By: David Harsanyi
2/28/2014 09:35 AM
These days, to even suggest the possibility that a fiscally conservative economic outlook is compatible with faith is a matter of hypocrisy.
“I am afraid that (Rep. Paul) Ryan’s budget reflects the values of his favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ,” the Rev. Thomas Reese of Georgetown University told The Huffington Post not so long ago. “Survival of the fittest may be OK for social Darwinists, but not for followers of the gospel of compassion and love.”
Surely, you recall this Bible passage: “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Smite the supply-sider. I will utterly blot out the memory of all who back block grants from under heaven.’”
So it’s refreshing, then, to hear would-be fusionist Rand Paul point out the distinction libertarian critics will not. At Robert P. George’s American Principles Project last week, Paul argued that a dose of libertarianism not only would help the GOP broaden its base but also would be philosophically compatible with socially conservative values.
“Libertarian and liberty doesn’t mean libertine,” he explained. Paul might have added that libertarianism isn’t synonymous with “being uncharitable” or “selfishness” or “social Darwinism,” either. He might have argued that libertarianism would do a lot more than just help orthodox Christians politically. It may even be the most conducive political philosophy for their thriving.
Obviously, for those who measure the nation’s virtue by the size of the Department of Health and Human Services budget, Rand’s proposition must seem absurd. Take Elizabeth Stoker, who believes that “Rand Paul’s audacious new sham” is “a phony religious epiphany.” She wrote in Salon:
“If what Paul intends to say here is that Christianity and libertarianism are amenable to one another because Christianity provides the moral compass libertarianism doesn’t have … the question is: Why would someone with such a commitment to Christianity ever commit themselves to a political philosophy without a similar commitment?”
Why? Because these are two distinct and often nonconflicting ideas. Though votes are often informed by a person’s faith, for many Americans, a political philosophy isn’t a religion. I’m no theological scholar, but I tend to believe that one can do good works without supporting a top marginal tax rate increase. Christians commit themselves to God, which, as far as I can tell, doesn’t prohibit them from supporting a political philosophy that emphasizes free will over a state-ordained “morality.” No doubt, most Christians appreciate that our collective national political decisions and their personal moral compasses will not always be synchronized. That’s where the religious freedom comes into play.
Should social conservatives “commit themselves” to a political philosophy that not only strives for gay equality but also seeks to impel others to participate in these new norms despite religious objections? Should they commit to a philosophy that impels them to fund contraception coverage and abortions — through either direct funding or fungible dollars? A philosophy that continues to force them to send their kids to crappy public schools that often undermine their faith-based beliefs? A philosophy that attacks parents who seek alternative means of education, such as home schooling? Or should they be more interested in wedding themselves to a political philosophy that downgrades the importance of politics in everyday life and allows citizens to work together to structure their communities without interference?
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."-- Thomas Jefferson
"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." .... jbd
"When once a job you have begun, do no stop till it is done. Whether the task be great or small, do it well, or not at all." .... Anon
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Television is one daylong commercial interrupted periodically by inept attempts to fill the airspace in between them.If you can't start a fire, perhaps your wood is wet ....
When you elect clowns, expect a circus ..............
Friday, February 28, 2014
A new addition to our family......
We have a new "guest" .... apparently lost, but very soft and cuddly. He/she only has a nose, no eyes, and is obviously, pink, very soft and furry.
He/she seems "housebroken" has not made any kind of a mess in the apartment, and seemingly, has eaten very little.
No name yet, we are open to suggestions, pink, soft, furry, with no eyes, just a nose, very quiet.
I came out to our living room the other morning, stopped off in the kitchen to make coffee, it was around seven, and there he/she sat, in my chair, watching a blank TV screen. All I heard was a ... "Hey, how ya doin."
I did a double-take. I was really shocked, he/she was blind, how did he/she know I was there.
"I heard you walk down the hall."
Oh, I hadn't thought of that. We do need a name for him/her though, any suggestions.
UPDATE: Just noticed, the seat was UP in the john, I think it is a guy.
He/she seems "housebroken" has not made any kind of a mess in the apartment, and seemingly, has eaten very little.
No name yet, we are open to suggestions, pink, soft, furry, with no eyes, just a nose, very quiet.
I came out to our living room the other morning, stopped off in the kitchen to make coffee, it was around seven, and there he/she sat, in my chair, watching a blank TV screen. All I heard was a ... "Hey, how ya doin."
I did a double-take. I was really shocked, he/she was blind, how did he/she know I was there.
"I heard you walk down the hall."
Oh, I hadn't thought of that. We do need a name for him/her though, any suggestions.
UPDATE: Just noticed, the seat was UP in the john, I think it is a guy.
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Harry Reid hammered for labeling Obamacare horror tales as untrue
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a message for those who say Obamacare enrollment has left them bereft of insurance, or paying much more than they can afford for the federal plan: Your stories just aren't true.
But conservatives have a message back to Mr. Reid: Your comments are “astounding,” as one said, Fox News reported.
Mr. Reid first said on the Senate floor that these Obamacare “horror stories” are untrue, Fox News reported.
But then — facing fire — he walked back a bit on that claim, instead saying that he only meant the “vast majority” of featured ads put out by conservative groups like Americans for Prosperity or by conservative funders, like the Koch brothers, were untrue — and that moreover, the Koch brothers were “un-American,” Fox News said.
Specifically, he said, Fox News reported: Americans for Prosperity hires actors to tell untrue stories about Obamacare and canceled policies, and “all of [their stories] are untrue. But they're being told all over America.”
Conservatives were swift to condemn Mr. Reid’s characterization.
Americans for Prosperity president Tim Phillips said Mr. Reid had “attacked the character and integrity of every American who had the courage to share how they’re being hurt by the president’s health care law,” Fox News reported.
And Sen. Ron Johnson said Mr. Reid’s comments were “astounding and offensive,” the media outlet reported.
Sen. John Thune, meanwhile, demanded Mr. Reid apologize to those with true stories of Obamacare enrollment atrocities.
But conservatives have a message back to Mr. Reid: Your comments are “astounding,” as one said, Fox News reported.
Mr. Reid first said on the Senate floor that these Obamacare “horror stories” are untrue, Fox News reported.
But then — facing fire — he walked back a bit on that claim, instead saying that he only meant the “vast majority” of featured ads put out by conservative groups like Americans for Prosperity or by conservative funders, like the Koch brothers, were untrue — and that moreover, the Koch brothers were “un-American,” Fox News said.
Specifically, he said, Fox News reported: Americans for Prosperity hires actors to tell untrue stories about Obamacare and canceled policies, and “all of [their stories] are untrue. But they're being told all over America.”
Conservatives were swift to condemn Mr. Reid’s characterization.
Americans for Prosperity president Tim Phillips said Mr. Reid had “attacked the character and integrity of every American who had the courage to share how they’re being hurt by the president’s health care law,” Fox News reported.
And Sen. Ron Johnson said Mr. Reid’s comments were “astounding and offensive,” the media outlet reported.
Sen. John Thune, meanwhile, demanded Mr. Reid apologize to those with true stories of Obamacare enrollment atrocities.
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I am SOOOOO excited ...........
The Oscars are awarded this weekend, sometime, I think. Excitement here in our apartment is at a record high. I just watched "The Russians Are Coming" not long ago, well, maybe a few years, oh, that long, 1966. On the news tonight, along with all the other earth shattering events, they devoted quite a bit of time to all of the excitement that is being generated about the award show. They must have used models instead of the actual actors, I didn't recognize any of them. Maybe it has to do with the pending rains in California.the stars didn't want to get wet so they sent models to take their places.
Speaking of The Russians Are Coming, I wonder if they actually could be. In the movie, a Russian submarine ran aground on Cape Cod, they might be out there again. If so, I hope it ends as amicably as it did in the movie.
I just wish I had the money they spend on "red carpets" for the show. The last movie I saw I think cost $1.50 to get in the movie, is it still that price?
Speaking of The Russians Are Coming, I wonder if they actually could be. In the movie, a Russian submarine ran aground on Cape Cod, they might be out there again. If so, I hope it ends as amicably as it did in the movie.
I just wish I had the money they spend on "red carpets" for the show. The last movie I saw I think cost $1.50 to get in the movie, is it still that price?
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One to remember ............ a great dinner
Well,, we did it, it was not easy, and it took both my wife and I, but, well, we did it, we had ..... roast beef .... for dinner tonight. I felt like a millionaire. I knew they had beef in the store, the Brinks truck was parked outside the door, and I knew, that, well, they had taken some beef inside.
I played it cool, I didn't go right to the meat counter, I sauntered through produce, looked at some yellow potatoes and some sweet onions. I nonchalantly put the sweet onions, the potatoes and the carrots into the blue cart I was pushing around, then proceeded to check out the canned goods, the bakery, a brief stroll through frozen foods, and then, I took a deep breath, through my head back, and approached, not the garden of Eden, but the .............. meat counter ........... all eyes were on me, I could feel them, I could feel that they were all wondering, would he stop at the beef section, or hurriedly walk by.
I casually walked up to the chicken section, prices were high, I got several packages which we could split up before freezing them. Oh, look, fresh sausage, OMG only two dollars. I didn't want anyone to see my excitement, I casually picked it up and gently set it in the cart. What else could I afford, oh, the chicken giblets, two dollars, get that, Italian sweet sausage, good for spaghetti sauce. I had done well, but.
Beef, I wanted beef, it had been so long, it is so expensive, but maybe, just one more time, I'm 81, the Dating Game, Lange, just died, he was 81, you just never know. And then I saw it, a roast, I didn't care what kind, eight dollars, I grabbed it and buried it under my other groceries, I looked around, I saw some women leering at me, but I had won. The beef roast was mine.
As we approached the checkout line, I felt people watching me, I pulled out all of the other items, and then at last, with a regal gesture, I pulled out the BEEF ROAST, I had to do that, and gently placed in on the conveyer .... to the applause of those around me. In a presidential gesture, I turned and waved, just a slight movement of my arm, the gesture of a true winner. I owned a beef roast.
It was delicious, roasted it in the oven with onion, potatoes, carrots, just salt and pepper, I wanted nothing to overwhelm the taste of the beef. We ate dinner in the living room, watching Jeopardy and the Wheel, and I could not help but notice, a few neighbors, peeking in our window. I didn't just cut the meat with my knife, I slowly sliced it, as if I was eating something really luxurious and expensive, OH, I was, Roast Beef.
What a great day, Roast Beef for dinner .............................
I played it cool, I didn't go right to the meat counter, I sauntered through produce, looked at some yellow potatoes and some sweet onions. I nonchalantly put the sweet onions, the potatoes and the carrots into the blue cart I was pushing around, then proceeded to check out the canned goods, the bakery, a brief stroll through frozen foods, and then, I took a deep breath, through my head back, and approached, not the garden of Eden, but the .............. meat counter ........... all eyes were on me, I could feel them, I could feel that they were all wondering, would he stop at the beef section, or hurriedly walk by.
I casually walked up to the chicken section, prices were high, I got several packages which we could split up before freezing them. Oh, look, fresh sausage, OMG only two dollars. I didn't want anyone to see my excitement, I casually picked it up and gently set it in the cart. What else could I afford, oh, the chicken giblets, two dollars, get that, Italian sweet sausage, good for spaghetti sauce. I had done well, but.
Beef, I wanted beef, it had been so long, it is so expensive, but maybe, just one more time, I'm 81, the Dating Game, Lange, just died, he was 81, you just never know. And then I saw it, a roast, I didn't care what kind, eight dollars, I grabbed it and buried it under my other groceries, I looked around, I saw some women leering at me, but I had won. The beef roast was mine.
As we approached the checkout line, I felt people watching me, I pulled out all of the other items, and then at last, with a regal gesture, I pulled out the BEEF ROAST, I had to do that, and gently placed in on the conveyer .... to the applause of those around me. In a presidential gesture, I turned and waved, just a slight movement of my arm, the gesture of a true winner. I owned a beef roast.
It was delicious, roasted it in the oven with onion, potatoes, carrots, just salt and pepper, I wanted nothing to overwhelm the taste of the beef. We ate dinner in the living room, watching Jeopardy and the Wheel, and I could not help but notice, a few neighbors, peeking in our window. I didn't just cut the meat with my knife, I slowly sliced it, as if I was eating something really luxurious and expensive, OH, I was, Roast Beef.
What a great day, Roast Beef for dinner .............................
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VA Destroys Veterans' Records Rather Than Treating Them
You would think that the men and women that have served our nation and placed their lives on the line to defend our country would receive the best medical care possible, but that’s definitely not the case for many veterans.
Veterans in the greater Los Angeles area spend months, even years waiting for exams. The VA Greater Los Angeles Medical Center says that the backlog of requests constantly grows faster than they can provide exams and service to veterans in the area.
Oliver Mitchell, a Marine veteran worked the VAGLAMC until he was fired reporting the intentional destruction of veterans’ medical records. In an interview with The Daily Caller, Mitchell stated:
“The committee was called System Redesign and the purpose of the meeting was to figure out ways to correct the department’s efficiency. And one of the issues at the time was the backlog.
“We just didn’t have the resources to conduct all of those exams. Basically we would get about 3,000 requests a month for [medical] exams, but in a 30-day period we only had the resources to do about 800. That rolls over to the next month and creates a backlog. It’s a numbers thing. The waiting list counts against the hospitals efficiency. The longer the veteran waits for an exam that counts against the hospital as far as productivity is concerned.”
“[By 2008, some patients were] waiting six to nine months for an exam” and VA “didn’t know how to address the issue.”
“[VA Greater Los Angeles Radiology Department Chief Dr. Suzie El-Saden initiated an] ongoing discussion in the department [to cancel exam requests and destroy veterans’ medical files so that no record of the exam requests would exist, thus reducing the backlog.]”
