects file in his computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on his face. "Wow! I can't believe's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such an astute observation?
"That's easy," the blond replied. "He can't wear regular glasses because he only has one eye and one ear."
Looking back ...............
Cloudy and cool in Ohio this morning, and I am sitting here looking out the window at the Fall weather, trying to become Winter.
My thoughts keep going back to my high school days, at Oakwood, in Dayton, and, for some reason back to a Guidance Counselor I had, who tried to steer us in the right direction in choosing our college careers.
In those days, sons often followed in their Fathers footsteps. A "Legacy" was a term used by Medical and Law School, where a son was given a pretty good chance of following in the Father's footsteps, and getting admission to the school, just like his Father had.
My Father was a Doctor, so it was assumed that I would take pre-med, and with any kind of grades at all, enter Medical School at the University of Cincinnati.
With this assumption in mind, my Counselor at Oakwood, and I, often discussed which branch of medicine I would follow. My Father's choice of Obstetrics, or some other field.
I started out in pre-med at The Citadel, in Charleston South Carolina, and was following in the medical footstaps of my Dad. However, I was leaning toward the newly expanding field of Cardiology. I could have been a cardiologist, but my heart just wasn't in it.
My thoughts keep going back to my high school days, at Oakwood, in Dayton, and, for some reason back to a Guidance Counselor I had, who tried to steer us in the right direction in choosing our college careers.
In those days, sons often followed in their Fathers footsteps. A "Legacy" was a term used by Medical and Law School, where a son was given a pretty good chance of following in the Father's footsteps, and getting admission to the school, just like his Father had.
My Father was a Doctor, so it was assumed that I would take pre-med, and with any kind of grades at all, enter Medical School at the University of Cincinnati.
With this assumption in mind, my Counselor at Oakwood, and I, often discussed which branch of medicine I would follow. My Father's choice of Obstetrics, or some other field.
I started out in pre-med at The Citadel, in Charleston South Carolina, and was following in the medical footstaps of my Dad. However, I was leaning toward the newly expanding field of Cardiology. I could have been a cardiologist, but my heart just wasn't in it.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Deaf Mule
An Irishman named O'Leary, who loved to sing as he worked, bought a mule to farm his garden.
The mule worked well but was almost totally deaf.
So, when his owner yelled, "Whoa!", the animal often continued plowing.
Asked how the mule was working out, O'Leary shook his head. "There was a time," he said, "when all the neighbors could here was me singing my lilting melodies." "Lately, I'm afraid, they've heard nothing but .... my riled Irish whoa's!"
The mule worked well but was almost totally deaf.
So, when his owner yelled, "Whoa!", the animal often continued plowing.
Asked how the mule was working out, O'Leary shook his head. "There was a time," he said, "when all the neighbors could here was me singing my lilting melodies." "Lately, I'm afraid, they've heard nothing but .... my riled Irish whoa's!"
An old memory comes back.................
I remember many years ago, back in the mid 40's, a neighbor, and a patient of my Dads, who had been a Prisoner of War, was home on furlough. He came over to our house on South Brown Street for a visit one evening. I was very young, and sat there, very attentive, listening to his stories of a war he was still involved in.
He told us of this incident that occurred shortly after his imprisonment, after his capture in the Argon Forest.
He said he and some captured Allied agents of Stalag 15 were attempting yet another prison break.
On that particular night, a Major O'Roarke and Lieutenant Flanagan were chosen to try to cut their way through the barbed wires of the East gate of the prison camp with wire cutters they had stolen from a work party the day before.
Both men were hard at work when the siren sounded, and the floodlights caught them in the act.
As the German officer led them away, O'Roarke said, "We were so careful. How did you ever catch us?"
The German replied, "It's very simple. Somehow, I can always tell .... when Irish spies are filing."
He told us of this incident that occurred shortly after his imprisonment, after his capture in the Argon Forest.
He said he and some captured Allied agents of Stalag 15 were attempting yet another prison break.
On that particular night, a Major O'Roarke and Lieutenant Flanagan were chosen to try to cut their way through the barbed wires of the East gate of the prison camp with wire cutters they had stolen from a work party the day before.
Both men were hard at work when the siren sounded, and the floodlights caught them in the act.
As the German officer led them away, O'Roarke said, "We were so careful. How did you ever catch us?"
The German replied, "It's very simple. Somehow, I can always tell .... when Irish spies are filing."
Saturday, October 10, 2009
WOW, what a dream .......
I had the worst dream last night, scary and frightening.
I dreamed I was in an arena, filled with people, and I was on the stage, at the podium, and I had been awarded the Annual Award of Achievement, by the CEAW, the Chemical Engineers Association of the World, something I know nothing about, and they were waiting for me to give my acceptance speech.
"Wow, ah, I am overwhelmed and humbled by this award, but I must admit, I am not a Chemical Engineer, and I know nothing about being a Chemical Engineer, I don't even know what you do, and I can't imagine how or why you got my name for this award. It really must be some sort of a mistake."
