Some high school yearbook mistakes can be forgotten quickly.
A student gets misidentified in a photo. Hey, it happens. A teacher is credited with teaching the wrong class. OK, yeah, no problem.
But misspelling the name of the school on the cover of the yearbook that also happens to be the name of the town? That's a mistake that's going to be talked about in the teacher's lounge for years to come.
The yearbook staff at Moorhead (Minn.) high school misspelled the school's name on the cover of its annual, thus ensuring that the graduating class will forever be known as the one that couldn't spell its own hometown.
To be fair, the book was proofed (though not well enough, apparently) by a yearbook adviser and students. Unfortunately, nobody noticed that the cover read "Moorehead" with an "e" until it was too late. Cue the sad trombone.
The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead spoke with district spokesperson Pam Gibb about the error. "They proofed the book and the cover, and they missed it,” she told the Forum. “I don’t know that there’s much we can do now. It’s a mistake, and it was made.”
I can relate to this ... once, years ago, we printed bumper stickers for a man. We set the type, proofed it, he came in and proofed it, we printed 500 of them, everyone in the plant saw it. The ink did not dry well, so we had them laid out all over the plant, face up, to dry over the weekend. I opened the plant on Monday morning, first thing I saw, a bumper sticker, "Jesus Chist for World President" ... I still think it was "Divine Intervention"