“That actually happened. We had that discussion in November 2008 and then in March 2009 they started to delete the exams. Once you cancel or delete an order it automatically cancels out that record [so that no record of the exam requests remained.]”
Veterans in the greater Los Angeles area spend months, even years waiting for exams. The VA Greater Los Angeles Medical Center says that the backlog of requests constantly grows faster than they can provide exams and service to veterans in the area.
Oliver Mitchell, a Marine veteran worked the VAGLAMC until he was fired reporting the intentional destruction of veterans’ medical records. In an interview with The Daily Caller, Mitchell stated:
“The committee was called System Redesign and the purpose of the meeting was to figure out ways to correct the department’s efficiency. And one of the issues at the time was the backlog.
“We just didn’t have the resources to conduct all of those exams. Basically we would get about 3,000 requests a month for [medical] exams, but in a 30-day period we only had the resources to do about 800. That rolls over to the next month and creates a backlog. It’s a numbers thing. The waiting list counts against the hospitals efficiency. The longer the veteran waits for an exam that counts against the hospital as far as productivity is concerned.”
“[By 2008, some patients were] waiting six to nine months for an exam” and VA “didn’t know how to address the issue.”
“[VA Greater Los Angeles Radiology Department Chief Dr. Suzie El-Saden initiated an] ongoing discussion in the department [to cancel exam requests and destroy veterans’ medical files so that no record of the exam requests would exist, thus reducing the backlog.]”
“That actually happened. We had that discussion in November 2008 and then in March 2009 they started to delete the exams. Once you cancel or delete an order it automatically cancels out that record [so that no record of the exam requests remained.]”
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A cartoon ....................
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‘Miracle’ as Mississippi man wakes up in body bag at funeral home
Workers at a Mississippi funeral home say they found a man alive and kicking when they opened a body bag while they were getting ready to embalm him.
Holmes County Coroner Dexter Howard calls it a miracle that 78-year-old Walter Williams is alive.
The coroner was called to Williams’ home in Lexington, a community north of Jackson, where family members believed he had died.
Howard says Williams had no pulse and was pronounced dead Wednesday at 9 p.m.
Early Thursday, workers at Porter and Sons Funeral Home were preparing to embalm Williams when he started to kick in the body bag.
"I asked the coroner what happened, and the only thing he could say is that it's a miracle," Willie March, Holmes County sheriff, told
Family members were called and Williams was taken to a hospital. Howard says he believes Williams’ pacemaker stopped working, then started again.
Family members say Williams, a farmer, told them he’s happy to be alive.
Holmes County Coroner Dexter Howard calls it a miracle that 78-year-old Walter Williams is alive.
The coroner was called to Williams’ home in Lexington, a community north of Jackson, where family members believed he had died.
Howard says Williams had no pulse and was pronounced dead Wednesday at 9 p.m.
Early Thursday, workers at Porter and Sons Funeral Home were preparing to embalm Williams when he started to kick in the body bag.
"I asked the coroner what happened, and the only thing he could say is that it's a miracle," Willie March, Holmes County sheriff, told
Family members were called and Williams was taken to a hospital. Howard says he believes Williams’ pacemaker stopped working, then started again.
Family members say Williams, a farmer, told them he’s happy to be alive.
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Obama eases penalties for businesses hiring illegal immigrants
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times
The Obama administration regularly cuts a break for businesses that hire illegal immigrants, reducing their fines by an average of 40 percent from what they should be, according to an audit released Tuesday that suggests the government could be doing more to go after unscrupulous employers.
According to the audit, conducted by the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement cut one business’s fine from $4.9 million to slightly more than $1 million — a 78 percent drop.
Investigators said the reduction is legal, but it may be undercutting the administration’s goal of getting tough on businesses that hire illegal immigrants.
“The knowledge that fines can be significantly reduced may diminish the effectiveness of fines as a deterrent to hiring unauthorized workers,” the inspector general said.
The report was released the same day that a coalition of business groups wrote a letter to House Speaker John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, asking him to pass an immigration bill this year. The business groups said they supported Mr. Boehner’s list of immigration principles, which would give businesses a new supply of legal guest workers while granting legal status to most illegal immigrants already in the U.S.
While most of the attention in the immigration debate goes to illegal immigrants themselves, analysts say the problem would be much smaller if businesses would abide by employment laws.
The Obama administration regularly cuts a break for businesses that hire illegal immigrants, reducing their fines by an average of 40 percent from what they should be, according to an audit released Tuesday that suggests the government could be doing more to go after unscrupulous employers.
According to the audit, conducted by the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement cut one business’s fine from $4.9 million to slightly more than $1 million — a 78 percent drop.
Investigators said the reduction is legal, but it may be undercutting the administration’s goal of getting tough on businesses that hire illegal immigrants.
“The knowledge that fines can be significantly reduced may diminish the effectiveness of fines as a deterrent to hiring unauthorized workers,” the inspector general said.
The report was released the same day that a coalition of business groups wrote a letter to House Speaker John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, asking him to pass an immigration bill this year. The business groups said they supported Mr. Boehner’s list of immigration principles, which would give businesses a new supply of legal guest workers while granting legal status to most illegal immigrants already in the U.S.
While most of the attention in the immigration debate goes to illegal immigrants themselves, analysts say the problem would be much smaller if businesses would abide by employment laws.
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Ohio man expected to survive after 14 shots
CINCINNATI (AP) -- Cincinnati police say a man is expected to survive after being shot 14 times.
The Cincinnati Enquirer reports that the 35-year-old man was rushed to a hospital Wednesday night after he was riddled with bullets in the arms, legs and body.
The man's girlfriend drove him to the hospital after the attack in the Over-The-Rhine neighborhood. A 32-year-old man was arrested a few hours later and charged with felonious assault. The motive was not clear.
The suspect was expected to appear in court for the first time Thursday.
Cracker Barrel has offered the man a job, demonstrating Swiss Cheese in their various locations. The picture actually is Fearless Fosdick who was created by Al Capp .... I removed a few things ...
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Kerry Kennedy Found Not Guilty of Drugged Driving in New York
Kerry Kennedy, the daughter of the late Sen. Robert Kennedy, has been found not guilty of drugged driving by a jury in New York.
Kennedy smiled as the verdict was read Friday, and her mother, Ethel Kennedy, hugged other relatives in the courtroom.
Kerry Kennedy was arrested in 2012 after she swerved into a tractor-trailer on an interstate highway, and tests later revealed a small amount of a sleeping medication in her blood.
She said on the stand during the trial that she believes she accidentally took the sleeping pill instead of her daily thyroid medication. Both were set out on the counter, in similar bottles, in preparation for an upcoming overseas trip.
Prosecutors had argued that she should have pulled over once she realized something was wrong. Her lawyers argued that she never realized she was impaired until after the crash.
The jury began deliberating Thursday afternoon after a trial that started on Monday.
Kennedy smiled as the verdict was read Friday, and her mother, Ethel Kennedy, hugged other relatives in the courtroom.
Kerry Kennedy was arrested in 2012 after she swerved into a tractor-trailer on an interstate highway, and tests later revealed a small amount of a sleeping medication in her blood.
She said on the stand during the trial that she believes she accidentally took the sleeping pill instead of her daily thyroid medication. Both were set out on the counter, in similar bottles, in preparation for an upcoming overseas trip.
Prosecutors had argued that she should have pulled over once she realized something was wrong. Her lawyers argued that she never realized she was impaired until after the crash.
The jury began deliberating Thursday afternoon after a trial that started on Monday.
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California attorney general tries to overturn gun carry ruling in 9th Circuit
No comment!
Just when residents of San Diego thought they finally had won back the right to bear arms in the county, state politicians used dirty tactics in to block it.
Late Thursday, California State Attorney General Kamala Harris filed a petition on behalf of the state to ask the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to review and reverse its decision in Peruta v. County of San Diego. That ruling two weeks ago said the county’s restrictive concealed carry permit laws that required “good cause” were unconstitutional.
This comes just one week after San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore said he would not seek en banc review and would start issuing permits based on self-defense once the appeals court decision was finalized.
Ms. Harris wrote in the filing that the state should be allowed to intervene in the case because “this case draws into question the constitutionality of the State’s statutory scheme regulating the public carrying of firearms.” She added that the “existing parties will not adequately represent the State’s interests.”
Chuck Michel is the west coast counsel for the National Rifle Association, which funded the lawsuit. He said Ms. Harris‘ motion to intervene was far out of line because her office wasn't part of the lawsuit, despite repeated requests from both plaintiffs and Sheriff Gore to get involved.
“They are trying to improperly influence the court,” Mr. Michel said in an interview. “The are stretching the rules to file in order to get their arguments in front of the court in the hopes that a liberal judge will get the message and ask for a vote himself.”
Just when residents of San Diego thought they finally had won back the right to bear arms in the county, state politicians used dirty tactics in to block it.
Late Thursday, California State Attorney General Kamala Harris filed a petition on behalf of the state to ask the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to review and reverse its decision in Peruta v. County of San Diego. That ruling two weeks ago said the county’s restrictive concealed carry permit laws that required “good cause” were unconstitutional.
This comes just one week after San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore said he would not seek en banc review and would start issuing permits based on self-defense once the appeals court decision was finalized.
Ms. Harris wrote in the filing that the state should be allowed to intervene in the case because “this case draws into question the constitutionality of the State’s statutory scheme regulating the public carrying of firearms.” She added that the “existing parties will not adequately represent the State’s interests.”
Chuck Michel is the west coast counsel for the National Rifle Association, which funded the lawsuit. He said Ms. Harris‘ motion to intervene was far out of line because her office wasn't part of the lawsuit, despite repeated requests from both plaintiffs and Sheriff Gore to get involved.
“They are trying to improperly influence the court,” Mr. Michel said in an interview. “The are stretching the rules to file in order to get their arguments in front of the court in the hopes that a liberal judge will get the message and ask for a vote himself.”
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Ripley 2/28/14
I am a BIG believer in Chicken Soup. My Mom often made it for me when I was sick. I remember once vacation, going to Michigan, we stopped in Lansing, I was sick, at friends home, Doctor Harris. His wife made chicken soup for me .... I felt better and we proceeded to Burt Lake. I generally keep some chicken parts in the freezer. I miss poultry stores, used to be able to buy chicken fat and parts, made the best broth. Have chicken and beef bouillon in the kitchen now. Both great for colds, blue, etc.
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Senate blocks Dems' bill boosting vets' benefits
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Republicans have blocked a Democratic bill that would enrich health, education and job-training programs for the nation's 22 million veterans.
Helping veterans is widely popular among lawmakers, especially with this fall's congressional elections approaching. The sweeping $21 billion measure would do everything from letting more veterans get in-state college tuition to providing fertility treatments for wounded troops.
Republicans complained that the bill was too expensive. And they were upset that Majority Leader Harry Reid prevented a vote on a GOP amendment cutting the bill and adding sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program.
The Senate derailed the legislation on a 56-41 procedural vote. Fifty-six senators voted to keep the bill alive, but supporters needed 60 votes to prevail.
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New York Plaza Owner Arrested Amid $3.9 Billion Refund Probe
Subrata Roy, owner of the financial services group Sahara India Pariwar, surrendered to police after the nation’s top court issued a warrant in a probe into whether he failed to refund $3.9 billion to his depositors.
Roy, 65, submitted to police and is cooperating with the Supreme Court’s directive, his son Seemanto Roy said at a press conference in New Delhi today. The financier defied summons and failed to appear in court on Feb. 26, prompting a non-bailable arrest warrant. In a statement issued earlier today, Roy cited the need to be at his ailing mother’s bedside for his absence.
Roy, who began operations in 1978 by going door to door to collect small amounts of cash, is seeking to convince the top court that Sahara has complied with an order to refund 240 billion rupees ($3.9 billion) to 30 million depositors. India’s market regulator in June 2011 faulted two of his companies for selling convertible debt without approval.
“This is going to be a landmark case,” said Mumbai-based Jitendra Nath Gupta, a former executive director at Securities and Exchange Board of India, or SEBI. “It will serve as a deterrent for the next generation of legal cases on shadow financing.”
The financier, who calls himself “Sahara Sri,” is part of the $670 billion shadow banking industry in Asia’s third-largest economy. Roy earlier dismissed reports in newspapers including the Times of India that he was evading arrest after police, seeking to serve the warrant, couldn’t find him at his house.
Muddled Math
“I am not that human being who will abscond,” Roy said in today’s media statement, explaining he had left his house in Lucknow to consult doctors on his mother’s medical reports when the police were looking for him. “I’ve started hating myself. Now, I can’t handle this level of agony and humiliation. They are bullying and indulging in character assassination.”
Sahara says the 31,675 cartons of documents in 128 truckloads it had sent to the SEBI proved it had repaid the money. Lawyers for the market watchdog have told the court the math is muddled and the paper trails often lead nowhere.
“We went to his house last night with a warrant,” Vidya Sagar Misra, Additional Superintendent of Police in the Gomti Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, said by telephone. “He wasn’t there, so we came back.”
Roy, 65, submitted to police and is cooperating with the Supreme Court’s directive, his son Seemanto Roy said at a press conference in New Delhi today. The financier defied summons and failed to appear in court on Feb. 26, prompting a non-bailable arrest warrant. In a statement issued earlier today, Roy cited the need to be at his ailing mother’s bedside for his absence.
Roy, who began operations in 1978 by going door to door to collect small amounts of cash, is seeking to convince the top court that Sahara has complied with an order to refund 240 billion rupees ($3.9 billion) to 30 million depositors. India’s market regulator in June 2011 faulted two of his companies for selling convertible debt without approval.
“This is going to be a landmark case,” said Mumbai-based Jitendra Nath Gupta, a former executive director at Securities and Exchange Board of India, or SEBI. “It will serve as a deterrent for the next generation of legal cases on shadow financing.”