"We appreciate your honesty, Mr. Dooley, and to be honest with you, we just had no one else to give it to this year. So the Board of Directors sat around in the Board Room, and, well, to be honest, we just started going through telephone books, we got down to the last one, Newark, Ohio. We thumb tacked it to the wall, and our Chairman, threw a dart at the book, and it landed on your name. We had heard that was how decisions were made by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, so we followed their lead."
"The award is for one million dollars."
"OK, WOW, Ladies and Gentlemen of the chemical world, I am honored ................................."
I dreamed I was in an arena, filled with people, and I was on the stage, at the podium, and I had been awarded the Annual Award of Achievement, by the CEAW, the Chemical Engineers Association of the World, something I know nothing about, and they were waiting for me to give my acceptance speech.
"Wow, ah, I am overwhelmed and humbled by this award, but I must admit, I am not a Chemical Engineer, and I know nothing about being a Chemical Engineer, I don't even know what you do, and I can't imagine how or why you got my name for this award. It really must be some sort of a mistake."
"We appreciate your honesty, Mr. Dooley, and to be honest with you, we just had no one else to give it to this year. So the Board of Directors sat around in the Board Room, and, well, to be honest, we just started going through telephone books, we got down to the last one, Newark, Ohio. We thumb tacked it to the wall, and our Chairman, threw a dart at the book, and it landed on your name. We had heard that was how decisions were made by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, so we followed their lead."
"The award is for one million dollars."
"OK, WOW, Ladies and Gentlemen of the chemical world, I am honored ................................."
Friday, October 9, 2009
Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize ... the Heisman next
How do I feel about Obama winning that?
I don't know, I guess it doesn't surprise me, he seems to be in control of everything, and if they didn't give it to him, then to whom?
At the mention of the Nobel Peace Prize, I thought of Einstein and Edison, people like that, lofty, inventors, scientists, Mother Theresa types, people in a world I only heard about. Respect and awe for those who received the award ....................... UNTIL TODAY.
The bar has been lowered, actually, it is lying on the ground in my opinion. I would love to know how it all came about ................ the Obama people are better than we ever imagined they could be.
And he won it, not for what he had done, but for what he says, he hopes will do and be. The committee must have been scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with him.
"OK folks, we have to give it to someone, any suggestions?"
I have heard some of the suggestions were: Hugh Hefner, David Letterman (his name was recently taken off, however), Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Brett Favre,
Nancy Pelosi and Vince McMahon. It was a very competitive vote.
Hefner, for his contribution to world piece, Letterman, for his devotion to family, Ellen and Oprah for their contribution to afternoon entertainment, Nancy for integrity, Vince for making mountains out of molehills, Brett for making clear and concise decisions, and Michelle, well, she was nominated by her husband.
Obama has also been nominated for: The Heisman Trophy, an Oscar, for a movie he may write, an EMMY for a TV show he has been thinking of writing, two degrees from Harvard for no reason, other than they have no one else to give them to, and many other awards, he has been thinking about.
Obama was recently overheard saying, "Hey, I see all these guys in uniforms with all them medals and awards and I got nothin but this flag pin, I want MORE, get them people workin on that. I'm off in the aeroplane to somewhere, just geterdone. I want to have some sort of a prize piece when I get back."
A misunderstanding, and he gets the Peace Prize.
I don't know, I guess it doesn't surprise me, he seems to be in control of everything, and if they didn't give it to him, then to whom?
At the mention of the Nobel Peace Prize, I thought of Einstein and Edison, people like that, lofty, inventors, scientists, Mother Theresa types, people in a world I only heard about. Respect and awe for those who received the award ....................... UNTIL TODAY.
The bar has been lowered, actually, it is lying on the ground in my opinion. I would love to know how it all came about ................ the Obama people are better than we ever imagined they could be.
And he won it, not for what he had done, but for what he says, he hopes will do and be. The committee must have been scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with him.
"OK folks, we have to give it to someone, any suggestions?"
I have heard some of the suggestions were: Hugh Hefner, David Letterman (his name was recently taken off, however), Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Brett Favre,
Nancy Pelosi and Vince McMahon. It was a very competitive vote.
Hefner, for his contribution to world piece, Letterman, for his devotion to family, Ellen and Oprah for their contribution to afternoon entertainment, Nancy for integrity, Vince for making mountains out of molehills, Brett for making clear and concise decisions, and Michelle, well, she was nominated by her husband.
Obama has also been nominated for: The Heisman Trophy, an Oscar, for a movie he may write, an EMMY for a TV show he has been thinking of writing, two degrees from Harvard for no reason, other than they have no one else to give them to, and many other awards, he has been thinking about.
Obama was recently overheard saying, "Hey, I see all these guys in uniforms with all them medals and awards and I got nothin but this flag pin, I want MORE, get them people workin on that. I'm off in the aeroplane to somewhere, just geterdone. I want to have some sort of a prize piece when I get back."
A misunderstanding, and he gets the Peace Prize.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I am very tired of two things already, this football season.
I enjoy sitting down and watching a good game.
Recently, after every play, yellow flag, a HOLDING call. One game I was watching, recently, not sure which one it was, every play, HOLDING.
