The murder had occurred three years ago, and it had almost been forgotten, except for the diligence of Jim Armstrong, who had been and assistant to Mr. Thompson for many years. Jim had made a number of calls over the years to Ambrose Cotterman who was a well known criminal investigator and had expressed an interest in the case. After a lengthy conversation, Ambrose agreed to look deeper into the case, and headed for Charlotte.
After two weeks of extensive investigating and analyzing all of the evidence that the police had gathered pertaining to the case, Ambrose came to the conclusion that Tommy had met his death at the hands of someone who had been raised in an agricultural environment. Further investigation by Ambrose revealed that neither of the two suspects had any association with a rural environment. Both were born and raised in Charlotte's inner city. It was another dead end.
Prior to leaving, the two suspects, who had gotten to know Ambrose rather well during his investigation, invited him to have dinner with them, at an apartment where one of the girls lived. It was a "no hard feelings" gesture on their part.
The dinner went without incident, the cheese omelet was superb, and they served it with a salad of romaine lettuce, orange slices, sweet red onion slices, fennel and pecans, with a raspberry vinaigrette, and crusty French bread.
After the superb dinner, Ambrose joined them and sat at the kitchen table and chatted with them as they washed and cleaned the dirty dishes, and disposed of all the garbage. When all was done, the dishes put up, the kitchen spotlessly clean, Ambrose confronted Daisy, one of the two girls, and stated, "Daisy, you are under arrest for the murder of Tommy Thompson." She stood quietly by the sink and offered no resistance, she knew she was guilty, as, now, Ambrose Cotterman knew, and soon the world would know.
Martha, the other model under suspicion, asked of Tommy, "How did you know?".