The financier, who calls himself “Sahara Sri,” is part of the $670 billion shadow banking industry in Asia’s third-largest economy. Roy earlier dismissed reports in newspapers including the Times of India that he was evading arrest after police, seeking to serve the warrant, couldn’t find him at his house.
Muddled Math
“I am not that human being who will abscond,” Roy said in today’s media statement, explaining he had left his house in Lucknow to consult doctors on his mother’s medical reports when the police were looking for him. “I’ve started hating myself. Now, I can’t handle this level of agony and humiliation. They are bullying and indulging in character assassination.”
Sahara says the 31,675 cartons of documents in 128 truckloads it had sent to the SEBI proved it had repaid the money. Lawyers for the market watchdog have told the court the math is muddled and the paper trails often lead nowhere.
“We went to his house last night with a warrant,” Vidya Sagar Misra, Additional Superintendent of Police in the Gomti Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, said by telephone. “He wasn’t there, so we came back.”
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Armed men seize two airports in Ukraine's Crimea, Russia denies involvement
By Alissa de Carbonnel and Alessandra Prentice
SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine (Reuters) - Armed men took control of two airports in the Crimea region on Friday in what Ukraine's government described as an invasion and occupation by Russian forces, raising tension between Moscow and the West.
Russia's Black Sea fleet, which is based in the region, denied its forces were involved in seizing one of the airports, Interfax news agency reported, while a supporter described the group at the other site merely as Crimean militiamen.
Amid the confusion over the men's identity, acting president Oleksander Turchinov called an emergency session of his security chiefs, while parliament urged Moscow to halt any action that might encourage separatism and asked the United Nations Security Council to discuss the crisis.
Tensions have been rising on the Black Sea peninsula, the only Ukrainian region that has an ethnic Russian majority and the last major bastion of resistance to the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovich as president almost a week ago.
Interior Minister Arsen Avakov accused Russian naval forces of taking over a military airport near the port of Sevastopol, where the Black Sea fleet has its base, and other Russian forces of seizing Simferopol's civilian international airport.
SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine (Reuters) - Armed men took control of two airports in the Crimea region on Friday in what Ukraine's government described as an invasion and occupation by Russian forces, raising tension between Moscow and the West.
Russia's Black Sea fleet, which is based in the region, denied its forces were involved in seizing one of the airports, Interfax news agency reported, while a supporter described the group at the other site merely as Crimean militiamen.
Amid the confusion over the men's identity, acting president Oleksander Turchinov called an emergency session of his security chiefs, while parliament urged Moscow to halt any action that might encourage separatism and asked the United Nations Security Council to discuss the crisis.
Tensions have been rising on the Black Sea peninsula, the only Ukrainian region that has an ethnic Russian majority and the last major bastion of resistance to the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovich as president almost a week ago.
Interior Minister Arsen Avakov accused Russian naval forces of taking over a military airport near the port of Sevastopol, where the Black Sea fleet has its base, and other Russian forces of seizing Simferopol's civilian international airport.
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joe dooley,
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Tea party insists it's alive and kicking
A recent grass roots meeting brought in $5.23 to the party coffers ................
WASHINGTON (AP) — The foot soldiers of the tea party movement dismiss the chatter about its demise and stand ready to use their unbending political force against both President Barack Obama and the Republican establishment this election year.
The Tea Party Patriots, one of the major grass-roots groups, marked the fifth anniversary of the movement Thursday, attracting hundreds of members and plenty of speakers to a Washington celebration in which they directed their animosity at the Washington establishment.
Keli Carender, national grass-roots coordinator, said the strength of the group was reflected in the $1.2 million and counting that it raised in 10 days.
To the "establishment and permanent political class," Carender said, "we don't need their millions, we've got our own."
Republican primaries this election year will be a crucial test for the movement as the GOP establishment has aggressively challenged tea party-backed candidates in Kentucky, Kansas, Idaho, Mississippi, Michigan and elsewhere. Republicans blame the tea party for losses in winnable races in 2010 and 2012 that many believe cost the GOP a Senate majority.
The tactics were on display this week in Colorado. Tea party-affiliated Ken Buck, who lost a close Senate race in 2010, stepped aside to run for the House while more mainstream Rep. Cory Gardner launched a Senate bid in a political deal.
Tea partyers, who helped Republicans capture control of the House in 2010, made clear they don't like what the GOP establishment has done to their conservative agenda of limited government, free-market policies and what they consider fidelity to the Constitution. They signaled they will work hard to elect their uncompromising candidates no matter what the establishment does.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The foot soldiers of the tea party movement dismiss the chatter about its demise and stand ready to use their unbending political force against both President Barack Obama and the Republican establishment this election year.
The Tea Party Patriots, one of the major grass-roots groups, marked the fifth anniversary of the movement Thursday, attracting hundreds of members and plenty of speakers to a Washington celebration in which they directed their animosity at the Washington establishment.
Keli Carender, national grass-roots coordinator, said the strength of the group was reflected in the $1.2 million and counting that it raised in 10 days.
To the "establishment and permanent political class," Carender said, "we don't need their millions, we've got our own."
Republican primaries this election year will be a crucial test for the movement as the GOP establishment has aggressively challenged tea party-backed candidates in Kentucky, Kansas, Idaho, Mississippi, Michigan and elsewhere. Republicans blame the tea party for losses in winnable races in 2010 and 2012 that many believe cost the GOP a Senate majority.
The tactics were on display this week in Colorado. Tea party-affiliated Ken Buck, who lost a close Senate race in 2010, stepped aside to run for the House while more mainstream Rep. Cory Gardner launched a Senate bid in a political deal.
Tea partyers, who helped Republicans capture control of the House in 2010, made clear they don't like what the GOP establishment has done to their conservative agenda of limited government, free-market policies and what they consider fidelity to the Constitution. They signaled they will work hard to elect their uncompromising candidates no matter what the establishment does.
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tea party,
Library releasing documents from Clinton years
To be sold at Lion's Den Adult bookstores nationwide.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Clinton Presidential Library is making available about 5,000 pages of
previously unreleased documents involving former President Bill Clinton's administration.
The documents being made public Friday, part of a larger set of records being prepared for release by the National Archives, are expected to include confidential communications between the former president and his advisers along with records related to Clinton's federal appointments. The records could also include communications involving former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is considering a 2016 presidential campaign.
The former secretary of state's potential White House campaign has renewed interest in documents from her husband's administration during the 1990s and her decades in public service. Clinton, a former New York senator, is the leading Democratic contender to succeed President Barack Obama should she seek the presidency again.
While the specific content remains unclear, the records could offer an unvarnished look at Clinton's decision-making during his two terms in the White House. The records also could offer insight into the advice Clinton received from top aides and how the White House made appointments during his administration.
previously unreleased documents involving former President Bill Clinton's administration.
The documents being made public Friday, part of a larger set of records being prepared for release by the National Archives, are expected to include confidential communications between the former president and his advisers along with records related to Clinton's federal appointments. The records could also include communications involving former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is considering a 2016 presidential campaign.
The former secretary of state's potential White House campaign has renewed interest in documents from her husband's administration during the 1990s and her decades in public service. Clinton, a former New York senator, is the leading Democratic contender to succeed President Barack Obama should she seek the presidency again.
While the specific content remains unclear, the records could offer an unvarnished look at Clinton's decision-making during his two terms in the White House. The records also could offer insight into the advice Clinton received from top aides and how the White House made appointments during his administration.
data farms,
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joe dooley,
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Thursday, February 27, 2014
A Teacher Ate Nothing But McDonald's For 90 Days And Was Shocked By The Results
A teacher who ate nothing but McDonald's for three months was shocked to discover that he was healthier than ever.
John Cisna, a science teacher from Iowa, saw the 2004 documentary "Super Size Me" and was curious to see if his health would deteriorate the way filmmaker Morgan Spurlock's did, he told local news station KCCI 8.
So Cisna began eating at the fast food chain for every meal and working on an amateur documentary with a team of students. But rather than ordering huge meals, he tried to adhere to a 2,000-calorie diet.
When Cisna told the local McDonald's franchise about his plan, the restaurant said they'd give him meals free of charge.
By the 90th day, Cisna reports he had lost 37 pounds and his cholesterol dropped from 249 to 170, according to the news station.
Here's what he'd eat on a typical day:
Breakfast: Two Egg White Delights, a bowl of maple oatmeal and a bottle of 1% milk.
Lunch: Salad.
Dinner: A Value Meal with fries. Cisna said his favorite is the Big Mac.
Cisna said his unconventional diet proves that fast food isn't evil.
"It's our choices that make us fat not McDonald's," he told the news station.
John Cisna, a science teacher from Iowa, saw the 2004 documentary "Super Size Me" and was curious to see if his health would deteriorate the way filmmaker Morgan Spurlock's did, he told local news station KCCI 8.
So Cisna began eating at the fast food chain for every meal and working on an amateur documentary with a team of students. But rather than ordering huge meals, he tried to adhere to a 2,000-calorie diet.
When Cisna told the local McDonald's franchise about his plan, the restaurant said they'd give him meals free of charge.
By the 90th day, Cisna reports he had lost 37 pounds and his cholesterol dropped from 249 to 170, according to the news station.
Here's what he'd eat on a typical day:
Breakfast: Two Egg White Delights, a bowl of maple oatmeal and a bottle of 1% milk.
Lunch: Salad.
Dinner: A Value Meal with fries. Cisna said his favorite is the Big Mac.
Cisna said his unconventional diet proves that fast food isn't evil.
"It's our choices that make us fat not McDonald's," he told the news station.
data farms,
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joe dooley,
tax exempt,
McIlroy takes the lead at Honda Classic
PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. (AP) -- On the course where Rory McIlroy first rose to No. 1, he looked as if he might be headed in that direction again.
McIlroy swung freely and walked briskly on his way to a 7-under 63 on Thursday, with birdies on the last two holes at PGA National giving him a one-shot lead over Russell Henleyafter the first round of the Honda Classic.
If nothing else, it was big improvement from the last official round he played on PGA National.
McIlroy was 7 over through eight holes last year when he became so frustrated with mounting expectations and a slumping game that he walked off the course in the middle of the second round. He said it was a mistake that he would never repeat.
He apparently buried the past with his clubs, if not his head.
''It's not something I really thought about out there,'' McIlroy said. ''Coming in this week, I knew that I was playing well and I just wanted to try and get off to a good start. ... Regardless of what happened last year or where it is, it's always nice to shoot a round like this and get yourself in the mix early.''
Golfer Tiger Woods watches his tee shot on the 18th hole during the first round of the Honda Classic …
Tiger Woods wouldn't know the feeling so far this year.
In first tournament in a month, Woods couldn't make a birdie putt early and had to scramble for pars late in his round. A birdie on the last hole gave him a 71, leaving him eight shots behind.
''I hit it good starting out, hit it kind of scrappy in the middle and then hit it good at the end,'' Woods said. ''But it was just one or the other. I either hit it good and missed the putt, and then scrap around and make a putt.''
McIlroy swung freely and walked briskly on his way to a 7-under 63 on Thursday, with birdies on the last two holes at PGA National giving him a one-shot lead over Russell Henleyafter the first round of the Honda Classic.
If nothing else, it was big improvement from the last official round he played on PGA National.
McIlroy was 7 over through eight holes last year when he became so frustrated with mounting expectations and a slumping game that he walked off the course in the middle of the second round. He said it was a mistake that he would never repeat.
He apparently buried the past with his clubs, if not his head.
''It's not something I really thought about out there,'' McIlroy said. ''Coming in this week, I knew that I was playing well and I just wanted to try and get off to a good start. ... Regardless of what happened last year or where it is, it's always nice to shoot a round like this and get yourself in the mix early.''
Golfer Tiger Woods watches his tee shot on the 18th hole during the first round of the Honda Classic …
Tiger Woods wouldn't know the feeling so far this year.
In first tournament in a month, Woods couldn't make a birdie putt early and had to scramble for pars late in his round. A birdie on the last hole gave him a 71, leaving him eight shots behind.
''I hit it good starting out, hit it kind of scrappy in the middle and then hit it good at the end,'' Woods said. ''But it was just one or the other. I either hit it good and missed the putt, and then scrap around and make a putt.''
data farms,
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joe dooley,
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California cities order evacuations ahead of storm
LOS ANGELES (AP) — California got some badly needed precipitation Thursday from a fast-moving storm that forecasters said would be followed by heavier rains and snow and the possibility of flooding and mud flows into communities near areas scarred by wildfires.
Despite sunny blue skies behind the first storm, mandatory evacuation orders were issued for about 1,000 homes in two of Los Angeles' eastern foothill suburbs beneath nearly 2,000 acres of steep mountain slopes left bare by a January fire.
For days, the cities of Glendora and Azusa have made extensive preparations. Residents built barriers of wood and sandbags to keep debris flows in streets and out of homes.
In Glendora, Dana Waldusky, 22, hurried to evacuate the family home, which backs up against the burned area. She, her parents and sister made sure they had important documents, photos, medicines and their toothbrushes packed.
"We have an hour to get evacuated," she said. "We're just boarding up all our doors.
"Last time, at the fire, we had 15 minutes, so this time we made sure we were prepared," she said.
The home survived the fire, which firefighters stopped 15 feet from their back fence.
Despite sunny blue skies behind the first storm, mandatory evacuation orders were issued for about 1,000 homes in two of Los Angeles' eastern foothill suburbs beneath nearly 2,000 acres of steep mountain slopes left bare by a January fire.
For days, the cities of Glendora and Azusa have made extensive preparations. Residents built barriers of wood and sandbags to keep debris flows in streets and out of homes.
In Glendora, Dana Waldusky, 22, hurried to evacuate the family home, which backs up against the burned area. She, her parents and sister made sure they had important documents, photos, medicines and their toothbrushes packed.
"We have an hour to get evacuated," she said. "We're just boarding up all our doors.