Also, getting very tired of ....... well .............. seems like after every touchdown ......
What the heck is the use of having all those striped shirts on the field? Just review EVERY play. I have to wonder how sports got along before all these replays?
If they had business replays, old Madoff might not have amassed all those millions, and bilked all those people out of their money.
Let's just have replays for everything.
"You gave me the wrong amount of change."
Replay .........
Upon receiving the chicken breast, "I ordered the fish."
And the reason we will never see this ............
"Senator, you said ..........................."
HOW did we ever get along without ................ REPLAYS?
I enjoy sitting down and watching a good game.
Recently, after every play, yellow flag, a HOLDING call. One game I was watching, recently, not sure which one it was, every play, HOLDING.
Also, getting very tired of ....... well .............. seems like after every touchdown ......
What the heck is the use of having all those striped shirts on the field? Just review EVERY play. I have to wonder how sports got along before all these replays?
If they had business replays, old Madoff might not have amassed all those millions, and bilked all those people out of their money.
Let's just have replays for everything.
"You gave me the wrong amount of change."
Replay .........
Upon receiving the chicken breast, "I ordered the fish."
And the reason we will never see this ............
"Senator, you said ..........................."
HOW did we ever get along without ................ REPLAYS?
Remember, while you can .............
God Bless America
Words and music by Irving Berlin© Copyright 1938, 1939 by Irving Berlin©
"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.
" God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her,
and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains,
to the prairies,
To the oceans,
white with foam
God bless America,
My home sweet home.
How They Can Help Better Protect Your Small Business Against Crime
If you run a small business, you've got a lot of worries. Besides all the normal concerns like competition and pricing and location and customer service... now security has become increasingly important. You face the threat of theft, fraud, embezzlement, scams... the list seems almost endless.
When you're in business, you can run up against...
- Suppliers who provide shoddy goods that you don't discover until after you've paid for them - Customers whose orders you promptly fill but who wiggle out of paying- Employees who rob you of everything from supplies and equipment to cash and services.
The Federation of Small Business - a British business group reported that over half (58%) of all small businesses in the UK suffered at least one crime during a recent two year period. They concluded:
"Crime, and the fear of crime, can directly impact on day to day business activities. It can damage a business image, resulting in the loss of existing customers and deterioration in the quality and range of services offered by the business, which will limit turnover (profits) andrestrict business development."
When you run a small business, it's up to you to look out for your company. But how?
Background Search Services on the Web Provide an Economical Answer
Many of the problems that small businesses face in trying to deter crime can be helped with information available on the Internet. You can use 21st Century technology to get the better of the crooks and thieves and scam artists.
But if you're not familiar with whats available, you may not realize all the important things you can find out with a good background checking service.
It used to be expensive to check into someone's background to see if they were hiding anything. You had to hire a private detective or pay big bucks to an investigative agency. Not today - not with Internet databases so readily available to us. Some of the services are free. However, a business will benefit most from the more in-depth background checking services.
These higher quality services usually charge a fee to subscribe, but it's smaller than you'd expect - especially considering the volumes and usefulness of the information they provide. A year of service is often less than what you'd pay to bring in lunch for a staff meeting. Plus, the paid services are kept more up-to-date and are typically faster and easier to use.
Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective sites, or Personal Search sites, the website based services give you the low-down on all kinds of formerly-hidden information.
Here are the types of things you can and should be looking into for the protection of your business...
Criminal Background Checks
Any time your business is dealing with someone you don't know, you should run a quick check to see if they have any history of criminal activity. It's very simple to find out about:
- Criminal Records- FBI Records- Prison Records- Sex Offender Status
You have access to their entire criminal history if there is one. With violence in the workplace such a major issue, a simple criminal check can be a very effective way to avoid problems before they happen.
Background Check for Employment (Pre-Employment Screening)
If you've got a small business, you should be pre-screening each person you consider hiring. No matter how professional, or how harmless, they appear.
A small print shop franchise in Florida hired an especially friendly fellow as their bookkeeper after the owner got too busy to handle it himself. The new employee didn't offer much in the way of references but he sounded like he knew what he was doing and - big plus - he agreed to work cheap. The owner figured he would save money hiring the guy. He figured wrong.
The bookkeeper drained more than a hundred thousand dollars out of the company before they found him out. Turned out he'd previously been charged with embezzlement. Something a criminal background check would have quickly turned up.
Background Check Existing Employees - Make it a Condition of Employment
You shouldn't check only new hires. Over time, employees can develop habits and get involved in activities you'd never suspect. So you should regularly check on existing employees. Note: this is something you should get legal advice for - but generally if it's a condition of employment and you let them know in writing, it's not invading privacy. You entrust employees with company funds or materials that can be stolen, or negotiating and purchasing power that can be abused. Keeping an eye on existing employees is just being prudent.
Too many small business owners think of their company as an extension of their family. They don't want to think ill of the people they give jobs to. Truth is, most employees are trustworthy. They just want to do a good job and get paid fairly - but they see you as the boss, not their daddy. Even in real families, the black sheep will have absolutely no conscience about turning your good will to their good fortune. Don't be so kindly that you end up getting taken for everything you own.
