What is it that drives so many people in to a frenzy, on Saturday, in the Fall of the year? Why does FOOTBALL create such revolution. Is television to blame? The game has to be a financial boom for the TV folks and their advertisers. Tuesday and Wednesday night are about the only rest we get. Now, even high school games are being televised, and some great games, I enjoy them more than some of the others.
It is 9 o'clock on a Saturday morning, a crowd waving signs, five "experts" talking about football, one a Heisman winner, now, Tim Tebow, a new "analyst" offering his opinions. I wonder if he prays before going on camera.
12 guys on the field, thousands in the stands cheering them on. I have to wonder just how many of those in the stands really know what is going on. It is a simple game. The field is clearly marked, you get the ball here, and have to take it to here. No brainer. But, the analysts, they know, and to on and one telling us all the little things that "they" ..... because they were there ..... know. They use terms, double, single, wing, blitz, because, THEY know them and share them with us. The game still boils down to getting the ball here, and taking it to there.
Clothing, for one thing, millions of shirts, hats, jackets, etc.,, sold every year. And, with the name of ones favorite player on the back. I have seen millionaires, politicians, businessmen, wearing a shirt, with someones name on the back. What does that mean. I never see a golfer wearing PALMER on the back of his shirt. What is the association with a football player? Just good marketing. A new player goes with a team and thousands of shirts with his name are sold. I had a Cleveland Browns shirt once, had my name on the back. Had an Ohio State shirt with DOOLEY on the back. I got it because they had a DOOLEY playing on the team.
It is phenomenal though, the frenzy created by football. I remember when it was a Saturday Afternoon event. You had a nice breakfast, perhaps a buffet, did some tailgating maybe, then the BIG game, they were all BIG games then, and after the game, perhaps some celebrating, but generally, head for home and dinner with the wife, to keep her happy.
High school games on Friday night, congregate at the malt shop after the game, Catholics played their games on Saturday night. Catholics always had great high school teams, great traditions. Chaminade in Dayton, Newark Catholic here in Newark, Notre Dame. Maybe they had been genuflecting all their lives and could get up and down better. (I thought it was genuflexing, but I was wrong, learn something new every day.)
My Brother did his Master's Thesis on the premise that "sports" should be taught in high school, to boys and girls, learn about the games and what is going on, so they could better enjoy the game when they attended them. I think they used it in his school system for a while, great idea, would be a good thing for all "spectators" to learn .................. Fall, changing weather, colorful leaves, all the holidays coming up, school starts and football, maybe it just naturally happened ...................