"Last time, at the fire, we had 15 minutes, so this time we made sure we were prepared," she said.
The home survived the fire, which firefighters stopped 15 feet from their back fence.
data farms,
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joe dooley,
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Actor Steven Seagal Calls For Obama’s Impeachment
I normally don't pay to much attention to celebrities and their comments. This guy I am not sure about. I have read other items about him, and he seems to make a lot of sense. I think he will soon be running for Governor in Arizona. He may be worth listening to .......
On Wednesday, Western Journalism reported and posted a video showing Actor Steven Seagal calling for President Obama’s impeachment due to the number of scandals that is plaguing the administration, including the Benghazi terrorist attack.
The actor appeared at the Western Conservative Conference in Phoenix, AZ on February 22, 2014, and was not aware that he would be speaking but what he did say, he spoke plainly in the seriousness with his message.
During the conference, a lot of funny political jokes were said but Seagal said that what he is about to say will not fit into the funniness of the night’s event.
Seagal said, “What I have to say is quite serious. What I want to say is that never in my life did I ever believe that our country would be taken over by people, like the people who are running it… at this day.”
Seagal went to present examples of Obama thinking the Constitution is a joke and has issued almost a thousand executive orders.
Concerning the Department of Justice, Seagal in-part said, “We have a Department of Justice that thinks that any kind of a judicial system they make up as they go along can get by… with whatever they decide they want to do."
“What’s happened with Fast and Furious?”
Seagal also questioned of why nothing is being done about the IRS scandal, the truthfulness of the Benghazi terrorist attack and a host of other Obama administration scandals.
As far as impeachment, Segal said, “If the truth about Benghazi were to come out now, I don’t think that this man will make it through his term. I think he will be impeached.”
On Wednesday, Western Journalism reported and posted a video showing Actor Steven Seagal calling for President Obama’s impeachment due to the number of scandals that is plaguing the administration, including the Benghazi terrorist attack.
The actor appeared at the Western Conservative Conference in Phoenix, AZ on February 22, 2014, and was not aware that he would be speaking but what he did say, he spoke plainly in the seriousness with his message.
During the conference, a lot of funny political jokes were said but Seagal said that what he is about to say will not fit into the funniness of the night’s event.
Seagal said, “What I have to say is quite serious. What I want to say is that never in my life did I ever believe that our country would be taken over by people, like the people who are running it… at this day.”
Seagal went to present examples of Obama thinking the Constitution is a joke and has issued almost a thousand executive orders.
Concerning the Department of Justice, Seagal in-part said, “We have a Department of Justice that thinks that any kind of a judicial system they make up as they go along can get by… with whatever they decide they want to do."
“What’s happened with Fast and Furious?”
Seagal also questioned of why nothing is being done about the IRS scandal, the truthfulness of the Benghazi terrorist attack and a host of other Obama administration scandals.
As far as impeachment, Segal said, “If the truth about Benghazi were to come out now, I don’t think that this man will make it through his term. I think he will be impeached.”
data farms,
dooley observed,
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joe dooley,
Steven Seagal,
tax exempt,
What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America?
I got this from old Ernie out in Sacramento today, hope that rain out there is helping a little ... there is a lot to "chew" on here, so take your time and read through it ..................
What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America?
I, Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News wrote a column titled, "Mexican Visitor's Lament". I interviewed Mexican journalist Evangelina Hernandez while visiting Denver last week. Hernandez said, "illegal aliens pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothes. What Happens to your country's economy if 20 million people go away?" Hmmm, I thought, what would happen?
So I did my due diligence, buried my nose as a reporter into the FACTS I found below. It's a good question and it deserves an honest answer. Over 80% of Americans demand secured borders and illegal migration stopped. But what would happen if all 20 million or more vacated America ? The answers I found may surprise you!
In California , if 3.5 million illegal aliens moved back to Mexico, it would leave an extra $10.2 billion to spend on overloaded school systems, bankrupt hospitals and overrun
prisons. It would leave highways cleaner, safer and less congested. Everyone could understand one another as English became the dominant language again.
In Colorado , 500,000 illegal migrants, plus their 300,000 kids and grandchildren would move back 'home', mostly to Mexico . That would save Colorado an estimated $2 billion (other experts say $7 billion) annually in taxes that pay for schooling, medical, social-services and incarceration costs. It means 12,000 gang members would vanish out of Denver alone.
Colorado would save more than $20 million in prison costs, and the terror that those 7,300 alien criminals set upon local citizens. Denver Officer Don Young and hundreds of Colorado victims would not have suffered death, accidents, rapes and other crimes by illegals.
Denver Public Schools would not suffer a 67% dropout/flunk rate because of thousands of illegal alien students speaking 41 different languages.. At least 200,000 vehicles would vanish from our grid locked cities in Colorado . Denver 's 4% unemployment rate would vanish as our working poor would gain jobs at a living wage.
In Florida , 1.5 million illegals would return the Sunshine State back to America , the rule of law, and English.
In Chicago, Illinois , 2.1 million illegals would free up hospitals, schools, prisons and highways for a safer, cleaner and more crime-free experience.
If 20 million illegal aliens returned 'home', the U.S. Economy would return to the rule of law. Employers would hire legal American citizens at a living wage. Everyone would pay their fair share of taxes because they wouldn't be working off the books. That would result in an additional $401 Billion in IRS income taxes collected annually, and an equal amount for local, state and city coffers.
No more push '1' for Spanish or '2' for English. No more confusion in American schools that now must contend with over 100 languages that degrade the educational system for American kids. Our overcrowded schools would lose more than two million illegal alien kids at a cost of billions in ESL and free breakfasts and lunches.
We would lose 500,000 illegal criminal alien inmates at a cost of more than $1.6 billion annually. That includes 15,000 MS-13 gang members who distribute $130 billion in drugs annually would vacate our country.
In cities like L.A. , 20,000 members of the ' 18th Street Gang' would vanish from our nation. No more Mexican forgery gangs for ID theft from Americans! No more foreign rapists and child molesters!
Losing more than 20 million people would clear up our crowded highways and gridlock. Cleaner air and less drinking and driving American deaths by illegal aliens!
America 's economy is drained. Taxpayers are harmed. Employers get rich. Over $80 billion annually wouldn't return to the aliens' home countries by cash transfers. Illegal migrants earned half that money untaxed, which further drains America 's economy which currently suffers an $1 7 trillion debt.
At least 400,000 anchor babies would not be born in our country, costing us $109 billion per year per cycle. At least 86 hospitals in California , Georgia and Florida would still be operating instead of being bankrupt out of existence because illegals pay nothing via the EMTOLA Act.
Americans wouldn't suffer thousands of TB and hepatitis cases rampant in our country-brought in by illegals unscreened at our borders.
Our cities would see 20 million less people driving, polluting and grid locking our cities. It would also put the 'progressives' on the horns of a dilemma; illegal aliens and their families cause 11% of our greenhouse gases.
Over one million of Mexico's poorest citizens now live inside and along our border from Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California in what the New York Times called, 'colonias' or new neighborhoods. Trouble is, those living areas resemble Bombay and Calcutta where grinding poverty, filth, diseases, drugs, crimes, no sanitation and worse.
They live without sewage, clean water, streets, roads, electricity, or any kind of sanitation.
The New York Times reported them to be America's new ' Third World ' inside our own country. Wit
hin 20 years, at their current growth rate, they expect 20 million residents of those colonias. (I've seen them personally in Texas and Arizona ; it's sickening beyond anything you can imagine.)
By enforcing our laws, we could repatriate them back to Mexico . We should invite 20 million aliens to go home, fix their own countries and/or make a better life in Mexico . We already invite a million people into our country legally more than all other countries combined annually. We cannot and must not allow anarchy at our borders, more anarchy within our borders and growing lawlessness at every level in our nation.
It's time to stand up for our country, our culture, our civilization and our way of life Interesting Statistics!
Here are 13 reasons illegal aliens should vacate America, and I hope they are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them:
1. $14 billion to $22 billion dollars are spent each year on welfare to illegal aliens. (that's Billion with a 'B')
2. $7.5 billion dollars are spent each year on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
3. $12 billion dollars are spent each year on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they still cannot speak a word of English!
4. $27 billion dollars are spent each year for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
5. $3 Million Dollars 'PER DAY' is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. That's $1.2 Billion a year.
6. 28% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal aliens.
7. $190 billion dollars are spent each year on illegal aliens for welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
8. $200 billion dollars per year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
9. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US .
10. During the year 2005, there were 8 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our southern border with as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from other terrorist countries.Over 10,000 of those were middle-eastern terrorists. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin, crack, Guns, and marijuana crossed into the U.S. from the southern border.
11. The National Policy Institute, estimates that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion, or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period and nbsp;
12. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $65 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin, to their families and friends.
13. The dark side of illegal immigration: Nearly one million sex crimes are committed by illegal immigrants in the United States !
Total cost a whopping $538.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! If this doesn't bother YOU, then just delete the message. Otherwise, forward this to everyone YOU know
I, Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News wrote a column titled, "Mexican Visitor's Lament". I interviewed Mexican journalist Evangelina Hernandez while visiting Denver last week. Hernandez said, "illegal aliens pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothes. What Happens to your country's economy if 20 million people go away?" Hmmm, I thought, what would happen?
So I did my due diligence, buried my nose as a reporter into the FACTS I found below. It's a good question and it deserves an honest answer. Over 80% of Americans demand secured borders and illegal migration stopped. But what would happen if all 20 million or more vacated America ? The answers I found may surprise you!
In California , if 3.5 million illegal aliens moved back to Mexico, it would leave an extra $10.2 billion to spend on overloaded school systems, bankrupt hospitals and overrun
prisons. It would leave highways cleaner, safer and less congested. Everyone could understand one another as English became the dominant language again.
In Colorado , 500,000 illegal migrants, plus their 300,000 kids and grandchildren would move back 'home', mostly to Mexico . That would save Colorado an estimated $2 billion (other experts say $7 billion) annually in taxes that pay for schooling, medical, social-services and incarceration costs. It means 12,000 gang members would vanish out of Denver alone.
Colorado would save more than $20 million in prison costs, and the terror that those 7,300 alien criminals set upon local citizens. Denver Officer Don Young and hundreds of Colorado victims would not have suffered death, accidents, rapes and other crimes by illegals.
Denver Public Schools would not suffer a 67% dropout/flunk rate because of thousands of illegal alien students speaking 41 different languages.. At least 200,000 vehicles would vanish from our grid locked cities in Colorado . Denver 's 4% unemployment rate would vanish as our working poor would gain jobs at a living wage.
In Florida , 1.5 million illegals would return the Sunshine State back to America , the rule of law, and English.
In Chicago, Illinois , 2.1 million illegals would free up hospitals, schools, prisons and highways for a safer, cleaner and more crime-free experience.
If 20 million illegal aliens returned 'home', the U.S. Economy would return to the rule of law. Employers would hire legal American citizens at a living wage. Everyone would pay their fair share of taxes because they wouldn't be working off the books. That would result in an additional $401 Billion in IRS income taxes collected annually, and an equal amount for local, state and city coffers.
No more push '1' for Spanish or '2' for English. No more confusion in American schools that now must contend with over 100 languages that degrade the educational system for American kids. Our overcrowded schools would lose more than two million illegal alien kids at a cost of billions in ESL and free breakfasts and lunches.
We would lose 500,000 illegal criminal alien inmates at a cost of more than $1.6 billion annually. That includes 15,000 MS-13 gang members who distribute $130 billion in drugs annually would vacate our country.
In cities like L.A. , 20,000 members of the ' 18th Street Gang' would vanish from our nation. No more Mexican forgery gangs for ID theft from Americans! No more foreign rapists and child molesters!
Losing more than 20 million people would clear up our crowded highways and gridlock. Cleaner air and less drinking and driving American deaths by illegal aliens!
America 's economy is drained. Taxpayers are harmed. Employers get rich. Over $80 billion annually wouldn't return to the aliens' home countries by cash transfers. Illegal migrants earned half that money untaxed, which further drains America 's economy which currently suffers an $1 7 trillion debt.
At least 400,000 anchor babies would not be born in our country, costing us $109 billion per year per cycle. At least 86 hospitals in California , Georgia and Florida would still be operating instead of being bankrupt out of existence because illegals pay nothing via the EMTOLA Act.
Americans wouldn't suffer thousands of TB and hepatitis cases rampant in our country-brought in by illegals unscreened at our borders.
Our cities would see 20 million less people driving, polluting and grid locking our cities. It would also put the 'progressives' on the horns of a dilemma; illegal aliens and their families cause 11% of our greenhouse gases.
Over one million of Mexico's poorest citizens now live inside and along our border from Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California in what the New York Times called, 'colonias' or new neighborhoods. Trouble is, those living areas resemble Bombay and Calcutta where grinding poverty, filth, diseases, drugs, crimes, no sanitation and worse.
They live without sewage, clean water, streets, roads, electricity, or any kind of sanitation.
The New York Times reported them to be America's new ' Third World ' inside our own country. Wit
hin 20 years, at their current growth rate, they expect 20 million residents of those colonias. (I've seen them personally in Texas and Arizona ; it's sickening beyond anything you can imagine.)
By enforcing our laws, we could repatriate them back to Mexico . We should invite 20 million aliens to go home, fix their own countries and/or make a better life in Mexico . We already invite a million people into our country legally more than all other countries combined annually. We cannot and must not allow anarchy at our borders, more anarchy within our borders and growing lawlessness at every level in our nation.
It's time to stand up for our country, our culture, our civilization and our way of life Interesting Statistics!
Here are 13 reasons illegal aliens should vacate America, and I hope they are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them:
1. $14 billion to $22 billion dollars are spent each year on welfare to illegal aliens. (that's Billion with a 'B')
2. $7.5 billion dollars are spent each year on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
3. $12 billion dollars are spent each year on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they still cannot speak a word of English!