Background Check Each Company or Individual You Do Business With
You should investigate every supplier or contractor who serves your business. If the possibility of harm exists, then you need to know if someone you're in business with is likely to harm you. You can check credit, check backgrounds of the owners and managers, check the company itself for any past criminal or questionable activity.
Also check customers if your dealings with them permit. Most non-retail businesses will have the opportunity to look at their customer's backgrounds for any warning signs. Don't get left without payment for your products or services when a quick look up on the computer can resolve questions.
Check both suppliers and customers out. It's just good business.
Real Estate Business Transactions Are Often Easy Targets for Crime
Real Estate often involves significant investment, both initially and over time. Whether you're a landlord or a tenant, you need to check out those with whom you're doing business. Using a background check service, you can:
- Check Credit and determine if Social Security Numbers provided are valid- Check Tenants for past problems or criminal activity- Check Landlords for tenant actions against them or other legal problems
Charity and Other Community Support
Businesses frequently get called on to support their community. Charitable organizations often solicit donations, many times in sizable amounts. Before you give money freely to anyone, be sure they're legitimate by running a background check on their organization and the principals involved. Otherwise the help you think you're providing could turn around and hurt your business.
Final Word
Running a small business is more of a challenge today than ever before. Use online database search services to help you protect your business and keep you, your customers and your employees more secure.
If you run a small business, you've got a lot of worries. Besides all the normal concerns like competition and pricing and location and customer service... now security has become increasingly important. You face the threat of theft, fraud, embezzlement, scams... the list seems almost endless.
When you're in business, you can run up against...
- Suppliers who provide shoddy goods that you don't discover until after you've paid for them - Customers whose orders you promptly fill but who wiggle out of paying- Employees who rob you of everything from supplies and equipment to cash and services.
The Federation of Small Business - a British business group reported that over half (58%) of all small businesses in the UK suffered at least one crime during a recent two year period. They concluded:
"Crime, and the fear of crime, can directly impact on day to day business activities. It can damage a business image, resulting in the loss of existing customers and deterioration in the quality and range of services offered by the business, which will limit turnover (profits) andrestrict business development."
When you run a small business, it's up to you to look out for your company. But how?
Background Search Services on the Web Provide an Economical Answer
Many of the problems that small businesses face in trying to deter crime can be helped with information available on the Internet. You can use 21st Century technology to get the better of the crooks and thieves and scam artists.
But if you're not familiar with whats available, you may not realize all the important things you can find out with a good background checking service.
It used to be expensive to check into someone's background to see if they were hiding anything. You had to hire a private detective or pay big bucks to an investigative agency. Not today - not with Internet databases so readily available to us. Some of the services are free. However, a business will benefit most from the more in-depth background checking services.
These higher quality services usually charge a fee to subscribe, but it's smaller than you'd expect - especially considering the volumes and usefulness of the information they provide. A year of service is often less than what you'd pay to bring in lunch for a staff meeting. Plus, the paid services are kept more up-to-date and are typically faster and easier to use.
Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective sites, or Personal Search sites, the website based services give you the low-down on all kinds of formerly-hidden information.
Here are the types of things you can and should be looking into for the protection of your business...
Criminal Background Checks
Any time your business is dealing with someone you don't know, you should run a quick check to see if they have any history of criminal activity. It's very simple to find out about:
- Criminal Records- FBI Records- Prison Records- Sex Offender Status
You have access to their entire criminal history if there is one. With violence in the workplace such a major issue, a simple criminal check can be a very effective way to avoid problems before they happen.
Background Check for Employment (Pre-Employment Screening)
If you've got a small business, you should be pre-screening each person you consider hiring. No matter how professional, or how harmless, they appear.
A small print shop franchise in Florida hired an especially friendly fellow as their bookkeeper after the owner got too busy to handle it himself. The new employee didn't offer much in the way of references but he sounded like he knew what he was doing and - big plus - he agreed to work cheap. The owner figured he would save money hiring the guy. He figured wrong.
The bookkeeper drained more than a hundred thousand dollars out of the company before they found him out. Turned out he'd previously been charged with embezzlement. Something a criminal background check would have quickly turned up.
Background Check Existing Employees - Make it a Condition of Employment
You shouldn't check only new hires. Over time, employees can develop habits and get involved in activities you'd never suspect. So you should regularly check on existing employees. Note: this is something you should get legal advice for - but generally if it's a condition of employment and you let them know in writing, it's not invading privacy. You entrust employees with company funds or materials that can be stolen, or negotiating and purchasing power that can be abused. Keeping an eye on existing employees is just being prudent.
Too many small business owners think of their company as an extension of their family. They don't want to think ill of the people they give jobs to. Truth is, most employees are trustworthy. They just want to do a good job and get paid fairly - but they see you as the boss, not their daddy. Even in real families, the black sheep will have absolutely no conscience about turning your good will to their good fortune. Don't be so kindly that you end up getting taken for everything you own.
