Why not "furlough" all the politicians in Washington, and around the country, and let the rest work. Could possibly a good solution to many of our problems.
Rumor has it that it was an Obama Presidential Order Memo.
FROM: The President
TO: All Non-Furloughed Federal Employees
SUBJECT: Irritation
I be mad about Obamacare cause I want it to be everywhere and it ain't so you can see what they is doing in the House and the Congress, specially that darn Boehner. So to get even with them guys I want all you guys thet is still workin to do everythin you can to make life miserable for them what is left workin. I be backin you up wit whatever you be doing to them. Close all the parks, any land I own, well, the guvernment owns, run everyone off, close all the businesses, no fishin, no campin no nuthin. Do anythin you can to IRRITATE people. Ifn anyone asks why jus tell them to call Boeher, tell em it is all his fault.Jus remember to irritate as many as you can.
The President