4. $27 billion dollars are spent each year for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
5. $3 Million Dollars 'PER DAY' is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. That's $1.2 Billion a year.
6. 28% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal aliens.
7. $190 billion dollars are spent each year on illegal aliens for welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
8. $200 billion dollars per year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
9. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US .
10. During the year 2005, there were 8 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our southern border with as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from other terrorist countries.Over 10,000 of those were middle-eastern terrorists. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin, crack, Guns, and marijuana crossed into the U.S. from the southern border.
11. The National Policy Institute, estimates that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion, or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period and nbsp;
12. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $65 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin, to their families and friends.
13. The dark side of illegal immigration: Nearly one million sex crimes are committed by illegal immigrants in the United States !
Total cost a whopping $538.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! If this doesn't bother YOU, then just delete the message. Otherwise, forward this to everyone YOU know
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Cities in West, Ohio vying for 2016 GOP convention
We have plenty of room in Ohio for a political convention ......

WASHINGTON (AP) — Three cities in the West and three in Ohio are competing to host the Republicans' presidential nominating convention in 2016.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Thursday announced the eight cities that party leaders will consider during the coming months: Las Vegas, Denver, Phoenix, Dallas, Kansas City, Mo., and three in Ohio — Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati.
The initial finalists are scheduled to make their first formal presentations to RNC officials in Washington next week, although some cities have begun offering gifts and throwing parties to influence decision-makers.
Las Vegas' bid is expected to draw serious consideration, in part because of the involvement of major donor Sheldon Adelson. He and his wife have donated at least $97 million to Republican candidates and like-minded political groups since 2011, according to campaign finance records.
The cities largely represent swing states that will help decide the 2016 presidential election. Democrats have yet to identify potential convention sites.
The RNC already is considering several changes to its presidential selection process to help give its nominee an advantage, including shortening the primary season and reducing the number of debates. GOP officials expect to hold their convention in the early summer of 2016, roughly two months sooner than has become the norm.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Three cities in the West and three in Ohio are competing to host the Republicans' presidential nominating convention in 2016.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Thursday announced the eight cities that party leaders will consider during the coming months: Las Vegas, Denver, Phoenix, Dallas, Kansas City, Mo., and three in Ohio — Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati.
The initial finalists are scheduled to make their first formal presentations to RNC officials in Washington next week, although some cities have begun offering gifts and throwing parties to influence decision-makers.
Las Vegas' bid is expected to draw serious consideration, in part because of the involvement of major donor Sheldon Adelson. He and his wife have donated at least $97 million to Republican candidates and like-minded political groups since 2011, according to campaign finance records.
The cities largely represent swing states that will help decide the 2016 presidential election. Democrats have yet to identify potential convention sites.
The RNC already is considering several changes to its presidential selection process to help give its nominee an advantage, including shortening the primary season and reducing the number of debates. GOP officials expect to hold their convention in the early summer of 2016, roughly two months sooner than has become the norm.
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New documents reveal joking about N.J. traffic jams
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — The latest documents released by a New Jersey legislative committee looking into a political payback scandal surrounding Gov. Chris Christie show two figures at the heart of the case making running jokes about the idea of creating traffic jams as a way to strike at enemies.
The documents do not provide any new evidence about how deep into the plot Christie or his top staffers may have been, though it does reinforce the idea that some of the people involved were cavalier about what they were doing.
Three weeks before the massive tie-ups near the George Washington Bridge, the two Christie-connected officials exchanged text messages about a rabbi who had bothered them.
Bridget Kelly, then an aide to Christie, was apparently joking when she sent an Aug. 19 text saying: "We cannot cause traffic problems in front of his house, can we?"
David Wildstein, who was Christie's No. 2 man at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, responded: "Flights to Tel Aviv all mysteriously delayed." He appeared to be joking, although the Port Authority does run the major New York City-area airports.
"Perfect," Kelly wrote.
The exchange came six days after Kelly's previously disclosed message to Wildstein: "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee."
The newly public exchange is part of a group of documents made public Thursday by a legislative committee looking into political retribution in Christie's administration.
Christie has maintained that he was not involved in the closure or a cover-up and had no knowledge of the scheme before it happened.
The documents do not provide any new evidence about how deep into the plot Christie or his top staffers may have been, though it does reinforce the idea that some of the people involved were cavalier about what they were doing.
Three weeks before the massive tie-ups near the George Washington Bridge, the two Christie-connected officials exchanged text messages about a rabbi who had bothered them.
Bridget Kelly, then an aide to Christie, was apparently joking when she sent an Aug. 19 text saying: "We cannot cause traffic problems in front of his house, can we?"
David Wildstein, who was Christie's No. 2 man at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, responded: "Flights to Tel Aviv all mysteriously delayed." He appeared to be joking, although the Port Authority does run the major New York City-area airports.
"Perfect," Kelly wrote.
The exchange came six days after Kelly's previously disclosed message to Wildstein: "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee."
The newly public exchange is part of a group of documents made public Thursday by a legislative committee looking into political retribution in Christie's administration.
Christie has maintained that he was not involved in the closure or a cover-up and had no knowledge of the scheme before it happened.
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Ripley 2/27/14
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Attorney General Holder Taken To Hospital; Is In 'Good Condition'
I've never been taken to the hospital in "Good Condition" ... he must really have GREAT insurance ... some good things have come out of it .... "He is alert" .... Obama "wishes him a speedy recovery" .......... as opposed to?
Attorney General Eric Holder was taken to a Washington hospital on Thursday, after he experienced "faintness and shortness of breath."
The Justice Department issued this statement about his condition:
"As a precaution, the Attorney General was taken to MedStar Washington Hospital Center to undergo further evaluation. He is currently resting comfortably and in good condition. He is alert and conversing with his doctors. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available."
Holder has been attorney general since 2009. He recently told The New Yorker that intends to step down this year. The Justice Department disputed that report, saying Holder told the magazine he planned to stay "well into" the year.
We'll update this post once we know more.
Update at 12:48 p.m. ET. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said during his press briefing that President Obama was notified of Holder's condition and that he "wishes him a speedy recovery."
Attorney General Eric Holder was taken to a Washington hospital on Thursday, after he experienced "faintness and shortness of breath."
The Justice Department issued this statement about his condition:
"As a precaution, the Attorney General was taken to MedStar Washington Hospital Center to undergo further evaluation. He is currently resting comfortably and in good condition. He is alert and conversing with his doctors. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available."
Holder has been attorney general since 2009. He recently told The New Yorker that intends to step down this year. The Justice Department disputed that report, saying Holder told the magazine he planned to stay "well into" the year.
We'll update this post once we know more.
Update at 12:48 p.m. ET. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said during his press briefing that President Obama was notified of Holder's condition and that he "wishes him a speedy recovery."
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Once Again, North Korea Fires Missiles To Send Message
"North Korea fired four projectiles believed to be short-range ballistic missiles off its southeast coast Thursday," South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reports, citing a "South Korean defense ministry official" as its source.
Reuters notes that "the firing came days after the beginning of annual joint U.S. and South Korean military exercises which the North routinely denounces as preparation for war."
The Guardian adds that "North Korea regularly carries out short-range missile tests, and has used them before to display its anger at the annual military exercises. Observers said the tests were unlikely to trigger a significant rise in military tensions."
The missiles fired Thursday are believed to have had a range of about 125 miles.
Reuters notes that "the firing came days after the beginning of annual joint U.S. and South Korean military exercises which the North routinely denounces as preparation for war."
The Guardian adds that "North Korea regularly carries out short-range missile tests, and has used them before to display its anger at the annual military exercises. Observers said the tests were unlikely to trigger a significant rise in military tensions."
The missiles fired Thursday are believed to have had a range of about 125 miles.
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Sarah Palin, But With Credentials
Ask any two Republicans who their choice is for president in 2016 and you'll get three answers; but when it comes to the GOP choice for vice president, there’s an emerging sense of agreement, especially in the establishment wing of the party: Senator Kelly Ayotte.
The field of potential top of the ticket candidates include a wide range of possibilities: Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Mike Pence, and many more. Any of them could benefit from sharing the spotlight with a conservative woman rising star who has real national security bona fides and hails from the state with the first primary elections in the 2016 cycle.
“Her prospects are good. Why not Pence-Ayotte or Walker-Ayotte?” said Weekly Standard Editor and conservative power-broker Bill Kristol. “Defense and foreign policy will be a big issue, and she's a leader on that. And since she’s already on the vice presidential short list, she might want to look at running for the top job.”
Compared to some of the other prospective candidates, Ayotte’s resume stacks up. Ayotte, who is also up for reelection in 2016, came into the senate at the same time as Paul and Rubio and has two years more experience as a legislator than Cruz. Steve Schmidt, who managed John McCain's 2008 presidential bid, said that the other GOP senators vying for national office all have huge flaws whereas Ayotte does not.
“There are fundamental questions around their electability and around Paul’s ability on some issues to navigate himself toward the majority opinion of the GOP. Cruz is toxic and has no chance of national electability. Rubio damaged himself during the immigration debate,” he said. “The reality for Republicans is that it couldn’t possibly be more open.”
Ayotte is also one of the only female GOP top personalities that could counter a Democratic ticket with Hillary Clinton at its top, and at a time when the Republican party has been reeling from a number of scandals that have left the party vulnerable to the accusation that they are not savvy at courting the women’s vote.
The field of potential top of the ticket candidates include a wide range of possibilities: Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Mike Pence, and many more. Any of them could benefit from sharing the spotlight with a conservative woman rising star who has real national security bona fides and hails from the state with the first primary elections in the 2016 cycle.
“Her prospects are good. Why not Pence-Ayotte or Walker-Ayotte?” said Weekly Standard Editor and conservative power-broker Bill Kristol. “Defense and foreign policy will be a big issue, and she's a leader on that. And since she’s already on the vice presidential short list, she might want to look at running for the top job.”
Compared to some of the other prospective candidates, Ayotte’s resume stacks up. Ayotte, who is also up for reelection in 2016, came into the senate at the same time as Paul and Rubio and has two years more experience as a legislator than Cruz. Steve Schmidt, who managed John McCain's 2008 presidential bid, said that the other GOP senators vying for national office all have huge flaws whereas Ayotte does not.
“There are fundamental questions around their electability and around Paul’s ability on some issues to navigate himself toward the majority opinion of the GOP. Cruz is toxic and has no chance of national electability. Rubio damaged himself during the immigration debate,” he said. “The reality for Republicans is that it couldn’t possibly be more open.”
Ayotte is also one of the only female GOP top personalities that could counter a Democratic ticket with Hillary Clinton at its top, and at a time when the Republican party has been reeling from a number of scandals that have left the party vulnerable to the accusation that they are not savvy at courting the women’s vote.
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Biden spoke ............
Vice president Joe Biden’s latest blunder, handed down during an appearance on “The View,” has raised the hackles of several women who say his 1950s-era image of what women want is degrading, offensive and ridiculously stereotypical.
His words, touting Obamacare: “How many of you are single women with children with a dead-end … there because of your health insurance.”
He went on: “You would rather have the opportunity to spend the next couple years with your children, [but] you’re not trapped in that job.”
Enter Obamacare, and he said, on The View: “You’re [now] able to make a choice. … Did you know you can get health insurance absent that job?”
And Mr. Biden’s final message to women: Obamacare “gives women a great deal more freedom” and the ability to quit their jobs and stay home with their children.
Crystal Wright, a conservative female blogger who appeared on Fox & Friends on Wednesday, called Mr. Biden’s statements ridiculous and condescending.
“It’s ridiculous, the notion that women only work for health care or that women don’t work for driving careers … or to provide for their children,” Ms. Wright. “It’s like ‘Joe, are you living in an altered reality?’”
Ms. Wright also said had the tables been turned, and a Republican made that statement, the press — and Democrats — would have been howling.
“But the thing is,” she said, “Republicans don’t say that about women. … Biden puts women as, ‘I’m stuck in my dead-end job, I’m just here for my health care.’”
Fox & Friends also showed several tweets from viewers who criticized similarly.
This isn’t the first time Mr. Biden subtly suggested that women might be happier at home, instead of in the work force.
His words, touting Obamacare: “How many of you are single women with children with a dead-end … there because of your health insurance.”
He went on: “You would rather have the opportunity to spend the next couple years with your children, [but] you’re not trapped in that job.”
Enter Obamacare, and he said, on The View: “You’re [now] able to make a choice. … Did you know you can get health insurance absent that job?”
And Mr. Biden’s final message to women: Obamacare “gives women a great deal more freedom” and the ability to quit their jobs and stay home with their children.
Crystal Wright, a conservative female blogger who appeared on Fox & Friends on Wednesday, called Mr. Biden’s statements ridiculous and condescending.
“It’s ridiculous, the notion that women only work for health care or that women don’t work for driving careers … or to provide for their children,” Ms. Wright. “It’s like ‘Joe, are you living in an altered reality?’”
Ms. Wright also said had the tables been turned, and a Republican made that statement, the press — and Democrats — would have been howling.
“But the thing is,” she said, “Republicans don’t say that about women. … Biden puts women as, ‘I’m stuck in my dead-end job, I’m just here for my health care.’”
Fox & Friends also showed several tweets from viewers who criticized similarly.
This isn’t the first time Mr. Biden subtly suggested that women might be happier at home, instead of in the work force.
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Jim Lange ...... passes
Jim Lange, the original host of the long-running game show "The Dating Game" died Tuesday in Mill Valley, Calif., after suffering a heart attack, his wife, Nancy, told TODAY. Lange was 81.
He appeared as the host of the ABC show after spending his early career in radio, and hosted the program during its on-and-off runs from 1965 to 1980. The show usually featured a bachelorette asking questions of three bachelors she couldn't see, and ultimately choosing one to go on a date. Sometimes, it would be one bachelor asking questions to three bachelorettes.