Background Check Each Company or Individual You Do Business With
You should investigate every supplier or contractor who serves your business. If the possibility of harm exists, then you need to know if someone you're in business with is likely to harm you. You can check credit, check backgrounds of the owners and managers, check the company itself for any past criminal or questionable activity.
Also check customers if your dealings with them permit. Most non-retail businesses will have the opportunity to look at their customer's backgrounds for any warning signs. Don't get left without payment for your products or services when a quick look up on the computer can resolve questions.
Check both suppliers and customers out. It's just good business.
Real Estate Business Transactions Are Often Easy Targets for Crime
Real Estate often involves significant investment, both initially and over time. Whether you're a landlord or a tenant, you need to check out those with whom you're doing business. Using a background check service, you can:
- Check Credit and determine if Social Security Numbers provided are valid- Check Tenants for past problems or criminal activity- Check Landlords for tenant actions against them or other legal problems
Charity and Other Community Support
Businesses frequently get called on to support their community. Charitable organizations often solicit donations, many times in sizable amounts. Before you give money freely to anyone, be sure they're legitimate by running a background check on their organization and the principals involved. Otherwise the help you think you're providing could turn around and hurt your business.
Final Word
Running a small business is more of a challenge today than ever before. Use online database search services to help you protect your business and keep you, your customers and your employees more secure.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
How much was it?
I need some work done on my van, idler arms, naturally, after they replace the idler arms, the wheels need to be re-aligned, and of course, since the idler arms were bad, you need front tires, and to keep things on an even keel, replace the back ones too.
So, what is relatively simple, becomes humongous.
So, over the last few weeks, I have been getting prices, replace prices, alignment prices, tire prices and labor prices. I have made many calls.
Then I got to thinking, I've had my appendix out, kidney stones, ulcer operation, cyst on my colon removed, triple bi-pass, and some other visits to the hospital, and not once, never, have I asked the doctor, "How much is this going to cost?"
The doctor says you need it done, so you get it done, you don't worry about the cost, because the insurance company, or medicare, is going to pay for it anyway.
I had my triple bi-pass done at Riverside, maybe another hospital could have done it cheaper, I don't know, I never asked. Matter of fact, I have no idea what it cost me, now. Medicare or someone else is going to pay for it. If we own someone, they can't repossess my operation, so we don't worry about it.
MAYBE if we had been asking all these years, about the cost, and at least knowing what the cost was, medical care would not be so expensive.
The doctors started all of this, of that I am certain. But, we also have to put some blame on attorneys. Malpractice suits are good money, and a lot of them don't even go to court, they are settled outside of court, bad publicity.
I know of a finance company that had a branch manager abscond with a pile of money. They did nothing to convict him. Once any of their accounts found about it, everyone would say, "I made that payment." Or even worse, "I paid that off a month ago." They would ultimately lose money if they made the theft public, so they keep it quiet. I think banks, in some cases, have done the same thing.
But in most cases, if you did ask the price of an operation, you would still get it done anyhow. If you get the operation, you live, if not, you die. The cost doesn't mean anything. Maybe they can just charge whatever they want, and maybe they do.
Right off hand I can't think of any other circumstance, where a price is not asked for, before a purchase, or something happens.
"How much was it?"
You don't hear that often, just after an operation or a stay at the hospital.
You don't purchase a car, and then ask, "How much was it."
So, what is relatively simple, becomes humongous.
So, over the last few weeks, I have been getting prices, replace prices, alignment prices, tire prices and labor prices. I have made many calls.
Then I got to thinking, I've had my appendix out, kidney stones, ulcer operation, cyst on my colon removed, triple bi-pass, and some other visits to the hospital, and not once, never, have I asked the doctor, "How much is this going to cost?"
The doctor says you need it done, so you get it done, you don't worry about the cost, because the insurance company, or medicare, is going to pay for it anyway.
I had my triple bi-pass done at Riverside, maybe another hospital could have done it cheaper, I don't know, I never asked. Matter of fact, I have no idea what it cost me, now. Medicare or someone else is going to pay for it. If we own someone, they can't repossess my operation, so we don't worry about it.
MAYBE if we had been asking all these years, about the cost, and at least knowing what the cost was, medical care would not be so expensive.
The doctors started all of this, of that I am certain. But, we also have to put some blame on attorneys. Malpractice suits are good money, and a lot of them don't even go to court, they are settled outside of court, bad publicity.
I know of a finance company that had a branch manager abscond with a pile of money. They did nothing to convict him. Once any of their accounts found about it, everyone would say, "I made that payment." Or even worse, "I paid that off a month ago." They would ultimately lose money if they made the theft public, so they keep it quiet. I think banks, in some cases, have done the same thing.
But in most cases, if you did ask the price of an operation, you would still get it done anyhow. If you get the operation, you live, if not, you die. The cost doesn't mean anything. Maybe they can just charge whatever they want, and maybe they do.
Right off hand I can't think of any other circumstance, where a price is not asked for, before a purchase, or something happens.
"How much was it?"
You don't hear that often, just after an operation or a stay at the hospital.
