POSTED ON SEP 10, 2013 08:55AM
That was quite a summer.
I had planned on picnics, barbecues and weekend staycations. I did not plan on the departure of Ziva David. We’ve been very busy for the last couple of months making this work and handling the situation with the utmost care and delicacy. Now I’ve finally “come up for air” and I wanted to reach out to you, the greatest fan base in the universe, and fill you in on what’s coming, how we are feeling about all this, and assure you we’re doing some really terrific work and feeling confident about moving forward.
Let me start by saying, “Thank you.” We genuinely appreciate your letters and emails. I know Cote’s decision was a shock to everybody. Us, too. But we need everyone to remember that, in addition to being a professional family, we’re a television show, and change happens. Writers move on. Actors move on. Life, for some, interferes with work and then we rise to the occasion and adapt. Very often, extraordinary creativity comes out of adjustment. And so we find ourselves not dwelling on the past, but eager to guide you into the future of NCIS. Eager to show you that Season 11 can be a rollercoaster ride of new stories. Eager to share our excitement and enthusiasm of what’s to come.
Two hundred and thirty-four episodes ago, many of you tuned in to watch the first NCIS, “Yankee White.” Well, no matter how long you’ve been on this journey, we appreciate your dedication more than you can imagine. You are the reason this cast and crew continue to work so hard. We consider all of you members of “Team NCIS.”
So let’s go back to the elephant in the room: the departure of Ziva David. Like I’ve said multiple times, we respect Cote’s decision immensely and wish her all the best. The amazing resolution you’re going to see is pretty damn heart-wrenching and we’re incredibly proud of it. Prepare yourselves for a moment in television history. Images that will end up in the archives. I couldn’t be happier with how my NCIS family stepped up and did some of the most emotional work we’ve ever done.
Watch with us. Experience with us. It’s okay to be sad. But, then, don’t forget what we’re good at. We like to make you smile. We like to rock your world and leave you on the edge of your seat. We like to show you what the greatest team of federal agents is capable of. And all of that will happen in Season 11. And, as you’ve come to expect with me, there will be some surprises along the way.
In addition to starting off with Ziva’s departure, plan on going back to Baltimore again with Tony. Plan on learning more about his past and his views of the future. Meet some other agents, different fun characters, as they pass through our world in funny and fascinating ways. Watch Gibbs connect with his father, Jackson, in a memorable and extraordinary story of bravery and valor. Experience a stronger Vance bounce back from tragedy and move on with strength and compassion. Watch Abby call on good friends to solve a challenging mystery. See the boundaries of Ducky and Jimmy’s relationship pushed as they face complicated decisions. And, on a lighter note, Tweeters will enjoy watching McGee explain to Gibbs what a “hashtag” is.
We’re enormously proud of what we’re doing and what we’re planning. We can’t wait to share it with you, so strap in and get ready for the ride.
“Grab your gear.” Here we go.
Gary Glasberg, Executive Producer