Lange was known for blowing a kiss goodbye to the audience at the end of each episode.
"Jim Lange was one of the great show hosts of television. Always in control, but with a soft enough hand to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable," "Charles in Charge" star Willie Aames, who appeared on "The Dating Game" in 1978, told TODAY. The game show often featured aspiring stars as bachelors and bachelorettes.
Lange was originally from St. Paul, Minn., and discovered radio while still a teen after winning an audition at a local station. He hosted a show for a few years before attending school at the University of Minnesota and then spent a few years as a Marine, the Bay Area Radio Museum noted in a 1992 interview with him.
He went into television in 1962 as an announcer and sidekick on "The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show," and stepped into the national spotlight once he joined "The Dating Game." He would go on to host more game shows, including "$100,000 Name That Tune" and "The New Newlywed Game."
After television, he moved back into radio as a DJ in Los Angeles and San Francisco before retiring in 2005.
TV may have made him nationally famous, but Lange's heart truly was in radio. As he told the Bay Area Radio Museum, "Radio is the theater of the mind. You're on your own. You don't have to worry about lighting directors and cameramen or script writers and all that. Good radio is still the most fun. It always will be. Plus, you don't have to wear makeup and you don't have to shave."
He is survived by his sister, five children, two stepchildren and four grandchildren.
He appeared as the host of the ABC show after spending his early career in radio, and hosted the program during its on-and-off runs from 1965 to 1980. The show usually featured a bachelorette asking questions of three bachelors she couldn't see, and ultimately choosing one to go on a date. Sometimes, it would be one bachelor asking questions to three bachelorettes.
Lange was known for blowing a kiss goodbye to the audience at the end of each episode.
"Jim Lange was one of the great show hosts of television. Always in control, but with a soft enough hand to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable," "Charles in Charge" star Willie Aames, who appeared on "The Dating Game" in 1978, told TODAY. The game show often featured aspiring stars as bachelors and bachelorettes.
Lange was originally from St. Paul, Minn., and discovered radio while still a teen after winning an audition at a local station. He hosted a show for a few years before attending school at the University of Minnesota and then spent a few years as a Marine, the Bay Area Radio Museum noted in a 1992 interview with him.
He went into television in 1962 as an announcer and sidekick on "The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show," and stepped into the national spotlight once he joined "The Dating Game." He would go on to host more game shows, including "$100,000 Name That Tune" and "The New Newlywed Game."
After television, he moved back into radio as a DJ in Los Angeles and San Francisco before retiring in 2005.
TV may have made him nationally famous, but Lange's heart truly was in radio. As he told the Bay Area Radio Museum, "Radio is the theater of the mind. You're on your own. You don't have to worry about lighting directors and cameramen or script writers and all that. Good radio is still the most fun. It always will be. Plus, you don't have to wear makeup and you don't have to shave."
He is survived by his sister, five children, two stepchildren and four grandchildren.
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California town shaken as police officers arrested
KING CITY, Calif. (AP) — Residents of a California farming town were grappling Wednesday with the feeling that their trust has been violated after learning the acting police chief and a handful of officers were charged with crimes including selling or giving away the impounded cars of poor Hispanic residents.
The misgivings had been building for some time. Investigators heard people — many unable to speak English — complain that police were taking their cars and money, and there was nothing they could do about it.
"I'm not at all surprised by the arrests, I'm just surprised there weren't more charges," restaurateur Vivian Villa said Wednesday in Spanish while sizzling a pan of beef in preparation for the lunch rush. "Now maybe some of them are going to feel what we feel when they target us."
Later in the day, Villa held a meeting in her little restaurant where about a dozen community members spoke out against police abuse and corruption.
Latinos account for nearly 90 percent of the community of 13,000 people tucked among fields of tomatoes, strawberries and lettuce along the Salinas River, 150 miles southeast of San Francisco.
Farm mechanics Francisco Mendez and Alfonso Perez, stopping at a taco stand before heading into work, both described being stopped frequently by police for having tinted windows or broken tail lights.
"It seems like they just want a reason to pull you over," Mendez said.
Tuesday's arrests, which also included a former police chief, came after a six-month probe of the police department launched in September when a visiting investigator — there to check out a homicide — heard from numerous sources that the community didn't trust its police department.
By this week, authorities said they had enough evidence to arrest a total of six people linked to the department for a variety of crimes ranging from bribery to making criminal threats. They were all quickly released on bail.
"Ordinary citizens, again and again, told us they didn't trust the police," said acting chief assistant Monterey County District Attorney Terry Spitz. "There are more investigations underway."
Tow shop owner Brian Miller; his brother, acting police chief Bruce Miller; and Sgt. Bobby Carillo were scheduled to be arraigned Monday on bribery charges after authorities said vehicles impounded from Hispanic immigrants were funneled to the tow yard then sold or given away.
Prosecutors said an undetermined number of vehicles were sold or given away for free when the owners couldn't pay fees to reclaim them. Two people at Miller's Towing in King City refused comment.
The misgivings had been building for some time. Investigators heard people — many unable to speak English — complain that police were taking their cars and money, and there was nothing they could do about it.
"I'm not at all surprised by the arrests, I'm just surprised there weren't more charges," restaurateur Vivian Villa said Wednesday in Spanish while sizzling a pan of beef in preparation for the lunch rush. "Now maybe some of them are going to feel what we feel when they target us."
Later in the day, Villa held a meeting in her little restaurant where about a dozen community members spoke out against police abuse and corruption.
Latinos account for nearly 90 percent of the community of 13,000 people tucked among fields of tomatoes, strawberries and lettuce along the Salinas River, 150 miles southeast of San Francisco.
Farm mechanics Francisco Mendez and Alfonso Perez, stopping at a taco stand before heading into work, both described being stopped frequently by police for having tinted windows or broken tail lights.
"It seems like they just want a reason to pull you over," Mendez said.
Tuesday's arrests, which also included a former police chief, came after a six-month probe of the police department launched in September when a visiting investigator — there to check out a homicide — heard from numerous sources that the community didn't trust its police department.
By this week, authorities said they had enough evidence to arrest a total of six people linked to the department for a variety of crimes ranging from bribery to making criminal threats. They were all quickly released on bail.
"Ordinary citizens, again and again, told us they didn't trust the police," said acting chief assistant Monterey County District Attorney Terry Spitz. "There are more investigations underway."
Tow shop owner Brian Miller; his brother, acting police chief Bruce Miller; and Sgt. Bobby Carillo were scheduled to be arraigned Monday on bribery charges after authorities said vehicles impounded from Hispanic immigrants were funneled to the tow yard then sold or given away.
Prosecutors said an undetermined number of vehicles were sold or given away for free when the owners couldn't pay fees to reclaim them. Two people at Miller's Towing in King City refused comment.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Wednesday evening comments
The week is drawing to a close. Been a good week, so far, had my left eye cataract operated on, I am still in awe of the results. I just wish someone would devise or invent some means of increasing my accuracy with the eye drops. I am lucky if I get one in five, on an average, in my eye. One little, expensive bottle, does not have much in it anyway, so accuracy is a must. There must be some sort of a "guide" system of some sort that would assure accuracy.
Have already made some changes on my Christmas List for 2014. I have removed some items and added, Beef Roast and replacement razor blades. Walmart had neck bones an ample package, for about eight dollars, same with rib tips and, turkey necks were about three or so dollars each. Meat will soon become a memory, a great time to look into becoming a Vegetarian, no drought in California, so veges may soon be outpriced.
The good news, the older I get, the less I eat, great timing. Raman Noodles may become a staple.
Spring Training is underway around the country, a sure sign Spring is coming soon. All the Mercedes and Lincolns and Caddys are in Florida and Arizona gathering dust around the stadiums. It must be difficult to accommodate all those millionaires, who live in exotic homes, drive exotic cars, live exotic lifestyles, and now, thrown into a barracks, with good food, but not the quality they are used to, being pampered by servants and messuses, and now a totally different environment. Must be tough on all of them.
I squint, use my left eye, very bright, then the right eye, not as bright, maybe ten or twenty percent, look out both, OK. Now I can get my drivers license renewed this year..
Have already made some changes on my Christmas List for 2014. I have removed some items and added, Beef Roast and replacement razor blades. Walmart had neck bones an ample package, for about eight dollars, same with rib tips and, turkey necks were about three or so dollars each. Meat will soon become a memory, a great time to look into becoming a Vegetarian, no drought in California, so veges may soon be outpriced.
The good news, the older I get, the less I eat, great timing. Raman Noodles may become a staple.
Spring Training is underway around the country, a sure sign Spring is coming soon. All the Mercedes and Lincolns and Caddys are in Florida and Arizona gathering dust around the stadiums. It must be difficult to accommodate all those millionaires, who live in exotic homes, drive exotic cars, live exotic lifestyles, and now, thrown into a barracks, with good food, but not the quality they are used to, being pampered by servants and messuses, and now a totally different environment. Must be tough on all of them.
I squint, use my left eye, very bright, then the right eye, not as bright, maybe ten or twenty percent, look out both, OK. Now I can get my drivers license renewed this year..
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Illegal pot growers stealing water in drought-stricken California
They're also using pesticides near open waterways, farmers say
By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News
Some farmers in drought-stricken California say illegal pot growers are stealing their water.
Law enforcement officials told KCRA-TV they recently confiscated nearly 2,000 pounds of irrigation tubing used by marijuana growers in Sacramento County. The National Guard was called in to remove the tubing, which was then airlifted via a police helicopter.
Local farmers say the illegal growers are using pesticides near open waterways, threatening the water supply.
"They leave a lot of trash behind, they leave a lot of chemicals behind," Dave Vierra, a farmer in West Sacramento, told KCRA. "They don't have to follow any rules or regulations like we do."
Last month, California Gov. Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency. Last week, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation said the drought will force the "first-ever complete cutoff of federally supplied irrigation water to most farm districts throughout the state's Central Valley heartland."
According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, 95 percent of the state is experiencing drought, with 70 percent of California in extreme or exceptional drought.
By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News
Some farmers in drought-stricken California say illegal pot growers are stealing their water.
Law enforcement officials told KCRA-TV they recently confiscated nearly 2,000 pounds of irrigation tubing used by marijuana growers in Sacramento County. The National Guard was called in to remove the tubing, which was then airlifted via a police helicopter.
Local farmers say the illegal growers are using pesticides near open waterways, threatening the water supply.
"They leave a lot of trash behind, they leave a lot of chemicals behind," Dave Vierra, a farmer in West Sacramento, told KCRA. "They don't have to follow any rules or regulations like we do."
Last month, California Gov. Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency. Last week, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation said the drought will force the "first-ever complete cutoff of federally supplied irrigation water to most farm districts throughout the state's Central Valley heartland."
According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, 95 percent of the state is experiencing drought, with 70 percent of California in extreme or exceptional drought.
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Two dogs take owner’s truck on 3-block joyride
Two dogs named Roscoe and Luna, and others in Tulsa, Oklahoma are luckily safe and sound after the pups took an unforeseen joyride in their owner’s Ford pickup truck. KOKI Fox 23 spoke to Clay Ayers, a responding Tulsa firefighter, who explained, “Apparently it was knocked out of gear by one of the dogs.”
The vehicle was parked on the top of a hill on 25th street and the dogs’ owner, identified simply as "Scott," left his pets for 15 minutes while he went inside a home. Scott recalled that when he returned, “I got around to the front of the house where the truck was, and it's like not there, I was like, 'Did I get towed?' and I just thought, ‘No it didn't.’"
The truck was nowhere near where Scott parked it. After the dogs set the truck in gear it traveled down the hill, across a busy intersection at Riverside Drive near a pedestrian bridge, over a jogging path, and eventually hit a cement culvert that stopped it on the bank of the Arkansas River. Fortunately, the motoring mutts were able to avoid cars and pedestrians along their 3-block voyage and they emerged uninjured. The same could not be said for Scott’s vehicle, which took a tow truck 2-hours to pull from the riverbank.
The vehicle was parked on the top of a hill on 25th street and the dogs’ owner, identified simply as "Scott," left his pets for 15 minutes while he went inside a home. Scott recalled that when he returned, “I got around to the front of the house where the truck was, and it's like not there, I was like, 'Did I get towed?' and I just thought, ‘No it didn't.’"
The truck was nowhere near where Scott parked it. After the dogs set the truck in gear it traveled down the hill, across a busy intersection at Riverside Drive near a pedestrian bridge, over a jogging path, and eventually hit a cement culvert that stopped it on the bank of the Arkansas River. Fortunately, the motoring mutts were able to avoid cars and pedestrians along their 3-block voyage and they emerged uninjured. The same could not be said for Scott’s vehicle, which took a tow truck 2-hours to pull from the riverbank.
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Russian spy ship docked in Havana
Havana (AFP) - A Russian warship was docked in Havana Wednesday, without explanation from Communist Cuba or its state media.
The Viktor Leonov CCB-175 boat, measuring 91.5 meters (300 feet) long and 14.5 meters wide, was docked at the port of Havana's cruise ship area, near the Russian Orthodox Cathedral.
The Vishnya, or Meridian-class intelligence ship, which has a crew of around 200, went into service in the Black Sea in 1988 before it was transferred seven years later to the northern fleet, Russian media sources said.
Neither Cuban authorities nor state media have mentioned the ship's visit, unlike on previous tours by Russian warships.
The former Soviet Union was Cuba's sponsor state through three decades of Cold War. After a period of some distancing under former Russian president Boris Yeltsin, the countries renewed their political, economic and military cooperation.
The ship is reportedly armed with 30mm guns and anti-aircraft missiles.
Its visit comes as isolated Havana's current economic and political patron, Venezuela, is facing unprecedented violent protests against President Nicolas Maduro's government.
Cuban President Raul Castro's Communist government is the Americas' only one-party regime.