You don't purchase a car, and then ask, "How much was it."
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Will they visit Joe ... when they are in Rio?
Some know, or have read, that on a few occasions, in Reno, I dealt to Joe Conforte, of Mustang Ranch fame, in the mid 50's, when he was really getting started. I have talked with him on a few occasions, in Sparks, when he was waiting to get his money back from the cashiers at the Nugget. He would take in many small bills, and have them converted to larger ones.
He is not a friend, but I have followed his career, and feel that I know him, somewhat.
Guess where he now lives, Rio?
Prostitution is not legal in Brazil, but I guess it is tolerated, somewhat.
With millions of people coming to Rio, I just have to believe that old Joe will figure out some way, somehow, to get some of their dollars ...... well, maybe not, but you just have to believe that he will be seeing a lot of old friends.
As I understand it, he lives in a swanky penthouse, with a young girlfriend, and I guess if you know the right people, you can get his address.
The closest I could come ...................
Joe Conforte
c/o The Mestano Ranchero
Rio de Janero, Brazil
He is not a friend, but I have followed his career, and feel that I know him, somewhat.
Guess where he now lives, Rio?
Prostitution is not legal in Brazil, but I guess it is tolerated, somewhat.
With millions of people coming to Rio, I just have to believe that old Joe will figure out some way, somehow, to get some of their dollars ...... well, maybe not, but you just have to believe that he will be seeing a lot of old friends.
As I understand it, he lives in a swanky penthouse, with a young girlfriend, and I guess if you know the right people, you can get his address.
The closest I could come ...................
Joe Conforte
c/o The Mestano Ranchero
Rio de Janero, Brazil
Rio .. already a winner

Well. Chicago lost on their Olympic bid, or at least, the Obamas and the Winfreys did. Since it was speculated by those in the know, that Chicago was a front runner, did all those "celebrity" appearances have anything to do with the ultimate decision.
Oprah is not necessarily known all over the world, and Obama may not have the world-wide charisma that he thought. I do think that perhaps it is a shame though, that many are elated at the outcome because it is perceived as an Obama loss.
Obama tried to turn the loss around as a victory, he was proud of the Chicago group and their presentation. They did well, however, he neglected to mention in was a disastrous loss.
Chicago had a Worlds Fair in 1933, and pulled that off, I would love to know what prompted the voters to turn Chicago down, in my opinion, here are some of the reasons.
I think a lot of it had to do with the way they hosted the 2007 Pan Am games, as I recall that was a tremendous success, and in doing that, they proved their capabilities.
More than half of Rio 2016's venues are already built. They include state-of-the-art facilities constructed for the 2007 Pan and Parapan American Games: the magnificent João Havelange Stadium (the proposed 2016 venue for Athletics), the Maria Lenk Aquatic Centre, the Rio Olympic Arena (which will host Gymnastics and Wheelchair Basketball), the Rio Olympic Velodrome, the National Equestrian Center and its close neighbor, the National Shooting Center.
And, a little about Rio:
Brazil's economy is now the tenth largest in the world - and predicted to be fifth by 2016.
They are the world's second biggest food exporter, one of the world's largest oil and ore producers and the fifth largest advertising market. Their diverse economy is the engine of South America and one of the world's top 10 consumer markets.
They have the highest levels of Internet use in the world.
The enduring strength of their economy - even in the current global climate - has enabled the Government to guarantee the investments needed for the 2016 Games, including direct funding of US$700m for the OCOG.
Rio was ready. I don't like to brag, but I predicted they would be the winner, just on the success of the Pan Am Games and the venus they already had constructed ...... Always go with a proven winner, and Rio was.
And, they have that statue looking out over the city .........
Friday, October 2, 2009
What a devastating blow, for Obama .... shot down on the first ballot ..... some of Obama's star power is a bit diminished. Probably the first and worst defeat he has experienced.
Maybe he will stay home now, and take care of more important issues, and leave that damned airplane on the ground for a while. Those crews probably have not been home since January.
Maybe he will stay home now, and take care of more important issues, and leave that damned airplane on the ground for a while. Those crews probably have not been home since January.
Ohio is on its Toes ...

It is rumored around Columbus this morning, in anticipation of Chicago getting the Olympic nod, that the Governor has already put the wheels in motion, to establish a Casino Tourism Agency, in conjunction with the Ohio Lottery Commission.
Someone overheard the Governor, or someone, state, "We want hundreds of buses, bringing thousands of people to our Ohio Casinos and race tracks, we want to get back some of that money we have been losing all these years.
The Ohio High Speed Water Transportation Agency is also being formed, at his request, to determine the feasibility of starting a fleet of high speed Cutfinger Watercraft, to take tourists from Chicago, up Lake Michigan, down Lake Huron, into Lake Erie, and then to the Casinos in Cleveland.
I want to see signs, all over, he stated,
Someone overheard the Governor, or someone, state, "We want hundreds of buses, bringing thousands of people to our Ohio Casinos and race tracks, we want to get back some of that money we have been losing all these years.
