An unidentified woman tries to enter the Golden Years Senior Citizens facility in NYC to have lunch, which is her only meal of the day, and is shown being escorted to a waiting GYSC Courtesy Van after access to the facility was denied by the 47 armed guards order there by president obama.
NYCA News, learned today, from an undisclosed source, that president Obama had issued a Presidential Memo, to ALL State Police, Sheriffs and City Police, that starting immediately, upon receipt, ALL Senior Citizens facilities, throughout the country, were to be "Nationalized," and that they would summarily be CLOSED to all Senior Citizens.
"If necessary, and if any resistance if encountered, the use of "excessive force" is approved.
"It was brought to my attention that in general, the senior citizens were spending non productive time in these facilities, and I find that unacceptable at this time. Therefore, after thorough discussion and investigation, all facilities will be closed, with no exceptions. If they were engaged in productive discussions and actively discussing timely issues, this drastic action would not have to be taken. I realize that many of them depend upon these facilities for things like food and companionship and medical advice, but as we weighed these issues it was determined that they are comparatively unimportant when compared with the larger issues at hand," the president added.