The Viktor Leonov CCB-175 boat, measuring 91.5 meters (300 feet) long and 14.5 meters wide, was docked at the port of Havana's cruise ship area, near the Russian Orthodox Cathedral.
The Vishnya, or Meridian-class intelligence ship, which has a crew of around 200, went into service in the Black Sea in 1988 before it was transferred seven years later to the northern fleet, Russian media sources said.
Neither Cuban authorities nor state media have mentioned the ship's visit, unlike on previous tours by Russian warships.
The former Soviet Union was Cuba's sponsor state through three decades of Cold War. After a period of some distancing under former Russian president Boris Yeltsin, the countries renewed their political, economic and military cooperation.
The ship is reportedly armed with 30mm guns and anti-aircraft missiles.
Its visit comes as isolated Havana's current economic and political patron, Venezuela, is facing unprecedented violent protests against President Nicolas Maduro's government.
Cuban President Raul Castro's Communist government is the Americas' only one-party regime.
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Stepbrother of starved Wisconsin girl gets 5 years
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A judge sentenced a Madison man Wednesday to three years in prison for sexually assaulting his younger stepsister while she spent years locked in the family's basement being abused and starved, bringing an end to a case that shocked Wisconsin's capital city.
Dane County Circuit Judge Julie Genovese also gave the 20-year-old man an additional two years for sexually assaulting his then-15-year-old girlfriend in 2011. The sentences will run consecutively.
The sentences come about eight months after Genovese sentenced him to 15 months in prison for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girlfriend in 2011. He got credit for time served in jail in his stepsister's case and didn't have to spend any time in prison, though.
Assistant District Attorney Matthew Moeser asked the judge to give the man a combined 30 years in prison in the two pending cases, describing him as a conniving sexual predator.
"He has a pattern of sexual offenses that are unrivaled at his age," Moeser said. "He is a dangerous person who seems to have no ability to stop lying, stop manipulating."
The man's attorney, Ronald Benavides, pleaded for leniency. He contended the offenses took place when his client was a teenager, he had been in a relationship with his former girlfriend for seven months, everyone lies and the man grew up in a home with "socially bizarre norms."
The man gave a rambling 40-minute speech to the judge, pleading with her for another chance. He said he'll be punished for the rest of his life because he'll have to register as a sex offender and won't be able to have contact with minors.
"Thank God," his ex-girlfriend's father whispered from the courtroom gallery's front row, where he watched the proceedings along with his daughter.
From sea to shining sea!
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A judge sentenced a Madison man Wednesday to three years in prison for sexually assaulting his younger stepsister while she spent years locked in the family's basement being abused and starved, bringing an end to a case that shocked Wisconsin's capital city.
Dane County Circuit Judge Julie Genovese also gave the 20-year-old man an additional two years for sexually assaulting his then-15-year-old girlfriend in 2011. The sentences will run consecutively.
The sentences come about eight months after Genovese sentenced him to 15 months in prison for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girlfriend in 2011. He got credit for time served in jail in his stepsister's case and didn't have to spend any time in prison, though.
Assistant District Attorney Matthew Moeser asked the judge to give the man a combined 30 years in prison in the two pending cases, describing him as a conniving sexual predator.
"He has a pattern of sexual offenses that are unrivaled at his age," Moeser said. "He is a dangerous person who seems to have no ability to stop lying, stop manipulating."
The man's attorney, Ronald Benavides, pleaded for leniency. He contended the offenses took place when his client was a teenager, he had been in a relationship with his former girlfriend for seven months, everyone lies and the man grew up in a home with "socially bizarre norms."
The man gave a rambling 40-minute speech to the judge, pleading with her for another chance. He said he'll be punished for the rest of his life because he'll have to register as a sex offender and won't be able to have contact with minors.
"Thank God," his ex-girlfriend's father whispered from the courtroom gallery's front row, where he watched the proceedings along with his daughter.
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California storms bring rain, threat of floods
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Much-needed rain fell on downtown San Francisco and elsewhere in California on Wednesday at the outset of what the parched state hopes is the start to a one-two punch of stormy weather.
The storm was expected to move down the coast, dumping a half-inch to an inch of rain in southern areas late in the day, forecasters said.
A potentially stronger storm moving in late Thursday could bring thunder and dump up to 2 inches of rain in central and southern valleys, 2 to 4 inches in the foothills and up to 6 inches in some mountain spots.
State water officials plan Thursday to survey the anemic mountain snow pack, and will likely find that California's precipitation is badly lagging what's needed to quench the region's thirst.
After 2013 ended as the state's driest year on record, all that predicted rain and snow should be nothing but good news. But there also was a risky side of the downpours.
If the rainfall rate is intense, it could bring flash flooding, "and our ground is so dry ... that we'll probably get more runoff than we're absorbing," said Bonnie Bartling, a National Weather Service weather specialist in Oxnard.
The National Weather Service also noted the potential for mud and debris flows from the burn area of the May 2013 Springs Fire, which scorched nearly 38 square miles of the Santa Monica Mountains as it burned from the edges of suburban homes down to the beach about 50 miles west of downtown Los Angeles.
The storm was expected to move down the coast, dumping a half-inch to an inch of rain in southern areas late in the day, forecasters said.
A potentially stronger storm moving in late Thursday could bring thunder and dump up to 2 inches of rain in central and southern valleys, 2 to 4 inches in the foothills and up to 6 inches in some mountain spots.
State water officials plan Thursday to survey the anemic mountain snow pack, and will likely find that California's precipitation is badly lagging what's needed to quench the region's thirst.
After 2013 ended as the state's driest year on record, all that predicted rain and snow should be nothing but good news. But there also was a risky side of the downpours.
If the rainfall rate is intense, it could bring flash flooding, "and our ground is so dry ... that we'll probably get more runoff than we're absorbing," said Bonnie Bartling, a National Weather Service weather specialist in Oxnard.
The National Weather Service also noted the potential for mud and debris flows from the burn area of the May 2013 Springs Fire, which scorched nearly 38 square miles of the Santa Monica Mountains as it burned from the edges of suburban homes down to the beach about 50 miles west of downtown Los Angeles.
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Comments from Frank Beckman ..............
Comments from Frank Beckman:
As John Dingell gets ready to sail off into the sunset after announcing he won't seek a 30th term in Congress, one thing stands out.....Democrats owe him a debt of gratitude for his commitment to their party and their big government agenda....Even when he was booted from chairmanship of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee by Nancy Pelosi in 2007, he stayed silent on the snub......And even though Obamacare has been a disaster, he continues to defend the concept and Affordable Care Act.....Of course Republicans and conservatives have major issues with him, but Democrats should be down on their knees thanking him for sticking with them through thick and thin.....How far has he gone in this display of loyalty?? With his strong defense of the auto industry all these years, he has to know that cars aren't destroying the planet but he's refused to take down the irrational critics of the internal combustion engine......Maybe his silence can't be considered good for all of us, but for Democrats, it's huge and they ought to be thanking him for that!
As John Dingell gets ready to sail off into the sunset after announcing he won't seek a 30th term in Congress, one thing stands out.....Democrats owe him a debt of gratitude for his commitment to their party and their big government agenda....Even when he was booted from chairmanship of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee by Nancy Pelosi in 2007, he stayed silent on the snub......And even though Obamacare has been a disaster, he continues to defend the concept and Affordable Care Act.....Of course Republicans and conservatives have major issues with him, but Democrats should be down on their knees thanking him for sticking with them through thick and thin.....How far has he gone in this display of loyalty?? With his strong defense of the auto industry all these years, he has to know that cars aren't destroying the planet but he's refused to take down the irrational critics of the internal combustion engine......Maybe his silence can't be considered good for all of us, but for Democrats, it's huge and they ought to be thanking him for that!
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Before and After: California Reservoir Drops to 17 Percent Capacity
Thanks to Ernie for the link.....
The reservoir, 25 miles northeast of Sacramento, has shrunk from 97 percent capacity in 2011, to just 17 percent capacity this past January, according to a news release from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR).
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Couple stumbles upon $10 million in rare coins
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Northern California couple out walking their dog on their property stumbled across a modern-day bonanza: $10 million in rare, mint-condition gold coins buried in the shadow of an old tree.
Nearly all of the 1,427 coins, dating from 1847 to 1894, are in uncirculated, mint condition, said David Hall, co-founder of Professional Coin Grading Service of Santa Ana, which recently authenticated them. Although the face value of the gold pieces only adds up to more than $28,000, some of them are so rare that coin experts say they could fetch nearly $1 million apiece.
"I don't like to say once-in-a-lifetime for anything, but you don't get an opportunity to handle this kind of material, a treasure like this, ever," said veteran numismatist Don Kagin, who is representing the finders. "It's like they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."
Kagin, whose family has been in the rare-coin business for 81 years, would say little about the couple other than that they are husband and wife, are middle-aged and have lived for several years on the rural property in California's Gold Country, where the coins were found. They have no idea who put them there, he said.
The pair are choosing to remain anonymous, Kagin said, in part to avoid a renewed gold rush to their property by modern-day prospectors armed with metal detectors.
Nearly all of the 1,427 coins, dating from 1847 to 1894, are in uncirculated, mint condition, said David Hall, co-founder of Professional Coin Grading Service of Santa Ana, which recently authenticated them. Although the face value of the gold pieces only adds up to more than $28,000, some of them are so rare that coin experts say they could fetch nearly $1 million apiece.
"I don't like to say once-in-a-lifetime for anything, but you don't get an opportunity to handle this kind of material, a treasure like this, ever," said veteran numismatist Don Kagin, who is representing the finders. "It's like they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."
Kagin, whose family has been in the rare-coin business for 81 years, would say little about the couple other than that they are husband and wife, are middle-aged and have lived for several years on the rural property in California's Gold Country, where the coins were found. They have no idea who put them there, he said.
The pair are choosing to remain anonymous, Kagin said, in part to avoid a renewed gold rush to their property by modern-day prospectors armed with metal detectors.
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014
50 years ago today ...
Liston was the world heavyweight champion at the time of the first Liston-Clay fight in Miami Beach on February 25, 1964, having demolished former champion Floyd Patterson by a first-round knockout in September 1962.
Liston was the most intimidating fighter of his day, and considered by some, at the time of the Clay fight, as among the best heavyweights of all time. Many were reluctant to meet him in the ring. Henry Cooper, the British champion, said that if Clay won, he was interested in a title fight, but if Liston won, he was not going to get in the ring with him. Cooper's manager Jim Wicks said, "We don't even want to meet Liston walking down the same street."
Clay weighed in at 210 lb (95 kg) while Liston was several pounds over his prime fighting weight at 218 lb (99 kg) (at age 22 Liston had weighed 206 lbs while at 32 Ali weighed 217 lbs). Many of those watching were surprised during the referee's instructions to see that Clay was considerably taller than Liston. While receiving instructions, Liston glowered at Clay, while Clay stared back and stood on his toes to appear even taller. Clay later said of the moment: "I won't lie, I was scared… It frightened me, just knowing how hard he hit. But I didn't have no choice but to go out and fight."
Clay weighed in at 210 lb (95 kg) while Liston was several pounds over his prime fighting weight at 218 lb (99 kg) (at age 22 Liston had weighed 206 lbs while at 32 Ali weighed 217 lbs). Many of those watching were surprised during the referee's instructions to see that Clay was considerably taller than Liston. While receiving instructions, Liston glowered at Clay, while Clay stared back and stood on his toes to appear even taller. Clay later said of the moment: "I won't lie, I was scared… It frightened me, just knowing how hard he hit. But I didn't have no choice but to go out and fight."
During the fight something, I think it was a salve that had been put on a Liston cut, got in Clay's eye. They almost stopped the fight, but his manager or his Doctor kept him in the ring and eventually it cleared up. We may never have heard of Muhammad Ali if he had not sent him back in the ring. I remember the fight, I think he entered the ring as Cassius Clay and exited as Ali. It was Fifty years ago today ..................
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Lottery Store Owner Unaware He Won $1M for Selling Winning Powerball Ticket
The owner of a San Francisco Bay Area gas station is in for the surprise of his life -- news of a colossal payday -- after he gets off a long flight to India.
Kulwinder Singh has yet to learn that he has won $1 million –- his portion for selling the lone winning $425 million Powerball jackpot ticket drawn Wednesday –- because he got on a plane to new Delhi around 11 a.m. today, said his nephew, Jay Singh who works at the store.
“We found out through a friend. We were really surprised,” Jay Singh told ABC News. “We didn’t believe it until we saw our store on television, then we drove down here and there was a whole lot of media outside.”
Jay Singh said either he or one of the other employees sold the winning ticket, and that no one has come forward yet to claim the Powerball bounty at Dixon Landing Chevron in Milpitas, a city in Santa Clara County, Calif.
The family-run store has been open all day today, though business has been disrupted with all the media attention, Singh said.
Singh said his uncle will likely land soon in Delhi, but may not find out about the money straight away as he still has a four- to five-hour drive to his destination, town called Leudhiana in the Punjab region. He said that Kulwinder Singh’s son, Parmeet Singh, who also works at the store, will likely break the news to his father after he arrives.
The jackpot is the sixth-largest lottery jackpot in U.S. history. No other tickets matched all six numbers.
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Teen Invents Flashlight That Could Change The World
Ann Makosinski was just another teenager with another science project when she joined her local science fair in Victoria, Canada, last year. Her invention, a flashlight that is powered solely from hand heat, took second place at the competition.
Ann, 16, and her parents, both of whom are HAM radio operators and like to fiddle with electronics, were satisfied with that result.
“It’s a very simple project,” said Arthur Makosinski, Ann’s father. “It has four electrical components. Let’s move on and do something different.”
But had Ann left her project in Victoria, situated just 25 miles north of Washington State, the world may have missed out on a light source that doesn’t use batteries, solar power or wind energy.
