Almost 100 percent of the drivers in this country wear outerwear or topcoats in the Winter, so why the heated seat.
You know why, it is called "status" ..... it is a status symbol. Why do you need a Cadillac or a Lincoln to drive to Walmart. prestige, ego and status.
Perhaps a salesman or someone who spends a lot of time in their car during the day can appreciate and use their "luxury" extras, but why the extra expense. Perhaps ego? Or, is it advertising and marketing. You see all those lovely people on TV driving in those cars and you want to be associated with them. More status and ego, with an assist by advertising.
I remember years ago, Charles Kettering, the inventor of the self starter and many other things, extremely wealthy, lived on a large estate, was given a new Cadillac each year by GM. I have seen he and his chauffeur driving around in it, well, not the Caddy, the little Chevy he went out and bought each year.
Thank marketing and advertising and salesmanship and status for all the expensive things you buy, and really don't need.