The Ohio High Speed Water Transportation Agency is also being formed, at his request, to determine the feasibility of starting a fleet of high speed Cutfinger Watercraft, to take tourists from Chicago, up Lake Michigan, down Lake Huron, into Lake Erie, and then to the Casinos in Cleveland.
I want to see signs, all over, he stated,
Capone Stadium
Rumor around Chicago has it that if Chicago is awarded the Summer Olympics, that a new, massive stadium will be built, under the guidance of Jerry Jones, on the site of the St. Valentines Day Massacre, and the stadium will named after the "reported" mastermind behind the incident, Al Capone, Capone Stadium.
A memorial sign will hang over the entrance, stating, If YOU Buy Tickets, YOU WILL ATTEND.
Chicago remembers.
A memorial sign will hang over the entrance, stating, If YOU Buy Tickets, YOU WILL ATTEND.
Chicago remembers.
Chicago tours for Olympic visitors
Al Capone / Gangster Tours
Chicago is known the world over for it's historical ties to Al Capone and Prohibition-era gangsters -- something the Chicago Office of Tourism is trying to eliminate. But they can't change history, and anything gangster and Al Capone is still very popular with tourists. Here's a list of various gangster tours and historical places.
Chicago Gangster ToursThe fascination with Chicago gangsters continues today despite the height of the gangster culture having taken place even before World War II. Here are some ways you can take a Chicago gangster tour and immerse yourself into the world of the likes of Al Capone and John Dilinger.
Biograph TheaterThe landmark Biograph Theater on Chicago's North Side is the site where FBI agents gunned down gangster John Dillinger in 1934. The Biograph is now home to the Victory Gardens Theater group.
Mount Carmel Cemetery - Burial Place of Al CaponeMount Carmel Cemetery, located just outside Chicago in suburban Hillside, was established in 1900 and is the burial place of many notorious Chicago gangsters, including Sam Giancana, the Genna Brothers, and the most famous of them all, Alphonse "Al" Capone.
Tommy Gun's GarageFor a more lighthearted look at Chicago's gangster past, you can visit Tommy Gun's Garage -- an audience interactive dinner theater whose decor recreates a 1920s speakeasy where they put on a musical comedy revue.
Union Station ChicagoHistoric Union Station is not only home to the Metra rail system -- a major artery between Chicago and the suburbs -- but it's also the site where the famous "baby carriage" scene was filmed for the movie "The Untouchables".
Untouchable ToursUntouchable Tours offers a two hour bus tour of famous Chicago gangster sites, such as the Biograph Theater, Dion O'Bannion's flower shop, Holy Name Cathedral, the site of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and many others.
Chicago is known the world over for it's historical ties to Al Capone and Prohibition-era gangsters -- something the Chicago Office of Tourism is trying to eliminate. But they can't change history, and anything gangster and Al Capone is still very popular with tourists. Here's a list of various gangster tours and historical places.
Chicago Gangster ToursThe fascination with Chicago gangsters continues today despite the height of the gangster culture having taken place even before World War II. Here are some ways you can take a Chicago gangster tour and immerse yourself into the world of the likes of Al Capone and John Dilinger.
Biograph TheaterThe landmark Biograph Theater on Chicago's North Side is the site where FBI agents gunned down gangster John Dillinger in 1934. The Biograph is now home to the Victory Gardens Theater group.
Mount Carmel Cemetery - Burial Place of Al CaponeMount Carmel Cemetery, located just outside Chicago in suburban Hillside, was established in 1900 and is the burial place of many notorious Chicago gangsters, including Sam Giancana, the Genna Brothers, and the most famous of them all, Alphonse "Al" Capone.
Tommy Gun's GarageFor a more lighthearted look at Chicago's gangster past, you can visit Tommy Gun's Garage -- an audience interactive dinner theater whose decor recreates a 1920s speakeasy where they put on a musical comedy revue.
Union Station ChicagoHistoric Union Station is not only home to the Metra rail system -- a major artery between Chicago and the suburbs -- but it's also the site where the famous "baby carriage" scene was filmed for the movie "The Untouchables".
Untouchable ToursUntouchable Tours offers a two hour bus tour of famous Chicago gangster sites, such as the Biograph Theater, Dion O'Bannion's flower shop, Holy Name Cathedral, the site of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and many others.
The Cook County Olympics
I have to wonder, how many hours, the presidential airplane has been on the ground since the new captain took over. Wouldn't it be interesting to know just how much money has been spent on presidential transportation.
In Ohio, casinos and slot machines are going to be our salvation, and of course, a train, connecting Cleveland, with Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati will generate the necessary income to keep the ship afloat.
Our money troubles are over, gambling is the key, What is Made in Ohio, Stays in Ohio.
One has to wonder though, some of the surrounding states, that have wagering, are experiencing difficulties, why and how is that?
For the country, the Olympics, being held in Chicago, is the boost the economy needs.
I would love to see the fantasies going on in Obama's head .... about .... when the Olympics come to Cook County. He will enter the stadium, much like Santa does on Thanksgiving, a parade with floats from each state, and at the end, a white float, with crepe and gossamer and clouds, much like we would imagine an angel from heaven entering ..... and Obama will enter, to the strains of, "The King is Coming."