Think about that for a moment: a flashlight that shines for as long as you hold onto it. No more scrambling for and chucking away AA batteries. It could have an immediate impact on more than 1.2 billion people -- one-fifth of the world’s population -- who, according to the World Bank, lack regular access to electricity.
Stunningly, no one on record has thought to use thermoelectric technology to power a flashlight. But for Ann, peltier tiles, which produce an electrical current when opposite sides are heated and cooled at the same time, were a convenient solution to a friend’s study problem.
Two years ago, Ann, who is half-Filipino, was corresponding with a friend of hers in the Philippines who didn’t have electricity. According to Ann, her friend couldn’t complete her homework and was failing in school.
“That was the inspiration for my project.” said Ann, “I just wanted to help my friend in the Philippines and my flashlight was a possible solution.”
Ann got to work. She remembered hearing human beings described as walking 100-volt light bulbs: “I thought, why not body heat? We have so much heat radiating out of us and it’s being wasted.”
After a few prototypes, she unveiled her “hollow flashlight,” so named because it has a hollow aluminum tube at its core that cools the sides of the peltier tiles attached to the flashlight’s cylinder. The other side is warmed by heat from a hand gripping the flashlight.
Ann spent several months designing the flashlight and figuring out its voltage conversion. Much has been written online about powering a flashlight with peltier tiles, but those devices used heat from candles and blow torches. Ann’s patent-pending prototype relies on hand warmth only and required that she make her own transformer, among other difference-making factors.
Art Makosinski remembers his surprise when Ann figured out how to light the flashlight’s LEDs at 20 millivolts: “I didn’t believe it, I had to inspect the circuit. I said what did you do here, do you have a hidden battery on the other side?”
At the behest of Kate Paine, her ninth grade marine biology teacher at St. Michaels University School, Ann submitted her flashlight into the 2013 Google Science Fair last spring. She promptly forget all about it. Thousands of kids apply from around the world. She said she didn’t think she had a chance.
A few months later, in September 2013, Ann was named a finalist in her age group. She travelled to Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., to present alongside equally impressive projects, like a cure for the common cold and a robotic exoskeleton. “I didn’t expect to win anything,” she said.
At the science fair’s gala night, Ann and Art mingled among top Google engineers, eminent scientists and some of the most innovative kids on the planet. Hers was the last name they expected to be called out the winner for her age group. When it was, Art almost dropped his camera. Ann floated to the stage as if welded to a conveyer belt; her face was frozen in shock.
Her prize was a trophy made out of Legos, a visit to the Lego Group headquarters in Denmark, and a $25,000 scholarship.
“I still have some of the same confetti that rained down,” said Ann. “Just an amazing experience and probably something I won’t experience ever again.”
When Ann returned to Victoria, she received a standing ovation at her high school’s Monday morning assembly. In the months since, she has given three TEDx talks and appeared on the “Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.”
Many people have asked where she wants to attend university, expecting to her to name the likes of Stanford or MIT. Ann said she’s not thinking that far ahead; she needs to get through the eleventh grade first.
And then there’s the business of securing her flashlight’s patent and tweaking the prototype for market. At roughly 24 lumens, Ann’s flashlight’s brightness falls shy of commercial flashlights, which output dozens if not hundreds of lumens.
Of her efforts to increase her flashlight’s voltage efficiency, she said, “I want to make sure my flashlight is available to those who really need it.”
Ann, 16, and her parents, both of whom are HAM radio operators and like to fiddle with electronics, were satisfied with that result.
“It’s a very simple project,” said Arthur Makosinski, Ann’s father. “It has four electrical components. Let’s move on and do something different.”
But had Ann left her project in Victoria, situated just 25 miles north of Washington State, the world may have missed out on a light source that doesn’t use batteries, solar power or wind energy.
Think about that for a moment: a flashlight that shines for as long as you hold onto it. No more scrambling for and chucking away AA batteries. It could have an immediate impact on more than 1.2 billion people -- one-fifth of the world’s population -- who, according to the World Bank, lack regular access to electricity.
Stunningly, no one on record has thought to use thermoelectric technology to power a flashlight. But for Ann, peltier tiles, which produce an electrical current when opposite sides are heated and cooled at the same time, were a convenient solution to a friend’s study problem.
Two years ago, Ann, who is half-Filipino, was corresponding with a friend of hers in the Philippines who didn’t have electricity. According to Ann, her friend couldn’t complete her homework and was failing in school.
“That was the inspiration for my project.” said Ann, “I just wanted to help my friend in the Philippines and my flashlight was a possible solution.”
Ann got to work. She remembered hearing human beings described as walking 100-volt light bulbs: “I thought, why not body heat? We have so much heat radiating out of us and it’s being wasted.”
After a few prototypes, she unveiled her “hollow flashlight,” so named because it has a hollow aluminum tube at its core that cools the sides of the peltier tiles attached to the flashlight’s cylinder. The other side is warmed by heat from a hand gripping the flashlight.
Ann spent several months designing the flashlight and figuring out its voltage conversion. Much has been written online about powering a flashlight with peltier tiles, but those devices used heat from candles and blow torches. Ann’s patent-pending prototype relies on hand warmth only and required that she make her own transformer, among other difference-making factors.
Art Makosinski remembers his surprise when Ann figured out how to light the flashlight’s LEDs at 20 millivolts: “I didn’t believe it, I had to inspect the circuit. I said what did you do here, do you have a hidden battery on the other side?”
At the behest of Kate Paine, her ninth grade marine biology teacher at St. Michaels University School, Ann submitted her flashlight into the 2013 Google Science Fair last spring. She promptly forget all about it. Thousands of kids apply from around the world. She said she didn’t think she had a chance.
A few months later, in September 2013, Ann was named a finalist in her age group. She travelled to Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., to present alongside equally impressive projects, like a cure for the common cold and a robotic exoskeleton. “I didn’t expect to win anything,” she said.
At the science fair’s gala night, Ann and Art mingled among top Google engineers, eminent scientists and some of the most innovative kids on the planet. Hers was the last name they expected to be called out the winner for her age group. When it was, Art almost dropped his camera. Ann floated to the stage as if welded to a conveyer belt; her face was frozen in shock.
Her prize was a trophy made out of Legos, a visit to the Lego Group headquarters in Denmark, and a $25,000 scholarship.
“I still have some of the same confetti that rained down,” said Ann. “Just an amazing experience and probably something I won’t experience ever again.”
When Ann returned to Victoria, she received a standing ovation at her high school’s Monday morning assembly. In the months since, she has given three TEDx talks and appeared on the “Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.”
Many people have asked where she wants to attend university, expecting to her to name the likes of Stanford or MIT. Ann said she’s not thinking that far ahead; she needs to get through the eleventh grade first.
And then there’s the business of securing her flashlight’s patent and tweaking the prototype for market. At roughly 24 lumens, Ann’s flashlight’s brightness falls shy of commercial flashlights, which output dozens if not hundreds of lumens.
Of her efforts to increase her flashlight’s voltage efficiency, she said, “I want to make sure my flashlight is available to those who really need it.”
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I will sleep better tonight .......
NEW YORK (AP) — TV weatherman Al Roker and New York City's mayor made up Monday after a spat over snow and school closings.
Mayor Bill de Blasio and the meteorologist met cordially on camera on NBC'S "Today" show about two weeks after Roker lambasted de Blasio on Twitter for keeping schools open during a storm that left nearly 10 inches of snow; most other schools in the region were closed. Roker had suggested that the city's "goofball policy" could endanger children.
On Monday, Roker said the two had chatted about snow and schools, "and we both want the best for the school kids and our city." Both have children attending the city's public schools.
De Blasio said letting people know about weather hazards is "something we do together," and he jovially invited Roker to make it even more of a joint effort.
The mayor gave Roker a city Sanitation Department baseball cap and invited him to join in next time the city needs to plow.
"If you'd like to come out and join us for snow clearance, this could be a new part of your career," de Blasio said.
"I'd love to do it," Roker responded, adding that his father was a city bus driver.
That opportunity could come soon. The National Weather Service is forecasting snow in the city Wednesday and Saturday.
Roker had apologized earlier for one aspect of the snowflake flap: his tweet forecasting one term for the new mayor.
De Blasio has said the city was right to keep schools open during the Feb. 13 storm. He's noted that many parents depend on schools to watch over their children while they are at work.
He was on "Today" on Monday to help cut the ribbon on the show's new outdoor plaza.
Mayor Bill de Blasio and the meteorologist met cordially on camera on NBC'S "Today" show about two weeks after Roker lambasted de Blasio on Twitter for keeping schools open during a storm that left nearly 10 inches of snow; most other schools in the region were closed. Roker had suggested that the city's "goofball policy" could endanger children.
On Monday, Roker said the two had chatted about snow and schools, "and we both want the best for the school kids and our city." Both have children attending the city's public schools.
De Blasio said letting people know about weather hazards is "something we do together," and he jovially invited Roker to make it even more of a joint effort.
The mayor gave Roker a city Sanitation Department baseball cap and invited him to join in next time the city needs to plow.
"If you'd like to come out and join us for snow clearance, this could be a new part of your career," de Blasio said.
"I'd love to do it," Roker responded, adding that his father was a city bus driver.
That opportunity could come soon. The National Weather Service is forecasting snow in the city Wednesday and Saturday.
Roker had apologized earlier for one aspect of the snowflake flap: his tweet forecasting one term for the new mayor.
De Blasio has said the city was right to keep schools open during the Feb. 13 storm. He's noted that many parents depend on schools to watch over their children while they are at work.
He was on "Today" on Monday to help cut the ribbon on the show's new outdoor plaza.
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Ripley 2/15/14
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Monday, February 24, 2014
How much?
Some may say it's a couple of months late and $65 million short, but Maryland finally fired the contractor that designed its botched Obamacare exchange.
To replace the ousted Noridian Healthcare Solutions, the state chose UnitedHealth Group subsidiary Optum/QSSI as the prime IT contractor on its health-care website on an interim basis.
The site hired Optum/QSSI in December to oversee repair efforts, after the federal government in October promoted the company to general contractor to fix its crippled Obamacare site,, shunting aside the original one, CGI Federal.
Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, chairman of the board of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, said Monday that on Sunday night its board "voted to end of the role of Noridian Healthcare Solutions as prime IT contractor for the exchange."
Maryland has already paid Noridian almost $65 million, and the company has billed the state for $13 million more under its contract to build and run the exchange. Noridian and a subcontractor had stood to gain another $125 million under the original contract.
Sharfstein said the exchange "is preserving all rights to seek damages against Noridian and its subcontractors for problems with the IT system."
Those problems became evident just minutes after Maryland's health insurance exchange launched Oct. 1, The site crashed, and thousands of people eager to shop for and enroll in Affordable Care Act plans could not be assisted.
The site has had so many technical difficulties that its enrollment is a paltry 33,000—significantly below what officials had hoped to see for Maryland, which is one of just 14 states operating its own Obamacare marketplace.
Maryland is considering turning over some or all of the exchange's functions to
To replace the ousted Noridian Healthcare Solutions, the state chose UnitedHealth Group subsidiary Optum/QSSI as the prime IT contractor on its health-care website on an interim basis.
The site hired Optum/QSSI in December to oversee repair efforts, after the federal government in October promoted the company to general contractor to fix its crippled Obamacare site,, shunting aside the original one, CGI Federal.
Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, chairman of the board of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, said Monday that on Sunday night its board "voted to end of the role of Noridian Healthcare Solutions as prime IT contractor for the exchange."
Maryland has already paid Noridian almost $65 million, and the company has billed the state for $13 million more under its contract to build and run the exchange. Noridian and a subcontractor had stood to gain another $125 million under the original contract.
Sharfstein said the exchange "is preserving all rights to seek damages against Noridian and its subcontractors for problems with the IT system."
Those problems became evident just minutes after Maryland's health insurance exchange launched Oct. 1, The site crashed, and thousands of people eager to shop for and enroll in Affordable Care Act plans could not be assisted.
The site has had so many technical difficulties that its enrollment is a paltry 33,000—significantly below what officials had hoped to see for Maryland, which is one of just 14 states operating its own Obamacare marketplace.
Maryland is considering turning over some or all of the exchange's functions to
data farms,
dooley observed,
face book,
joe dooley,
tax exempt,
Bloomberg Eye Center
OK, 11:30 and we are home.My EYE experience with Bloomberg.
From top to bottom, from the moment we entered the door, till we left the building, te entire experience was nothing but exceptional. I dreaded anyone working on my eye. I have almost completely forgotten my first experience, on the right eye. I admit it, I was antsy.
er office
Nurse one came out, called Joseph, and the wheels started in motion. A few questions and I was ushered to a back room. Drops, drops, drops and more drops, a cap of some kind taped to my head. Next, into a bed, clothed, BP and a few more things. Then an Anetheologist let me know what was going on, an IV in the arm, a shot, some more drops, into the operating room. I was aware someone was working on my eye, but no discomfort at all, even chatted a bit.
Then out of that room, things taken off of me, to another room, sat in a chair, got coffee, Marilyn came in, handed a little bag of goodies, nice pair of sun glasses and out the door. Still a little woosey, let Marilyn drive, which indicated I still had some sedative in me.
Anticipation of the event, a 5, a post evaluation of all that happened, a 10. My thanks to ALL involved at the Bloomberg Eye Center office. 100% satisfaction all the way. Follow up visit tomorrow.
bloomberg eye center,
data farms,
dooley observed,
face book,
joe dooley,
tax exempt,
This morning at 9:30 ... left eye
10:30 Cataract in my left eye - yes, I am nervous
I do not handle ANTICIPATION well
All my jewelry is off, used baby shampoo on my eyelashes
short sleeved shirt, no coffee or anything to eat
I guess I am ready to leave
I had my right eye done many years ago
Nothing to it
I just don't do well with that.
data farms,
dooley observed,
face book,
joe dooley,
tax exempt,
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