Nik Wollenda, world renown tightrope walker, after his spectacular 25 minute, 1800 foot walk on wire above Niagara Falls was denied access by Canadian Border Patrol agents because there are no laws on the books for entering Canada on a rope.
Agent Pierre Fontaine stated, "We have searched every law, and it appears that entering Canada on a tightrope is just not acceptable. He can walk in, come in on a bicycle, car, bus, train or airplane, but not on a wire. We reluctantly had to make him retrace his walk back over on his wire to the United States."
RCMP Lieutenant Ralph Preston further stated, "Legislation has already been introduced in Ottawa to alleviate this wrong, and we hope that Mr. Wollenda can repeat this spectacular feat as soon as the law goes in to effect. We don't expect it to create a trend that many living down country will follow."