With the assist of a magnet, mind and body controlled, system, yet to be invented, but will be completed in time for the Olympics, he would float from the carriage to the ground, and he would be dressed in all flowing white.
An escalator would be installed where the steps should be, and he will ascend up the incline on a red carpet to a throne like area, where he will be perched, on a white throne, surrounded by white flowers, doves and angel like figures, dressed in Samoan and Hawaiian attire.
Then the athletes will stream in, and pass in front of him, all with raised arms, saluting in Hitler like gestures, and praising, showing the proper respect for anyone, who can convince a world body, that perhaps the most evil piece of real estate in the entire country, Cook County, is the right place, to hold, the summer Olympics.
Lets put everything else aside, and concentrate on getting the Olympics here, in the land of Lincoln ..... NO ..... not the land of Lincoln ..... now ........ The Land of Obama.
Now, B&B's are advertising, Obama Slept Here.
If they are smart in Chicago, Cicero, and that area, the will turn security over to the Chicago "gang" and security will be no problem.
If the estimates are correct and the anticipated crowds show up, the voter rolls in Cook County should almost triple. And they thought Blagojevich was bad.
If Chicago gets the nod, we will see corruption at a whole new level. They will take "local level corruption," and expand it to a "world wide" scale.
Rumor has it they will bring Joe Conforte back from Argentina to handle accommodations, and Chicago native Hugh Hefner to handle hospitality.
It staggers the imagination to think of what all might occur, in Chicago and Cook County, if they are awarded the Olympics, and if it goes that way, it will all be due, to one, Barack Obama.
I can't think of the word I want ... but "Hail to the Chief" will no longer suffice. Some word other than Chief.........
In Ohio, casinos and slot machines are going to be our salvation, and of course, a train, connecting Cleveland, with Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati will generate the necessary income to keep the ship afloat.
Our money troubles are over, gambling is the key, What is Made in Ohio, Stays in Ohio.
One has to wonder though, some of the surrounding states, that have wagering, are experiencing difficulties, why and how is that?
For the country, the Olympics, being held in Chicago, is the boost the economy needs.
I would love to see the fantasies going on in Obama's head .... about .... when the Olympics come to Cook County. He will enter the stadium, much like Santa does on Thanksgiving, a parade with floats from each state, and at the end, a white float, with crepe and gossamer and clouds, much like we would imagine an angel from heaven entering ..... and Obama will enter, to the strains of, "The King is Coming."
With the assist of a magnet, mind and body controlled, system, yet to be invented, but will be completed in time for the Olympics, he would float from the carriage to the ground, and he would be dressed in all flowing white.
An escalator would be installed where the steps should be, and he will ascend up the incline on a red carpet to a throne like area, where he will be perched, on a white throne, surrounded by white flowers, doves and angel like figures, dressed in Samoan and Hawaiian attire.
Then the athletes will stream in, and pass in front of him, all with raised arms, saluting in Hitler like gestures, and praising, showing the proper respect for anyone, who can convince a world body, that perhaps the most evil piece of real estate in the entire country, Cook County, is the right place, to hold, the summer Olympics.
Lets put everything else aside, and concentrate on getting the Olympics here, in the land of Lincoln ..... NO ..... not the land of Lincoln ..... now ........ The Land of Obama.
Now, B&B's are advertising, Obama Slept Here.
If they are smart in Chicago, Cicero, and that area, the will turn security over to the Chicago "gang" and security will be no problem.
If the estimates are correct and the anticipated crowds show up, the voter rolls in Cook County should almost triple. And they thought Blagojevich was bad.
If Chicago gets the nod, we will see corruption at a whole new level. They will take "local level corruption," and expand it to a "world wide" scale.
Rumor has it they will bring Joe Conforte back from Argentina to handle accommodations, and Chicago native Hugh Hefner to handle hospitality.
It staggers the imagination to think of what all might occur, in Chicago and Cook County, if they are awarded the Olympics, and if it goes that way, it will all be due, to one, Barack Obama.
I can't think of the word I want ... but "Hail to the Chief" will no longer suffice. Some word other than Chief.........
Thursday, October 1, 2009
By any other name ........
An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen.
The two gentlemen were talking, and one said, 'Last night we went out to a new restaurant and it was really great. I would recommend it very highly.'
The other man said, 'What is the name of the restaurant?'
The first man thought and thought and finally said, 'What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love? You know... The one that's red and has thorns.' '
Do you mean a rose?' 'Yes, that's the one,' replied the man.
He then turned towards the kitchen and yelled, 'Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to last night?'
The two gentlemen were talking, and one said, 'Last night we went out to a new restaurant and it was really great. I would recommend it very highly.'
The other man said, 'What is the name of the restaurant?'
The first man thought and thought and finally said, 'What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love? You know... The one that's red and has thorns.' '
Do you mean a rose?' 'Yes, that's the one,' replied the man.
He then turned towards the kitchen and yelled, 'Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to last night?'
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